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Who knows someone famous?

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I knew Edward Norton (actor in American History X and Fight club) in high school. We took acting classes together. I had this big crush on him and used to attend his baseball games. Don't let the media fool you. He was the first base coach, not a player. However, he is a brilliant man.


James Rouse, who was Edward's grandfather, and a city designer, builder, and philanthropist, went to my church growing up. (If you have ever been to Fanuiel Hall in Boston, the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Columbia, MD, or the Waterfront in VA Beach, he designed all of those. Well, the Faneuil Hall remodel, not the original.)


A good friend of mine from grad school (she threw my first baby shower) is astronaut Sandy Magnus, and she is going to the space station this summer for a few months.


Jesse Jackson spoke at my high school; and, as part of the SGA, I got to have breakfast with him.





We love Edward Norton! Is he really just a normal guy? He seems like he is.

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My dh used to work on "the hill" in Ottawa - he's met Jack Layton (head of the NDP party) and Paul Martin (former Prime Minister of Canada). He's also met Phil Driscoll (Christian singer).


My bil met the guy who played Col. Klink on Hogan's Heroes. He's actually kinda famous himself - he's a radio announcer out of Quebec City (with the CBC).


I've met Carmen (Christian singer) - my brother got to be a body guard for him at his concert (one of his own body guards was out sick) and almost met Ray Boltz (I worked at one of his concerts). I also met the astronaut Christa McAuliff's husband. I worked as a custodian (when I was in college) at the courthouse where he works in NH.

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I went to school with a man that played Hoss Cartwright in the "Bonaza" show that is called something else. I knew him then but not now of course. I think the show was made in the 1999 era. I do not even remember the title.



I met the US Olympic swimmer back the 80's who is called Jeff something. I am bad with memories...<sighing here>


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My husband played for the Philadelphia Eagles for 5 years. So he knew Randall Cunningham, Reggie White, coach Buddy Ryan, and all the others that came and went during that time.


Before that he played for Texas A&M. One of his coaches was R.C. Slocum. R.C. called our house to talk to my husband a couple of years ago and I answered the phone--how exciting! My husband golfed with R.C. a while back, and found out that R.C. and former president Bush are good friends. R.C. even vacationed with the extended Bush family in Kinnebunkport, inlcuding the current President Bush. I said maybe R.C. can get us a White House tour. Ha! Anyhow, my husband's dad also played for Texas A&M, and he was coached by Bear Bryant.


When folks find out my husband played for the Eagles, I'll frequently get people who ask his name...and they know who he is! That's pretty fun. He's 9 years older than me, and I didn't even meet him until his professional football career was over. So I just get to hear about it and see photos and films. Pretty neat stuff. I get to listen to him catch up on the phone with old teammates. It's mainly interesting because he's my husband, though. Other than that, I have zero interest in football. My boys think it's great that their dad played in college and professionally, even though he doesn't like to draw attention to it. But mostly they just know he's the best dad ever!:)

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I went to high school with Bob DeLeo of Stone Temple Pilots, we were burnouts together, he quit high school. I also went to high school with relief pitcher Bob Macdonald, he was not a burnout. :D


My son takes bass lessons from Rick Criniti, the former keyboardist of Cinderella. My husband's cousin is Jennifer Cella, vocalist for Trans-Siberian Orchestra, she changed her name from our last name which is Ciavolella.


I also met Cliff Galbraith, the guy who created the "asaurus" tees in the 80's (remember Shopasaurus :rolleyes:) He went to art school with my dh.

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I went to school with Jakob Dylan (Bob Dylan's son and member of the band The Wallflowers)


I also went to school with Rita Moreno's daughter. She was a good friend.


Tom Sellek was my neighbor (before Magnum). His stepson was in my 1st grade class. He answered the door when we were trick-or-treating one year and he was *so* cute! Sam Elliott (Lifeguard) also lived at the end of our street.


My parents were good friends with Linus Pauling. They also knew Richard Feynmann. And my father was friends with Jack Schmidt the astronaut.


