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What do you do from 3:00-5:00 every day?

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I'm finding myself bored during this timeframe. Yes, also low on energy, so I don't really want to do much work around the house, etc. But you know, I'm just plain bored and really don't know how to fill it or how I'm supposed to be filling it. What do *you* do?

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I lay on the couch and try to recover......usually with laptop in hand. :) I'm not sayin' I'm proud of that - just sayin' that's what I do. :)


ETA: ok sometimes I'm not a total lame-o, I do sit outside and watch the kids play and such. But yeah usually I'm kind of worn out at that time of day.

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From 3-4 I am usually vegging out, either on the couch, or at my computer. Then at 4 I start making dinner, tidying up etc. The kids friends start getting home from school at around 3:30 pm each day, so if we don't have something else going on they head out at that time to play until 5 which is dinner time here.

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I honestly don't know what it feels like to be bored. LOL I've never felt that way.


We are frankly still doing school during that time frame. We get started around lunch time b/c I sleep in and ride my bike for an hour each morning.


After school, I have a cup of coffee, read the boards, email, etc. and start dinner.


Today during school, while the boys were doing math, grammar and handwriting worksheets, I cleaned when I could -- vaccuumed the bathroom and kitchen ceilings, washed the walls, washer and dryer, and cleaned the bathroom sink/faucet/vanity. Nathan is finishing up a math worksheet, so I sat down for a few minutes.

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I honestly don't know what it feels like to be bored. LOL I've never felt that way.


Today during school, while the boys were doing math, grammar and handwriting worksheets, I cleaned when I could -- vaccuumed the bathroom and kitchen ceilings, washed the walls, washer and dryer, and cleaned the bathroom sink/faucet/vanity. Nathan is finishing up a math worksheet, so I sat down for a few minutes.


Could you come to my house next week? ;)

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I lay on the couch and try to recover......usually with laptop in hand. :) I'm not sayin' I'm proud of that - just sayin' that's what I do. :)


ETA: ok sometimes I'm not a total lame-o, I do sit outside and watch the kids play and such. But yeah usually I'm kind of worn out at that time of day.



That about sums up my afternoon, too. Unless we are going somewhere in the afternoons or have an all day excursion, I plant my rear on a chair and say to heck with everything else for at least an hour.

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Our down time is from 2-4. We have afternoon activities 4 afternoons per week at 4 or 4:30.


Between 2 and 4 I usually do some chores (laundry, prep for dinner, clean kitchen, phone calls) then jump on the computer or nap. My dss play outside, do a bit of homework, read or use their screen time.

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The kids have outside activities four days a week during that time. Three of those days I get to socialize, and the fourth (Friday) I veg on a couch with a book at the kids' gymnastics. They generally watch a movie on our free day while I putter about or hang out online.

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Siesta time!!! :D We finish about 3pm and I either nap, stretch out in the bed, get online, play with the dog and ds or did I mention nap?


I usually call dh and see what time he'll be home and try not to be sleeping when he comes home. I'll usually plan something for dinner during that time.


Today we ran to the post office and the library.

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It's across town, so I don't feel like leaving him and coming home. Some days I read, some days I knit, some days I do errands. When the weather is fair, I take the dog and walk him. If my other son is with me (sometimes he's at a 2 hour tennis clinic, sometimes with Grandma, sometimes with neighborhood friends) we often lay frisbee golf at a nearby park, though the weather had prevented that lately.

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Three o'clock starts out down time. We eat early here so by 3:45 I'm making dinner. We eat around 4:15 and then 4 days a week we're off to soccer or TKD. On days we don't have things to do I must admit we find ourselves aimless and restless at this time waiting for daddy to get home. :o)

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On Monday and Tuesday we're at swim practice, On Wednesday, I'm still doing school with the oldest, and if I'm behind in my day, practicing violin with 2 of the kids. On Thursday we leave the house at 1:00 for violin and piano practice, then the kids go to swim practice. On Friday, around that time, I'm shopping and putting away groceries.


When I just had a few kids, and they were younger and not involved in a million things, I used to fold the wash, or take the kids outside to play until I had to work on supper.

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I'm finding myself bored during this timeframe. Yes, also low on energy, so I don't really want to do much work around the house, etc. But you know, I'm just plain bored and really don't know how to fill it or how I'm supposed to be filling it. What do *you* do?


