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23 things to do in 2023


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I saw this yesterday and am contemplating if I will make a list and if so what I'll put on it. 

I do much better with concrete actionable items. 

Anyone else do this? If so do you care to share any goals.

I'm thrilled to moving beyond surviving but have to watch I don't overdo it and plan too much.

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I was looking at similar lists last night as I was working on my journal and goals for 2023.

This year I am making seasonal bucket lists and adding 5-10 things to do each season.

Winter - snow tubing, snow camping, First Day hike (Jan 1), snowshoeing

That's as far as I got.

I'll try to follow this thread for new ideas and to share any others I come up with.

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3 minutes ago, mlktwins said:

I am going to be an empty nester in August. I have way more than 23 things to do in 2023 😁. I have started one list for before August  and another list for after August. 

And presumably you are planning nothing for yourself in the actual month of August.

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I really like this idea.   I have done 52 things in 52 weeks but 23 in 2023 sounds much more doable.

I can try to come up with 6 or so things for various seasons.

I am already traveling internationally for the first time and going on a womens hiking trip out west but would love to add even simple things like buy a wind chime, hike a new trail, mini golf with the kids, etc

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I think I will probably do this, but right now I just feel tired. I kind of want a year of just being and resting. Right now some of my ideas:

Learn to make a pie crust

Read by the fireplace (with a fire)

Buy flowers once a month 

Bike to a historic monument 

Have some sort of neighborhood party 


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I do think it makes you appreciate every day life more. Many of mine were things just to make me conscious of my daily life. I looked back on my list and I did the 52 list. Looks like I checked off about 35 that year, and since have done about 7 more. Several of them were do this every week for a year - those were not accomplished, nor do I think I'll try that again. 

Looking back, some of the most memorable ones were actually pretty easy- try a new local restaurant, see live local music, learn about a new local nonprofit and make a donation, make an original kiva loan and always relend when payments are there, take a picture every day on my phone, either for the memory or just to appreciate the daily beauty. Some were more a call to action - mammogram, update will, etc. And some were to push me out of my comfort zone - yoga class, kayaking. Those are the ones I need more of this year. I'm a little stagnant right now. 

Two that I didn't check off yet, that I might keep on the list are - studying and then watching an opera. And reading and listening along to this book - that honestly I probably read about on this site. Year of Wonder Book


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3 hours ago, lovinmyboys said:

I also need to make sure these are budget friendly as one of my main goals for the year is to save money. I can very easily blow my budget when I make these kinds of goals.

One goal I did one year was visit all of our local county parks.  That was free and fun….and even got us in the newspaper

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7 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I did that last year and am still going. It’s a big county with lots of parks. Will take me a number of years. 

We have 38 county parks and open spaces.  There are many many more parks if you count state parks, city parks, township parks etc 

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10 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

We have 38 county parks and open spaces.  There are many many more parks if you count state parks, city parks, township parks etc 

We have 400 some but I can’t find the exact number right now 

edited to add: some are so big that it takes me 3 or 4 hour - plus visits to explore them completely. But I am not in a hurry. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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23 sounds like such a big number at first.  But that's roughly 2 things per month, so maybe it shouldn't be so hard.

So is this a bucket list kind of thing?  Sometimes, for me, a big accomplishment is a household maintenance project, like fixing my closet door.  But I suppose that wouldn't count.  Or what about finally getting my dog to obey a command every time?  Or helping my folks clear out some boxes?  Because it's hard to feel great about doing "me" things when so many practical things remain undone.

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12 hours ago, SKL said:

23 sounds like such a big number at first.  But that's roughly 2 things per month, so maybe it shouldn't be so hard.

So is this a bucket list kind of thing?  Sometimes, for me, a big accomplishment is a household maintenance project, like fixing my closet door.  But I suppose that wouldn't count.  Or what about finally getting my dog to obey a command every time?  Or helping my folks clear out some boxes?  Because it's hard to feel great about doing "me" things when so many practical things remain undone.

