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Would this bother you?

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I took my dc to the library last night and as we got to the top of the stairs we noticed a statue tucked into the corner of the outside balcony - a statue of a skinny naked woman getting on a bike. Yes, naked. Buns were staring right at us, front side was away yet visible as we passed. I have a letter to the editor and the town council drafted yet wanted Hive input before sending anything. FWIW, the statue was one of those ugly (sorry, artists!) metal things that had no face yet the physical body was definitely detailed.

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It depends. But if you don't like it, I'm all for being vocal about it. ;)



we came face to face w/ this graphic piece of crap directly after a Christmas Tree display in NY. A 3-D collage of a guy sporting a semi-flaccid neon p3n!s just ain't my cuppa tea. some, uh, heads-up woulda been nice ;) :lol:


can you get the name/artist of the statue?

you can also email various youth organizations. Some will appreciate the warning, others will appreciate the publicity. there's always a few that are happy to publicly offend in the name of art.

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It would bother me. I would expect such junk at a museum, but not at a public library.


As it was placed outside of the building, on a balcony, it is easy to avoid. (Not so "in ones face" as if it stood on the front lawn of the library !)

Edited by Orthodox6
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It would bother me. I would expect such junk at a museum, but not at a public library.



I would advise our library to leave nudes out of art just like they practice consideration at not reading religious stories in read alouds. It's one thing to CARRY religious books and books w/ nude art in them so families can CHOOSE to expose their own children to whatever they like, quite another to publicly subject your patrons to something specific that is known to cause offense.

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I appreciate the feedback. I guess what bothered me was the fact that it wasn't my choice to show this to my dc (I'm fine with art and nudity when I choose it and in an appropriate situation) and the fact that it is a public library, not an art museum. And it wasn't a statue like David or a Roman goddess, it was a skinny naked lady getting on a bike. The purpose of that would be what exactly and why does it have to be at the public library?!

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In-Thread google image search contest:


who can find a pic of what the OP is talking about first? :D


double portions of chocolate as a prize!




you said faceless and kinda small, right? can you give a better idea of dimensions? would the woman resemble an 18" doll or the size of a 3yo? bigger? smaller?


metal? like bronze?

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I appreciate the feedback. I guess what bothered me was the fact that it wasn't my choice to show this to my dc (I'm fine with art and nudity when I choose it and in an appropriate situation) and the fact that it is a public library, not an art museum. And it wasn't a statue like David or a Roman goddess, it was a skinny naked lady getting on a bike. The purpose of that would be what exactly and why does it have to be at the public library?!


I would guess that someone donated it to the library- maybe the artist.

It wouldn't offend me, but I might be surprised to see it at the library.

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you said faceless and kinda small, right? can you give a better idea of dimensions? would the woman resemble an 18" doll or the size of a 3yo? bigger? smaller?


metal? like bronze?

Very small woman, thought it was a skinny kid until I saw the front side. Dark metal but solid, not made of strips of metal. I should go take a picture of it! We live in podunk town Arizona so don't know if Google would have an image but I will go look.


ETA: no image on Google, unfortunately.

Edited by LuvnMySvn
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Not to hijack, but I always thought we were introducing nude art in a low key way by having a print with nudes (tasteful by my standards) in the master bathroom. I didn't realize it wasn't so "low key" until my 10 yo ds cut a bra top out of paper and taped it in the appropriate place. Picture is now removed.



Edited by Lawana
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Not to hijack, but I always thought we were introducing nude art in a low key way by having a print with nudes (tasteful by my standards) in the master bathroom. I didn't realized it wasn't so "low key" until my 10 yo ds cut a bra top out of paper and taped it in the appropriate place. Picture is now removed.




:lol: That is funny!


My children have had art appreciation, including nudes, all their lives. What you described in your library wouldn't have offended me in the least.

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Not to hijack, but I always thought we were introducing nude art in a low key way by having a print with nudes (tasteful by my standards) in the master bathroom. I didn't realize it wasn't so "low key" until my 10 yo ds cut a bra top out of paper and taped it in the appropriate place. Picture is now removed.




We have this painting hanging in our school room. My kids haven't ever said anything, lol!