I heard recently that brushing your teeth after lunch will help keep you from that logey (sp?) feeling in the mid-afternoon, not to mention that it's always good for your teeth. :)

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It depends on the day. Friday - Sunday, I am at work. Thursday, I am picking up my middle child at school, then starting dinner. Monday - Wednesday (except for every other Tuesday when we are still at Girl Scouts until almost 5), I am usually folding clothes, starting dinner, and watching the kids play. Once dinner is started, the kids are occupied, and the laundry all either putting away or happily drying, then I sit down with the computer on my lap and a kid on each side and watch a show with the kids, but that is usually closer to 5 - 5:30.


If it is on a co-op day (before I swore off co-ops), I would be sitting in a quiet spot with a beer ignoring the kids and waiting for the pizza guy.

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On M, W, F, we go to the park or the kids play around the house or in the backyard while I relax, then start thinking about dinner/cleaning (thinking about, not doing anything about! You have to work your way up to these things.)


T, Th, we get ready for reading class, have a dinner snack, then go to the church and set up and prepare to teach. (The remedial reading class starts at 5.)


If you're wondering, a dinner stack is 2-20 bites of lunch or dinner type food (depending on how hungry the are.) I watch the protein/sugar ratio very closely at our house, especially right before going somewhere.

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I'm usually driving someone somewhere: 3 kids who have ballet, drum lessons, counseling, speech therapy, swim lessons, choir, and personal fitness. They don't all have all of those things, but each have a couple. No one does the same thing at the same time, so every activity for one. I make dinner early in the day and reheat, but sometimes I put something together in the afternoon.

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I usually work (online) from 2 - 4 or 5. If I'm done before 5, I will often turn on pbs and let the kids watch for half an hour while I grab a 20 or 30 minute nap on the couch. Then I have a cup of tea, and pick up the house, finish making dinner (I prep it while I am making lunch), start getting ready for the next day, etc. If any school wasn't gotten to, I have them finish it at the table while I do the household stuff (I will save art and review sheets for this time slot when we are running short on time).

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My son has activities right around that time most afternoons.


Monday - Ballroom dance 5:00-6:00

Tuesday - Tap dance 4:00-5:00

Wednesday - Ballet 4:30 - 6:00

Thursday - Organ lesson 2:45-3:30, followed by choir 4:30-6:30

Friday - Ballet and character 4:30-7:00


Every one of these is about 45 minutes from home. So, we leave between 2:00 and 4:15.


On the nights when we will be home by 7:00 (Monday through Wednesday, usually), I plan for dinner before we leave. I pre-chop everything and/or put something in the slow cooker so that we can eat within a few minutes of walking in the door.

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Often, I am still having my afternoon rest time. If I can get a couple of hours in my room without being disturbed, I am in bliss. Well, maybe not always bliss- sometimes it just feels like survival. But i dont always get that long, and sometimes the kids have activities.

About 4.30 -5pm, I have a spa with dh. After that, I make dinner. Or, thats the general intention, anyway. Sometimes its cereal. Depends if I had the previous rest or not!

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Every hour seems so full, I honestly can't imagine being bored. My 3-5 pm hours may include any (or all:tongue_smilie:) of the following:


1) Wrapping up school, maybe doing some reading aloud


2) Working in the garden (this is the norm from late spring through summer)


3) Taking children to soccer practices or other lessons


4) Running (4-5 days each week; I tend to run in the mornings during the summer and late afternoons during the reset of the year)


5) Work on dinner (although we usually eat later)


6) Take down & put away laundry that's being hanging outside


7) Bring in the cows for afternoon milking:D (this is really just a good excuse to go on a short walk on a pleasant day;))


8) Go on a short bike ride with the boys


9) R-e-l-a-x! Once it's 5, if I'm home, I pour my glass of wine, turn on NPR, and take a breather

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:lol: I rather wish for you dilemma. 3:00 is about the time that school, piano, and kids' projects are done and when I realize that I haven't accomplished anything else for the day. Like planning anything for dinner ("Wonder if there is time to run to the store?"). Or laundry ("Can I get it both washed and dried before dinner, or will I just forget and leave it to mold in the washer?"). Or remembering that there is Cub Scouts tonight and we are slated to bring an activity. On a really, really good day, I get a chance to open the mail then and think, "When was the last time I paid bills?" Or maybe, "The sprinkler system should be turned on now. Wait, two sprinklers broke at the end of fall. We have to run to the hardware store. Is there time before dinner?"


Yup, 3:00 to 5:00 is my crazy time.

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