My husband was friends with Danny Bonaduce. He also met Bill Cosby and Magic Johnson. His neighbors were the Captain and Tenille.

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My very good friend, whom I have been close with since Jr. High is the 2nd cousin of John Mellencamp. It's uncanny the resemblance my friend's dad has with him. Fwiw, she says he's a jerk to family and she has no respect for him.


Also, my grandfather was in WW 2, in the same brigade or troop or whatever it would be called :o with Eddie Albert (from Green Acres). Apparently, per my mom (it's her dad), they were very good friends.


I was in an elevator once with Bob Uecker. I was staying at the same hotel apparently. He was quite arrogant. But I thought it was cool because "Mr. Belvedere" was one of my favorite shows at the time, LOL.

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I'm not sure if this counts or not, my dh refinished a floor in Jeremy Camp's house. He grew up in this area and his dad is the pastor at a church here, I used to attend a Bible study with his mom before he became famous. My also worked with his uncle Kevin and once dh was doing a job with Kevin & our van broke down, dh's truck broke down at the same time so Kevin got us the Camps van that Jeremy had first bought his parents and we loaned it for a few days. It had a ton of DVD movies in it. Anyway, that's the closest I know a famous person and he's really only famous in the Christian industry.



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To hang out with Aerosmith before they were famous.


My dad has been two movies:

The Hunley- he was an extra http://imdb.com/title/tt0162897/fullcredits#cast


The Tempest he is the surgeon listed in the credits http://imdb.com/title/tt0178928/fullcredits#cast. Got to become a member of SAG So that was really neat. He got hang out with cast and crew of both of those.


My dd used to use Byron Dinkens as a jungle gym at my sons basketball and baseball practice. He played in the NBA.


My son played baseball with Randy Moss's son. He came to one practice and said 'hi' to the kids and stayed a good distance from all of us parents. One of the players on the NFL team here coached basket ball and we saw him weekly if there wasn't a game.


Mostly just athlete's.

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I don't know anyone whose name you'd recognize.


One of my best friends from high school (http://www.talentbytes.com/MarkSullivan/) used to sing with the Grammy Award winning male vocal ensemble Chanticleer. His wife is an opera singer (http://www.margueritekrull.com/index.html) and I've met her too.


My mom went to high school with this woman: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0369521/


Oh, and back in the early 60's when Stevie Wonder was performing as "Little Stevie Wonder" my parents went to see him perform at a club in Boston. When the show was over, his people wanted to get him out as quickly as possible, so they randomly chose my parents to give him a ride to his hotel. No one would suspect that he'd be riding in some little used car, and they managed to avoid the throngs.

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I went to college with Michael Jordan. He and my brother lived in the same dorm and played "pick-up" b'ball on their dorm court rather often.


Okay - that's pitiful, but I'm feeling really lame here because MOST of the people being named are people whose names I don't even know. I live under a rock...have I told you?



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Jaqueline Kennedy O'Nassis, for about 3 years, back when I was a kid. I used to run into her taking walks in the woods when I was playing or walking there myself. She was always very nice, and always by herself. My sister helped take care of her horses.


My mom once ran into Richard Nixon in a shopping mall. He was surrounded by Secret Service agents, but when she called out to him: "Mr. Nixon, you were my father's favorite!" he brushed the agents aside and gave her his autograph.


Other than that, we're pretty close friends with the Gallup brothers, of the Gallup Poll. My mom worked for them for years, starting when she was still a teenager. My sister and I went to work with her as infants. My cradle sat on George's desk, and my sister's cradle sat on Alec's desk, and we were the "kids of the office" for years. We'd run in and out of there all summer long, sometimes helping stuff and stamp envelopes, sometimes playing hide and seek in the filing rooms. Sometimes just kickin' back in George's big leather chair, pretending we ran the place. Alec and my mother were such close friends that everyone thought they'd get married for sure. But they never did. He still asks her from time to time, though. But she always says no.


Hmmm....the only other thing I can think of is that I went to middle school with the actor Peter Dinklage. But I wasn't close friends with him or anything. Just sat in a few classes together and worked on a couple of group projects with him.


