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Please share your past, current, or future 3rd grade curriculum plans. Thanks!!


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Please share your 3rd grade plans with me. I've been really going back and forth with all of this. This upcoming school year will be our first school year exclusively homeschooling. My ds is in ps now. Please critique my plans. Thanks so much!!


Language Arts:

K12 LA-grade 3 (independent program) for literature/composition/spelling

Growing with Grammar

HWT Cursive



Abeka Science 3--Fall

Abeka Health 3--Spring



Sonlight Core 3 (geography, history, literature selections,)



Finish Singapore 2A over the summer. I'm undecisive about this. I'm debating between Singapore Standards 2B/3A for next school year OR

BJU Math 3, 3rd edition and possibly combining with Singapore ??



Spanish, Art, Computer, Music, Library, PE at a local private school 1 day/week ( love this!!)


Sports skill class 1 day/week, and swimming 1 day/week


What do you think??? :confused: Trina

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Please share your 3rd grade plans with me. I've been really going back and forth with all of this. This upcoming school year will be our first school year exclusively homeschooling. My ds is in ps now. Please critique my plans. Thanks so much!!


Language Arts:

K12 LA-grade 3 (independent program) for literature/composition/spelling

Growing with Grammar

HWT Cursive



Abeka Science 3--Fall

Abeka Health 3--Spring



Sonlight Core 3 (geography, history, literature selections,)



Finish Singapore 2A over the summer. I'm undecisive about this. I'm debating between Singapore Standards 2B/3A for next school year OR

BJU Math 3, 3rd edition and possibly combining with Singapore ??



Spanish, Art, Computer, Music, Library, PE at a local private school 1 day/week ( love this!!)


Sports skill class 1 day/week, and swimming 1 day/week


What do you think??? :confused: Trina


My only concern would be that since it's your first year homeschooling full time, you want to set yourself up for success and not try to do too much.


I don't know anything about K-12 LA: is GWG really necessary in addition? Do you really need science and health? I would personally not combine math right now and just try one out. Be aware that Sonlight's cores move fast and are considered best done on the higher end of the recommended age range by many. SL cores are very full, especially doing core 3 with an 8 year old, so I would try to cut some of the other stuff out (like health) if possible.


You know best what you and your son are up for though. :001_smile:

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My current 3rd grader is doing:


SL Core 1+2

SL LA 2 advanced (with Wordly Wise 4, MCP Word Study D options)

Spelling Workout Level D

Right Start Math Level D

Apologia Zoology 2

extra readers here and there


sports year round (tomboy alert)

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My 3rd grader is doing My Father's World Exploring Countries and Cultures (covers bible, geography, science), Rod and Staff Math, R&S English, All About Spelling level 2, Wordly Wise (just started this), and lots of reading. She also takes horseback riding lessons once a week and has done a 8 week sewing class and swimming lessons.

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Oops I missed that you're doing health and science at different times. That makes a difference in that area.


I'll have a 3rd grader next year, he's doing:


SL Core 2 or SOTW





SL 2 adv readers

IEW poetry


Spanish (I don't know what program yet)


RightStart math


Noeo science


Evan Moor How to Teach Art to Children or just some Maryann Kohl books for ideas

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It looks like you have it covered. I love the classes offered at the PS you'll go to once a week. It sounds great! I'd love to have something like that locally.


I used SL 3 years back and it was very good. My kids certainly enjoyed history that year. The read alouds are just wonderful. I have a 3rd grade dd this year and I'm trying to figure out history for her. One of my choices is SL 3 since I still have it and all the books. I've got two olders that take up a lot of time and I just don't know if I'll have the time to read those books everyday. :sigh:


I always wondered about Abeka science and health. I just never got around to trying either of them out, which is surprising since I am a curriculum junkie. :tongue_smilie:


I SO wish I'd have used Singapore math for my kids. But, ah, well....


Your plan looks good. :)


So far this is what I have planned for my rising 3rd grader:


Classical Writing Aesop


Rod and Staff 3 grammar (we will do this orally)


LLATL (MAYBE!) for cursive, spelling, book studies and other things they include.


