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What do you collect?

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My dh would say I collect books too, but like you, they are mostly school-related. As a family, we collect sand/dirt samples from everywhere we've visited on a vacation or road-trip. I try to find clear glass containers to display them in and then I label them with their origin. An easily accessible(and cheap!) bit of memorabilia from our travels. And they all look so different, creating a unique little display.

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For a long time I collected lunchboxes. Vintage. (Hence the name of my blog. :D ) But they began taking up too much space and we were moving too much to keep packing them all. Sold them all on Ebay. But now I collect... umm... dustbunnies... golden retriever fur tufts (with my vacuum cleaner)... sticks and rocks that my children bring in from outdoors (to throw them back out)... my children's artwork... And camera equipment. :D

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I'm serious. I was just thinking about this today -- wondering why my scrapbooking and knitting never get any attention. It's because I seem to collect jobs like most people collect knickknacks or hobbies.


At the moment, I substitute teach at a preschool, teach piano lessons, homeschool the children, and on very rare occasions, do a bit of freelance copy-proofing, editing, and transcription.


Let me hasten to add: yes, I have posted frequently about being overwhelmed and burnt out. So, why do I do all of these things? Well, I did try one year to do NOTHING but homeschool (last year, in fact). I cleared my schedule of EVERYTHING -- no Sunday school teaching, volunteer work, paid work of any kind. I was going to be the BEST homeschool mom EVER. That started in September. By Thanksgiving, my dh was begging me to get a job -- I was so depressed it wasn't even funny. And my poor girls were going down with the ship. It was not pretty.


Apparently, I need the structure and discipline of outside responsibility to make me productive. Today, for example, I subbed at the preschool, then came home and managed to accomplish more housework *and* schoolwork than I have done yet this week. Strange.


Other than jobs:


Books. Books. More books. Magazines. Books.

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I have quite a few pieces, and a very nice handmade (by my dad) cabinet in which to display them.


I have dishes, figurines, waterglobes, books and all sorts of stuff.


I like cranberry glass, too, and have several pieces scattered throughout the house.


Oh yeah, and then there's our small zoo of critters, which we're thinking of adding to, but that's more of a family thing.


Yes, we have books by the hundred, but that's pretty standard, right?:)



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I collected shells -- mostly those I found myself, though I added a few purchases here and there. I still have the colletion and would love to add to it, but I rarely find good shells anymore. The beaches we visit always seem so...empty. Save for some excellent shark's teeth, I've found little in my adult years. Maybe it's because my eyes are now farther away from the sand. :D


I also collect sea glass, pottery shards, and bottles found on the shores of the waterways here.


Some day, I hope to have a better eye at finding certain Native American artifacts which are abundant here. However, I've yet to receive "the gift" of learning to see them.



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International dolls made from natural materials (how's that for specific? :)), books, and I collect nature specimens and frame or otherwise display those. I am also teaching myself nature photography, so I guess you could say I collect nature photos, too.


The doll collection was started for me when I was born by my mom and grandparents, but it included all kinds of international dolls, but I have narrowed it over the years.

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According to everyone but me, I collect kitchen stuff. To me they are beautiful and useful necessities. I can wax eloquent over what makes one wooden spoon or ladle or cake pan or pot superior to all others. I wait until this stuff "speaks" to me before I buy it -- I have to *love* them first. I used to collect cookbooks, but I've culled my collection down to a few dozen and I rarely add to it.


DH and I collect the children's books that we loved as children.


I collect Christmas-themed toys and children's books. I also have a Santa Claus collection, but I've grown tired of it, so I'm not adding to it. I have a collection of bird-themed Christmas ornaments that I love and add to whenever I see a realistic, high quality bird ornament.


I like doll houses and certain dolls and their accessories (Ginny, Chatty Cathy, American Girl & G. I. Joe dolls).


I love toys a whole lot.

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I have upper cabinets that are 5 ft high. I have one 24in section filled with mugs--top to bottom! I have new mugs on the counter waiting for me to find a place to put them. I have mugs over flowing into just about any and every shelf in my kitchen!


I like choosing a different mug every morning--depending on my mood at the time. Today I chose a mug from a science museum.


I also collect Math texts--I've only ordered 2 since Christmas--but last fall I did sell/give away quite a few. I'm sure I have boxes and boxes of them in my garage too.


I used to collect crystal figurines--but that is an expensive collection and DH and I decided to stick to mugs for a while (he actually purchased the mugs I have on my counter as a 'just because' gift).


BTW the mugs are for hot tea--not coffee---YUCK! My oldest dd drinks coffee and she has her OWN mugs so she does not contaminate mine! Right now I have some Rooibos tea brewing in my science mug...maybe drinking African teas will help me get mentally prepared for my trip to Africa this summer!

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I used to collect silver, but the collection is pretty full. I do collect sand from our various beach trips. It's so interesting to see the texture from different areas.


Homeschooling is just one more excuse to buy more books :), but I do collect antique Shakespeare books.


.....and dog hair.

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Okay, no books or dust, huh? Well, perched upon all the books and dust in my home, one will find a large variety of natural specimens collected from places we've visited (and rotated by season)..... I have a doll collection under glass, mostly Oriental. I collect baskets, especially hand-made pieces from throughout the South. I like artwork, but don't have a ton of expensive things...... That's the major stuff, I guess.....



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I collect interesting rocks, fossils, seed pods, shells and other natural items. I also collect broken glass from the river that borders our property. I have glass dishes, vases, and other vessels filled with broken glass, some arranged and some waiting to be made into something. I've found antique medicine bottles, glass melted into odd shapes, and shards that have been tumbled by the rocks and water. Looking for glass on the gravel bar is a relaxing way to spend and hour or so by myself.

