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Trying hard not to overreact, and a prayer request

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CHOP is an outstanding facility from what I hear if it does turn out to be 'the worst'. As the mother of a childhood cancer survivor I would want to be in a hospital that has docs that are used to seeing cancer in children, because they are more likely to be able to identify it more quickly. Also, to ease your mind, many childhood cancer symptoms are also symptoms of 'common' childhood issues, so it is very possible that it is something 'simple' to fix.


Prayers for your family. I know how scary the waiting game is.

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Well, you know my answer. T was so calm and brave at 6, and we talked and planned to do the MRI without sedation, but when we got there and he saw the machine and had to have an IV... It was terrifying. The sedation was so, so necessary, and the people at CHOA were so kind and gentle and understanding. I really couldn't imagine trying to go through that with a child in an adult facility where they weren't 100% used to and committed to make a child comfortable and reassured through every step. (For older kids, they had a selection of kids' movies and headphones, so they could watch a movie inside the machine the whole time...)


I'm so glad the performance went well, and her symptoms abated for a period of time. But the long-term nature of the symptoms and the overwhelming lethargy (that would keep a 6yo from her favorite outdoor activities!) worries me a great deal.

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I'd stick with going to CHOP. If kiddo can't do it without sedation, then you've scared her and wasted time for nothing. At Children's, they may try it without sedation, but they'll have a back up plan available immediately.


Also, at Children's, the scans will be read pretty quickly where at the local MRI, they likely will have to wait til Mon or Tues.


I just keep thinking, "what if...." Children's may take a few extra hours as you get all the testing done and the fact that you had to drive 2 hours to get there (and back), but IF you are released, you have the peace of mind that the bases were covered and it's safe to take kid home (and a game plan--meds, additional appointments, etc--will be in place).


I really believe in this soooooooooooo much. How could I not when they saved my kid's life? But seriously, ANY concerning thing and I'd be at Children's.


In your case, I wouldn't chance any more time. My daughter went and did volunteer work the morning before she was admitted to the hospital. She felt okay other than a little swelling in her legs. And we had our family doc and the ER doc not concerned. My kid could have DIED at any point at that time.


Just go...please just go. I would have driven you already if I lived up there. Seriously, go....


Hopefully it's nothing. But if it's not....

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Which CHOP are you speaking of? There is one in Philly ( childrens in philidelphia ) and one in Pittsburgh.


I would do sedation if she is not used to getting and MRI. The machine is LOUD. Even though they put padding around their ears. Never second guess. If it happens to be nothing in the end then that's fine at least you looked. Its better to check then to not check at all.

Honestly if you live in NW PA the BEST place is really Cincinnati believe it or not. That is the best hospital that we've ever been to ( and we've been to quite a few).

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Update: We're Home!!!! We went to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, as per your advice, and had the best experience there. The nurses, doctors, staff, everyone was so attentive and thorough. Basically, they gave dd a very thorough physical and neurological exam, and a CAT scan, and everything turned out normal! Praise the Lord!!! They said she still needs to have an MRI done (they don't do them through the ER at that hospital, so they told me to have it arranged here at home, but they said definitely *WITH* sedation, so I won't take no for an answer on that now), but the fact that the CAT scan showed no brain problems is a huge comfort!! The CAT scan did show that she has a seriously impacted sinus cavity, which *could* be the cause of the trouble, but not for sure at this point. Once she finished the antibiotics they prescribed we'll know if that was the problem. They want her to visit a neurologist here at home also, just to cover all of those bases.


But I have got to thank all of you so much. First, of course, for your prayers and encouragement. Also, for encouraging us to go to the children's hospital. Dh and I are both soooo glad we did!! We had two doctors, a resident and an attending, both come in at separate times and just sit and ask us questions and listen to our concerns for 30 minutes each, as though they had nothing else in the world to be doing at that moment, even though the ER was busy. It was just a great experience. And I have to tell you, Libby loved it, lol! She was actually skipping out of the lobby at the end of our long day, and she said, "That was so much FUN!!!" :lol: So I am a much happier, at peace mama tonight, and you all played a part in that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! :grouphug:

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So I am a much happier, at peace mama tonight, and you all played a part in that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! :grouphug:



Aw, Erica...I have been following your posts here and sending healing thoughts to you and your daughter. What a hard, exhausting road. I hope you all sleep soundly tonight and feel a great lightness of being tomorrow now that you have so much weight lifted from your shoulders and hearts. Thanks for the update. I am thrilled for you!