Abeka 2 math (we are behind :glare: BUT..we will hopefully get caught up REALLY fast))


science ???? (Dd wants to garden. Md does not have a green thumb)


history ???? (I've got a ton of stuff around here, I'll find something)


latin : LC I (if we even DO latin this year!)


Good luck!


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My only concern would be that since it's your first year homeschooling full time, you want to set yourself up for success and not try to do too much.


Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.


I don't know anything about K-12 LA: is GWG really necessary in addition? Do you really need science and health? I would personally not combine math right now and just try one out. Be aware that Sonlight's cores move fast and are considered best done on the higher end of the recommended age range by many. SL cores are very full, especially doing core 3 with an 8 year old, so I would try to cut some of the other stuff out (like health) if possible.

GWG is necessary. I looked through the samples of grammar in K12 program and I don't care for it. I think GWG would only take 15-20 mins. 3 days per week. As for as science/health, we would be doing science in the fall and health in the spring. You're probably right about Sonlight Core 3 moving too fast. However, my ds will be 9 in Sept. he can probabably handle it. If it becomes too much I can drop it and just use SOTW vol.3 with the Sonlight readers and IG.


You know best what you and your son are up for though. :001_smile:


Thanks for the critique.:001_smile:

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THIS YEAR my 3rd grader is doing:

American History

BJU Math 3 (a bust, so I just ordered Singapore.)

LLATL Yellow

Science is sort of hit or miss lately... no I take that back, they are learning the effects of pregnancy on the human body. :lol:


NEXT YEAR my 3rd grader will be doing:

MFW Creation to Greeks (Bible, History, Science, Music, Art)

LLATL Yellow

Singapore Math

Spellwell B and Bb

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I personally feel Abeka Science 3 is really dry! Have you looked into anything else???


I've looked into other curriculums. However, I have so much on my shelf now that I'm really trying to use what I have. I am also interested in RS4K Chemistry and Apologia Astronomy. However, J has not had a lot of science in public school. I like Abeka's range of topics. I'm thinking of purchasing a homeschool science kit that goes along with the experiments in the book. If anything strikes J as interesting, we could always go off on a tangent and spend some extra time on a topic with living books. Thanks for the insight. :)

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I'll have a 3rd grader in the fall, here's the plan so far:


GWG finish 2, start 3



Singapore 3A/3B

SOTW 3 + AG + American history supplements

Chemistry using....something I have yet to decide on!

Latina Christiana I

Possibly Galloping the Globe

Piano lessons

Art-finish Artistic Pursuits 2 then Discovering Great Artists

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I have a third grader this year. What she's done:


GWG 3/4 (finished 3, started 4), three days a week, plus Editor in Chief & Punctuation Puzzlers, one day a week

All About Spelling Levels 2 & 3

Writing Tales 1

SOTW 3 + mapwork & coloring from the activity guide + supplemental books for US History

we keep meaning to add science but we haven't made it there yet

Literature picked from various lists, mostly concentrating on classics and historical fiction.

Developmental Math through Level 12, Miquon Purple, the Keys to... series, and Life of Fred

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I think this is mostly in my signature, but this is what my 3rd grader is doing this year:


Singapore 3A/3B and CWP 3 supplemented with some Horizons 3A/3B

R&S English 3 (mostly oral or whiteboard)

R&S Spelling finished 3, now in 4

Writing Tales I


SFC (just starting over with DVD)

Biblioplan with SOTW year 3

Noeo Physics I

Voyages 3 Bible

RFH Transition cursive


Piano lessons

Art when we can fit it in

Gymnastics, occasional swimming, softball in spring


It seems like a lot. She handles it well and we like everything. I do feel like I need to protect homeschool time a bit more next year--no other activities from 9-3 each day!

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I *think* I know what we're doing next year. I'll have two 3rd graders, my 8 year old son and 7 year old daughter.


Rod and Staff 3 and Singapore 2 as a supplement.


Finish Imitations in Writing-Aesop (I'm hoping to get halfway through it before next fall and complete it by mid-year) then CW-Aesop starting in the second-half of the year. Some WWE 3 exercises as well.