That's all I can think of.

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My mother claims that Al Pacino stopped her on the street and told her *I* was the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen. And Walter Kronkite patted me on the head once when I was a toddler. Then we moved out of NYC and that was the end of my brushes with fame!


Dh is always calling me and telling me, "Guess who I just met?!?" and I have no idea who they are.

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Oh, and I almost forgot that I took a couple of theatre classes with Calista Flockhart. When Ally McBeal first started I couldn't figure out for the life of me how I knew that name and why she looked so familiar. Then I read that she'd gone to my college, and it all came back to me.

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I went to acting camp in the summer of 1986 (?) with Amy Redford - Robert Redford's daughter. I can't remember if he came to our final performance - I think not.


John Cougar Mellencamp is my - um - I think 3rd cousin, but I never met him. His dad is my great-uncle's cousin. What does that make us?

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As a kid I got to meet a number of "stars" through my dad's work in advertising, I even worked on a Scott Paper comercial in NYC. Most are folks who would be TV/B grade actors like, Sally Struthers & Dick Sargent (CCF), May Quastil (sp?) Scott Tissue, but others were young yet to be discovered actors like, F Murry Abraham (Listerine), and Dustin Hoffman (not sure what the commercial was for. I also went to Jr. High with Matt Dillion (The Hommicks in Larchmont, NY), and got to meet a number of musicall folks in my high school years, but I don't think I could say I knew them, (Clash, Police, Billy Idol, Elvis Costello, B 52's, REM, Swimming Pool Q's, Ru Paul, lot's of local Atl. musical folks from the 80's.


Ow, Michael Stipe puked on my shoes once :eek:

That's all I can remember :cool:

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My very good friend, whom I have been close with since Jr. High is the 2nd cousin of John Mellencamp. It's uncanny the resemblance my friend's dad has with him. Fwiw, she says he's a jerk to family and she has no respect for him.


OK, I just read this! This is funny - see my previous post. And yes, I've heard the same about his personality. . . there's sort of a competition in Seymour, IN over who has the biggest tombstone. . . .

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DH has worked on Capital Hill now for ten years for various House and Senate offices and has met many people of note including politicians, reporters and various other news-makers.


My mom went to high school in Maryland with Coach "Tubby" Smith and someone who was on the Lawrence Welk show...Aldrich sisters? My grandmother knew Al Gore's mother and grandmother and him when he was little. And my mom was the first woman in the state of Indiana to earn her private detective's license. That has to count for something.


When I worked at Mount Vernon I saw several famous people including Barry Bostwick, Joe Montana and Robin Leach (who spoke to me). I also saw Ted and John Kennedy Jr. with John's then fiance and Sonny and Mary Bono. This was within a few months of their respective deaths.


My brother was best friends in kindergarten with Matt Grondin, son of Jack Grondin, the drummer from 38 Special.

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Who do you know that's famous? I know Gothic Girl has someone famous in her family.


I've got several famous: Bing Crosby, Denise Crosby(Tasha Yar), and (gack) HER--Brittney Spears (who, incidentally, is my daughter's namesake--only I did not know it at the time. Basically, they are cousins).


And from my blog:

Six weird things about me. I've got way more than six, so this is my opportunity to brag:


1. One weird thing is that I grew up around the Circus. Both my grandparents (in Heaven now), worked for and trained with Ringling Brother's Barnum and Bailey Circus. I inherited my grandmother's clown collection which includes, among other things, a 6 figure Emmett Kelly Painting Collection (that's 6 figures each painting), a Calliope Magazine collection that dates back to the 60's (this was the only clown magazine around. Very extensive and quite informative); and part of both grandparent's ashes are in Clown shaped liquor decanters.


2. Because of number 1, at 3.5 years old, I participated in someone's wedding--the smallest man in the world (at the time) Mishu---DURING a circus performance. *I* was the tallest one there and I was the flower girl.


3. Speaking of the circus, I grew up with Mark-Gebel Williams, Gunther's son. I would go play in the tiger cage with him all the time.


