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23 things to do in 2023


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All of these new year threads have gotten me excited for 2023. And not just new year threads, but the timing of others has been good for me.

 I’m not planning anything glamorous, except I might try to work in a trip for just me and Dh. Our longest solo trip was our long weekend honeymoon, an hour away from ds, in the region we now live, lol.

But it’s all gotten me in the mood to put more focus and meaning into my days, reach some heights I’ve always avoided because their hard, tackle boring things I’ve avoided because yuck, and work toward a place where I feel like I’m using my life wisely.

Now, I no longer have littles at home, I’m not caring for parents, I don’t have any health issues beyond those of lazy middle age, and we’re not in real need of more income. So I’m in a pretty easy position to think beyond just getting through my days. But I mostly HAVE just been getting through my days.   
Clean this, feed that, drive there, call them, zone out, check on kids, go to bed, wake up, caffeinate, repeat.

But now I’m thinking hard and deep about goals, plans, and intentions. Not for perfection, but for guidance toward greater satisfaction. “Landing among the stars” and all that.

This year, it’s all going down on paper, because I inevitably wind up forgetting about Big Ideas after too many distractions.

My process is very sloppy, though. I jot random notes all over the place as thoughts come to me, and then I try to arrange them all neatly. I’m currently in the messy stage, lol.

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On 12/21/2022 at 8:43 AM, Pamela H in Texas said:

have a big one if anyone wants to help.  I would like to read a piece of fiction.  As some know, I had a stroke in May 2006.  Before the stroke, I read voraciously.  Since, I have not read one book (not literature or even fluff).  So I'd like to read a book.  Key info about me:  I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses so pretty conservative but with no interest in politics.  I also wouldn't be interested in something primarily around religion or war. Any suggestions (or should I make a separate post?)?

I love this goal for You. I am currently re-reading The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis. This is one of my favorite works of fiction of all time. It is a gentle book and not very long, so it should be a good match for your needs. 

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I will participate in @Granny_Weatherwax’s Goals thread this year. That will my big picture, more weighty, list for 2023 and will have close connection to my word of the year, habits.

I decided to make this 23 for ‘23 a lighthearted list of things that sometimes get lost in the wash of my busy life. A reminder to do things that make me happy, not just the things that are necessary. Many are things I used to do or just do less often than I’d like or have been wanting to do for a while. Some are one time things, others are a series, others more of a habit or pattern. I generally find specific to-do lists helpful, not burdensome, and will not stress at all if quite a few of these don’t actually happen or only happen in a very small way. 

In the order in which I thought of them:

1. Explore 4 parks that I’ve never been to before.
2. Go to 3 restaurants I’ve never been to before.
3. Grow herbs
4. Buy new hiking boots
5. Join the Y
6. Go to a museum
7. Go to a concert
8. Plan some dates with Dh
9. See beauty and goodness daily
10. Learn the trails at the state park near me.
11. Make a new friend
12. Kayak
13. Send 6 handwritten cards or personal notes
14. Cultivate a thankful heart
15. Put photos out in my house
16. Buy perfume 
17. Watch classic movies
18. Solo retreat 
19. Bake bread
20. Practice hospitality
21. Plant flowers
22. Get my car detailed
23. Play board games

Edited by ScoutTN
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1 hour ago, ScoutTN said:

I will participate in @Granny_Weatherwax’s Goals thread this year. That will my big picture, more weighty, list for 2023 and will have close connection to my word of the year, habits.

I decided to make this 23 for ‘23 a lighthearted list of things that sometimes get lost in the wash of my busy life. A reminder to do things that make me happy, not just the things that are necessary. Many are things I used to do or just do less often than I’d like or have been wanting to do for a while. Some are one time things, others are a series, others more of a habit or pattern. I generally find specific to-do lists helpful, not burdensome, and will not stress at all if quite a few of these don’t actually happen or happen in a very small way. 