I will likely have some home improvement jobs on mine. I think it can be whatever you want to accomplish. I think all you listed works fine. My only thought would be I'm going to try and not put something on my list that relies on someone else because I'll get frustrated.

16 hours ago, lovinmyboys said:

I also need to make sure these are budget friendly as one of my main goals for the year is to save money. I can very easily blow my budget when I make these kinds of goals.

Absolutely the same here!

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@SKL - many things on my list will be practical things, like painting the kitchen and the living room, decluttering closets, training my dog

@PeacefulChaos - don't make it a list of goals, make it something fun. Goals and bucket list items do not have to be one and the same. I have a goal of hiking/walking 1200 km but that is not going on my list of 23 things to do. I may put individual hikes on the list (like First Day hike) or hike a new trail in CO (for the fall list when I know I'll go to CO).

There are things I want to do, like an all day kayak trip. Pack a lunch in the boat, have someone drop me off at a launch point and pick me up at some point down river. This could either be a member of my family (the least expensive way) or a kayak/float business (more expensive but easier).

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16 hours ago, SKL said:

23 sounds like such a big number at first.  But that's roughly 2 things per month, so maybe it shouldn't be so hard.

So is this a bucket list kind of thing?  Sometimes, for me, a big accomplishment is a household maintenance project, like fixing my closet door.  But I suppose that wouldn't count.  Or what about finally getting my dog to obey a command every time?  Or helping my folks clear out some boxes?  Because it's hard to feel great about doing "me" things when so many practical things remain undone.

I’m working on my list, and it includes attaining perfect recall for the puppies! (I give up on the 8yo Chimutt, lol.). 
It also includes some of my home projects.

23 is enough for me to spread across multiple categories. 😉 

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@Soror Thanks for sharing this idea! It sounds pretty fun. I was just thinking about my somewhat boring goals I made last year, and compared them to a few unexpected things that I did - some in response to very bad things that happened in my life. Such as buying a puppy on impulse right after my dad passed away. Many people thought I was crazy, but it has turned out to be great and there are other really nice things that happened as a result.

I used to be completely sold on the idea of setting goals, and I still think that they can be useful in achieving specific things. However, simply achieving goals doesn't always equal finding "happiness." It's a little like setting up expectations that completing these things will somehow result in a certain, positive result. However the result may not be all that postive, it may even be disappointing, and then we are left feeling like all the effort was a waste.

I'd like to explore a little more on how to focus a little more on what actions I've done in the past that have actually resulted in results that made me really happy. For example, when the world was collapsing from COVID-19 lockdowns, I went outdoors to a nearby woods every day and marvelled in the beauty of how it changed week by week. I'd never taken the time to do that before, and it made me realize how much I thrive in getting outside everyday.

Perhaps I'll work on making a list of 23 actions I've taken in the past which have made huge, positive impacts on my life, and see if I can find some common factors. Sometimes the unplanned actions can lead to more fun and satisfaction than the planned. 

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@Ottakee, if I remember correctly you shared a list like this a couple of years ago…I actually think it was 2020 so I’m guessing the pandemic messed up at least a few months of ideas. But if your name IRL starts with a B and it was “B——‘s list of things to do” I just loved that list. 😊

I might see if my adventure club ladies want to make lists for themselves for 2023. 

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12 minutes ago, Quill said:

@Ottakee, if I remember correctly you shared a list like this a couple of years ago…I actually think it was 2020 so I’m guessing the pandemic messed up at least a few months of ideas. But if your name IRL starts with a B and it was “B——‘s list of things to do” I just loved that list. 😊

I might see if my adventure club ladies want to make lists for themselves for 2023. 

I likely did share a list as my name does start with a B and yes 2020 made it hard to do a lot of them. 

i am downsizing though so I think I am going to go with 23 for 2023 this year.   And keep many of them fun and simple like:

play a round of mini golf

bike to the icecream shop

buy flowers for a planter



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Thought of some lol!

go to the zoo

go to the botanical garden

get chickens

get ducks

plant some herbs & veggies

plant flowers

tear out some alien plants

get a rug for our entryway

get family pics taken

plant 1 houseplant

do monthly decor on my one shelf I've set aside for that purpose (did most months this year)

blog 6 posts

make a new dessert

study herbalism some more (informally)


So that's 14 so far.  