4. I've met thousands of celebrity's due to living in Vegas and my grandmother's connections with the circus. For example:


A. I've also had the priviledge of being a flower girl at Randy "Macho Man" Savage's wedding to Miss Elizabeth (not the one on tv, a private ceremony) AND had him, her and Hulk Hogan at my 10th birthday party.


B. I was babysat once, by Wayne Newton. My mother was an OB nurse in a Vegas hospital and she was delivering his first wife's child, he sat in the Father's room playing with me.


C. I've met Sha Na Na and got to Bow-wow with Bowser on stage. I was 5 at the time.


D. I met Red Fox and got to ride in his "Red Sled".


E. I "taught" Charo how to cootchie-cootchie. My dad knew her and at 4, I told her she was doing it all wrong, and showed her how to do it.


F. I "played" Golf (during a Celebrity Golf tourney my grandmother was hired to clown for) with Animal from Hill Street Blues.


G. I got a piggy back ride from Greg Morris (The black guy from the old Mission Impossible)


H. I've got pictures of me kissing Kip Winger (from the 80's hair band, Winger). Granted I was in high school at the time, but my mom dared me to kiss him for HER, so I asked him and he obliged, while my friend took the picture. It was only a kiss on the cheek, but yeah, I was in heaven. (http://electricbarbarella.homeschooljournal.net/2007/01/28/i-told-you-i-kissed-kip-winger/)


I. I've met nearly every wrestler known in the business from the 80's until now. I was such a fan, that I, at one time, took off a sock I was wearing and swiped Barry Windham's bloody forehead with it. I actually kept that sock until about 7 years ago.


