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Fall TV shows

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My boys are looking forward to another season of The Next Iron Chef on the Food Network.

I haven't been interested in series dramas and/or comedies for a number of years, but I have enjoyed a few minutes of Jay Leno's new, earlier show most evenings this past week.


My husband and I did watch a movie last night. I rented Revolutionary Road from Netflix.

It did not translate well from page to screen.

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I tried Community because I love the lead character (he has a show on E! but I can't remember the name of it right now) It's just NOT funny at all.


The only other new thing I've watched is Glee and I am totally hooked. I love it.


Modern Family got good reviews, but I see another poster didn't like it so maybe I won't bother. I want to check out the new Kelsey Grammar show (Jake?? I think). Has anyone seen that?

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I just watched this for the first time and I liked it. It's quirky and irreverant. We'll see if I'm still entertained by it after the newness wears off.


:iagree: Have had the same thoughts myself.


Flash forward and glee here.

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Glee, Fringe, House, and Bones. I would like to try Flashforward, but I don't want to get sucked into another Lost-type serial. Oh yeah: Lost and 24 whenever they start.


My biggest look-forward, though is Masterpiece Classic in January. They're showing two new Sharpe's stories: Sharpe's Challenge and Sharpe's Peril;a new adaptation of Emma, more Cranford and The 39 Steps. Sounds like a great season! More info: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/classic/index.html

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I want to check out the new Kelsey Grammar show (Jake?? I think). Has anyone seen that?


Its called Hank. My dh and and I watched it and it is another comedy that portrays a stupid white man that is out of touch with his family with the mother and children making fun of him at every turn. Blah :glare:


Needless to say we will not be watching it again, and I really like Kelsey Grammer.

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I taped Flashforward but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I watched Modern Family and Cougartown and HATED both of them. I will not be watching them again![/quote


My husband and I stumbled upon Cougartown the other night...I can't believe what I was seeing and it was at a time when kids are watching TV.

I think it was completely tacky!

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We're already hooked on Flash Forward too. There was also a preview for a showed called "V" that my husband had me view. No doubt will end up watching that too.


Boy, "V" takes me back...my high school track coach was SO into that show that he made everyone hurry onto the track bus after meets so that we could speed home and watch "V"...when was it on? About 1985?

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Boy, "V" takes me back...my high school track coach was SO into that show that he made everyone hurry onto the track bus after meets so that we could speed home and watch "V"...when was it on? About 1985?


I remember this show. I believe it was around 1985 or 1986. It was kind of campy, but I loved watching it. Hopefully the re-make will be even better.

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My biggest look-forward, though is Masterpiece Classic in January. They're showing two new Sharpe's stories: Sharpe's Challenge and Sharpe's Peril;a new adaptation of Emma, more Cranford and The 39 Steps. Sounds like a great season! More info: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/classic/index.html


Thanks for the info! I have bookmarked the site.

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NCIS! Two shows into the new season and it's better than ever. My VERY favorite tv show.


Castle Don't know if they are doing a new season of this or not. Was it canceled? I LOVE Nathan Fillion and he portrayed this new Castle character with his usual wit and charm.


I tried The Good Wife but it was just.....ho hum, unrealistic. It could have been much better IMO.


I've never heard of Fastforward. I'll have to look that one up. Thanks!

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I'm watching Castle and liking it. I could watch Nathan Fillion (Firefly) in just about anything. House has me hooked...again...and still reluctantly. I must admit I loved the season opener a few weeks ago. We also love NCIS, but we are still in catch up mode there...a season or two behind what's currently airing.


Other than that, we love the Food Network and will be watching the Next Iron Chef competition. And Project Runway...although the designers seem a bit blah this season. I love the creativity shown in that show.


I will be watching the new Stargate franchise entry this tonight, Stargate Universe...but I don't expect to like it. It looks darker and too BattleStar Gallatica for me....


I miss Stargate SG1.

Edited by Happy
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NCIS! Two shows into the new season and it's better than ever. My VERY favorite tv show.


Castle Don't know if they are doing a new season of this or not. Was it canceled? I LOVE Nathan Fillion and he portrayed this new Castle character with his usual wit and charm.


I tried The Good Wife but it was just.....ho hum, unrealistic. It could have been much better IMO.


I've never heard of Fastforward. I'll have to look that one up. Thanks!


You've missed two episodes of Castle. Monday nights 9pm on ABC. Catch up quick!

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We got rid of our cable this spring, so I am missing my all time fav Project Runway, so we've been watching the new season of "So You Think You Can Dance." We also love House and Bones here. And I watched Modern Family the other night and thought it was funny, but I really hate it when they make the dad be a moron...so, probably won't watch that again.

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The girls and I like both Dance Shows, Lie to Me and Mystery. The males in the family join us for the Jay Leno Show. We watch almost everything on DVR so it really doesn't take so long. For example, we fast forward through rehearsal, ads, talking, and simply watch the dancing and the judging on Dancing with the Stars. We watch more of So you think you can dance but not that much more with audition weeks. We like dance and learning about it (so that is why we watch the judging) but don't need mushy stuff.

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You've missed two episodes of Castle. Monday nights 9pm on ABC. Catch up quick!


Oh, thank you! I don't know how I've missed this :confused: but I'm easily confused, lol.


Skipping off to find the new episodes of Castle.........:bigear:

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Has anyone watched, "The Middle" with Patricia Heaton and the funny Janitor from Scrubs? Looks Malcolm in the Middle-ish... is it funny?