Edited by Mrs Mungo
bigger mermaid painting
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It kind of depends on the individual piece for me. I'd have to see it and how/where it is positioned.


Our library has a "statue" of three human figures right near the front entrance. It's hard to tell if they are suppose to be nude or not. They are made of metal and some kind of plaster like material over part of the torso. The metal is mostly rusted looking and the plaster is partially multi-colored partial natural color. It's an odd looking thing. At least one of them has substantial breasts...but there's no nipples. My kids haven't said anything (we've walked by it on several occasions as it is at the base of the stairs leading up to the children's area). It doesn't bother me as it isn't all that detailed...however, it is ugly.

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We have this painting hanging in our school room. My kids haven't ever said anything, lol!


I notice your ds is 8. I'd be very curious to see if his reaction (or lack thereof) changes in a few years as he matures. I thought that by continued exposure from the beginning, my ds would be okay with it. I thought wrong;). But that's probably just my very black & white literal thinking son.



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I notice your ds is 8. I'd be very curious to see if his reaction (or lack thereof) changes in a few years as he matures. I thought that by continued exposure from the beginning, my ds would be okay with it. I thought wrong;). But that's probably just my very black & white literal thinking son.




Interesting, we'll see how it goes. It reminds me of that Brad Paisely "I'm Still a Guy" song. "you see a priceless French painting, I see a drunk naked girl."




eta: it also reminds me of taking my MIL and her elderly older sister to Paris. I thought they were going to DIE when they saw this painting. (graphic famous oil painting warning) If they were displaying THAT at the library I'd totally agree with complaining, btw.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I would really prefer a statue of a figure nude or not compared to what is in front of our museum of art.






Oh my, I know where that is. I never could figure out why that was there. It has confused me greatly for years. Great museum though, I wish we lived closer now.

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I notice your ds is 8. I'd be very curious to see if his reaction (or lack thereof) changes in a few years as he matures. I thought that by continued exposure from the beginning, my ds would be okay with it. I thought wrong;). But that's probably just my very black & white literal thinking son.




My ds is 11.

Mind you my house is full of breastfeeding texts. I used to have some really lovely posters of women's breasts but they're still boxed. Instead what's kicking around are clinical photos of lactating breasts. If anyone covered them up it would be because some of them are really gross - abcesses, post op scarring, stitches...... blech.


We have lots of art books & nudes are not an issue there either. We've been to topless beaches too ;)

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I notice your ds is 8. I'd be very curious to see if his reaction (or lack thereof) changes in a few years as he matures. I thought that by continued exposure from the beginning, my ds would be okay with it. I thought wrong;). But that's probably just my very black & white literal thinking son.



Mine are 15 and 10 and I have a naked bust sculpture. Neither of them are remotely bothered by it.


I wouldn't advise searching "nude woman bicycle":svengo:


:lol: I dread to think!!


I would really prefer a statue of a figure nude or not compared to what is in front of our museum of art.





Oh my! I have to say I find myself often perplexed by modern "art"

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eta: it also reminds me of taking my MIL and her elderly older sister to Paris. I thought they were going to DIE when they saw this painting. (graphic famous oil painting warning) If they were displaying THAT at the library I'd totally agree with complaining, btw.


:eek: I think that would make me squirm too.


My ds is 11.

Mind you my house is full of breastfeeding texts. I used to have some really lovely posters of women's breasts but they're still boxed. Instead what's kicking around are clinical photos of lactating breasts. If anyone covered them up it would be because some of them are really gross - abcesses, post op scarring, stitches...... blech.


We have lots of art books & nudes are not an issue there either. We've been to topless beaches too ;)


Ah, so what we actually needed was *more* exposure.;)



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Nope, not in the least.


we came face to face w/ this graphic piece of crap directly after a Christmas Tree display in NY. A 3-D collage of a guy sporting a semi-flaccid neon p3n!s just ain't my cuppa tea. some, uh, heads-up woulda been nice ;) :lol:


Uh, yeah, as much as a honestly don't care about nudity, the "guy sporting a semi-flaccid neon p3n!s " is not my cuppa either, particularly with the addition of looking crazed and lecherous. :001_huh: Maybe I just don't get art that frightens me a little?

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