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Has it started cooling off where you are at?

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It has been quite chilly the past two days here. I know it is because it is fall, but it always goes from quite warm to quite cool here without much in between. I am in northern Colorado. It is just a little over 50 degrees fahrenheit here right now. Saturday or Sunday it was in the mid 80s still.

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We had FROST on the ground yesterday morning... and today its 73 degrees and super muggy... and now everyone is sick:glare: But it is beautiful up here in Upstate NY...the trees are turning and we've had leaves on the ground for a couple of weeks now. I just read in the paper that we only had 20 days over 80 degrees this summer. It was a cool, rainy winter. I really hope that doesn't mean that winter is going to be awful again!

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It's cooling off here. It has been raining almost constantly for the last few weeks, and I told my husband last week that I thought that when it finally stopped that the weather would cool off. We had massive amounts of rain yesterday and, sure enough, it's not even 70 degrees today. Too darn cold for me already - somebody send those 80s and 90s my way!

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I am in Savannah Georgia. No it is not cool. It is so humid it takes all day for a my clothes to get Almost dry on the line. Still have to put them in the dryer but it is upper 80's mid 90's. I want to move to an island in the middle of the ocean where the breeze may be humid but it is refreshing!

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I am in Atlanta - just lots and lots and lots of rain. Luckily I am not under water, but I know several families who have lost everything and I can not offer to help because I have sick kids. I know they will need help for a long time to come and that they certainly don't need the flu too.


But I love fall and can't wait for the temperature to change.

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Oh yeah! But, I'm in Colorado as well. Yesterday it was a high of about 38 with snow flurries. Today made it up to about 48 and was rainy. I think it's supposed to get colder again tomorrow with a possibility of more snow.


I love the cool-down after summer. I just hope that we don't skip fall and move straight into winter.

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Sure, it's starting to cool off. It was only 101 today, and the lows at night the last few have been in the 60's. It also seems to be cooling off a bit quicker in the evenings, which is nice (but might simply be my imagination). It's downright nice in the mornings.

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I'm so jealous of all of you experiencing true fall....it's 100 today. I think the TV weathermen in southern Arizona must get really, really, really bored.



This reminds me: DD did this thing at her enrichment program in which she illustrated her favorite and least favorite weather and times of day.


Favorite weather: snow and rain

Least favorite weather: sunny

Least favorite time of day: sunny


You can tell this kid lives in the desert.



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Not in Southern California. This will be my first fall after 10 years in the Mid Atlantic region and I will so miss the beautiful fall season there! I don't think I will miss the freezing rain, or the cold wind that goes through your clothes though or the humid heat either! I do think I will get bored with Southern California weather after a while, I have never lived somewhere with such little weather variation before.

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