We killed our cable about 6 weeks ago. Have never looked back, and have PLENTY of entertainment. DH was commenting that we no longer feel like there is a "tyranny of choice" when it comes to watching. If nothing is on, we stop clicking and turn it off. It's off more than it's on now, other than the few shows I mentioned before.

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I was going to ask about this. My brother recommended it and he is definitely not into the vampire genre so I figured it must be good. Anyone else liking it? Any details?


I think it is really good. Pretty intense and not goofy at all. Two cute vampire brothers, one seemingly good, one evil. Hmmm....that's about all I can say without giving anything away. I missed it last night, and I am sad.

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I think it is really good. Pretty intense and not goofy at all. Two cute vampire brothers, one seemingly good, one evil. Hmmm....that's about all I can say without giving anything away. I missed it last night, and I am sad.


You can watch it on the CW website.

MOST (not all) shows can be watched on their network's websites - usually the next day, so if you miss a show or want to catch up. I like to watch shows with hubby so we catch up together :D








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Too much to quote...


I watch Castle for Nathan Fillion. It's an okay show, though last one was funnier than usual. I usually don't dedicate myself to any shows because I'd rather watch it on DVD later. I didn't even know Dollhouse was back on.


I've watched the two episodes of Flashforward, but I don't know. I think the filler shows will be better than the actual climax.


I watched the first episode of Hank because I enjoy Frasier, but it's boring.


I've watched the two episodes of Modern Family and enjoyed it more than I thought. It's got a guy who looks like he could be Simon Pegg's brother.


I also watched The Middle (I think that's what it's called) and enjoyed it. The narrating, I didn't like, but I laughed quite a bit.

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We, of course ,are fans of Dr Who this spin off though is just amazing. Only for older audiences though. We also love Vampire Diaries but enjoy LJSmith's book series as well. If you like the program pick up the books. You will not be disappointed. Why are all these WTM moms not watching Supernatural?? Midwestern demon hunters who are barely old enough to drive(atleast to my old eyes) but incredibly handsome and quirky?? I ask, what could be better?? A great show for those of the horror/gothic/Buffy persuasion. Oh yes and CSPAN on weekends for the nonfiction book and author dog and pony show.

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We, of course ,are fans of Dr Who this spin off though is just amazing. Only for older audiences though. We also love Vampire Diaries but enjoy LJSmith's book series as well. If you like the program pick up the books. You will not be disappointed. Why are all these WTM moms not watching Supernatural?? Midwestern demon hunters who are barely old enough to drive(atleast to my old eyes) but incredibly handsome and quirky?? I ask, what could be better?? A great show for those of the horror/gothic/Buffy persuasion. Oh yes and CSPAN on weekends for the nonfiction book and author dog and pony show.


I love Torchwood and Dr. Who (the Tardis is my ringtone). I thought the Torchwood mini-series this summer was excellent. It was sad, but it was great television.

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I don't watch a lot of tv in the evenings other than cooking shows & the duggars with the dc. I have to say, though, that dh and I are HOOKED on NCIS. I don't typically get into that type of show. The characters on there are all just so awesome. I like all the story lines. I'm to the point now of recording all the re-runs from the years I've missed so I can watch them during my middle-of-the-night bouts of insomnia. :D

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Oh, thank you! I don't know how I've missed this :confused: but I'm easily confused, lol.


Skipping off to find the new episodes of Castle.........:bigear:


You can get caught up by watching it on Hulu.com :001_smile:


I canceled cable, too, but do still watch House, Castle, Bones, Glee and Desperate Housewives. They're in my Hulu queue, so can watch them when I feel like it. LOL

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You can get caught up by watching it on Hulu.com :001_smile:


I canceled cable, too, but do still watch House, Castle, Bones, Glee and Desperate Housewives. They're in my Hulu queue, so can watch them when I feel like it. LOL


Thanks! My dd and I watched the new Castle shows last night. Awesome! We are all ready for Monday now. :001_smile:

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Lie to Me is fantastic. All of us watch that one together.


Sanctuary is starting back up again.


Stargate Universe just started. I got halfway through the premiere episode, but my dh decided that he wanted to watch it with me, so I started it over and just got to where I had already been when we went to bed. It has potential. Stargate SG-1 is my favorite series of all time.


Numb3rs is going again. All the kids watch this one, but I have to preview the episodes for my 11yo. She gets creeped out easily. I love the show.


Flash Forward is very good so far. The 11yo and 14yo are watching it with me.


Dollhouse is back on. The 14yo and 16yo watched it with me all last year. The first episode was fantastic. We haven't seen the 2nd yet.


We are way behind on Psych and Monk. We really enjoyed those shows last year, but neither one seems as good this year. I'm glad it's the last season of Monk. I had gotten to a point where I didn't want anything else to happen to the poor guy.


Fringe was very good last season, but I just don't seem to be getting into it this season.


I've only seen the season premiere of House so far, but I thought it was excellent. I loved the doctor that House couldn't fool.


We've been trying to watch Bones in order, but we are only halfway through 2nd season. I may give up and just start watching current episodes.


White Collar looks like it could be interesting.


Shows that we enjoy, but are off-season right now:


Eleventh Hour


Warehouse 13

Royal Pains

Burn Notice

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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I have been enjoying Eastwick. I watched Modern Family and Cougartown and didn't care for either of them. I have added Eastwick to my line up of:


Grey's Anatomy

Brothers & Sisters

Desperate Housewives

Private Practice


ER is over :( so Eastwick will take its place.

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