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getting the flu and the flu vaccine

flu and vaccine  

  1. 1. flu and vaccine

    • vaccinated, no flu
    • vaccinated, got the flu really badly anyway
    • vaccinated and had very mild flu symptoms
    • not vaccinated but swear I will next yr b/c I got the flu!!

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I wouldn't get the vaccine, despite having the flu this year. I discussed this very topic w/ a pharmacist the night the first of us got sick, and it seems that the strain of flu that is running rampant (around here anyway) is NOT the strain in the innoculation. It's always a gamble, right?



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I read in the paper last week that the flu vaccine was only good for one of the three flu variations that have popped up this year. Not great odds!


I don't get it because I don't like to overvaccinate. But I find it amusing that so many people think it will protect them from every variety of flu out there. People who develop the vaccine are really just taking an educated guess as to what will pop up this year. Some years they guess well, some years they don't.

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Because of health issues, everyone in my family who is able gets the flu vaccine each year. DH and DS (age 5) can't have the vaccine due to an egg allergy.


This year, the rest of us were immunized. Even with 4/6 immunized, ALL of us got the flu, and there was *no* difference in symptoms between the vaxed and unvaxed.


My uncle was also vaccinated, and ended up in the hospital with the flu this year.

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Dh and the kids all get the vaccine, I can't... egg allergy. I would if I could, though. My kids and I all have asthma and if I consider it worth the gamble. I'd rather pay for the shot than have one of them, or me, end up in the hospital even if it only protects me against a few strains... that is a few I won't get, anyway!

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I got it all the years my kids were being born, and didn't get the flu. Because I hadn't gotten it, I skipped the next year and got hit hard a couple of times. This year I got the shot again, but still got a new strain. Then the kids got a second flu and that one barley touched me (I was the only one with a flu shot).


I am sticking with the shot (also asthmatic) for the future.



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No option for me this time. Normally we do get the flu shot and I am a big supporter of it (not that I think it always provides complete coverage). This year we didn't get in in time to do it. None of us has gotten the flu YET. I sure hope we don't but I'm not ready to make that my final answer until winter is truly over! LOL

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I clicked "yes" for having the flu, but actually it is both my poor dc who have it. (We finally went to the doctor today, but they've been sick since Monday!). I sort of wish we'd gotten the shot, but I'm also kind of glad we didn't, since I've heard that it was only about 40% effective this year. If we Had gotten the shot and the dc had gotten flu anyway, dh would probably never have let them get the shot again! I've read that next year's shot is supposed to be better, and we will definitely plan to get it!

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No vaccine, no flu. Dh did get the flu about 5 years ago, but no one else got it.


When dh was in the Army, he had to get the flu shot every year. Every year after spending all day in a hot building with 100s of other guys waiting to get flu shots, he would get very, very sick. Not with the flu (the vaccine isn't alive), but very sick nontheless.


Now he wouldnt' get one for anything!:rolleyes:

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Not vaccinated and no flu so far!


Same here.


I used to get the vaccine when I was practicing medicine, because I thought it would be terrible to get a preventable illness and then pass it on to someone very sick (cancer/AIDS). But since I left I haven't had the vaccine.


I've never had the flu in my life. I'm sure I'm going to regret saying that. :rolleyes:

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No vaccine, no flu. I had a very bad reaction to a flu shot about 15 years ago - arm swelled up like a balloon. My dh is required to get a flu shot (he's in healthcare) but we haven't had the flu here in years. (Of course, now that I type this, we'll probably get it!) My dh did get us some oscillococcinum (homeopathic flue med.) just in case. Never used it though, so I don't know if it is effective.

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No vaccine, no flu. I had a very bad reaction to a flu shot about 15 years ago - arm swelled up like a balloon. My dh is required to get a flu shot (he's in healthcare) but we haven't had the flu here in years. (Of course, now that I type this, we'll probably get it!) My dh did get us some oscillococcinum (homeopathic flue med.) just in case. Never used it though, so I don't know if it is effective.


I have used Oscillococcinum with 2 dc and it has worked great.

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for me! Dh and kids did get a mild flu. We do not do flu shots at all. We are not comfortable with what it is in it. The last time we all got the flu shot we all came down with it, the worst flu bug we ever got. So we prefer to get the real thing than what it is in the shot. If we get the flu really bad we still wouldn't get the flu shot. Nope!!


We take vitamin C. High dosages of them.


I haven't got the flu for the past 10 years. My kids and dh do get a mild form of one every year. I think they are not taking enough vitamin c though.



