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If you had unlimited funds...


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This is totally hypothetical, but what HS materials or programs would you buy for each subject if funds were unlimited? For a K student through 6th grade especially, but I would love to know what you consider to be the cream of the crop across the board. Thanks!


Also, I know traveling abroad would be a great educational opportunity for any child and that we could all use a "school wing" addition put on our houses, but I am more interested in what actual programs you would spend money on if learning had to take place *in* your home (or yard).

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If funds were unlimited, I would probably still buy what I am already using, BUT I would also buy every single writing program so I could evaluate them at home! I am so frustrated trying to decide on something for my logic-age daughter and have a really hard time evaluating them from website samples.


Also, I would buy every single history and literature reader recommended in WTM, and not just get them from the library.


Don't know if that answers your question about cream of the crop, but that's what I'd do if funds were unlimited! Also I'd sign them up for more private music lessons and maybe sports instruction. ;)

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Teaching Textbooks grade 3-6

Chalkdust Pre Alg and above

Latin For Children

all of the AIMS Education books (www.aimsedu.org)

Living books for math, geography, history, science, language arts



+All the Stuart Murphy books (Math Start)

+All the Brian P. Cleary books (grammar)

+Getting to Know the World's Greatest Musicians, Scientists, Artist, and Presidents (by Mike Venezia)

+ You Wouldn't Want To Be... Series

+The Periodic Table - Adrian Dingle

+Physics: Why Matter Matters - Dan Green

+David McCaulay Books - The Way We Work, The New Way Things Work, Pyramid, Cathedral, etc.



Bill Nye the Science Guy DVDs

The Magic School Bus DVDs

Music Mind Games

The Lord of the Rings trilogy Audio CD


That's what comes to mind right now, but I have lists and lists of things I WISH we could get!:D




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I'd use what I'm using now, but have language tutors for the kids in for a few hours each week; not for formal lessons, but rather for fun, games, and everyday conversation. I'd also like to travel more, to take a real trip -- 3 months or so -- every couple years.

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I'd do mostly what I'm doing now as well except I'd be a little more liberal with online classes. It's a real drain on our budget to do the CW writing class but it's very worth it so I'll continue to budget for it. But if I had more money I'd probably do a class or two for my middle dd in Veritas Press' online academy. I haven't done one yet so I don't know if it would be worth the money but if funds were unlimited I'd be more apt to try LOL.


I'd also own another computer.



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an RV!:D


I'd probably build a little cottage in my back yard and set up a real lab, have lots of science equipment. I'd have a pool so could swim at home. I'd buy all the art supplies I want and spend an inordinate amount of money on musical instruments so we could learn to play them all. Notice I said WE. I'd also send ds to a summer film school in a couple of years.


I'd probably stick with a lot of curriculum I already buy. Oh and my amazon shopping cart would finally be empty, I'd buy everything on the list. :D

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Lots of books on different subjects

Science kits to do in free time

circuitry boards

Physics kits (such as the building kits in the Timberdoodle catalog)



All the books needed for TOG

Drive through history DVD's

Usborne History books on random topics



Craft kits to do in free time

Lots of books so we don't have to go to the library and weed through a lot of junk books.


I would just buy a lot of quality books. I find that if the book is laying around, ds tends to read them when he's bored. Of course that would mean more bookshelves, but that's a price I'm willing to pay. I've got a whole unfinished basement and can just put in bookshelves instead of drywall. Works for me!:tongue_smilie:


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Unlimited funds, wow! Let's see...


Money to travel to all the amazing places we've read about

RV to travel in North America.

Tons of built-in bookshelves/cabinetry in my basement schoolroom and hire a professional organizer!

Someone to do the laundry and plan my healthy meals. I don't mind cooking, I don't mind cleaning up, I really don't like to plan the meals. As for laundry..it is just a drag!

Someone to tutor the children in foreign languages now and higher maths later. Someone to tutor me in the same! :lol:


Then I'd fill up those bookshelves from every great reading list, like books children love, FIAR, MFW, Sonlight etc., tons of art supplies and learning games.

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Unlimited funds, you say? *drool*


I would start by buying everything for Sonlight for the rest our lives. I've been looking it over for years! Even if I decided the guides didn't work for us, I'd still have a killer library when all was said and done!


I'd order cases of HWT paper for my boys because I really like that program!


I would have every book in the SotW recommended reading lists on my shelf. After purchasing all of the books from Yesterday's Classics, I'd buy a duplexing printer (my current printer only does one side at a time) and print the rest of my public domain library and have them decently bound at Office Depot or Kinko's. (More cases of paper to buy.)