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I did some brainstorming and have a starter list-- some of which are too vague, some I'll probably drop. It's a start anyway. 

I'm mixing in some goals too because its my list and I can do whatever I want and don't care to have lots of lists.

My yoga class yesterday focused on the body, mind, heart, and soul so I tried to think of that when making my list. The soul part is lacking atm....


  1. kayak trip w/ dh
  2. hiking???
  3. cook a new dish monthly
  4. cooking technique? 
  5. outside time/walk goal?
  6. read classics
  7. read general?
  8. build something--I've got my eye on a few different plans and want to actually pull the trigger and do at least one
  9. try a new club, class, or activity
  10. winter and/or indoor garden
  11. bedroom redo on a budget
  12. sewing /craft project- I want to find something productive and crafty to occupy winter evenings
  13. plant some native plants
  14. transplant a tree
  15. diy projects- I started a few this fall and would like to continue on learning and doing
  16. photos?
  17. monthly dates (at home mostly but maybe go out a few times- I know some people do weekly but no way we're making that happen)
  18. biking--- maybe just keep it simple and pick a few spots to bike- I used to bike more but haven't hardly in awhile.  
  19. family activities-- these have been a rare occurrence with everyone so busy but want to prioritize getting in at least a few before ds goes to college (could be just a family game night or going to a park)
  20. work through drawing books I have for girls
  21. painting? I enjoy this when I do it but don't often take the time
  22. find an outdoor race/challenge of some sort- I've seen a few I've considered but haven't signed up yet
  23. paint exterior doors
  24. try 2 new restaurants-- we rarely eat out - I generally prefer to cook at home and can't afford to eat out much but I want to try 2 new places next year-- this year we tried 1 place, excluding vacation eating so that is small stretch
  25. go to 3 community events
  26. find a place to volunteer- try it out- 
Edited by Soror
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16 hours ago, wintermom said:

Perhaps I'll work on making a list of 23 actions I've taken in the past which have made huge, positive impacts on my life, and see if I can find some common factors. Sometimes the unplanned actions can lead to more fun and satisfaction than the planned.

This really resonates with me, especially if we talk about traveling. Of course I like visiting famous sites and seeing the things in every guidebook but what I *really* love is the stuff we discover that was not in a guidebook and we just stumbled into. The magnificent bakery; the street busker playing Vivaldi on the violin with *such* breathtaking beauty I almost cried; the art installation dedicated to professions in Germany; discovering a tiny park dedicated to WWII victims; a gorgeous church that is totally empty because it is not famous; The Message Tree in Montpellier. These tiny things bring me such joy! 

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2 hours ago, Quill said:

This really resonates with me, especially if we talk about traveling. Of course I like visiting famous sites and seeing the things in every guidebook but what I *really* love is the stuff we discover that was not in a guidebook and we just stumbled into. The magnificent bakery; the street busker playing Vivaldi on the violin with *such* breathtaking beauty I almost cried; the art installation dedicated to professions in Germany; discovering a tiny park dedicated to WWII victims; a gorgeous church that is totally empty because it is not famous; The Message Tree in Montpellier. These tiny things bring me such joy! 

Yes, I've had these exact kinds of experiences. Sometimes those big, seemingly exciting goals just don't satisfy me the way a completely unexpected experience does. 

What I'd like to do is explore what it is about those "unexpected" treasures that made them so wonderful. Perhaps they'll end up being things we can't plan, but they may help guide me in finding out the things that really hold meaning. 

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I don't know how to make such a list - I know I will be doing a lot more than 23 things this coming year, but I don't like to quantify

Hike, backpack, and kayak. How much of each, depends on weather,. So far this year, I did 22 day hikes, spent 15 days backpacking, and kayaked 400 miles. 
Write. This year, I published a book and a chapter in a collection; I can't plan for any of these to happen next year.
Give poetry readings. Three events are in the works, aiming for more.
Travel to Germany to see my mom.