In the order in which I thought of them:

1. Explore 4 parks that I’ve never been to before.
2. Go to 3 restaurants I’ve never been to before.
3. Grow herbs
4. Buy new hiking boots
5. Join the Y
6. Go to a museum
7. Go to a concert
8. Plan some dates with Dh
9. See beauty and goodness daily
10. Learn the trails at the state park near me.
11. Make a new friend
12. Kayak
13. Send 6 handwritten cards or personal notes
14. Cultivate a thankful heart
15. Put photos out in my house
16. Buy perfume 
17. Watch classic movies
18. Solo retreat 
19. Bake bread
20. Practice hospitality
21. Plant flowers
22. Get my car detailed
23. Play board games

I love your list

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21 minutes ago, regentrude said:

I figured.... but imagining cat detailing is much more fun

Maybe that’s what happens when a cat who has climbed a Christmas Tree gets out of it, taking ornaments and tinsel with him?! 

My Dd used to paint my yellow lab’s nails, but I expect dog-detailing is a far easier thing than cat. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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How is everyone (that's participating) doing on their lists? I've had some more thoughts and ideas. 

So many things fall away when you get busy and stressed. I'd like to work on my creative side more. I'd like to do more hiking and biking and a bit of camping. We did oodles of this before but it's another thing that was dropped.

I also like what someone said-- living like a tourist at home. I want to do better about exploring and enjoying things that are closer to home.

I'm also looking to add on more social time. I started pickleball this year. It has been great for me- time with other adults (even if I've not made any close friends),  learning a new skill, and exercise.

Latest update 12/27

  1. kayak trip w/ dh
  2. visit farmer's market
  3. cook 2 new dishes monthly
  4. work through cooking course- online or book (perusing options now I'd wanted to do that this summer and even posted about it but my life got busy again)
  5. read 6 classics
  6. build something--I've got my eye on a few different plans - the one I most want to do is a bench and shoe cubby for my entry
  7. attend a garden club meeting
  8. winter and/or indoor garden
  9. bedroom redo on a budget
  10. sewing /craft project- I want to find something productive and crafty to occupy winter evenings- I think I want something I can do by hand
  11. plant some native plants in my flower beds
  12. transplant a tree
  13. diy projects- I started a few this fall and would like to continue on learning and doing
  14. monthly dates (at home mostly but maybe go out a few times)
  15. biking---bike at G, W, and M park 
  16. family activities-- these have been a rare occurrence with everyone so busy but I want to prioritize getting in at least a few before ds goes to college (could be just a family game night or going to a park)
  17. work through drawing books
  18. find an art class to try
  19. find an outdoor race/challenge of some sort-  or just do a self-imposed challenge
  20. try an in person exercise class-  I switched to almost exclusively exercising at home with the pandemic but miss that social aspect at times- I tried a few last year but none were quite right
  21. try 2 new restaurants-- we rarely eat out - I generally prefer to cook at home and can't afford to eat out much but I want to try 2 new places next year-- this year we tried 1 place, excluding vacation eating so that is small stretch
  22. find a place to volunteer- try it out
  23.  Go to 3 community events
Edited by Soror
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14 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

I will participate in @Granny_Weatherwax’s Goals thread this year. That will my big picture, more weighty, list for 2023 and will have close connection to my word of the year, habits.

I decided to make this 23 for ‘23 a lighthearted list of things that sometimes get lost in the wash of my busy life. A reminder to do things that make me happy, not just the things that are necessary. Many are things I used to do or just do less often than I’d like or have been wanting to do for a while. Some are one time things, others are a series, others more of a habit or pattern. I generally find specific to-do lists helpful, not burdensome, and will not stress at all if quite a few of these don’t actually happen or only happen in a very small way. 

