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I "wish" a curriculum "company" would "use" quotation marks "appropriately"

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I know this is so minor, LOL, but it's soooo annoying!!!!!! I was annoying dh last night talking with my fingers up in the quotation marks sign every couple of words. I got the WinterPromise catalog yesterday. Did you "tweak" the idea of a rotating schedule, or did you actually tweak it? Do you have two different "tracks", or do you actually have 2 different tracks to use? Do stained glass windows have a "pane" or do they have a pane? Are you actually focusing on the "story" of America, or are you focusing on the story of America? Are you doing "history by period" programs, or are you actually doing history by period programs??????


Somebody stop me!!!! That just drives me up a wall, especially coming from a curriculum company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





ok. I feel better now. :D

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At least I think it's Sonlight (I should check for I slander them). The excess use of exclamation points in the Rainbow Resources catalog also drives me batty.


Of course, let's not get started on the improper use of the ending punctuation that goes with the quotation marks. Really, curriculum vendors should know better or at least have their catalogs edited by someone who does.



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I know this is so minor, LOL, but it's soooo annoying!!!!!! I was annoying dh last night talking with my fingers up in the quotation marks sign every couple of words. I got the WinterPromise catalog yesterday. Did you "tweak" the idea of a rotating schedule, or did you actually tweak it? Do you have two different "tracks", or do you actually have 2 different tracks to use? Do stained glass windows have a "pane" or do they have a pane? Are you actually focusing on the "story" of America, or are you focusing on the story of America? Are you doing "history by period" programs, or are you actually doing history by period programs??????


Somebody stop me!!!! That just drives me up a wall, especially coming from a curriculum company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






ok. I feel better now. :D


I read every post but all I really got was YOU GOT THE WINTER PROMISE CATALOG!!!!! But I liked the blogs very cute.

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This thread is hilarious. I must admit, though, I'm an exclamation mark over-user. However, if you knew me personally, you'd know I AM an exclamation mark!


Another thing that drives me crazy is misspelled words or horrible grammar on business marquees. Really, can't you at least look up the word before you post it out in public for everyone to see?

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OMGosh! Let's get started on the misused of apostrophe's. Like using them when you only want to show that something's plural. That drive's me crazy!!!! And it's everywhere. I've even emailed a local televison new's channel because they were tossing in apostophe's unnecessarily.



A local store sold Christmas Tree's a couple of years ago in its nursery. There was a sign on every pillar. The first employee who walked up to me got an earful. She said something about my being a teacher, and I pointed out that every child who has finished fifth grade should know that the plural of "tree" is "trees." She agreed.

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I would really "suggest" :glare: that you send a calm, kind email to the company's customer service department that expresses what you just said. Include the exact page numbers you're referring to. They will probably want to do it correctly if they know we're paying attention.

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Of course, let's not get started on the improper use of the ending punctuation that goes with the quotation marks.


Not to get "started" atall, but there are different "conventions" for this.


"British" English allows end punctuation outside the quotation marks--just "because".


If you love this sort of thing get a copy of "Eats, Shoots and Leaves."

Edited by Alana in Canada
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Yes, I notice this kind of thing, too. (Though I should note I'm not so careful about my own punctuation on message boards, typing fast and lots of run-on sentences and all of that.....how about some ellipses for good measure....lol).


But in a curriculum catalog, the inappropriate quotation marks and endless exclamation marks drive me crazy!


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Somebody stop me!!!! That just drives me up a wall, especially coming from a curriculum company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yabbut they just sell the stuff. They don't actually gotta know nuthin' cept how to build a web site and put together a catalog.:D


Methinks maybe some of those people need to make use of the products they sell...

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Not to get "started" atall, but there are different "conventions" for this.


"British" English allows end punctuation outside the quotation marks--just "because".


If you love this sort of thing get a copy of "Eats, Shoots and Leaves."


Even in "American," the "punctuation" can go outside of the "quotation marks" if they were "only" around one word or a short phrase. It is a matter of "style" sometimes.


(It's rather hard to type that way, why would anyone want to use "" when they don't need them?)

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Yabbut they just sell the stuff. They don't actually gotta know nuthin' cept how to build a web site and put together a catalog.


if that was the case, how about not putting an obviously pixelated picture on the cover of the catalog, LOL.