And then of course the usual: work, make food, keep house, keep yard... just chugging along.

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20 hours ago, wintermom said:

 However, simply achieving goals doesn't always equal finding "happiness." It's a little like setting up expectations that completing these things will somehow result in a certain, positive result. However the result may not be all that positive, it may even be disappointing, and then we are left feeling like all the effort was a waste.

This. I have a hard time with "goals" - to me, these are often artificial. Of course I could do a number of "challenges" which aren't really challenges, just ways to satisfy my inner perfectionist who likes to count things and fulfill expectations. For example, I don't want to aim for a certain number in my outdoor pursuits; I can make it happen, but it takes away spontaneity and joy if I have to count hours/miles/steps.
I have written before that I wish I had a goal that felt worthwhile, but I can't think of anything that would really constitute an achievement and bring me more satisfaction that simply going about my life as it is, without counting, bookkeeping, and tallying. 

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Hmmmm. Thinking about this and about how it overlaps with my goals. I can definitely do 23 things. I think mine will be mostly simple, small things. I will use the idea of things that have brought me joy in the past, but perhaps not trying for anything momentous, just everyday pleasures that I need to slow down and be intentional to enjoy.  Definitely including park visits, new recipes, gardening, fun with dh, new experiences, and taking time to appreciate beauty. 

Agreeing with @Quill and others about the surprises and unplanned discoveries!

Years ago on a trip to Israel I had some free, unscheduled days in Jerusalem. At the suggestion of a waiter from a cafe, I got up very early to see the sunrise from the walls of the Old City. Amazing to enjoy my coffee and bread while watching a spring sunrise and the city wake to a new day.

Another one was on a trip in southern CA. Driving over the mountains as we headed to the desert from Los Angeles, we saw the desert floor carpeted in purple and white flowers. Breathtaking and lovely. If we’d come a week earlier or later, we’d have missed them.

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2 hours ago, regentrude said:

I don't know how to make such a list - I know I will be doing a lot more than 23 things this coming year, but I don't like to quantify

Hike, backpack, and kayak. How much of each, depends on weather,. So far this year, I did 22 day hikes, spent 15 days backpacking, and kayaked 400 miles. 
Write. This year, I published a book and a chapter in a collection; I can't plan for any of these to happen next year.
Give poetry readings. Three events are in the works, aiming for more.
Travel to Germany to see my mom.

And then of course the usual: work, make food, keep house, keep yard... just chugging along.

Yes, it is better not to quantify some things. I find for me when trying something new laying out some steps and goals are helpful. With things I already do I don't need that so much and the goals can be meaningless at best and counterproductive at worse. And as with anything what is helpful to one person is not to another. No need to make a list if it is not something that speaks to you. I'm still toying with the idea and what things would be best for a list and what things would not. I've thought a lot about the whole outdoor time. I considered it last year but didn't feel it would be helpful. I'm trying to determine if it will be this year. I'm not certain. I don't want to be bogged down tracking things but wonder if a goal would be helpful and if so what kind of goal. I know I've let the year pass without doing some things I wanted to do so I think I will specifically list some things out to give me a little push.

3 hours ago, wintermom said:

Yes, I've had these exact kinds of experiences. Sometimes those big, seemingly exciting goals just don't satisfy me the way a completely unexpected experience does. 

What I'd like to do is explore what it is about those "unexpected" treasures that made them so wonderful. Perhaps they'll end up being things we can't plan, but they may help guide me in finding out the things that really hold meaning. 

I read what you wrote in another way. Not searching for some big important things or anything really but taking pleasure in the little things. We love our time traveling but it also gives me a greater appreciation for being at home.

I don't have any trips planned for next year as there aren't funds available so I'm looking more at making at what can I do to improve my day to day. 

I'm thinking of what things bring me joy that I would like to do more of? What things would I like to try but haven't been able to accomplish so far? What areas do I feel are lacking now? 