I'd also buy A Beka Language Arts for my boys (at least until my project is complete).


That would cover just about everything except for art and music. For those, I'd find someone to give my kids lessons. Whether it was one-on-one lessons or lessons as a family, that's what I'd do.


Oh yeah, and because the ladies here are so-o-o-o AWESOME, I would have a gift for everyone when my curriculum project is done! Everyone would get a free copy of the curriculum who wanted one!

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I would feel comfortable buying all the parts and pieces instead of just what is absolutely essential to run the program.




A new computer sounds great, too!

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I would buy all of the kits that you can get for Apologia Elementary. It would be nice not to have to gather all of the stuff. Also, a greenhouse, so we could grow all of our own veggies, herbs, and have flowers year round!


Sonlight Cores-brand new, and I could pick & choose how I did it and not feel guilty.


Rosetta Stone-multiple languages


Oak Meadow-just to try it and see what we thought


Art lessons-for Dd


Classical Kids cd's-all of them


All the books from Simply Charlotte Mason & Ambleside-also whatever other nature books appeal to us-and MORE books!


And yes, I would also get a chef to make all organic, tasty meals-unlimited funds, yeah! And we would take a field trip every few months (a plane/vacation type field trip)


I think that's it for now.

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World History: Take journeys to Egypt, Rome, Greece, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia; I do believe we would hit 6 out of the 7 continents.


As far as US History, we would start on the East Coast and work our way West. Just makes sense...


Math: Probably not much different; maybe buy all of the Singapore books and hire a tutor.


Language Arts: England and Ireland (I would like for us to learn Gaelic) and travel around the entire UK. Just to hang out and hit some pubs. The kids would of course have a nanny on those occasions!


Science: Hmmm. R.E.A.L. Science by Pandia Press.


Music: Oh my gosh. If at all possible, I would see if David Crosby could teach her the guitar. How cool would THAT be.


Ah, to be financially free....

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I would keep what I'm using now which is


Math: Cle math for k-3, TT math for 4-12


Language Arts: WWE, Growing with Grammar (We LOVE this), WRTR, Spelling Power


History: History Odyssey from pandia press


Science: REAL Science Odyssey from pandia press


What I would add, More classes at The Little Gym, some Rosetta Stone programs for "language dabbling", tons of other field trips to places abroad and an RV for those places in the states that we could drive to.

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Wow, what a fun question! I'd purchase organizing and cleaning help for the house. I'd purchase all the Henty books...and decide what cd set I want for them. I'd buy all the other Jim Weiss cds. I'd purchase all of the Teaching Textbooks materials, minus the math. (And, probably lots of other cds and dvds...and a great tv to view them on...) I'd send my children to Summit each year. I'd have foreign language and music and art classes for my children. I'd build a garage for my husband with an apt upstairs for my children as they get older. (can I squeeze that in, too?)

I'd have my son take a martial arts course...

I'd have a spot for all of our books and a great conference table to put all of our work on.... And of course, great computers with giant computer screens. And a little cabin to go stay at during some of our months in the summer...that they children could ride bikes at...swim in the lake...etc...


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I'm pretty content with what we are using - if I find the perfect thing I tend to find a way budget wise to get it. But if money were no object I would....


- hire someone spanish speaking to come and speak it with my kids a couple times a week

- put all of my boys in art lessons

- put my older 2 in piano lessons

- buy museum memberships to all the major museums in Chicago so we could go any time we wanted

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For my oldest--SL core 3/4 with appropriate readers or core 5

For the next 2--SL core 1 and 2 with readers

For the youngest--SL core pre 3/4


For science--God's world design science--ALL of them


ALL the fun preK materials and fun stuff that we don't usually get to buy!


Rosetta Stone--Chinese--all levels


Museum passes to all of the local hot spots plus the ones within an hours drive! (plus a YMCA membership)


For math: The right start levels I don't have plus the MUS levels so that I could actually compare them and see which one is REALLY the BEST!


I'd also add TONS of books to our personal library or just go BUY them instead of use the library!


IF ONLY we had unlimited resources!


Forgot to add that I'd let each child have a musical intstrument of their choosing WITH lessons. They'd also each get to take a couple of additional for fun activities, you know gymnastics, dance, martial arts, etc.

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More Money = More books :D (Usborne, encyclopedias, fiction, non-fiction, Webster's 1828, etc.)


TOG w/ all resource books


You'd be surprised how cheap old spellers and readers are. I have 3 shelves full, the most I've paid for a single book was $30 for a good condition 1851 1st reader.


