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Will you please pray...

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for my cousin, Amanda?


She is a wife, a mother of two young children and a first grade teacher.

She had surgery for a deviated septum on Tuesday. She came home the same day, but has been in so much pain and has found no relief from her pain medication.


I don't know what happened between Thursday (the last time I got a message about her) and today, but my parents just called to let me know that she's in the hospital, in intensive care. She is unconscious, and they do not know what is wrong with her.

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OMG! How awful.

That is really scary because the nose is so close to the brain.

I wonder if some bacteria got into her head.

What kind of test are they running?

Not to scare you - just to push further research - where did she get the surgery? And has anyone checked for necrotizing fasciaitis (sp?)?


I don't know why that popped up in my brain but this is very scary.

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OMG! How awful.

That is really scary because the nose is so close to the brain.

I wonder if some bacteria got into her head.

What kind of test are they running?

Not to scare you - just to push further research - where did she get the surgery? And has anyone checked for necrotizing fasciaitis (sp?)?


I don't know why that popped up in my brain but this is very scary.


I wish I had more information to share.

I am in Washington and she is in Colorado. The information I do have about her condition came from her dad, through my parents. My poor uncle is distraught.


She was home for two days after the surgery and complaining about her pain medication not working. The last note I got from her said her husband was picking up a different Rx for her and she was hoping it would work.


Scary, indeed.

Thank you for your thoughts, Karen.

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Wow, that is scary! I had that surgery a few years ago and recovery was relatively easy...a few days of pain meds and an awful full feeling in the nose...but I never needs as much of the meds as they prescribed.


I hope they figure it out and she gets better soon!

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Do you have any updates?

Find out from her husband what tests they are running.

My first thought is infection.

But my second is that there could be some physical pressure in her brain.

(She did say she was in uncontrolable pain!).

Did they do an MRI?

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Do you have any updates?

Find out from her husband what tests they are running.

My first thought is infection.

But my second is that there could be some physical pressure in her brain.

(She did say she was in uncontrolable pain!).

Did they do an MRI?



I just talked to my dad. I have to rely on him for information since the only phone numbers I have are home land lines, and my uncle is calling Dad only when he knows something new.


This morning they say they believe it is a virus that appears to be spreading rapidly. I asked, "What sort of virus?" but my dad didn't know.

He said they are trying to get it under control before her lungs become involved and a respirator is necessary.

I asked what tests had been run, but he didn't know that either.


It all seems so bizarre to me, so coincidental that she has some strange virus that didn't attack until the day after her surgery.




I am going to try to gather more information, but I don't think my dad is asking any questions when he gets his brother on the phone. He is just taking the information my uncle gives him and calling my sisters and me to share it.

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It all seems so bizarre to me, so coincidental that she has some strange virus that didn't attack until the day after her surgery.





It could be that she contracted a staph infection when she had her surgery. I'll be praying for you all. :grouphug:

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I just talked to my dad. I have to rely on him for information since the only phone numbers I have are home land lines, and my uncle is calling Dad only when he knows something new.


This morning they say they believe it is a virus that appears to be spreading rapidly. I asked, "What sort of virus?" but my dad didn't know.

He said they are trying to get it under control before her lungs become involved and a respirator is necessary.

I asked what tests had been run, but he didn't know that either.


It all seems so bizarre to me, so coincidental that she has some strange virus that didn't attack until the day after her surgery.




I am going to try to gather more information, but I don't think my dad is asking any questions when he gets his brother on the phone. He is just taking the information my uncle gives him and calling my sisters and me to share it.



How frightening. Keeping Amanda in my thoughts. :sad:

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Thank you all for your continued prayers and wishes.


The doctors have diagnosed Amanda with Guillain Barre Syndrome and are treating her accordingly. It started in her hands and feet, and moved rapidly towards her trunk. As of yesterday afternoon she was being given nutrition via IV, and was on a respirator.


I mentioned yesterday what an unbelievable coincidence it was to me that she contracted such an aggressive virus in the days following her surgery, so I was surprised to see this statement in the link above:

Occasionally, surgery or vaccinations will trigger the syndrome.
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Thank you all for your continued prayers and wishes.


The doctors have diagnosed Amanda with Guillain Barre Syndrome and are treating her accordingly. It started in her hands and feet, and moved rapidly towards her trunk. As of yesterday afternoon she was being given nutrition via IV, and was on a respirator.


I mentioned yesterday what an unbelievable coincidence it was to me that she contracted such an aggressive virus in the days following her surgery, so I was surprised to see this statement in the link above:


I don't buy this one bit.

Even the link states:

Guillain-Barré is called a syndrome rather than a disease because it is not clear that a specific disease-causing agent is involved.

It's just a fancy word for a set of SYMPTOMS.

Much like Fibromyalgia means muscle pain - but everyone who has it may have a different CAUSE.


Did they do an MRI and make sure there is no pressure being placed on her brain due to dislodged cartiledge or other faulty issues with her RECENT surgery? Did they do a blood test for bacteria? Where did she have the surgery?


Something doesn't sound right to me.

And as nurse I can tell you what I have seen - medical treatment after something like this happens is sometimes less about getting to the root of the problem and sometimes more about covering someone's @ss.


Unfortunate, but true in some cases.


I could be completely wrong - but I don't think her cause is that mysterious.....she had surgery that she never got pain relief from and now is in a coma? Hmmmm.......

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thank you for asking, Perry, and my thanks to all who are continuing to pray and send good wishes.

Here is a brief update I recieved from my aunt a couple of days ago.


Amanda is a fighter! She is still progressing very slowly, but some progress

is better than none.

The pulmonary docs are working to get Amanda off of the trach. She is

working real hard to breath on her own. She still has swallowing issues so

it is tiring for her.

We have yet to find out if the MRSA is gone, but should know soon. Her

fever is almost non-existent and that is a wonderful thing.

She can open her eyes briefly now and then and had a couple of real good

visits with Sam and Tori. They love seeing their mommy. She is asking what

day it is and cries when she won't be able to see Sammy off to his first day

of Kindergarten on the 17th.

We can communicate with her a little better as the amount of sedation has

been reduced.

Her pain is mostly in her legs and the physical therapy helps a lot. She has

also had a couple of migraines that have given her grief.

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Wait.....so she had MRSA? And is this just a coincidence that it happened right at the time of her surgery?



She had sinus surgery and had been home recovering for a couple of days when she developed Guillain-Barré syndrome. While she has been in the hospital she contracted MRSA.


It has been an horrible month for her and her family. I understand that she may spend another month to two months in the hospital, and that complete recovery could take over a year.

My dad told me last night that she is experiencing severe pains in her arms and legs, but that as bad as it sounds, it is actually good news as she is regaining feeling and use of her limbs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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