In the order in which I thought of them:

1. Explore 4 parks that I’ve never been to before.
2. Go to 3 restaurants I’ve never been to before.
3. Grow herbs
4. Buy new hiking boots
5. Join the Y
6. Go to a museum
7. Go to a concert
8. Plan some dates with Dh
9. See beauty and goodness daily
10. Learn the trails at the state park near me.
11. Make a new friend
12. Kayak
13. Send 6 handwritten cards or personal notes
14. Cultivate a thankful heart
15. Put photos out in my house
16. Buy perfume 
17. Watch classic movies
18. Solo retreat 
19. Bake bread
20. Practice hospitality
21. Plant flowers
22. Get my car detailed
23. Play board games

Great list. I'll have to peruse for some ideas. You are nice and concise I'm so long winded lol!

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I made my list though I'm not going to post it because it contains a lot of local attractions. I like the idea of playing tourist and some of the things I've seen but only with kids in tow so it will be different to take my time and learn for myself. I also tried to emphasize things that get us out of the house - dh and I tend to default to being homebodies so this gives us an extra push to get out on occasion. I'm excited!

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Here is my list arranged by types of things:

  1. Travel to either New England or Upper Midwest (dh and I still deciding)
  2. Short trip with my best friend 
  3. Short trip with the kids
  4. Short trip with ds' girlfriend included
  5. Travel on the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail
  6. Visit the parks in our county and the one next to us (26 in all)
  7. Renew Gibbs Gardens membership and go at least 9 times
  8. Visit Savoy Museum
  9. Visit Tellus Museum
  10. Visit Booth Western Art Museum
  11. Try all the restaurants in Chattanooga that serve falafel (my favorite food; found 7 so far)
  12. Date night with dh once a month
  13. Quilt a quilt block I made into a small wall hanging
  14. Do two premade art projects I have here
  15. Draw at least 3 art projects
  16. Clean out and organize garage
  17. Furnish and decorate our bedroom
  18. Decorate ds' bedroom (these are the two rooms we haven't done anything with since moving in our new home last year)
  19. Research having a fire pit since we have a wooden deck and lots of trees (possibly get or make one)
  20. Lead a bible study in our home
  21. Lose 23 pounds
  22. Overcome anxiety about driving on the interstate
  23. Have a colonoscopy 


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On 12/22/2022 at 5:37 AM, Carrie12345 said:

All of these new year threads have gotten me excited for 2023. And not just new year threads, but the timing of others has been good for me.

 I’m not planning anything glamorous,


This made me laugh out loud since I read the coffee shop thread before seeing this response. Coffee can be glamorous. Isn't there a drink called the tuxedo?🌄

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5 hours ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:


This made me laugh out loud since I read the coffee shop thread before seeing this response. Coffee can be glamorous. Isn't there a drink called the tuxedo?🌄

🤣 Yeah, that was a whole, what? 8 days ago?

I come up with business ideas on a fairly regular basis, but I end up struggling to make the numbers work or find some other reason to drop it. And then I see someone else do it, and complain to Dh that I didn’t.   
Every time dd complains about her chain job, I say we should do our own coffee shop. This time, when I started playing with the idea, things actually began to look possible! And the more we flesh it out, the more possible it looks!

 I’m still not committed to saying we ARE doing it. But I am committed to busting my hump to keep working it on paper and seeing where it goes!

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On 12/31/2022 at 5:30 AM, Carrie12345 said:

I come up with business ideas on a fairly regular basis,

Dh and I have owned our own businesses together for all of our adult lives. On days when I'm cranky and bored, I come up with The Next Big Thing for us to do.  A few years back I started ranting about whatever it was going to be that day and he said, "oh, it's Job Fair Friday again, is it?"  We cracked up, and now use that phrase any time one of us comes up with a new plan.  At our ages, we probably won't start another business, but you never know.

Edited by Eos
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24 minutes ago, Eos said:

Dh and I have owned our own businesses together for all of our adult lives (cafe, bakery, catering, lodging, restaurant). On days when I'm cranky and bored, I come up with The Next Big Thing for us to do.  A few years back I started ranting about whatever it was going to be that day and he said, "oh, it's Job Fair Friday again, is it?"  We cracked up, and now use that phrase any time one of us comes up with a new plan.  At our ages, we probably won't start another business, but you never know.