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As a kid, I collected stickers. I had thousands of them. I loved stickers then and I still have a weak spot for them now. :D


As a teen, I collected bookmarks and gift bags (I have no idea why I did this, I just thought some of them were really neat).


Then I found Chronicles of Krystonia and collected those as a teen. http://www.mcgifts.com/krystonia.htm


Then as a young adult, I started collecting Jody Bergsma plates and art prints. I love her art work! http://www.bergsma.com/


Then it was Disney snow globes.


Then I came across Ivy & Innocence and collected those. http://www.debbyandcompany.com/d/debbyandcompany/collectibles_ivy_and_innocence.html (I couldn't find a real good link to show these, but they are very sweet & quaint)


Then I began collecting James C. Christensen prints and figurines. http://www.greenwichworkshop.com/thumbnails/default.asp?a=16&detailtype=artist


I still have everything but the bags and bookmarks (I still have a few bookmarks, but most I gave away or put in a garage sale years ago).

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I have at least a hundred whiskers, from the past eight cats we have owned. I keep the whiskers in a little wooden box that is shaped like a cat's head.


I love finding a whisker laying around and adding it to the box! So does DS. DH just thinks it's weird.


One of our current cats is a Maine Coon, and she has the most incredibly long whiskers! Hers are a real find!

Michelle T

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I also collect rocks and always have. I used to collect fossils too. Recently, we have begun collecting German Christmas decorations and ornaments from dh's trips. Lastly, each year the dc receive a new Christmas ornament, something representative of that year in their lives. Of course, that collection will leave the house with them some day.:)

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I have at least a hundred whiskers, from the past eight cats we have owned. I keep the whiskers in a little wooden box that is shaped like a cat's head.


I love finding a whisker laying around and adding it to the box! So does DS. DH just thinks it's weird.


One of our current cats is a Maine Coon, and she has the most incredibly long whiskers! Hers are a real find!

Michelle T


Okay, you win. That's the most unique collection I've ever heard of.

I only wish I had thought of it!

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I don't collect anything. When my ex walked out on me and left me with all the debt, I had to find work fast. I had never been on my own before. The fastest, best paying job for me was to clean other people's houses. I cured me of collecting stuff. Then I lived in a small house. I pared down even more.


My kids collect things, tho.

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Books, Songs (mp3's), movies, and in the past I have collected frog and toad figurines- mostly frogs.

I really don't like cluttery things though, I prefer my mp3's, LOL- and DVD's and CD's. We keep our discs in one of those zippered cases, so they don't take up very much room.

Right now we are trying to uncollect stuff, ;) so our move will be easier.


ETA: I also collect small rocks from places we visit- I just love rocks :D

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I've been sitting here thinking & couldn't figure out any particular thing that I collect, lol.


I finally thought of a few.... Many years ago, my mil gave me an Alessi fruit bowl as a gift. I love it. So, whenever she asks me for a gift idea, I've always asked for another funky Alessi kitchen piece (preferably in orange). It's esp. funny because I'm a disaster in the kitchen, but I sure love those pieces, lol. They are so fun.


When we travel, I used to (not so much anymore) try to buy a piece of jewelry from some of the more exotic or unique places we've visited. Sometimes expensive, sometimes not -- I have some hand-carved wooden tiki god necklaces & a bangle bracelet made from a coconut shell, for example. Love unique jewelry pieces (incl. vintage). But, things like that aren't so optional now, w/ kids & all sorts of other life happenings. So, I mostly enjoy the collection I've already amassed.


Dh used to always collect water & sand or soil from places we visited. We have the collection displayed in nice glass bottles in our den.


When I was a kid, my mom started a doll/figurine collection for me. I'm just not really a doll person, though. And, everyone always gave me cat stuff (because I loved cats).

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When we were first married, I actively collected Blue Willow china. Now, we have no room and most of my collection (aside from daily dishes) is in the attic, someday, though . . . Books are kind of a given. They're everywhere and I'm constantly culling the pile.


Whenever we travel, I pick up a dish towel from the places we go. They don't last forever, but I love the memories it brings back when I'm doing a mundane chore.


I have a son who collected "smells" for a long time - freaky, yes, but kind of interesting. Another son collects shells. Yet another son is into beach debris - glass, cruise ship trash, interesting pieces of lumber. My fourth son collects "tiki" figures. He loves them. They are all over his bedroom - drumming, surfing, riding a harley, dancing and on and on.


DH likes old kitchen gadgets, but he's fallen out of the habit of searching for them - whew! ;)

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Hubby got me hooked on Hummels. I also collect European art, polish pottery and German tiles to incorporate into our home when we return to the states, as well as W. German items. I also have collected tons of Korean items. I want to do a room for each of the countries we have lived in when I return home to the states.

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We collect small unique musical instruments from the places we visit.


I used to collect children's textbooks but donated them all to a school that helped troubled kids (the teachers were so happy). Now my book collection is really paired down to my dad's books, books for homeschool and my collection of L.M. Montgomery books (I have pretty much everything including all the short story collections published before 2000).

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I collect nativity scenes. But they have to be 'special', usually from a different country or made of an unusual material. I have small ones carved out of stone and marble. I have a teeny tiny one inside a clay pot 6 inches high. I have them from Peru, Uraguay, Paraguay and all over Europe. I even a have a comical one of cats.:)

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a red trolley from Hilton Head, a pineapple from Williamsburg, a dolphin from Ocean City, Mickey Mouse ears, and a crab from Charleston.


I also collect Cat's Meow figurines that rest above door trim. I buy these also while visiting different cities. But I do have one from the church where dh and I were married and the highschool where we both graduated.

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