Right now, you can get several pre-1850 editions of Webster for less than $25 at Alibris:




Your search: Books » Author: webster » Title: american spelling book » After: 1700 » Before: 1900 (34 available copies)


(The 1828 Edition was $50.)

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I would have given LIVE Education a go. Since you have to buy a whole year at a time, I didnt want to risk it.

I also might have tried K12 or even Calvert.


Other than that, funds havent limited my choices that I can think of. It might have been nice to buy packages of new books rather than scrounge around finding things 2nd hand, but I kind of enjoy the bargain hunting anyway.


I would have had a French tutor though- come to my house, probably- and maybe other tutors for highschool.

And a chef and a housekeepr would be nice too.


I am not convinced that expensive programs are needed. For younger kids, its not hard to put together a basic program for your own child that is equivalent or much better than any package. But for some of us hanging out here, we become curriculum junkies. In the end, I am not sure the program is quite so important as other factors like one on one with the child and simple stratgies. I am all for copywork, dictation and narration for younger children- I have seen it work with mine- and there are all sorts of expensive and fancy programs to help with that now- at a cost- but its not rocket science and its not hard to put together yourself (and I have bought the fancy programs too).

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I'd get the "whole enchilada" for each level of Heart of Dakota. I'd get ALL the story time packs, and the extension packs, deluxe packs, etc....no more picking and choosing, just throw it all in there! :) Singapore Math, ClickNKids phonics program and special kid sized keyboards for the kids to learn to type-- the kind that prevent wrist problems-- with a cute little mouse to fit their little hands. HOD has me covered in every subject and there's nothing in there I don't like! Singapore Math, R&S grammar, living history and science, Bible, geography...etc. Whatever HOD has is what I want!


PLUS I'd add Color the Classics (I think that's what it's called...for music study) with lots of great classical cd's, some of the Veritas Press art study books for several grades, Lots of kids' missionary adventure books, lots of Answers in Genesis DVD's and books, the perfect latin curriculum (I haven't figured that out yet--right now we love Power Glide), a Latin tutor, all the Power Glide German levels, the activity CD's and noun/verb cards, a german tutor and maybe Easy German Jr. level that's coming out in the summer (from the lady that does El Espanol Facil), Song school Latin for my little guys, New American Cursive Workbooks and StartWrite/NAC cd.....the list goes on! We love books and I'm a curriculum junkie!

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But most importantly, i'd have a housekeeper and someone else to cook dinner :D


:iagree:Whole Heartedly...


I'm one of the most important parts in my kids education! So, I guess you could say I'd be "buying" more time to spend with my kids :) I think I'm trying to justify getting a housekeeper now....LOL

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History--TOG, SOTW and the books to supplement them for all the levels


English--Classical Writing


Math--Singapore Math


Science--something fun with lots of easy to do experiments in a box. These are usually at least $100 a year and we would run through them in a month so I don't even research them.


For my textbook learner--all the Rod and Staff stuff


Art--I would buy something with video instructions


Music--a real piano with room in my house magically apearing and piano lessons at my convenience.


Is that a good dream? My house is too small for all those books but this is a dream right.:001_smile:

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:iagree:Whole Heartedly...


I'm one of the most important parts in my kids education! So, I guess you could say I'd be "buying" more time to spend with my kids :) I think I'm trying to justify getting a housekeeper now....LOL


Another vote for this. It would help SOoooo much!

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Sensational Strategies for Teaching Beginning Readersâ„¢


for beginning phonics, then The Phonics Road and The Latin Road.


All About Spelling if it wasn't to redundant.


Writing Tales 1 and 2


Every Winterpromise program with LA.


FIAR books on my shelf instead of from the library.


Every Real Science 4 Kids level, and every God's Design science program.


Lots of science kits, especially the ones from Insect Lore.


Lots of extras from Sonlight (discover and do and math dvd's, art programs and books, PE)


RightStart, Shiller, Math on the level, Teaching Textbooks for after or in addition to those. Actually, my math choices have been influenced greatly by price, so this is the first thing I would change.

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I would buy things just to look them over and decide if I want to use them. Right now I'm trying to decide between several writing curric and I'd love to hold them all in my hands.


I would also buy ALL the TOG books in one lump package and never look up ALL the books to see if my library has them. :-)


Lots of travel. Lots and lots of travel!!


And a cook and housekeeper too, of course! :-)

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I would use what I am now.


While funds aren't unlimited I am able to eventually afford what I want. I actually find the gap between finding something and buying it good, because either find it cheaper used or figure out it wasn't what I thought and I don't need it.