Is it for emphasis maybe?


I think it is, but it's just a weird emphasis....and what happened to italics anyways, for emphasis? .......I'm glad I'm not alone in my "irritation" :D:D

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That blog is hilarious. This is one of those things that now that you girls brought this up, I'm going to notice it everywhere.


The constant exclamation points in books gets me sometimes, too. One of my favorite Christian authors (who shall remain nameless) uses about 3 per paragraph.


I'll admit I overuse them, too. A friend told me to go through each thing I write and take out half the exclamation points and I'll be OK. With that said ... !!!

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One of my favorite Christian authors (who shall remain nameless) uses about 3 per paragraph.
LOL!!!!! :D One of my favorite Christian authors has a terrible habit of using not-grammatically correct sentences, and sentence fragments. To make a dramatic point. She seems to enjoy doing it. All the time. It's actually telling of how good a storyteller she is because I read every book of hers, even though I know it's going to annoy me. And it does. Every time.
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"British" English allows end punctuation outside the quotation marks--just "because".

I can't figure out which way to do end punctuation...it's been a long time since I had that in school, my kids aren't old enough yet to teach it to them, and I'm related to someone from England (can I use that as an excuse?).


I tend to overuse parentheses (see above). :D

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I got to my catalog, and it took all of 5 seconds to find these, among other examples:


. . .[Y]ou will want to purchase extra copies of those materials. . . that are "consumed" through use by students. . ..


Do you already own "a bunch of" books in the Sonlight core. . .?


Worried you might "short-change" your child?


No "early academics" here.


At least they are not also guilty of using too many exclamation points. Please, curriculum catalog writers, keep in mind that curriculum is rarely worthy of exclamation points.



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Oh good golly!! I am "LOL" here all by myself. I detest the "poor" use of quotation mark's and apostrophe's. ;)


A beauty "salon" near us has a sign that reads "Your's in beauty" and I want to run it down! For about a week they had a corrected, newer version and then REMOVED IT!!! What were they "thinking"?????


Pardon my use of exclamations and CAPS!


BTW, that "blog" is one of my favorites "ever!"

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At least I think it's Sonlight (I should check for I slander them).


It is. Some "highlights" from this year's new "catalog":



  • Sonlight Newcomer P3/4 is low-stress learning "at its best."

  • We hope you find the Parent's Companion to be a "treasure chest."

  • Each week there's a fresh Bible "memory verse" set to music.

  • Choose and follow your own "path to success"...

  • Concerned you may pick a "wrong" course?

  • ...the same content is "perfect" for a whole range of ages and grade.



I could go on and on. There are "several" per page. :D

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It took me two wrong editions of the catalogue before I could persuade John Holtzman (sp?) to stop referring to Pride and Prejudice as a Victorian novel. He finally caved in when I pointed out that it was written before Victoria was even born. He seemed to think I was making a fuss about nothing.



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Yeah. I know, its' intentional. Don't you want to EDIT my title line?


Its' ........ used for just about everything

It's ........ used for everything EXCEPT "it is"

Its ......... used almost exclusively for "it is"


This is my pet peeve. Its' enough to drive me crazy.

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Oh, "no"! It's funny, I'm usually very strict about punctuation and such, but I have "Never" noticed that about the WP catalog, and I've had it downloaded on my desktop for a few weeks, LOL. The Brooks probably "caught" the quotation marks habit from "Sonlight" since they used to use SL years ago.

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A local store sold Christmas Tree's a couple of years ago in its nursery. There was a sign on every pillar. The first employee who walked up to me got an earful. She said something about my being a teacher, and I pointed out that every child who has finished fifth grade should know that the plural of "tree" is "trees." She agreed.



So, why give them an earful? Maybe mention it to them and move on:001_huh:. Why make people feel, um, dumb?


Not meaning to sound rude, but it will probably look that way since we are not talking over a cup of coffee.

Edited by Homeschooling6
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I now have the WP catalog in my hands, and, even looking for the quotes, it is not that bad.


I think at least half of the quotation marks are used appropriately, though if I was the editor I'd likely cut even those ruthlessly.


I think the catalog is much better than last year. I like the explanation of their ideal --"perfect", lol -- sequence. I don't at all like their "repetitive history cycle" schedule, but the idea is nice.

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