Edited by Soror
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15 minutes ago, Soror said:

I read what you wrote in another way. Not searching for some big important things or anything really but taking pleasure in the little things. We love our time traveling but it also gives me a greater appreciation for being at home.

I don't have any trips planned for next year as there aren't funds available so I'm looking more at making at what can I do to improve my day to day. 

I'm thinking of what things bring me joy that I would like to do more of? What things would I like to try but haven't been able to accomplish so far? What areas do I feel are lacking now? 

Yes, I'm finding that there is a lot of joy and satisfaction that can come from little, unexpected things. Whether or not it's possible to try and create more of these may come from examining within what context they happened in the first place. Perhaps they came from doing something unplanned, or stepping off the track that was pre-planned.

Or perhaps the catalyst was something unplanned, a death, injury, move, etc., and it was our response to the unexpected situation that resulted in doing something different and exciting. 

And yes, I'm definitely looking for things that bring me joy that are simple and inexpentive. 😉 

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I don't understand the difference between this and goals.  Is it a semantics thing?  Or perhaps I'm just particularly goal oriented and can't think outside the goal box?

23 goals would be too much for me.  But of course I do more than 23 things in a year.  But I don't know what opportunities will arise in the next year. 

As to the "counting" of things.  For me personally, because I have to push myself to physically do things, getting on a streak of doing something daily (or weekly if I'm counting that way) is helpful for me.  It's an extra push to help my willpower along especially since I share my streak with some others for accountability.  (They don't push me to do it.  They just encourage me when I do follow through.  But I still don't want them to see me giving up.  And I'm not going to lie and say that I did something that I didn't do.) 

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25 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I don't understand the difference between this and goals.  Is it a semantics thing?  Or perhaps I'm just particularly goal oriented and can't think outside the goal box?

23 goals would be too much for me.  But of course I do more than 23 things in a year.  But I don't know what opportunities will arise in the next year. 

As to the "counting" of things.  For me personally, because I have to push myself to physically do things, getting on a streak of doing something daily (or weekly if I'm counting that way) is helpful for me.  It's an extra push to help my willpower along especially since I share my streak with some others for accountability.  (They don't push me to do it.  They just encourage me when I do follow through.  But I still don't want them to see me giving up.  And I'm not going to lie and say that I did something that I didn't do.) 

 I think it is a lot of semantics because people call it different things but it can end up looking the same. My vote is you can count or not count, call it goals, or a list, or whatever else you want to because it is personal. I think we're all trying to improve ourselves in whatever way makes sense to us. I used to do a word of the year and found it really helpful. I don't any more. I felt like I was failing the first year I couldn't come up with a word, which is just stupid. It's just a tool. And just because someone doesn't find some particular tool useful doesn't make it a bad tool just not a good fit for that person.



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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

Yes, I'm finding that there is a lot of joy and satisfaction that can come from little, unexpected things. Whether or not it's possible to try and create more of these may come from examining within what context they happened in the first place. Perhaps they came from doing something unplanned, or stepping off the track that was pre-planned.

Or perhaps the catalyst was something unplanned, a death, injury, move, etc., and it was our response to the unexpected situation that resulted in doing something different and exciting. 

And yes, I'm definitely looking for things that bring me joy that are simple and inexpentive. 😉 

Heavy... I'm not looking to recreate anything. I'm just looking at doing more of the things I know I like but currently feel I don't do enough and trying new things I think would be good for me in some way. We'll see what happens from there. 

I'm feeling in a good place right now.  My stress level is way down. Things have calmed down considerably. I feel like all of my people will be ok so I have a moment to think of things for me. I'm not looking for any big things really. After working hard to make peace with a "smaller" life I just don't want to chase things. I feel worn down by the thought, not energized. 

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6 minutes ago, Soror said:

 I think it is a lot of semantics because people call it different things but it can end up looking the same. My vote is you can count or not count, call it goals, or a list, or whatever else you want to because it is personal. I think we're all trying to improve ourselves in whatever way makes sense to us. I used to do a word of the year and found it really helpful. I don't any more. I felt like I was failing the first year I couldn't come up with a word, which is just stupid. It's just a tool. And just because someone doesn't find some particular tool useful doesn't make it a bad tool just not a good fit for that person.



