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Oscars/Will Smith

Mrs Tiggywinkle

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1 hour ago, Corraleno said:

I think Will Smith was overcompensating for the fact that he had laughed out loud at the joke before he realized that Jada was upset. So to me it looked less like a spontaneous expression of anger and more like a contrived performance to cover his ass with Jada for laughing at the joke to begin with. Not that assaulting someone in response to an insult is ever okay, even if it's genuine and spontaneous. But the fact that it seemed so artificial made it even worse IMO.

THIS. The man's masculinity has been publicly questioned since his appearance on the Red Table Talk 'Entanglement with August' episode. This was a wholly inappropriate way to try to reclaim it.

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1 hour ago, Corraleno said:

I think Will Smith was overcompensating for the fact that he had laughed out loud at the joke before he realized that Jada was upset. So to me it looked less like a spontaneous expression of anger and more like a contrived performance to cover his ass with Jada for laughing at the joke to begin with. Not that assaulting someone in response to an insult is ever okay, even if it's genuine and spontaneous. But the fact that it seemed so artificial made it even worse IMO.

Yep. I thought that too. 

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18 minutes ago, Katy said:

This. Also, wasn’t it CR who produced some sort of documentary about black girls’ hair?  It would have been ages ago, I think Oprah did a segment on it. He knows it can be a sensitive topic because it was sensitive for his own daughter. I bet he legit thought it was for a role or a feminist stance. 

He wasn't wrong either. Jada in a remake of GI Jane would be epic.

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28 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Even if Chris Rock knew about it, the proper response was not for Will Smith to make a scene and resort to violence.

I said neither was innocent.

CR shouldn't have made the joke, and WS shouldn't have hit him.


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5 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

I read somewhere that he did not know . 

Then he needs to make a public apology after mocking her in public. 

Every other alopecia sufferer knows the hurt.  I've known those with it who recoverd, at least somewhat.  But I know another who has no body hair.  not on her scalp, not eyebrows, (and according to her sil who shared TMI . . . no where.)

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20 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Jada Smith appears to be embracing her hair loss by not wearing wigs, so even if he knew about it, maybe Chris Rock didn’t even realize that she was sensitive about her condition.

This. She was giving interviews last summer saying she was no longer going to cover it up, she was shaving her head and "embracing the shed." Even if Chris Rock knew the reason she was shaving her head was alopecia, she had given the impression that she was embracing the look, so why would he have thought she'd be upset by him suggesting she star in a move about a woman with a shaved head? It's not like he called her ugly or something. Obviously her own husband didn't think she would be upset, or he wouldn't have laughed, so why would Chris Rock be expected to know that?

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I'm kind of surprised so many people are either adamant or lukewarmly willing to believe CR did not know about her condition. His career is contingent on being up to date on all gossip, rumors, and news about celebrities. His job is to take this information and make jokes around it. His brand of humor is not play-nice. The fact that he misjudged what type of reaction he'd get to this particular joke doesn't mean that he didn't know what he was joking about. 

He could make a joke in poor taste fully knowing all of the medical underlying conditions *and still* not deserve to get hit. He doesn't need to be innocent for the slap to be inappropriate. 

edit: took out some mindreading that isn't relevant.

Edited by Moonhawk
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What gets me about the whole situation are how many women are defending Smith's OTT reaction and completely missing the fact that Jada is no shrinking violet. Let me handle my business, TYVM, Jada can handle hers. I'm not trying to have my son be out in the streets embarrassing himself or his loved ones like that...ever. She wasn't under physical threat. If Will felt that way about Chris, he had a million ways to handle it before and after the show. This is their WORKPLACE. If that's the kind of demonstration of 'chivalry' a chick needs, DS needs to run, not walk, away as fast as his feet can carry him.

Edited by Sneezyone
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3 minutes ago, Amy in NH said:

Yes, it was verbal assault that wounded someone, followed by physical assault that probably didn't wound someone.

How long do you think the hurt will last for each of the "victims"?

Verbal assault? Seriously?