J. This last one I am most proud of above all else. My grandfather was an olympic swimmer and stunt double. He used to stunt for Johnny Weismiller on the Tarzan shows. There is only one episode where you can see him clearly--it is an early episode where Weismiller is jumping off a cliff--diving into the water--that's my grandfather. I believe this scene is in the opening credits of the show now. Just as well, I've got pictures of my grandmother dancing with Max Baer (Jed Clampett's son) when both were in the military.


~~~~~I grew up watching a Saturday Morning tv show called "Creature Feature". Dr. Paul Bearer was your host. "Uncle" Pauli was also a family friend :). And yes, he did look like that in real life.


I think this now thorougly explains my weirdness. I am a complete and total freak and I love it. :)~~


You asked for it and you got it. That's about all I can think of..at least without sounding too braggish..

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Gothic Girl--that is quite a list of...umm...information. I come from a clown family too, though not the "big top" variety. Those are the creme de la creme of clowns. My mom and step dad took a clowning class when I came home for the summer and saw how much fun they were having I took the class too. I haven't done anything with it in several years but my parents have done lots of special events and some Christian clowning.


I have a bunch of Calliope magazines too and I would bet that you and I are probably the only ones on the board that have actually seen one. :)


Bump a nose!

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Bump a Nose!! ;) It's funny, I have the Ringling Clown College and museum right down the road from me and only ONE person there has actually heard of the magazine!! I was shocked. My grandmother's clown troupe has made the cover more than once, so I might be keeping those copies, but all others I'm trying to donate.


I've clowned before but I found that I just couldn't breathe very well in the makeup. It was clausterphobic and I'm not usually like that.

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It is surprising how arrogant a famous person can be, isn't it? I spent an entire afternoon with Reggie Jackson and, OMG! What a JERK!


I've been lucky. I've met very few jerks. But I was once in a line in front of Joe Elliot (Def Leppard), and he hadn't had his coffee yet. I wish I had had the presence of mind at the time to step out of line and bring the man some coffee, as a not-so-subtle hint that yes, in fact the whole room did know that he was cranky.

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I carried Troy Aikman's books in college (OU) after he broke his leg--we were on the same CART (campus area bus) route and had the same stop. He had not 'filled out' yet--and I was a newly wed.


Also while at OU (University of Oklahoma) I took a speach class, section 'J' for Jann right?--It ended up being section 'J' for JOCK...there were 2 girls (including myself) in a class of first string football players (well one golf player too). My partners that summer were Eric Mitchell (became a good friend) and Dante Williams. I imagine we looked quite unusual walking across campus to the library for our research 'dates'...again I was married...


Chris Tomlin (Christian music artist) was one of the worship leaders at our church in Wimberley (he ran our college ministry).


I met Carmen (Christian artist) when he was first starting out--and his concerts were free--and had about 50 people attending.


Half of my church (when I lived in Illinois) were extra's in the movie Ground Hog Day...I had a sick (chronically ill) baby at home so I did not get to audition... but it is fun to watch the movie because I have friends in almost every scene!


I made Walt Disney's cousin's wedding cake... well the bride's mother was his cousin--and her maiden name was Disney!


As far as politics go...I went to high school with Rick Dearborn--the Vice Secretary of Energy (or what ever his title is this year). I told him to 'sit down and shut up' when he was harassing a substitute teacher to tears...I was thinking out loud---but the WHOLE class heard me....and the class was very quiet after my comment too. (A few years later he did thank me for putting him in his place...). He was our class president--and he was a good one too (nearly 800 students in our graduating class). He graduated from OU the same time I did too--but I did not know him in college.

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My old mother's helper used to train with the skater, Evan Lysacak. I got to see him perform at a local ice show, long before he was famous. This little girl told me that Evan was sooo good, he was going to the Olympics. She was right. Several years later, my son and I bumped into him at another ice rink, after my son had taken a nasty spill on the ice as was bleeding all over the place. He didn't remember me:(


My mom had a funny one. When she was pregnant with my sister and had 3 boys under 4, she went to pick up Grandma at O'Hare airport. A man bumped into her while running for his plane and knocked her over. All she could think of was that the man had a terribly ill-fitting suit. Someone in his entourage went back to my mom and told her the "Senator John Kennedy sends his apologies!" To think my mom's only impression of him was that he had a terrible tailor, LOL!

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I've got several famous: Bing Crosby, Denise Crosby(Tasha Yar), and (gack) HER--Brittney Spears (who, incidentally, is my daughter's namesake--only I did not know it at the time. Basically, they are cousins).


And from my blog:

Six weird things about me. I've got way more than six, so this is my opportunity to brag:


1. One weird thing is that I grew up around the Circus. Both my grandparents (in Heaven now), worked for and trained with Ringling Brother's Barnum and Bailey Circus. I inherited my grandmother's clown collection which includes, among other things, a 6 figure Emmett Kelly Painting Collection (that's 6 figures each painting), a Calliope Magazine collection that dates back to the 60's (this was the only clown magazine around. Very extensive and quite informative); and part of both grandparent's ashes are in Clown shaped liquor decanters.


2. Because of number 1, at 3.5 years old, I participated in someone's wedding--the smallest man in the world (at the time) Mishu---DURING a circus performance. *I* was the tallest one there and I was the flower girl.


3. Speaking of the circus, I grew up with Mark-Gebel Williams, Gunther's son. I would go play in the tiger cage with him all the time.


4. I've met thousands of celebrity's due to living in Vegas and my grandmother's connections with the circus. For example:


A. I've also had the priviledge of being a flower girl at Randy "Macho Man" Savage's wedding to Miss Elizabeth (not the one on tv, a private ceremony) AND had him, her and Hulk Hogan at my 10th birthday party.


B. I was babysat once, by Wayne Newton. My mother was an OB nurse in a Vegas hospital and she was delivering his first wife's child, he sat in the Father's room playing with me.


C. I've met Sha Na Na and got to Bow-wow with Bowser on stage. I was 5 at the time.


D. I met Red Fox and got to ride in his "Red Sled".


E. I "taught" Charo how to cootchie-cootchie. My dad knew her and at 4, I told her she was doing it all wrong, and showed her how to do it.


F. I "played" Golf (during a Celebrity Golf tourney my grandmother was hired to clown for) with Animal from Hill Street Blues.


G. I got a piggy back ride from Greg Morris (The black guy from the old Mission Impossible)


H. I've got pictures of me kissing Kip Winger (from the 80's hair band, Winger). Granted I was in high school at the time, but my mom dared me to kiss him for HER, so I asked him and he obliged, while my friend took the picture. It was only a kiss on the cheek, but yeah, I was in heaven. (http://electricbarbarella.homeschooljournal.net/2007/01/28/i-told-you-i-kissed-kip-winger/)


I. I've met nearly every wrestler known in the business from the 80's until now. I was such a fan, that I, at one time, took off a sock I was wearing and swiped Barry Windham's bloody forehead with it. I actually kept that sock until about 7 years ago.


J. This last one I am most proud of above all else. My grandfather was an olympic swimmer and stunt double. He used to stunt for Johnny Weismiller on the Tarzan shows. There is only one episode where you can see him clearly--it is an early episode where Weismiller is jumping off a cliff--diving into the water--that's my grandfather. I believe this scene is in the opening credits of the show now. Just as well, I've got pictures of my grandmother dancing with Max Baer (Jed Clampett's son) when both were in the military.