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I would bet my grocery money it is the packed sinus cavity causing her issues. I don't know why I didn't think of that. I get packed cavities - as half the time mine just do not drain properly. When I get them, I feel dizzy, I see light glowing/halos, my head hurts so badly that I can hardly stand it, it presses on my left eye and my headaches are behind that one eye causing the vision on that side to be worse. Wow. I can't believe I didn't think of that! As a matter of fact, 4 years ago, I was convinced that *I* had a brain tumor...for the exact same reasons.


What an answer to prayer! I pray that your baby girl makes a quick recovery and is her old self very soon! God bless!

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Great report, thanks for letting us know! I've had CT and MRI scans both with the sinus result, and I've had similar symptoms as your daughter. Make sure she has a really good antibiotic to clear any infection, which can make her feel tired and lousy! I'll keep her in my prayers until she's back to her usual self!!

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Oh Erica, what a relief! Thanks so much for updating us, I've been checking the board all day hoping to hear good news. :001_smile:


Great report, thanks for letting us know! I've had CT and MRI scans both with the sinus result, and I've had similar symptoms as your daughter. Make sure she has a really good antibiotic to clear any infection, which can make her feel tired and lousy! I'll keep her in my prayers until she's back to her usual self!!

:iagree:With such major symptoms, I would want a culture to make sure they treat the right thing. My mom had recurrent rounds of antibiotics for a "sinus infection", which after a year and a half turned out to be MRSA staph and fungus, neither of which are treated with the antibiotics that they repeatedly prescribed.

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God be praised!


I am thinking of your little Libby, wondering if she was also happy because deep down inside *she* was worried that something was terribly wrong (not because your fear rubbed off, but because she could just sense it, kwim?). Anyway, it is late here but I am thinking of what a terrific, peaceful night of sleep you all will enjoy tonight, now that the worries have been eased.


Thanks for letting us know!

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Wonderful news that everything was normal! Hopefully the impacted sinus cavity is the culprit, but if that turns out not to be the case I know of something that you should ask about. I've been going through the same nightmare myself (daily dizziness and headaches) with the same result (normal CT and MRI), so I fully understand how scary and frustrating it can be. I was recently diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri - literally, "false brain tumor." It occurs when the pressure inside your skull increases, due to an excess of cerebrospinal fluid. It's not something that many neurologists are familiar with - and while they typically say that it's found in women of childbearing age, a search online or of any support group will quickly show children who have it (sometimes very young children) and men as well. I'm not passing this info on to scare you by any means, I just know how frustrating it can be to try and pinpoint a diagnosis for something like this (and how awful the dizziness and headaches can be!). You'll both be in my thoughts and prayers!

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Oh, Erica, that's wonderful. I'm so glad that you found people who would stop and really *listen* and investigate this and reassure you. I hope the antibiotics will prove all she needs to get back to normal. And what a relief to come into Sunday knowing you can set your worst fears aside.

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Update: We're Home!!!! We went to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, as per your advice, and had the best experience there. The nurses, doctors, staff, everyone was so attentive and thorough. Basically, they gave dd a very thorough physical and neurological exam, and a CAT scan, and everything turned out normal! Praise the Lord!!! They said she still needs to have an MRI done (they don't do them through the ER at that hospital, so they told me to have it arranged here at home, but they said definitely *WITH* sedation, so I won't take no for an answer on that now), but the fact that the CAT scan showed no brain problems is a huge comfort!! The CAT scan did show that she has a seriously impacted sinus cavity, which *could* be the cause of the trouble, but not for sure at this point. Once she finished the antibiotics they prescribed we'll know if that was the problem. They want her to visit a neurologist here at home also, just to cover all of those bases.


But I have got to thank all of you so much. First, of course, for your prayers and encouragement. Also, for encouraging us to go to the children's hospital. Dh and I are both soooo glad we did!! We had two doctors, a resident and an attending, both come in at separate times and just sit and ask us questions and listen to our concerns for 30 minutes each, as though they had nothing else in the world to be doing at that moment, even though the ER was busy. It was just a great experience. And I have to tell you, Libby loved it, lol! She was actually skipping out of the lobby at the end of our long day, and she said, "That was so much FUN!!!" :lol: So I am a much happier, at peace mama tonight, and you all played a part in that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! :grouphug:


So glad to hear this wonderful news. You, dd, and all of your family have been constantly on my heart and on my mind. Praise the Lord, indeed! He is so worthy!

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The CAT scan did show that she has a seriously impacted sinus cavity, which *could* be the cause of the trouble, but not for sure at this point. Once she finished the antibiotics they prescribed we'll know if that was the problem. They want her to visit a neurologist here at home also, just to cover all of those bases.


OMG!! Years ago my neighbor had an impacted sinus cavity and she had the same symptoms as your daughter. An antibiotic cleared up the symptoms.


I'm hope that once the impacted sinuses are taken care of, your daughter will be back to her old self.


Thanks for sharing the great news.



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