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S/O drinking.........

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How bout drugs? Course, that's not possibly something you want to admit to.


I've never tried drugs, but my crowd in hs was into them. I never got the "peer pressure" thing because my group jealousy defended my right not to try pot or whatever. A newcomer once got into serious trouble with my group when he offered me a joint.


For me, the drugs seemed much more serious than smoking or drinking.

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I've never drunk alcohol, smoked anything, or used any other recreational drugs. I could have (I had friends who used all of those things at parties). I just thought those were all very foolish things to use.


I don't see illegal drugs as worse, though. They're all bad for you. The only difference is that the government condones some and keeps others on the black market.... Can you tell I'm not a fan of prohibition (even though I choose to abstain)? ;)

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I was a heavy drinker and smoker in high school, but never drugs. I didn't want to go down that path since I already new I was addicted to both of those.


I had a lot of friends who did anything from smoke a little pot to free base. I was around a lot but was never tempted.

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I started experimenting with drugs the same summer I started drinking and smoking - between 7th and 8th grade. It started with pot. There was always lots of it around, and it seems that it was always being offered by the older boys.


Through my teens I smoked pot regularly, and also dabbled in hash, magic mushrooms and acid.


So, how many more confessions are we going to have tonight?;)



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Been there, tried most, have the T-shirt. It shrunk in the wash and I don't wear it anymore. ;)


No, really, I never was "into" drugs, though I did try most of them at one time or another. I never cared much for the way it made me feel...and since I got pregnant at 19, I didn't have a ton of time to continue experimenting. I would NEVER touch a drug of any sort knowing I had children. When it was just me I had to look after, that was one thing. Bring kids into my life...and this is just me personally...and it all changed. I often say that my oldest son saved my life. He did. In more ways than one. I got my act together big time when I had him and I never looked back.

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I've been around people smoking pot (including recently my parents, which was SO WEIRD), but never smoked it myself. Oh, but I have eaten a "special" cookie before. Yum. I actually really like the smell of marijuana.


I am so completely clueless about any other drugs though, that it's almost funny. Wouldn't recognize them if I saw them, wouldn't know where to get them, and wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do with them. Any curious questions I have about drugs, I direct to dp, because he knows how clueless I am, and won't laugh at me too much.

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Thank God I was never into drugs. That was my brother's domain. When he left boarding school I was told by the local supplier that I was supposed to take over the dealer role. I declined despite being threatened with severe bodily harm. I never inquired into who took the job.


Oh - and my one year in U.S. public school I accidentally walked in our art teacher as she supplied one of the students with drugs. I was threatened with severe bodily harm then too. This is the first time since then I've ever mentioned the incident.

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Ha ha ha! You are really enquiring tonight, aren't you?! :)


Same boring answer answer as on the other thread: Baptist family, Christian school, totally sheltered, wouldn't know how to start if I wanted to.


I will admit that I REALLY enjoy nitrous oxide twice a year when I get my teeth cleaned. I also seemed to have an over-the-top reaction to the drugs I got during childbirth. The doctor told me afterwards that most people don't enjoy it as much as I did. ("It" being the anesthesiology, not the childbirth.) So it's probably just as well that I never got in to it.

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I was given Stadol during labor with my first son and it was not a pretty picture.


Yesterday I had to fill out a health questionnaire online for our insurance and I accidentally answered one question incorrectly. I was hurrying and irritated with the whole business. So when the results came up, I looked like a super healthy woman who has had a problem with street drugs in the last five years.


When I told my husband about this, he laughed right out loud, a big belly laugh. He hasn't laughed like that since before his dad died last fall. And he just kept laughing. Finally, he said, "You know, you're the only person I know who has never done any kind of drugs. And based on those hallucinations you had during labor, I would not recommend them to you."


That Stadol experience was exactly 17 years ago today.

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None for me. I plan to try them all (well, minus the scary ones like heroin or crack) when I turn 70. I don't see me turning into a total druggie then, but feel like I would like to know "why" people do them. You only live once!



I can't believe I'm admitting that! The plan is to go somewhere they are legal, eg Amsterdam or whatever. Not lurk around and buy it in an alley! I don't want to be a 70 year old grandma in jail.

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Oh - and my one year in U.S. public school I accidentally walked in our art teacher as she supplied one of the students with drugs.


Whenever we had drug searches in high school, the students in art classes would always get their bags searched. Perhaps with the reasoning that art students are hippies, or because slacker druggies fill their electives with art classes... both of which are not entirely untrue.


The art teachers I had would never do something like you experienced though. That's crazy.

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Similar answer to my alcohol answer. I grew up watching my parents use drugs...pot, speed, uppers, downers, smoking a bong with friends, etc...although, unlike alcohol...they never offered it to me.


Rebelled in 8th grade and smoked pot with the same friends I drank with. Was offered cocaine but turned it down. Had pot laced with PCP once....BAD, BAD, BAD stuff. Quit summer after jr high. Did it again a few times in college. Quit and haven't looked back.