Simply Spelling--Spelling, Copywork, Dictation


Latina Christiana I, possibly some Minimus for a fun supplement


History--Greece and Rome using VP cards, FMOG/FMOR from MP, and supplemental literature


Other literature from LCC, Ambleside and Veritas recommendations for 3rd grade


Science and geography are still being worked out in my head.


And then we do a morning "circle time" for memory work and Ambleside extras like hymns, composer, artist/picture study, poetry, etc.


They also take violin lessons and there may be some other extras in there.

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My dd currently goes to a ps enrichment school one day a week which does

A literature-based unit study

Hands-on science






At home next year the plan is -

Singapore math -

IEW for LA

First Start French

SOTW3 for history

we'll continue to use poetry copywork for memorization, handwriting, and other such wonders.

Artistic Pursuits

We'll read Norse mythology indepth.

RS4K level 1 - at least physics and chemistry.

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This is our first year homeschooling and my third grader is doing the following:


Rod & Staff English


Just Write 2

MUS (Beta, Gamma, Epsilon)


Adventures with Atoms and Molecules (Science)

Prima Latina




I started out with more in our schedule, but it was too much for us this year. I dropped several subjects and concentrated on the ones she needed the most (math, english and writing), then added others back in as we became comfortable with the curricula, our schedule and homeschooling in general.

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My dd is a current 3rd grader:


Math - - Singapore 3A & 3B; we add facts drill to this (dd1 did a Saxon/Singapore combo in the earlier grades with great success, but this is more my 'git 'er done' child!)


Latin - - Latina Christiana II


Science - - Singapore Science


History - - Story of the World, Ancients


English - - my oldest went straight into GWG4 in 4th grade; this one is reading through the text of GWG3 only because a friend had it on hand (no workbook); no formal composition, she does copywork and handwriting, and has quick, easy writing assigments a couple of times a week (generally free choice of journal entries or 'story starter' books). Spelling is ten words per week, no formal program, and sometimes I give her pages from an el cheapo language arts workbook.



Other - - we do poetry memorization, daily shared reading, and art/music/etc are done with a variety of resources.


The extras at the private school sound lovely! It sounds like you guys will be leaving the house 3x weekly for that and swim/sports, right? If it's more than a 5 minute drive, it's great to utilize that time with audiobooks. We listen to SOTW and Latin vocab in the car, and so far this year we've also listened to Greek myths, The War Against Troy, and the Odyseuss.

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I'm in the process of putting together our plans for 3rd grade. History & Science will be combined with my 1st grader.


CLE Math 3 w/Singapore CWP


WWE 2/3

SL Core 1 with 2 Adv Readers

Prima Latina

Earth Science (have not nailed this down - possibly WTM rec's or Pandia Press R.E.A.L. Sci. Odyssey or Elemental Sci)

Prufrock for critical thinking

Tanglewood Literature & Poetry memorization


Tutorial/Enrichment for PE, Art, extra hands-on Science, etc.


Sports: swimming & ice skating

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Hobbes is a third grader this year; you can see his schedule and curriculum in my siggy.


ETA: we've been home educating for over five years now - I would not have used a curriculum this full in my first year.



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My only concern would be that since it's your first year homeschooling full time, you want to set yourself up for success and not try to do too much.



I would start simply, with English and maths, then add in other things once you get a rhythm going.



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My youngest is in third this year and this is what we are doing:


Reading: BJU 4

Math: Saxon 54

History: SOTW 2 with AG

Geography: Complete Book of Maps

LA: KISS Grammar, PLL, Editor-in-Chief, Spelling Power, ACSI Spelling 4

Science: space study in a co-op

Building Thinking Skills 1

Vocabulary: finished Wordly Wise C and will start LC I for Latin/derivatives soon


Also: Piano, ballet, AWANA, and art class


It looks like quite a lot, but we usually finish before lunch.