~~~~~I grew up watching a Saturday Morning tv show called "Creature Feature". Dr. Paul Bearer was your host. "Uncle" Pauli was also a family friend :). And yes, he did look like that in real life.


I think this now thorougly explains my weirdness. I am a complete and total freak and I love it. :)~~


You asked for it and you got it. That's about all I can think of..at least without sounding too braggish..


And another piece of the puzzle falls into place!!!

(One of my favorite Seinfeld quotes. Elaine says it on the Festivus episode. :-)

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Country singers Clay Walker and Mark Chestnutt both went to my high school, though not at the same time.


I've met a couple o' rock musicians (Pete Shelley and Robyn Hitchcock), fine art photographer Keith Carter, and Olympian Carl Lewis. And I once saw Alex Trebek at TGI Fridays.


Oh. yay-uh. :cool: *snort*

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When folks find out my husband played for the Eagles, I'll frequently get people who ask his name...and they know who he is! :)


Do tell, we have die hard Eagles fans in this house. :D Dh and I used to go to the Eagles Fly for Leukemia Dinner every year back in the late eighties/early nineties, were you there?

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It is surprising how arrogant a famous person can be, isn't it? I spent an entire afternoon with Reggie Jackson and, OMG! What a JERK!
I've been lucky. I've met very few jerks. But I was once in a line in front of Joe Elliot (Def Leppard), and he hadn't had his coffee yet. I wish I had had the presence of mind at the time to step out of line and bring the man some coffee, as a not-so-subtle hint that yes, in fact the whole room did know that he was cranky.


Oh, gosh. I should have said that differently. Of all the celebrities I've met and/or know personally, very few of them are arrogant. But when they are, ooooh, boy!


That's too funny about the coffee.


BTW, I remember you mentioning Paige Davis before, and every time I see her on TV, I think of you.

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The Queen came to visit the new Catholic cathedral in my home town when I was a kid - odd when you come to think that it's not even her faith.


I was on my way to Cantonese class at the British Embassy in Hong Kong but was denied entry to the building and had to wait behind a rope until Tony and Cherie came out. It made me understand that those people you see on the news might not actually be waiting to see that celebrity - instead they might just be trapped on the rope line.



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This was many, many moons ago, so you young'uns may not recognize these names, but.....


I played basketball in college in Southern California so I met many athletes. The most exciting : Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem, David Thompson, Magic Johnson, and Julius Irving. My roommates and I used to party with Marcus Allen.


On the weekends we hung out in Westwood and evey now and then we would see a celeb like William Shatner, Richard Pryor, Andy Williams, Bee Arthur, the guy who used to host Family Fued and Tom Seleck. It was such a thrill.


Also, I was an extra in a Jerry Lewis film, "Slapstick of Another Kind". I didn't get to meet them, but they had a latex face (I guess that the doubles wore) of Jewis Lewis and Madeline Kahn in the costume area. I would have loved to meet Madeline Kahn.


After college I worked for an accounting firm and one of the child actors from Family Affair worked there.

