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Does your dh think...(read & then go ask him)

Dh's thoughts on your clothes (in the closet)  

  1. 1. Dh's thoughts on your clothes (in the closet)

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My partner once told me that the sight of a particular shirt of mine always made him happy, a red plaid man's farmer's sort of shirt I used to wear unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up, over a white T with a denim skirt. He said he remembered me wearing it on a few memorably lovely days, and that I wore it often, and so he associated it with who I am and why he loves me. I now have four shirts just like it. :D

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No. He said if he did that I would yell at him for messing up the order in my closet (I would) and my scolding him is not at all provocative....just the opposite in fact.

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I can't answer because Dh would only figure out a way to answer, without really answering. It would be something like, "hmmm, clothes hanging in a closet aren't provocative."


He will never, and I mean never comment on any part of my appearance... appreciation of, or disappointment with, my appearance, clothes, hair, perfume.... He is the most un-opinionated person I have ever known.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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He says I completely misunderstood him, but it cracked me up so much I had to tell you guys.


We went out for his b'day tonight, though, & I kept having to change clothes, 1st because of the weather, then my shoes didn't match, etc. Ea time, he got a look on his face like he was going to say something--probably try to talk me out of changing again--& ea time, resorted to, "I'm sorry, dear." :lol:


I still don't know what the thing in the closet was about. I don't think he meant provocative as in a fight, though, Bill...gee...I hope not...I guess me laughing at him coulda diffused it? ;) Things taken literally & out-of-context usually make me giggle, though.

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Well... I was cleaning my closet and I asked my dh to help me get rid of clothes in my closet that didn't fit (or I would be in my closet ALL day going through stuff instead of chucking it) and when he was taking the clothes out, he was finding it a little *provacative* :001_huh:


But, in his defense :lol:, he does laundry all the time and puts my clothes away and never finds it provocative and he doesn't enjoy it in any way except there is not a pile of clean clothes on the couch!

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My dh first asked: like in sexy? Then wanted to know why he would be rifling through my clothes. As a pp stated he said no way would he want to go in my closet because he would mess it up and there is nothing provocative about me screaming like a banshee.

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that (him) rifling through your clothes is *provocative*?


Now, don't assume...I hear what you're thinking. Just. go. ask.


You might be surprised. Or I might be alone in my surprise...:001_huh:


He said no, but that when he does laundry he really doesn't mind folding my underwear. At all. :D

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Well, let's just say it depends on what activities may have been done while I was wearing a particular item of clothing. Certain items of clothing are tied together with memories of...ahhh...good times. I am thinking of certain dresses I have bought for anniversaries of other occasions that we may have gotten side-tracked before leaving the house. :D


From that point on, I cannot wear the item of clothing without being chased around the house. :lol:

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I asked. He a said, "No." With a very, very odd look.




That's what my DH did, too, and then he wanted to know why I was asking and who *does* find that action provocative. I have left him confuzzled, which is the most fun I've had all day. I may have an evil streak in me.

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Ok, I know this is supposed to be a child friendly kinda place, so I hope I can word this better than he did, lol......his response was basically that he'd prefer to rifle through the clothes I was wearing right now than those in my closet.


Hmmmmmmm, could be an interesting evening.

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Aubrey, I hereby nominate you for the Most Unusual Poll Award! MUPA?! What an acronym!


*laughing* Reminds me of the Oompa Loompa song...Mupa, Dupa, doopadee dee *singing loudly in my head*


Which reminds me...the clothes in my closet actually are about as provocative as Oompa Loompa clothes, so I'm sure dh would say No Way. I don't even have to ask him.



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that (him) rifling through your clothes is *provocative*?


Now, don't assume...I hear what you're thinking. Just. go. ask.


You might be surprised. Or I might be alone in my surprise...:001_huh:

with me in the clothing or just through the clothing hung in the closet sans me? DH wanted to know. If the latter, um No. But . . . . the first option sounds like fun. :)

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