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This year my 3rd grader has been doing:


Math: Singapore 3b & Math in My World


History: Story of the World 2 & 3 (finished one started the other)


Science: exploring the garden and outdoors & My Pals are Here 4b


Latin: Minimus & Lively Latin I (finished one and started the other)


Lapbooks: Several American Girl ones, The Presidents, a few on various animals, cooking, camping, and getting ready to do one on Lincoln.


Composition: next month or so we will start Classical Writing Aesops B



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We'll start 3rd grade next January. We school year round and my ds's autism requires us to do much more than a typical kid would need to master content. I'm still thinking about curriculum and may change things up, but for now I'm planning on:


LA: LLATL Yellow, Pathway Readers 3, WWE 2, R&S English 3, Climbing to Good English 3, Right into Reading 3, Penny Gardner's Italic cursive (With his therapist: SWO C, Plaid Phonics C, Beyond the Code 3 and 4, timed reading practice).


Math: MUS and Math Mammoth (With the therapist: Horizons 2 as a daily review and generalization of math skills).


With his sister:


History: Winterpromise American Story 1 and 2 probably heavily modified and with some elements of the Ourlosbanos American history 1.


Science: Outside classes and some RS4Ks at home.


Music: Kindermusik Young Child 4, then recorder practice at home.


Art: I Can Do All Things I think. He's finally developing fine motor skills and this looks much more doable now.


Spanish: Rosetta Stone (if the library still has it for free) or Live Mocha, perhaps Flip-Flop Spanish.


Latin: We might do Minimus 1 for fun. We won't really start Latin grammar until their Spanish grammar is well along, probably in late logic.

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Here's what I already have planned for 3rd next year...


MFW Adventures (Bible, history, science)

AAS 2 (and most likely begin 3)


Saxon 3

Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book 1 at co-op (also doing this year in co-op)

Foreign Language is undecided

Nature Study weekly or bi-monthly


I also agree with the others. Things will not go as planned your first year. Count on it.:001_smile: Start with the basics and add in. Our first year we did Spelling, English, Reading, Math, and Bible and added in History and Science when we could.

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Math: Abeka Grade 3


Science: Apologia (we just finished Astronomy and are about to start Zoology 1)


Language Arts: FLL 3 - love it


History: Story of the World Vol. 3 - love it


Spelling: Spelling Workout C & D


Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting


Reading: Chapter books including The Boxcar Children, Nancy Drew, and some American Girl books


Art: Art Pac (we are art slackers though) :tongue_smilie:


Music: Various from the library

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It looks pretty good to me, Trina.


Every day, my third grader does


- Lively Latin (classical literature and history, grammar, vocabulary, foreign language

- Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek Level 2 (foreign language)

- Writing With Ease Level 2 (grammar, usage, mechanics and composition)

- Singapore Math 3A & 3B (mathematics)

- Phonics 4 Piano (music)

- Create-a-Sketch Vision Dexterity Focus (drawing)

- memorizing and reciting materials from Living Memory and other sources


Once a week, my third grader works on


- history from living books, including Story of the World and The Kingfisher Atlas of the Medieval World, with notebooking

- a science lesson from Oak Meadow Earth Science Syllabus

- literature, reading together and discussing Arthurian legends

- geography, reading about, watching movies about, looking at websites about, or doing worksheets on the United States

- religion, reading about Norse mythology and notebooking it

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My youngest is doing 3rd this year - this is what she's doing:


Math - Singapore 3A/B, Math Detective, Multiplication Mosaics/Division Designs


LA - WWE2, outside writing class, Editor in Chief, Sequential Spelling, Word Roots, book club w/ literature circles, Getty-Dubay handwriting


Science - science coop, RS4K pre-level 1


History - tagging along with modern US history with older sisters


Geography - map skills book


Music - piano, chorus


Foreign language - EspaĂƒÂ±ol para chicos y grandes, German Sat. School


Art - oops, knew there was something I forgot... maybe next year... :tongue_smilie:

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Our first year of HS I wrote down everything I *wanted* to do and then wrote down everything that we would start with. About every 6 weeks I felt like we were in the groove enough to add in a little more from my goal sheet. I have a 2nd grader this "year" but we school year round. Come fall we will be in the middle of some things but we will be doing: (copy and pasted from my blog with some changes made)


Math-Saxon 3


History- SOTW 2 with full use of AG as well as some additional supplements


Reading- McGuffy's fourth eclectic reader


Handwriting- HWT Third Grade (we're 1/4 of the way through this now)


Vocabulary- ? (we were using wordly wise but I am not happy with it)


Geography Skills-Daily Geography Practice grd 2 and then on to gr 3 part way through the year


Grammar- First Language Lessons 1 and 2


Writing- Writing Strands 2 or maybe WWE, but I haven't purchased that yet.