I’m glad it’s not just me, lol.   
I spent probably about 8 years or so trying to get Dh to go independent, and I came close multiple times, but no. He craves consistency.

I crave chaos.  Controlled chaos, but still.

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32 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

I’m glad it’s not just me, lol.   
I spent probably about 8 years or so trying to get Dh to go independent, and I came close multiple times, but no. He craves consistency.

I crave chaos.  Controlled chaos, but still.

We started when we were young (dh was only 22)  and had one toddler. We were fearless and had nothing to lose.  I think it would be much much harder to switch as an older more established person unless someone was so comfortable that the money didn't matter or it was more of a seasonal side gig to a more lucrative day job.  

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I made a list, but it is a lot less ambitious than others' lists! I decided that I wanted each item to be easy to cross off. Any suggestions for #23, the homeschooling inspiration book?

  1. Fix the oven
  2. Fix the two broken first floor tiles
  3. Go birding with DS17
  4. Go birding with DS17
  5. Go birding with DS17
  6. Go birding with DS17
  7. Read a Well-Read Mom book
  8. Read a Well-Read Mom book
  9. Read a Well-Read Mom book
  10. Read a Well-Read Mom book
  11. Clean out the junk from the backyard
  12. Declutter and throw out/donate little kid toys
  13. Walk in a county park
  14. Walk in a county park
  15. Walk in a county park
  16. Walk in a county park
  17. Walk in a county park
  18. Walk in a county park
  19. Visit the Abraham Lincoln museum with my kids
  20. Paint the third-floor bathroom
  21. Join the Architecture Foundation
  22. Complete the Google Project Management MOOC
  23. Read a homeschooling inspiration book (suggestions?)


Edited by EmilyGF
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@EmilyGF - I do hope you make it to the Abraham Lincoln Museum. I assume this is the one in Springfield, IL. The walk through town (where his residence is) is neat but the Presidential Library is awesome.

If you get the chance and have the time, the cemetery for Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology is close by. The headstones there are amazing. It is a neat way to spend an hour or more if you have read SPA and want to attempt to identify some of the graves.

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@EmilyGF My favorite inspirational homeschool books were:

For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie.

I Saw the Angel in the Marble by Chris Davis

Disclaimer: I read all of these before I had high school age kids and before my Ds became unhomeschoolable. I might evaluate them differently now. 

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1 minute ago, ScoutTN said:

@EmilyGF My favorite inspirational homeschool books were:

For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie.

I Saw the Angel in the Marble by Chris Davis

Disclaimer: I read all of these before I had high school age kids and before my Ds became unhomeschoolable. I might evaluate them differently now. 

I was going to suggest "For the Children's Sake".  I'm actually planning to reread that sometime this year. 

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1 hour ago, ScoutTN said:

@EmilyGF My favorite inspirational homeschool books were:

For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay



1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I was going to suggest "For the Children's Sake".  I'm actually planning to reread that sometime this year. 

That was the first homeschool book I ever read. Ds was 6 months old and we had just decided that we would homeschool him. We decided that early because we knew if we were going to send him to private school we needed to start saving for the tuition. We're not religious but I still found a lot of wisdom and good information in that book. 

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On 12/18/2022 at 11:58 AM, mlktwins said:

I am going to be an empty nester in August. I have way more than 23 things to do in 2023 😁. I have started one list for before August  and another list for after August. 

Well, you could always do what I did and take in a toddler as all your kids are old enough to move out.  That will fix your "emptiness". 😁

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I want to fill my list with items that I don’t have to do. I have to exercise and make good food choices and keep up with regular chores. But I don’t have to do a puzzle or a simple art project. I want my list to be filled with things that will make my life gently richer (gently is a key word.)