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I went to high school with David Bromstad, a designer with a show on HGTV. I've never watched his show and I didn't realize I went to high school with him until an old friend pointed it out. :) He was two years behind me. I remember his older sister more than him.


I had dinner with RC Sproul Jr. and Joel Belz, the editor of World magazine, at my parents' house. My dad invited them to speak at a weekend conference on developing a Christian worldview. He remembers getting a lot of phone calls from people wanting to know if it was some kind of video conference or if they were really coming to a tiny little town in the middle of Minnesota. It was a great night of conversation. I was a sophomore in college at the time.


My friend and I were on a plane with James Cromwell. This was pre-Babe. We didn't know he was on the plane until after we landed. He was in first class. I made my friend go up to him. We knew him as the one Eliza Jane Wilder wanted to marry on Little House on the Prairie. When another lady overheard my friend talking to him, she pointed at him and said, "I thought you were somebody!" James Cromwell said sweetly and patiently, "Well, everybody is somebody." lol


I was an extra in the first Mighty Ducks movie but you can't see me in any scenes. Emilio Estevez is incredibly short. He stood on a box for much of the scene we were in. And he was only there a short time. The stand-in did most of the work. I remember thinking that movie making was very, very boring. It's a lot of waiting around.


My cousin is a theater actor in New York. He's been in shows with Julie Andrews and a few TV actors who do theater sometimes.

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My friend and I were on a plane with James Cromwell. This was pre-Babe. We didn't know he was on the plane until after we landed. He was in first class. I made my friend go up to him. We knew him as the one Eliza Jane Wilder wanted to marry on Little House on the Prairie.


He was also Archie Bunker's friend Stretch Cunningham.

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the man who created Pajama Sam and drew Putt Putt and Freddie Fish, and designed Backyard Basketball, Backyard Football and Backyard Baseball (Humongus Entertainment computer games popular in the 90's) was one of my dearest high school friends. I still have his first ever hand made children's book made especially for moi!

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We count a number of professional athletes and coaches among our good friends (one of my favorite NFL players just stopped by this afternoon).


Which football player was this? I'm just curious since my daughter and I watch NFL football all the time.

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I forgot. I worked with a man at my grandfather's ministry who used to live in New York. His neighbor was Mario Puzo (author of The Godfather). He told me the only book of Puzo's he could recommend to me was Puzo's autobiography. I guess this guy is mentioned frequently in there. He also owned a nightclub in New York that was frequented by celebrities. He knew Bing Crosby, Cary Grant, Frank Sinatra, lots of 40s stars. I had to ask him all about Cary Grant. This guy said Cary Grant was such a gentleman. He said he was in real life just like he was in the movies. I was happy to hear that!

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We count a number of professional athletes and coaches among our good friends (one of my favorite NFL players just stopped by this afternoon).


Which football player was this? I'm just curious since my daughter and I watch NFL football all the time.



It was our friend Bobby.

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I saw Adam Arkin at the airport once. We were on the same flight, but I was busy with the hubby and kids. Actually, now that I think about it, there were often celebs on those flights -- Ontario, CA to Seattle and back again. I wondered then if they didn't fly out of that airport to avoid the crush at LAX.


You know all those black, cello-shaped cello cases? Our family was good friends with the family that designed and made them. (Weird story there.) If you look closely at them, you'll see a big raised "W" on the backside of the cases, for the family's last name.


I have a six degrees thing going on through our church with Bill Gates. ;)

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I wasn't born yet, but Corrie Ten Boom stayed with my parents for a few nights once. My eldest sister was a baby and instead of crawling, she would "walk" on all fours (hands and feet on the floor). Corrie Ten Boom was a life-long "old maid" and told my mother very emphatically that she thought my sister was possessed by a demon! My sister still doesn't like to read or talk about Corrie Ten Boom!


I met Bill Nye the Science Guy once on the street. He looked familiar to me (but I couldn't place him) so I just acted friendly and stopped and chatted for about five minutes until all of a sudden it hit me who he was and that I really didn't know him! All this time he had just played along. He just laughed when he saw me start to stammer and blush and said he'd enjoyed talking to me. He was really kind.

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