Spelling- Spelling Power level D


Science-Unit Studies using a resemblance of a 4 year rotation and eclectic materials. We'll actually be doing astronomy this spring, animal and plant studies this summer and human body this fall- that's as far as I have planned.


Creative Thinking- Evan Moor's Thinking Skills grd 1 and 2 and moving onto book 3/4


Art- Draw Write Now book one and then one to two and Teaching Art to Children


Art Appreciation- Eclectic


Music and Music Appreciation- Eclectic


Literature and poetry-Selections taken from the 1000 good book list and Sonlight's core list for IR and RA

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My ds is 7. We're all over the place, grade wise, but this is what we'll be using by..

end of March:

Grammar: First Language Lessons level 2 (presently using)

Spelling: Spelling Workout 3 (waiting for it to arrive)

Writing: Writing with Ease level 2 (presently using)

Math: Saxon Math 3 (waiting for it to arrive)

Latin: Prima Latina (presently using)

History: Story of the World Vol. 1 (presently using)

Science: Various books for Astronomy (presently using)


by September:

Grammar, may be up to First Language Lessons Level 3

Spelling, Workout 3

Writing, maybe nearing level 3

Math, still Math 3

Latin: Latina Christiana

History: Story of the World Vol. 2

Science: Adventures with Atoms and Molecules, other stuff for Chemistry


I'm looking to be at grade level for history before fourth grade, but I'm pretty sure we'll be ahead in Math and maybe language. I'm not really challenging ds with language just yet, he needs to learn all the rules first, but we still do up to five grammar lessons a day. He's a natural speller, but he wasn't taught any of the 'rules' so we're working on those, and the writing program is so adaptable that we're using longer passages than recommended, and could probably move up a level, but I'm not worried about it.


I've finally given up on saying what specific grade we're doing, instead saying he'd be in second in ps.

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Last year my oldest did:


LA: SWO D and E, R&S 3, copywork/dictation, assigned reading

Math: Singapore 3A and 3B with Miquon Yellow and Purple

History: TruthQuest AHYS1

Science: Apologia Zoology 1

Latin: Prima Latina

Music: Piano lessons and Classical Kids tapes with Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composer books

Art: started and dropped Drawing with Children


The LA, math, and Latin will stay the same next year for my rising 3rd grader. We'll use more 1-2-3 Draw books for art. History, science, and music are still under consideration.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

My third grader's main courses:


Sonlight Core 2 (Intro to World History part II)

Apologia elementary Botany

Primary Language Lessons (second half) for English, poetry, art study

Elson Readers book 3 (for elocution, copywork, narration, dictation)

Rod and Staff grade 3 arithmetic

Our Spiritual Heritage Bible study

shape note singing (he's our tenor)

homeschool gym and swim

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My third grader will be using:


math-Rod and Staff math 3 with a manipulative kit that I purchased for extra fun! (I know, I know, I've been asking math questions like a crazy person, but I still can't find something that I truly think fits my son, so I'll just adjust this one to fit his needs...I think...don't hold me to that:tongue_smilie: )


School of Tomorrow 3rd gr. English Paces

Rod and Staff Spelling 3rd grade book

WWE bok 2 (almost done with book 1)

extra dictation only if needed from Spelling Plus Dictation book

Pathway Readers -third grade and lots of library trade books as time allows




Health ---these are all from Abeka. (starting in the 4rth grade we'll begin SOTW with the A.G. and a book or two per lesson, nothing overwhelming)


Bible-so far we are enjoying the student sheets from Bible Study Guide. I think we'll continue with that.