Found out when I dropped out of college and tried to move back home, that my mom was buying from some old friends and then they'd all smoke it with her. Nothing better than smoking the pot you just sold to someone else, right? They were also breaking into the house (they knew how to get in easily) and stealing from her. She was so screwed up that she was clueless.

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I was given Stadol during labor with my first son and it was not a pretty picture.

That Stadol experience was exactly 17 years ago today.


I was given Stadol with my first child when I was being induced. I still remember it now as it was so terrible (14 years ago). It did not relieve any of my pain but did take away all my self control. (Shudder).

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I started experimenting with drugs the same summer I started drinking and smoking - between 7th and 8th grade. It started with pot. There was always lots of it around, and it seems that it was always being offered by the older boys.


Through my teens I smoked pot regularly, and also dabbled in hash, magic mushrooms and acid.


So, how many more confessions are we going to have tonight?;)




I think we would have gotten along just as well back then as we do now. My experience is about the same except I started shortly after 8th grade began. Same list as well, except that I had a summer where "dabbled" wouldn't have described the acid use.


I'm thankful that things like crystal meth weren't in common usage during those years. We looked down on addiction and hard drug use (coke, etc.) so I never got into anything seriously dangerous or dangerously addicting.

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Pretty innocent here. My high school crowd was not into drugs. When we were young teens my cousin and I once got high by accident. We had bought some shoe spray, the kind that you spray on leather to waterproof it. Then we decided to spray all our shoes inside a closet. We're probably lucky we didn't overdose on the fumes.

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Oh, I inhaled. And then I inhaled about two boxes of Ritz crackers.


:lol: I almost forgot about "the munchies". I would come home from school and sit on the counter eating two bowls of Raisin Bran. My mom would look at me, and say, "My, you're really hungry today, aren't you?" When my mom finally figured out what I was up to she started leaving newspaper articles about the dangers of THC in fatty cells next to my breakfast plate.


I am so thankful that my kids are growing up differently than I did!



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and drugs just weren't a big part of the culture. Alcohol, yes. But people who wanted to do drugs had to really go looking, I guess, because even in the sororiety/fraternity scene, I don't recall a lot of access to drugs. No doubt it was there, but I never felt any peer pressure once my whole life to try drugs, and it's not because I spent all my time at Inter-Varsity meetings.

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Oh, I inhaled. And then I inhaled about two boxes of Ritz crackers.


I get the munchies by association. I can be on the phone with *someone* while they are smoking weed, and I will get the munchies. So then I gain weight, and I don't even get the "fun" side effects of actually smoking...

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I will say that I definitely went through a drinking phase for about 6 months during college. It was one particular summer that I drank almost daily. I wasn't getting plastered or anything daily, but a friend and I hung out that entire summer and we drank SOMETHING every day.


That would be the same summer I used all the drugs I have ever used in my life (not many - I was afraid to use anything that could be mind-altering. I had friends doing acid and ecstasy and I wouldn't TOUCH those). I did smoke pot for the first time on my senior trip, but then didn't smoke it again til *that summer.* We probably smoked pot once or twice/week and I still smoked it occasionally after I married my first husband. Honestly, if I weren't the "responsible" parent, I might still smoke it to this day! I'd probably be a lot nicer to my teenagers!! :tongue_smilie:


I really like the mellow feeling from pot. It is just SO relaxing. We have several neighbors that do it on a regular basis. And truthfully, several years ago, after my Mom's open heart surgery, and my running myself ragged for WEEKS taking care of her, schooling the kids, cooking her special diet and our meals too, etc., I took a couple of hits off a joint my neighbor gave us.


Honestly, I have NO CLUE why he gave this to dh, but I was EXHAUSTED and mentally drained. The kids were gone and one of my sisters was staying with my mom that night. Dh asked me if I wanted a little and I took, oh IDK, 2-3 hits at the MOST. I laid down in bed and he was getting all cuddly, and I closed my eyes and slept the best sleep I had slept in MONTHS! It was so awesome I can remember it to this day!


I am a Christian and I absolutely believe that Jesus died for me, but I drink socially and don't have issues with alcohol used responsibly. I see nothing banning the use of alcohol in the Bible.


If marijuana was legal, I don't think I would have issues with people using it either. Honestly, I think everyone would be a lot nicer - we really could have world peace!! :tongue_smilie:

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I have never tried them, which I always found stranfe because The crowd hung out with in high school (especially grade 10) used various drugs, from the pot they smoked at school (at the back smoking doors), to the acid my friend sold, or the shrooms brought on camping trips etc. No one ever bothered to offer me any, they knew I had no interest in trying it, I just hung out with them. Even now my neighbor boy smokes pot, he will talk to me over the fence about it, show me his new bong etc, but has a solid understanding that if he ever offers it to my kids I will take a baseball bat to his head.