I hope that you don't think that I was criticizing.  I was just musing out loud really.  And you are so right that we all do what helps us.  I think that if I didn't have to work so hard to be able to do things that "normal" people do as a matter of course, it would be easier to just list "things I like to do and would like to do at some point this year".  But the reality for me is that I  have to physically work hard just to get out of bed.  (The movement causes a lot of pain for me - some days more than others but this morning I literally had to struggle for five minutes before I could get my stupid thigh muscles to cooperate.)  Anyway. . . all of that is just to say that for me to say "I want to go kayaking" means a whole bunch of things have to be worked at very hard before that's going to be physically possible.  So maybe (and this is really just more musing out loud) I think in terms of goals because I have to think in terms of goals. 

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3 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I hope that you don't think that I was criticizing.  I was just musing out loud really.  And you are so right that we all do what helps us.  I think that if I didn't have to work so hard to be able to do things that "normal" people do as a matter of course, it would be easier to just list "things I like to do and would like to do at some point this year".  But the reality for me is that I  have to physically work hard just to get out of bed.  (The movement causes a lot of pain for me - some days more than others but this morning I literally had to struggle for five minutes before I could get my stupid thigh muscles to cooperate.)  Anyway. . . all of that is just to say that for me to say "I want to go kayaking" means a whole bunch of things have to be worked at very hard before that's going to be physically possible.  So maybe (and this is really just more musing out loud) I think in terms of goals because I have to think in terms of goals. 

No, no, no -- I didn't take you as critical. (and I hope I didn't come across that way)

I was just trying to keep this as inclusive as possible because I was afraid the talk of the helpfulness of lists and goals could be discouraging to those that find those things useful. To me there is no 'right way' to go about accomplishing your goals, just whatever works for you.

I want to say I hate that physical things are harder for you. It isn't fair. (I hope that is not patronizing. I'm short on time and have thought and rethought how to say that.)

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I haven’t started next year’s list, but for me, I am not very goal oriented and a bit of a procrastinator.  I’m an empty nester with a good bit of free time. So, my list looks different for sure. I found it helpful to push me to experience things I might not have gotten around to before. And looking back on my list, I have fond memories of what I did do.  I will look for new experiences and also things that need to get done. But, mostly new day to day experiences. 

If you already make yearly goals, then this isn’t much different for you. For me it will be fun to kind of brainstorm 23 new experiences or variations of new things to do next year. 

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9 minutes ago, Soror said:

No, no, no -- I didn't take you as critical. (and I hope I didn't come across that way)

I was just trying to keep this as inclusive as possible because I was afraid the talk of the helpfulness of lists and goals could be discouraging to those that find those things useful. To me there is no 'right way' to go about accomplishing your goals, just whatever works for you.

I want to say I hate that physical things are harder for you. It isn't fair. (I hope that is not patronizing. I'm short on time and have thought and rethought how to say that.)

Musing out loud was actually helpful to me and led to an epiphany of sorts!  And no, you're not patronizing.  I'm of course not the only one to have difficulties - some people experience it more in their mental health, some physical, some relational etc. but difficulties are . . .  well, difficult.  I'm sure that some who find it easy to list fun experiences have other challenges that they face.  (That's just life, right?) 

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I'm going to Costa Rica in Feb. It's the first time I've been to Central America. I think I'll be able to experience 23 things neat things down there pretty easily. I'm hoping to see some monkeys, cool birds, insects and other wildlife (hopefully no snakes), not to mention a lot of different vegitation. 

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4 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm going to Costa Rica in Feb. It's the first time I've been to Central America. I think I'll be able to experience 23 things neat things down there pretty easily. I'm hoping to see some monkeys, cool birds, insects and other wildlife (hopefully no snakes), not to mention a lot of different vegitation. 