Sorry for the weird font. I’ve never been able to cut and paste on the ipad here without it getting wonky. I’ve only come up with 18, but that’s ok. And the last one, “paint rooms” probably ought not be on this list because it’s not something that makes my life gently richer. It’s a chore that I really need to get done. I’ll be happy once it’s done, but oh, the chore of getting it done. 😞

23 in 23

  1. Paint a rock and leave it somewhere
  2. Do 2 puzzles by myself
  3. Declutter the basement (take at least one item out every day until it’s done)
  4. Take homeschool books to the hs consignment book store
  5. Find a homeschool group to donate my science lab equipment to
  6. Start reading the books I already own
  7. Take a walk once a month
  8. Do one of those art projects that the TikTok lady shares
  9. Print physical copies of photos
  10. Get back into going out to the movies, at least monthly
  11. Declutter all the pens/pencils in the house
  12. Try a non-chain restaurant in (local town)
  13. Spend a day being a tourist in all the shops in (local town)
  14. Get an African violet for my desk
  15. Make all of the recipes in my “to try one day” recipe folder. Cull the duds, put the ones we like into rotation
  16. Eat some Gouda cheese
  17. Eat seasonal fresh fruit at least three times a week—extra points if it’s from a roadside stand
  18. Paint rooms?


Edited by Garga
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I finished my list today:

Things to do in 2023


  1. Book Club

  2. Learn to decorate cookies or cakes

  3. Read at least 52 books

  4. Walk 365 miles

  5. Play board games

  6. Visit 6 city/county parks/nature reserve

  7. Visit [local garden]

  8. Tour [local historical house]

  9. Try 12 new recipes

  10. Visit a museum

  11. Declutter the bedroom

  12. See a play

  13. Try a new exercise/game

  14. Work on dollhouse (shoot for monthly at least)

  15. Do some needlepoint

  16. Visit a national park

  17. Watch a complete Great Courses series

  18. Read through the complete Anne of Green Gables series

  19. Sand and refinish kitchen table

  20. Visit a house of worship 

  21. Build a snowman

  22. Give myself a pedicure

  23. Spruce up the front patio

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Here’s my list:

1. Do an overnight hiking/backpacking trip

2. Go to a religious service that is not a religion I do/have practiced

3. Meet a (new) Hive member IRL.

4. Volunteer somewhere I haven’t previously. 
5. Eat at a type of restaurant I have never been to. 
6. Learn a country line dance. 
7. Take a cooking class. 
8. Connect with an old friend I have not seen in at least a year. 
9. Do a fun run/walk. 
10. Go cross-country skiing. 
11. Go to D.C. myself

12. Go to high tea. 
13. Day-trip to a town in my state I have never explored on foot. 
14. Go on a site-seeing train ride (locally). 
15. Go to the botanical gardens at least once each season. 
16. Make a butterfly and hummingbird garden

17. Hike to a waterfall

18. Read one never-read classic.

19. Do a painting en plein air

20. Make a 2022 photo book

21. Use the Happy Planner regularly

22. Spend the night at a nice hotel in DC and visit museums

23. Spend at least one evening, at least a couple hours, lying out under the night sky. 

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1. Learn to make pie crust

2. Attend an English language service at the local cathedral 

3. Watch the Harry Potter movies with ds11

4. Learn 5 new board games (we already own)

5. Make 2022 photobook

6. Build a Lego set

7. Get a massage

8. Watch Gilmore Girls

9. Get family photos taken

10. Host a bunco night

11. Read 40 books

12. Play all the jackbox games and rank them with the kids

13. Family bike ride 

14. Take a family vacation

15. Add a new song to my playlist each month

16. Light a fire in the fireplace

17. Make ceramics at the local place

18. Visit x local attraction 

19. Find a new walking trail

20. Buy a few things for each season to update my wardrobe

21. Get my nails done

22. Go on a date with DH

23. Try a new restaurant 




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12 minutes ago, scbusf said:

Does anyone have a good way to track your progress on your list? I may just write it in the back of my planner (which is really just a fancy notebook where I write my neverending To Do list).

