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Are you taking a spring break? If so when?

Guest Virginia Dawn

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It may not be an entire week, but we'll be taking the 14th, 17th, and 18th off since Grandpa and Grandma and the aunts are coming to visit! We'll see how we feel on the 19th once everyone leaves again. Getting back to routine sometimes is the best way to deal with post-Grandparent fallout and sad feelings. ;)



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Yup. Here too. The whole week, 17-21, off. No school. None. Lots of decluttering of closets, and maybe cleaning of windows, and sweeping of cobwebs, and such. Maybe even some painting. But, no school books, anywhere.


Ahhh. I'm enjoying the thought. Thanks,


Now, off to find dc to get them busy on something. :)

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But we take so many other travel breaks that I have to school when we're at home! Two weeks ago, it was four days in Massachusetts, last weekend, two days in New Jersey, next week two days in Pennsylvania.


Man, now that I write that down, I wonder when I ever actually homeschool!


We do travelschooling:o

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We're taking a sort of a break this week, actually.

We're due for a 'break' but I don't want to fully take off since I know it's just around the corner that I will be wearing down from this pregnancy and will NEED time off. As well as some time after the baby. But we *should* be ready to just be 'done' by then anyway, ready for a summer break. So, I'm trying to keep plugging along.


However, some attitudes and behaviors are trying to arise here, so as a compromise to all of this, we're getting everyone through their current math lesson..one had a test today, the other two had their last lesson today with a test due tomorrow, then that's it. That's their only 'big school' stuff for the week. We're digging back into FIAR. We've not done that in ages!!


Just enough to keep their heads on, maintain some structure, but no "school" school :p


Then we'll go from there. Maybe an extra day or two later.

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I can't always judge the volume and I like to get them out the door, so we just take "teacher work days" as needed. However, I get really bad spring fever, so we have been known to ditch the books for no apparent reason and head outside, to the park, etc.


I know it isn't great planning on my part, but it keeps me sane!

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before Easter for us, here. The girls' ballet is off that week, so it makes sense to have school off too.


Grrrr. . . I hate being a slave to school schedules, but when the extras are off, I like to be off too. Now, WHY am I going to drive to Indiana where it's cold ? ;)

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I'm ready for a break, but we're going to hang in there until our Spring Break! Since my DH is a teacher we'll be following his school schedule. Spring break is during Holy Week this year; we're talking about going camping earlier in the week and being home to observe Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and celebrate Easter Sunday.

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My daughter is home from college this week for her spring break, and I decided it simply wasn't worth the hassle to try and force my son to accomplish anything academic while she's here. We talked about it this morning and did decide to try and do a couple of the field trips I want to do this year. And he does have his regular, twice-monthly science center class on Wednesday, but we're not doing any desk work.



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Because of my due date being in mid-May, I wanted to have everything done (school wise) by mid-April at the latest. Therefore, we have not had breaks this year at all, except 2 days around Thanksgiving when my parents came and about 10 days in Sept./Oct when we went to Florida.


Therefore, I am set to be done with grammar in about 2 weeks (!), Latin, spelling and Wordly Wise should be done with by the beginning of April, and history will be done by the end of April (though it could be before since we'll be done with everything else before that). Math and reading are the only things we're going to continue on into the summer because math is the most difficult subject for dd.


Woo-hoo, I'm so glad that in about a month I will be able to fully concentrate on baby stuff and spring cleaning!

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*We took a spring break day Friday b/c it was a fabulous spring day :)

*Today our former Norwegian exchange is visiting, so we're hanging out with her.

* We'll take 3 days during our district's spring break, so the kiddos can hang out and play with friends.


Have I mentioned I love hs flexibility? :)

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We follow dh's schedule - he works for the local school board, so we take off "school holidays". Spring break is next week for us (with two feet of snow on the ground, it certainly doesn't feel very "springy") ;)

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.....for our breed's National Specialty (dog show.) So while we'll be learning on the road, it's going to be three weeks of travel, showing, hanging with good friend in our dog club, and enjoying ESTES PARK COLORADO!

The show is being held at The Stanley Hotel, so we're pretty stoked about it!

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We live in both worlds...with my youngest in public school...so we follow her school schedule. They have next Monday off (didn't use a snow day)...then Good Friday is off...and then the first full week of April is officially Spring Break...and we are headed to Tampa as we depart on a cruise to Mexico, Grand Caymans, Belize, and Honduras...we are counting down the days!

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My kids are asking why we aren't having a spring break. But I tell them that we don't follow what the schools do, and that we sometimes have days off, when their ps friends are at school. Plus the weather is still cold and wet, when the schools are off. I would much rather work through all that and then when it actually does get nice, then we can take some slow days or half days and enjoy the warm weather that is coming soon!

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The private school where a lot of our kids' friends go and the university have off next week, so we'll take off Monday or Friday so our kids can hang out with their friends for a day. Then we will take off early for Maundy Thursday service and Good Friday.

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We're taking the week of the 17th off, to line up with the schools (oldest is in high school at ps). We'll do something fun for St. Patrick's Day, and I've got some field trips planned - the science museum for Tues and the art museum for Wed (the free days!). And we'll do a good bit to get ready for Easter towards the end of the week.


We usually take a week off around the time the schools do because we have a lot of ps friends. It's our reward for having made it through February! :D

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