Enjoy! Dh has 2 nieces who married men from Costa Rica and visit often. They love it and I've always wanted to go but we never seem to get around to planning such a trip. You will definitely find new things to experience. 

I'm going to Greece (mostly Crete with a few days in Athens) so I too will experience new things. I'm sure there will be at least 23 new things but just seeing the Acropolis will make me so happy. 

Edit: Dh not ds' nieces married men from Costa Rica. 🙂


Edited by Lady Florida.
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5 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

Enjoy! Ds has 2 nieces who married men from Costa Rica and visit often. They love it and I've always wanted to go but we never seem to get around to planning such a trip. You will definitely find new things to experience. 

I'm going to Greece (mostly Crete with a few days in Athens) so I too will experience new things. I'm sure there will be at least 23 new things but just seeing the Acropolis will make me so happy. 

That sounds amazing! I've always wanted to visit Greece, but haven't made it there yet. Enjoy all your new experiences!

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3 hours ago, Lady Florida. said:

Enjoy! Ds has 2 nieces who married men from Costa Rica and visit often. They love it and I've always wanted to go but we never seem to get around to planning such a trip. You will definitely find new things to experience. 

I'm going to Greece (mostly Crete with a few days in Athens) so I too will experience new things. I'm sure there will be at least 23 new things but just seeing the Acropolis will make me so happy. 

Have fun. Greece is on my some day list. 

3 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Musing out loud was actually helpful to me and led to an epiphany of sorts!  And no, you're not patronizing.  I'm of course not the only one to have difficulties - some people experience it more in their mental health, some physical, some relational etc. but difficulties are . . .  well, difficult.  I'm sure that some who find it easy to list fun experiences have other challenges that they face.  (That's just life, right?) 

It does help to think out loud. My thoughts are getting more solidified too.

3 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm going to Costa Rica in Feb. It's the first time I've been to Central America. I think I'll be able to experience 23 things neat things down there pretty easily. I'm hoping to see some monkeys, cool birds, insects and other wildlife (hopefully no snakes), not to mention a lot of different vegitation. 

I hope you have a wonderful time. You've had a stressful couple of years. You could mark off lots of very neat to dos there.

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20 hours ago, PeacefulChaos said:

Thought of some lol!

go to the zoo

go to the botanical garden

get chickens

get ducks

plant some herbs & veggies

plant flowers

tear out some alien plants

get a rug for our entryway

get family pics taken

plant 1 houseplant

do monthly decor on my one shelf I've set aside for that purpose (did most months this year)

blog 6 posts

make a new dessert

study herbalism some more (informally)


So that's 14 so far.  

Added some more:

retro Christmas decor next year (it's 100% normal for me to already be thinking about this lol)

read more than I did in 2022

dehydrate and pickle more than I did in 2022

eat fruit in one way or another once a week

go camping

go to the beach

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I would like to join this.  I haven't made it to 23 quite yet, but I'm well on my way.  I have things like:

getting a mammogram and eye exam (same line),

losing the Covid 15,

various spiritual goals,

paint bedroom(s),

go camping,

start an herb garden,

and 4 sleeps away (what I heard it takes to reset). 

I also included make paper crafts (airplanes, snowflakes, origami) with the kids

and GO to a movie (hopefully there will be one worth going to else it'll just be Mario LOL).  

I have a big one if anyone wants to help.  I would like to read a piece of fiction.  As some know, I had a stroke in May 2006.  Before the stroke, I read voraciously.  Since, I have not read one book (not literature or even fluff).  So I'd like to read a book.  Key info about me:  I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses so pretty conservative but with no interest in politics.  I also wouldn't be interested in something primarily around religion or war. Any suggestions (or should I make a separate post?)?

Oh, and I do think that this is a matter of semantics but it was one that allowed me to participate.  The idea of a SMART goal for 23 things seems WAY out of reach.  A few bucket items, a few things that need to be done, a couple goals, etc ALL seem more do-able and list-worthy this way, I think.  

Edited by Pamela H in Texas
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