Art-I buy art supplies and drawing books and my son has at them. :lol:


We also work on a map skills book.


This seems like a lot in comparison to some and not enough in comparison to others.


We definitely do not do everything here every day and the Abeka courses are only a semester each. We rarely work formally more than 3 hours per day...but my son goes off to draw, paint, and create for hours on his own.



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I have a 3rd Grader this year. We are using the following:


MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures

All About Spelling Level 2 (not on a regular basis)

Growing with Grammar 3 (not on a regular basis)

Saxon 3

LLATL Yellow

Song School Latin


Taekwondo (3x a week)

R.E.A.L. Science for Kids Level 1

LOTS of independent Reading

Music and Art as we have time :)




Homeschooling JUST ONE - ds 9

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When my oldest was in 3rd grade we had a pretty busy year with a new baby and an international move, so we didn't do as much as I would like.


Bible - read Bible stories

SL core 2 (ended up doing just the history, readers, and a few read-alouds)

RightStart math

Classical Writing

Italic Handwriting

Co-op (Science, P.E., and math drills)

outside classes for art and ice skating


Next year my second dd will be in 3rd grade. For her, I'm planning the following:


Bible - Betty Lukens Bible stories

Biblioplan Year 2

FIAR (for science, art, and a little bit of fun language arts and applied math)

RightStart math

Finish FLL 1/2, start Classical Writing

Progeny Press Literature guides (will do 3 or 4, most likely)

Italic Handwriting





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I have a 3rd grader this year. Here's what we're doing:


Positive Choice Bible "Growing with God"

TOG Year 4 for History, Lit, some Writing

Spelling Workout

Abeka Language 3

Math U See Gamma

Abeka Science 3 (hit and miss...depending on what else is going on in the week)

Various self-initiated art projects


Historical fiction read-alouds (apx one book every week-2 weeks)

Independent reading 30 minutes a day

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I will have a 3rd grader next year. I had everything all planned but then something came up last montha and I am thinking of changing some things. Here is what I have planned so far:


Math: RightStart


LA: Mother Tongue Bk I, copywork, I'm not sure about writing, there is some writing included in MT but I think I will add in WWE as well. I don't think he could handle CW.


History & Science: This is where my plans have changed. I was going to use SOTW 1, as we are going through the history cycle again. But I am thinking now of doing unit studies for history and science. I don't think I am going to start with Ancients next year but wait until the year after. For history next year, I think we will just jump around.


Literature: Ambleside book list.

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CLE Math 300

last year in Intro to Classical Studies which uses the Golden Bible, Famous Men of Rome and Greek Myths.

Latin for Children A or Lively Latin ( I have both)


Apologia Zoology 3 Land Animals

We are going to read This Country of Ours

she is required to read 30 minutes in a classic of my choosing daily

memorizing and mapping the USA, states and capitols, major land forms, etc.

lots of living books in various subjects

sewing lessons


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We'll be doing thrid grade next year, and here's what I have planned:


Language Arts:

Oak Meadow 3

Handwriting Without Tears Cursive

Natural Speller

maybe: FLL 3

quiet reading time using this list



Saxon Math 3



Oak Meadow 3 (may listen in on sister's 1st grade nature studies too)



Finish SOTW 2, start SOTW 3

Study of our local county history


Music and Art appreciation:

Classics for Kids

Famous Paintings Art Appreciation (will supplement with other works of art from chosen artists)



Some sort of physical activity, not chosen yet

Hands-on art class and Spanish class at charter school

Once weekly Outdoor Hour Challenges

Once weekly Unplugged Challenges

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Here is what we are working on:


Language Arts - FLL3 alternate w/GWG3, AAS2 (going into 3), WWE


Math - RightStart C and 1 page of Singapore Intensive Practice


Science - Zoology 2 Swimming Creatures


History/Geography/Literature - Sonlight 3 and Star Spangled State Study


Art - Atelier 3


Music - Story of the Orchestra and Themes to Remember


Just bought Lively Latin, so I'll be adding that in too


I also want to add in Writing Tales 1 later this year

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