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What do you want for Mother's Day?

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Dh asked me about Mother's Day. He is assuming that ds will remember and want to get me something. We shall see. At any rate, I want to be able to offer up a few small, inexpensive gift ideas that dh might suggest to ds should the latter actually ask. I don't want to ask for perfume or jewelry or anything like that. Probably something that costs around $10 - $12. Any ideas as to what I could suggest?

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but good ones are more than I want to spend.


I told the DH to take the kids to a little women's jewelry store that I know of that has cute but inexpensive jewelry. I really don't wear a lot of jewelry, but it seemed like an easy thing to tell him. DH refuses to buy me practical gifts.

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I sooo want new dry erase colors-pretty ones, white board cleaner and new erasers and not to fix any meals or straighten up that day. My girls said that was really, really sad.

I told them my needs were simple---but I expect to see dry erase products that day:001_smile:

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Honestly, I would just like a day off. Just one day where I can sleep in, not nag people to do what they are supposed to be doing, not be in charge of getting people to lessons, practices, or games, not be responsible for feeding, cleaning, or checking people's homework, worrying about everything, schedules, etc. I think I would sleep in, go running, go to a cute little neighborhood cafe, and then come home and curl up on the couch and read for the rest of the day.


It will never happen, but sometimes in the middle of the chaos of having 4 boys within 5 years, it's nice to think about.


I'll probably get chocolates instead (which is almost as good!)

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Guest Katia

I would like someone in my family to remember that *I* am a mother.....it isn't all about MIL......really.


I would like to NOT have to get up early, dress up and go to MIL's church....(I would like to sleep-in and visit with my dc)


I would like to NOT have to go out to eat at Red Lobster with MIL and SIL......(It's been ages, and ages since I've been to an Olive Garden and I'd really, really like that for Mother's Day)


Because I'm selfish I want all these things.


But.....because we so seldom see MIL and dh really, really wants to do these special things with her....we will do them. A:glare:nd I will keep my mouth shut and pretend I'm not missing having my 'own' Mother's Day celebration.

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I hadn't really thought about it, but some fun things I would like in the price range you mentioned are....


a few funny cards (that I could send to friends), plus some stamps to go w/ them


a little notepad for my purse (I like the teeniest Rhodia ones) & a neat pen


something fun/funky from Ikea


something from the bird store


a new color of toenail polish & some peppermint lotion


a magazine subscription or an assortment of a few magazines


a Starbucks gift card


a couple of puzzle books (crosswords, logic, sudoku, ...)


anything from Origins (lol)


pink grapefruit soap from Bath & Body Works

Edited by Stacia
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Coconut body scrub from The Body Shop.


And breakfast in bed.




But I won't get anything because dh and my oldest will be out of town on Mother's Day (and my anniversary, which is Friday), just like they were out of town on British Mothering Sunday.




Oh, well.

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I want Mark Levin's book, Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, from my DS22. ( I already told him so... Only $13.75 at Amazon! )


I want the most beautiful beautiful bouquet of flowers from my DD23. She got them for me last year and they were so pretty, I can't wait to get them again!


I would LOVE to go to Red Lobster for lunch - but - it's over an hour away and DH hates long drives so....I think that's out!


I would like a bread machine.

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Dh asked me about Mother's Day.


This came up in conversation at our home yesterday and I've been thinking on it ever since.


I have not read any of the replies.



  • I want to sit with them on the porch swing and drink lemonade,

  • Or take a nice walk that does not involve dealing with dog doo-doo,

  • Or play a family game of Skip-bo or Spades.

  • Or fix a meal together

  • Eat brownies! Eat popcorn!


I'm still getting my list together. . .


Oh wait, one more thing:


  • Someone pah-lease do the dishes for me!


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You wouldn't want what i would love.... being told that STBXH will stop fighting over homeschooling and custody. That would be the best gift ever right now.


That said, i'd like a day with the kids away from him. But the odds of that happening are nil too.


So i guess, just pass the chocolate!

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I never ask for anything for Mother's Day but this year I did. After 15+ years of having an open field behind our house we now have a HUGE house behind us and I want some privacy. Trees please!


I hope to see 10-12 holes being dug on Mother's Day!