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I'm curious how many of you that have the flu actually were vaccinated. (OK, more than curious. Worrying about my (big) baby and the flu he was probably exposed to last night.) All of my kids were vaccinated and so far we have avoided the flu (but not the stomach yuckies)
I couldn't vote because you didn't allow more than one choice. Over the years, I've had several experiences with flu and the vaccine. Some years, we get vaccinated, most years not. We've never gotten the flu when we've been vaccinated, but we hardly ever get it when we're NOT vaccinated either. But in the years that we DO get the flu, I always swear we'll be vaccinated the next year.
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  • 10 months later...

Never had the vax; don't normally get the flu. (The one year I did get a bad flu, I was pregnant with L. Ended up getting secondary infections of pneumonia & pleuresiy, landed in hospital, and had baby 7 weeks early. I did wonder if I would've been better off had I gotten the vax.)


Dh gets the vaccine every year, as he's in the Navy (& in health care). He gets the flu every year right after he gets the shot. :glare:


To be fair, though, the shot is not designed to protect you from the flu. There are so many strains of it, that it would not be feasible. Every year they pick 3 strains of flu to put in the vaccine (so it's different every year). Dh told me the criteria once. I think it's the most common strain, the most deadly strain, and something else (last year's worst strain? I don't remember). So, you may still get the flu, but hopefully you won't get the most dangerous strain. :D

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For the last 5 years, my kids, dh, and I have gotten the flu shot and also NOT gotten the flu. However, dh and I did NOT get the shot this year and still, so far, no flu.


Honestly, I think more people think "flu" when it really isn't the flu. I have had the true "flu" one time in my life and I thought I was dying. My now 9y/o had the flu ONE TIME in his life and I thought he was dying too. It is terrible stuff when it is the true flu.

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We have never had a flu that there was a vaccine offered for. We don't get vaccines either. We did all get that nasty norovirus in January 2007, but there is no vaccine for it. Dil brought grandson over to us sick :( All the little bugs that get passed around morph constantly and there is no vaccine for them. Hand washing and staying away from sick people is the best defense!! We try to stay away from the dr. and dentist during flu season for that reason. The library is also an exchange of germs hotspot.

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No, I didn't get the vaccine this year. Yes, I got the flu and it was (is) horrid. No, I will not be getting the vaccine next year.


(((Abbey))), sorry you feel miserable. I typically have one bout each winter ~ usually right around the holidays ~ but so far I've not succumbed. I don't know of many people who've been sick either, come to think of it. I can't think of any circumstances that would lead me to get a flu vaccine, or to allow my children to be vaccinated for it, either.

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I was regularly getting flu vaccines from 2002 (while pregnant with Becca) up to last year. Never got the flu. Last year, the three of us (girls) got the FluMist and all got some mild form of it, which was still miserable. I will never get the FluMist ever again. :glare:


None of us got the flu vax this year and I'm a little paranoid about it, but we're healthy so far (knocking furiously on wood).

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NOT vaccinated, NO flu, will NEVER get flu shots!


For the reasons mentioned about the strains, etc., I don't think the flu shot is effective, nor do I really believe in vaccinations anyway. We take plenty of vitamin C and try to maintain healthy diets to keep our immune systems in working order just in case.


And, because when my dad had cardiomyopathy, they pushed him to get a flu shot every year because having the flu and all the coughing and congestion would, obviously, be a problem for him.


Well, the last winter he was alive he got his flu shot. Within 10 days he had a full-blown case of the flu. He never recovered. It sent him into full-blown heart failure and he died a few months later. I HATE flu shots!

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I have not read all of the responses so forgive me if I repeat something. The flu mist is a live virus vaccine and can indeed give one a case of the flu. The flu shot is an inactived vaccine, which means the virus has been killed, and cannot give anyone the flu. Individual doses of the flu shot do not contain mercury; doses drawn for 10 dose vials contain mercury.


We never got flu shots before this year and I never really gave it much consideration. We were all healthy individuals. The flu wasn't going to kill us. Last winter, however, ds5 developed a respiratory infection. He still suffers from residual asthma-like symptoms. We researched flu vaccine options and chose to vaccinate our whole family this year with individual doses of the flu stot. We felt the risks were low compared to the risk of our son catching the flu. We undestand, however, that the vaccine only protects against a few strains of the flu virus and that we are all still at risk of contracting another strain or a mild case of the strains we were vaccinated against.

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