Exactly what I am planning to do.   Though it will go on a tabbed page near the front, with my Goals list.

Though I may make it a document that I can print and put on the fridge too? 

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17 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Exactly what I am planning to do.   Though it will go on a tabbed page near the front, with my Goals list.

Though I may make it a document that I can print and put on the fridge too? 

Great idea. Hubby is helping me make a list for our family to do as well. So that one will go on the fridge!

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Okay, I modified my list so I could post it. I like Garga's concept of gently making my life richer. That's what I was shooting for, too.

23 Things to Do in 2023


  1. Kayak/canoe with dh
  2. Reach out to all close friends individually at least once a month
  3. See live music non classical
  4. Go to (monthly art fest)
  5. Finish flooring
  6. Visit three art galleries
  7. Attend a lecture
  8. Visit the (newly rehabbed building downtown)
  9. Hike all hiking trails in (certain park district)
  10. See a movie in a theater
  11. Try embroidery/rug hooking/felting
  12. Visit (local historical site)
  13. Take a picture of something beautiful every day
  14. Visit  conservatory
  15. Visit (year round large farmer’s market)
  16. Take a city church tour
  17. Visit (large cathedral)
  18. Go up (local tall building)
  19. Visit three new restaurants
  20. Go to Chicago for weekend
  21. See live music classical
  22. Set up micro greens growing station
  23. Bike/walk 2000 k
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Finally made my list (stole from y’all a lot)

1) Go to a play

2) Backpacking trip

3) Get family photos framed

4) Get bikes for entire family

5) Ride to milkshake store on bikes

6) Go on 12 dates

7) Go to a new State or National park

8. Host something at the house

9) Get car detailed

10) Play new board game with family

11) Go to the beach

12) Get bathtub in master bathroom fixed

13) Paint ceiling to cover water stains. 
14) Do a puzzle

15) Make photo book of family trip to Europe

16) Bake & decorate cookies. (I love doing this but rarely have the time)

17) Take kids to see Les Mis

18) See [friend] perform at The Met. 
19) Hike to a waterfall

20) Get a massage

21) See [other friend] perform

22) Sing with choir at least once. 
23) Finish one knitting project. 

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These 23 things are not part of my 2023 goals. They're just more or less a year long bucket list of things I'll carry over to next year if I don't get around to them. I grouped them sort of by type but I do have a priority ranking in my head when I look at the list. I debated putting some actual locations here but I've posted enough information in the past that it's no secret where I live. 

1. Try 3 new-to-me restaurants
2. Resume monthly date nights with dh - we stopped them when covid hit but are ready to start again.
3. Take a trip with dh - where and when to be decided
4. Volunteer - not sure yet what I want to do
5. Taco Tuesday with women friends - one friend has been trying to get me to go to this for several months
6. Clean out and organize the garage
7. Decorate the walls - we've been here 2+ years and still have very little on the walls
8. Attend a local festival - many to choose from
9. Join the Native Plant Society and attend meetings of the local chapter
10. Try quilting- something small, simple, beginner
11. Finish a crochet project - so many WIPs to choose from
12. Sew something - anything; my sewing machine has been collecting dust for 2+ years
13. Visit Bok Tower Gardens
14. Walk Brevard Zoo Linear Park Trail
15. Kayak at the zoo - we got coupons for a freebie when we bought our membership
16. Walk a new-to-me nature trail
17. Go birding at Blackpoint - not a new thing but something I love to do
18. Go birding at The Wetlands - same as above
19. Go birding at River Lakes Conservation Area - this one will be new
20. Visit Turkey Creek Sanctuary
21. Visit Pine Island Conservation Area
22. Visit Archie Carr NWR
23. Take a water exercise class at the gym

Edited by Lady Florida.
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