Cynthia, how about a book, earrings or slippers?

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I do have an Amazon wish list, but my biggest wish is being able to afford to go to Aruba this July and see my extended family after seven years.. They don't even know my kids.

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A:glare:nd I will keep my mouth shut and pretend I'm not missing having my 'own' Mother's Day celebration.


Why not talk with your dh and explain that, while you are happy to do something nice for his mom on Mother's Day, you're feeling a little neglected?


When both my mom and MIL were alive, my dh suggested that we have a "separate" Mother's Day celebration for me on the day of my choice. It worked out very nicely, and now that both my mom and MIL have passed away, I'm glad we went out of our way for them while they were here.


This will be my first Mother's Day without my mom, and although I used to complain a little about not having my own Mother's Day on the "real" date, I would give anything to be able to go back to the way things used to be.



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I have no idea what I want for Mother's Day. DH keeps asking for hints, but I can't come up with anything yet.


DH is one of those guys who will get me whatever I want. Honestly, if I told him I wanted a new car, he'd rush right out and buy one... partially because he'd want to make me happy, but probably mainly because it would keep him from having to wander aimlessly around the mall for hours looking for a gift. ;)


So I'm watching this thread with great interest, hoping for ideas!



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I mentioned to DH that if DS is looking for something to give me that perhaps he could suggest new gardening gloves and that I wear a medium. :D They bought me a fabulous pair of leather gardening gloves a couple years ago and I've worn through them (!!) this spring building a rock wall. Just think what my hands would look like if I were going without! ack!!

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I would like someone in my family to remember that *I* am a mother.....it isn't all about MIL......really.


I would like to NOT have to get up early, dress up and go to MIL's church....(I would like to sleep-in and visit with my dc)


I would like to NOT have to go out to eat at Red Lobster with MIL and SIL......(It's been ages, and ages since I've been to an Olive Garden and I'd really, really like that for Mother's Day)


Because I'm selfish I want all these things.


But.....because we so seldom see MIL and dh really, really wants to do these special things with her....we will do them. A:glare:nd I will keep my mouth shut and pretend I'm not missing having my 'own' Mother's Day celebration.


Perhaps you could talk to your DH about making Saturday YOUR Mother's Day (or the next weekend if two big dinners in one weekend is too many calories, lol).


I totally respect my DH's desire to honor his Mom....but I also made it clear that "I" was a mother as well and needed to be honored in a similiar fashion. So now the 2nd Sunday of May is "OUR MOM" day to my children. We do stuff with Grandma on the traditional Mother's Day and I get my own. MIL knows about it and thinks it's wonderful because she knows that our ideas of what makes a good Mother's Day are different.....she wants family and friends and big celebrations....I want cuddle hour + in bed, movie day and whatever the kids are capable of cooking for dinner (I enjoy this more as they've grown older and more capable.....PB&J when they were in Kinder was sentimentally delicious, but lacking in the "good food" category, last year was homemade spaghetti and "from scratch" bread...a vast improvement!).


My kids know that to me this is not about buying a gift, and so they don't....I do want handmade cards (store bought to me always say "I was in a hurry and just grabbed something", lol). Other than that I want what money can't buy.....love and time spent together. Of course, I feel that way about my birthday and Christmas as well. I don't tend to make a super big deal out of their birthdays either.....yes, they're the "person of the day" and things like activities and meals are centered around them, but we don't tend to do "non immediate family" parties. To us it's about honoring them, the fact that they're here and we're glad, not about shopping for a present.


Oh....and if your husband is like mine, though he may be sweet and kind hearted....he's also clueless. I dropped hints for 4 years that I wanted my own Mother's Day celebration and then the next year when he told me what time Grandma's party was scheduled for, I decided no more hints....I came right out and said, that's great, but can we please choose a day for our then toddler to celebrate ME not grandma. I still remember the surprised look on his face and his quick "sure, we could do that". So....if subtle doesn't work, try saying "on Sunday, May 17 we're going to Olive Garden to celebrate ME as a mother". And then call and make reservations.