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I tried pot, didn't like it at all. My drug of choice was vodka.


I get really wonky affects to pills however. I remember I had a pain killer my dh had given me for my back. I called my mom and had a lovely chat that I didn't remember the next day. :001_huh:


Then there is morphine, I'm allergic to Demoral, so the two major hospitals I've had they gave me morphine. ;)


My latest drug of choice however has been Prilosec. Not quite the same effect as morphine, but my body feels better. :lol:

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I've tired all the popular ones except Heroin, LSD, and Meth. None floated my boat, as I don't enjoy feeling out of control or the sensation of my heart beating way too fast. I tried most to be cool and not seem like a loser to my, for the most, part loser friends in high school. By the time I was in college, most all of my dabbling was over, and I only drank and smoked cigarettes. Even then, I rarely drank till I was drunk, again did not like the feeling of being wasted, and I hate throwing up. I have a high tolerance to booze, so even now I watch myself.


I did go too far last summer, when an old friend came into town (his mom was dying) and dh, our friend, and I drank a whole bottle of fine single malt scotch, and a couple glasses of wine, in about a six hour period. I think we finally went off to bed about 4am. As I told friends, dh and I were very uncomfortable for the next couple of days. I literally was sweating scotch for the next 48 hrs. We will not be doing that again anytime soon. :tongue_smilie:

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:lol: I almost forgot about "the munchies". I would come home from school and sit on the counter eating two bowls of Raisin Bran. My mom would look at me, and say, "My, you're really hungry today, aren't you?" When my mom finally figured out what I was up to she started leaving newspaper articles about the dangers of THC in fatty cells next to my breakfast plate.


I am so thankful that my kids are growing up differently than I did!



My mother was a hippy, but she never seemed to notice how much cereal my brother and I consumed at night. Lol, when she finally did find out what was going on she was livid.


I remember thinking about all the smoke in stories from her younger days and being completely incredulous that she would have a problem with us doing it at all. Now, I understand ;)

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I get the munchies by association. I can be on the phone with *someone* while they are smoking weed, and I will get the munchies. So then I gain weight, and I don't even get the "fun" side effects of actually smoking...

That was always the worst part for me. I was a straight A student, volunteered and everything (it never effected my motivation to "be good"), but the weight! That's what got me away from it... Then when I got preg. with Jo I knew the holidays were over. Imagine my surprise when I found out there were adults that did that!

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I'm the only addict here?? dang! or the only one brave enough to admit it :P so yep I'm a recovered addict and alcoholic. My dad was an alcoholic and my mom was an addict so I didn't have much of a chance on coming out normal. lol I'm grateful every day I found a way out before I handed it down to my kids.

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I'm the only addict here?? dang! or the only one brave enough to admit it :P so yep I'm a recovered addict and alcoholic. My dad was an alcoholic and my mom was an addict so I didn't have much of a chance on coming out normal. lol I'm grateful every day I found a way out before I handed it down to my kids.

We have addictive personalities in my family. I'm addicted to coffee and cigarettes, and I have to say that when I smell pot I want it, desparately. But, after all the stories my dad has told me and watching my mom's family going down the crapper, I stick to one drink, no "smokes," and figure... if I am an addict, at least I'm one that can say no. Does that make any sense? If I drink past a certain amount, or certain types of alcohol (SoCom), my 'no' abilities slack... whom I kidding? They disappear. Thankfully, we don't keep alcohol or 'smoke' in the house, makes it easy to 'just say no.'

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I too am one of the few on here in recovery;

My absolute favorite drug of choice;(the love of my past life) was methamphetamine. The last day I used was the the day I found out I was pregnant with our oldest (over ten years ago). I always say that I love meth enough to forever stay away from it. All of the other drugs were always a part of my life as well but once I tried meth I knew it was *for me* I started smoking cigarettes when I was 12 and gradually added substances until I was a full blown IV user by the time I was 17.


I currently work at a rehab for women who get to live in the home with their children while working on their recovery. I am thankful every single day for the ease of my recovery. I had family support and a stong sense of self efficacy. When I got pregnant I knew what was best and was able to do it. It is not quite so easy for others. The Creator's grace is amazing; let me tell you.....and it had nothing to do with me.



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I currently work at a rehab for women who get to live in the home with their children while working on their recovery. I am thankful every single day for the ease of my recovery. I had family support and a stong sense of self efficacy. When I got pregnant I knew what was best and was able to do it. It is not quite so easy for others. The Creator's grace is amazing; let me tell you.....and it had nothing to do with me.




What a beautiful testimony!



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I started experimenting with drugs the same summer I started drinking and smoking - between 7th and 8th grade. It started with pot. There was always lots of it around, and it seems that it was always being offered by the older boys.


Through my teens I smoked pot regularly, and also dabbled in hash, magic mushrooms and acid.


So, how many more confessions are we going to have tonight?;)




Ditto if 7th and 8th is 11-12yo.

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