If funds were unlimited I would just be selling a lot more stuff that I bought and didn't use. ;)



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I think I would go willy-nilly curriculum junkie crazy!:lol:


TOG with all the bells and whistles.


My kids would have a complete art station.


Let's see - I'd buy science supplies and tools like microscopes, telelscopes, etc, etc. I'd buy a plethera of science books/guides/kits and unschool for science.


I would buy several musical instruments - at least 3 or 4 from every instrument family - including a grand piano that is tuned monthly....and gobs and gobs of sheet music.


Every math manipulative made by man, and every book made by Singapore Math. MoTL - just to see how it compares.


Lego sets, kinex sets, ...can a kid have enough of those???


Beautifully bound journals for each kids private use.


Most of all - books, books, books! Our library would overtake our entire home.

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I'd love to have someone living with us (maybe in the "guest house" I'd build disconnected to the house, but still on property) that could speak Latin and Spanish so that the kids (and parents) could learn languages from someone other than a video! As it is we go visit some neighbors who are Mexican and kind enough to have conversations with my children in their native tongue. But "on site" would mean this could occur with much more frequency.


Of course, my first choice would have been to say I'd want to go live in Mexico for a year or two, but you didn't want travel ideas, lol. Our Mexican neighbors have often suggested that we hire their niece as our housekeeper and she'd talk to the kids every day. Yeah, wish I could afford a full time housekeeper/linguist.

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I'd buy all the lving books I could get my hands on. I'd take a world cruise or if one wasn't available I'd buy a boat (yacht?) so we could travel to the places we are reading about. I say boat because then there wouldn't be the rush of airline schedules. If we needed to stay longer or leave earlier then no problems.

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Were price not an object I would have purchased the two full sets, K-1st Grade and 2nd-3rd grade, of all the "Stern Structural Arithmetic" manipulatives.


That would have run about $650. We've more than made due with drastically less expensive manipulatives, but if price was no object....





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1. Tapestry of Grace Years 1-4, and all the LG, UG, D books that we'll need

2. Equipment: microscope, telescope, binoculars (have in various powers), I'm sure I can write a pretty list from either Carolina.com or Home Science Tools.

3. The best field guides I can find for everything, local ones especially.

4. DVDs for science, history, etc. I can make a very extensive list!


5. Power tools- equipment to MAKE stuff.

6. I would buy all the curricula for 5th and up that I want to use and evaluate it.

7. A French tutor or even better, a French tutor/housekeeper/nanny. Not-too-pretty woman with clear pronunciation and never-ending patience with a good disposition. :D

8. Museum fees, enrichment classes in our area- such as at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography- amazing classes for 5th graders and up. I would support every educational or conservation effort in our area by donating time, money and or energy. We'd have season tickets for music & arts.


9. A truck and a boat (true southern gal!)- you need a truck to haul a boat, so there. A Jeep Wrangler would be a great substitute although then what would I bring home lumber in? You need a boat anywhere near water.

10. One 3 week vacation each year to a new place, whether it be through a mission or just exploring. If I had to choose K-6 it would be, K-USA Roadtrip, 1-Brazil or Peru, 2-Australia, 3-Africa (Egypt & safari), 4-France & England, 5-China & India, 6- USA Major City tour


11. In our home we'd have an Art room, a library and a science lab area complete with all the critters they want to take care of and observe -which the fabulous French housekeeper- would take care of while we're away on our 3 week excursion. Each child would have their own bedroom and bathroom decorated to their tastes. Instead of tv, we'd just have a home theatre with sound proof walls for the occasional DVDs we'd watch. It would double as the music room since there's sound proof walls. A baby grand would be nice...


12. Fully equipped kitchen with a huge welcoming island with varying levels for little ones to reach to help. ;)


Goodness, I can DREAM!

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I'd also get those little toddler sized potties (the real ones that are connected to the plumbing) for potty training.


I'd hire help and get my degree then start the cottage school I have been dreaming about.


I'd get the best medical help (natural doctors) for DD and me with our issues. I could get several different opinions and afford the scans and meds in the same visit. Since its ADD... well that falls under homeschooling budget in my mind.

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Rosetta Stone- several

TT tapes

A zillion audio books with a top of the line sound system

Netflix and home theater.

Get the tramp fixed

Add a pool

Get better fencing and fill our fields with horses, horse lessons, maybe breeding

Get a dog kennel for outside

Create an art studio with kiln, wheels, looms, stained glass equipment, basket weaving supplies.

A couple more laptops and lessons to learn how to create web-sites

Build out the attic and create our dream library, add to our library

Gymnastic and music lessons

Of course, IEW

Hire math, science and language tutors

A green house

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