Edited to add: Oh yeah...and another good reason to celebrate on a different date....less crowds! I can't imagine going to a restaurant on Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. The wait to be seated, the wait to order, the wait for food....not to mention the noise level would negate any celebration for me. We do Valentine's Day on the weekend AFTER President's Day weekend...less crowds, cheaper prices on hotels and travel, and a bonus since my DH insists on buying a silly Valentine stuffed something for me (a crazy tradition I can't get him to stop, but love) they are 50% off.

Edited by ConnieB
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I am getting the best gift ever! My dh, the kids, and I are going to see my mom (whom I see about twice a year). We are going to take her to dinner and just have a really nice time with family. That is the perfect Mother's Day gift for me.


ds9 asked dh to take him to buy me something...I told dh that I didn't want anything over $5 because I don't want ds9 spending his money on me. He has been saving for months to buy a new bicycle. :)

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I would like someone in my family to remember that *I* am a mother.....it isn't all about MIL......really.


I would like to NOT have to get up early, dress up and go to MIL's church....(I would like to sleep-in and visit with my dc)


I would like to NOT have to go out to eat at Red Lobster with MIL and SIL......(It's been ages, and ages since I've been to an Olive Garden and I'd really, really like that for Mother's Day)


Because I'm selfish I want all these things.


But.....because we so seldom see MIL and dh really, really wants to do these special things with her....we will do them. A:glare:nd I will keep my mouth shut and pretend I'm not missing having my 'own' Mother's Day celebration.


I am so sorry! You know, when we first moved 200 yards from my MIL and S-FIL, it was the same. Dh one year brought in a matching pot of flowers for each of us and then took us to dinner...TOGETHER. Oh, how special I felt. :glare:


We talked about this and things have really changed now. He uses Saturday and takes his mom out to a special dinner...just him and her. He dresses up and so does she and they get that alone time to just talk and not have me or S-FIL around. It is good for them! And it is even better for me because Mother's Day (Sunday) in my house is all about ME. I don't mind if MIL comes and visits that day...heck, I don't even mind if we walk down and see her. I just like that dh has taken those two days to make both of the mother's in his life feel special. :)

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All I wanted was an afternoon to get my garden in. :001_smile:


And I may indeed get that! But DH also ordered an acoustic/electric fretless bass guitar for me! Yippeee! (I have an electric bass, but the acoustic doesn't need an amp for practicing.) He has an acoustic guitar, and now we can play together. This gift is going to give us years of musical evenings. :D

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Oh boy, I remember one Mother's Day when MIL insisted that her boys come to her house alone. No one else invited.


She used that day to tell them exactly why her divorce from their dad 25 years before had been all. his. fault. (In her mind, anyway.)


Depressed my DH for a week. I had no Mother's Day that year. BUT it surely made me appreciate and honor my own mother even more!! So it wasn't all bad.

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A break from the kids to nap. My dr says I HAVE to sleep more, my health problems are due to 10 years of sleep deprivation, BUT I have yet to be rid all of 4 kids for even an hour to get a nap in. Last year my mom took ds then 4 to the goodwill to buy me a gift, I got a broken picture frame but no nap. All I want is to sleep for a little while. I don't care about big gifts etc, though if they are going to take the kids to buy me something, a broken piece of junk just makes me feel like crap so they could at least buy something new even if from the $ store. Nope all I want this year is a nap.

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I always ask for the same thing and usually get it. Breakfast, including champagne, strawberries, cream and croissants, in the orchard with my dh (weather permitting). A long, long walk along the river with dh and a chance to stop at the cemetery to visit my mother's grave. While we're gone I ask the girls to tidy the kitchen and living room. When we get home a picnic in the back field and playing with the kids. Usually dh picks up picnic food because I do not want to cook or do dishes. That is my perfect mother's day.



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Every year, I ask for DH and DS to do the housework that weekend. And they always say okay, and they never do it. :confused:


This year, it looks like FIL will be with us on Mother's Day, a week-long stay. I do a brunch every year for my own mother and brothers, so it's going to be an even less restful day for me, and a lot more work.

Michelle T

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Well, I'd like to have a dream about my mother....you know the kind where when you wake up you can't believe it was a dream, it was so real.


Om my goodness. I would, too. I'll start crying if I think about this too much. What a lovely wish.



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