It is standard practice at the Oscars for the host to insult the nominees. Jada Smith is the well-known wife of the favorite to win Best Actor, so she was fair game, and I’m sure she knew it. And if she was truly so sensitive about her hair loss that she couldn’t take a joke about it, she probably should have just worn a beautiful wig or head covering. She seemed to be rocking her super-short hair, and she looked beautiful and confident. Chris Rock may or may not have known about her alopecia, and if he did, I agree that the joke was in poor taste, but to act shocked and hurt that an insult comic made a joke about her hair when she appeared to be totally confident about it, seems a little dramatic. 

Physical assault is not the appropriate response to an insult, no matter how mean the insult. It just isn’t. We don’t let our children get away with it, so why would anyone condone it from a middle-aged man? 

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5 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

What gets me about the whole situation are how many women are defending Smith's OTT reaction and completely missing the fact that Jada is no shrinking violet. Let me handle my business, TYVM, Jada can handle hers. I'm not trying to have my son be out in the streets embarrassing himself or his loved ones like that...ever. She wasn't under physical threat. If Will felt that way about Chris, he had a million ways to handle it before and after the show. This is their WORKPLACE. If that's the kind of demonstration of 'chivalry' a chick needs, DS needs to run, not walk, away as fast as his feet can carry him.

I cannot “like” this enough times.

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32 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Also, Jada Smith appears to be embracing her hair loss by not wearing wigs

The whole thing was inappropriate and super uncomfortable all around, but I’m only going to address the alopecia part. Not wearing wigs doesn’t meant that the condition isn’t still painful and difficult for someone. Their are lots of reasons not to wear wigs and many people with alopecia choose not to despite not “embracing” their hair loss. My own family member found wigs worse than just dealing with the difficulty of being someone with obvious hair loss. Didn’t mean they weren’t unhappy and sensitive about it, even if they made the decision they weren’t going to try to hide it somehow (wigs and sensory issues really don’t go together). 

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12 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

I said neither was innocent.

CR shouldn't have made the joke, and WS shouldn't have hit him.


Insult comics are going to insult people. It’s what they do. It’s not like Jada Smith is the only person Chris Rock made a joke about. That’s what happens every year at the Oscars. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s what happens. 

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10 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Verbal assault? Seriously?

It is standard practice at the Oscars for the host to insult the nominees. Jada Smith is the well-known wife of the favorite to win Best Actor, so she was fair game, and I’m sure she knew it. And if she was truly so sensitive about her hair loss that she couldn’t take a joke about it, she probably should have just worn a beautiful wig or head covering. She seemed to be rocking her super-short hair, and she looked beautiful and confident. Chris Rock may or may not have known about her alopecia, and if he did, I agree that the joke was in poor taste, but to act shocked and hurt that an insult comic made a joke about her hair when she appeared to be totally confident about it, seems a little dramatic. 

Physical assault is not the appropriate response to an insult, no matter how mean the insult. It just isn’t. We don’t let our children get away with it, so why would anyone condone it from a middle-aged man? 

Everything about that family is dramatic. God bless 'em, don't put your business out in the streets if you don't want people to talk about it. Everything about that slap looked like a *****move to me. If my DH was really angry enough to strike someone, it wouldn't be a slap, he wouldn't be smirking at *any* point, and  I'd have been up and out of my seat trying to pull him back!

Edited by Sneezyone
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8 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

And if she was truly so sensitive about her hair loss that she couldn’t take a joke about it, she probably should have just worn a beautiful wig or head covering. She seemed to be rocking her super-short hair, and she looked beautiful and confident.

Would you think the same about other conditions that affect a person’s looks? What if someone had vitiligo or a facial difference? Would the fact they don’t wear a facial veil to cover up and are a confident personality mean they clearly aren’t sensitive about it and it’s fair game for a joke?


eta: this doesn’t justify the hit, I’m just pushing back on the idea that because Jada goes bald and looks beautiful, that the condition must not be painful for her. 

Edited by KSera
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4 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Insult comics are going to insult people. It’s what they do. It’s not like Jada Smith is the only person Chris Rock made a joke about. That’s what happens every year at the Oscars. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s what happens. 

She cut her hair that short because of a medical condition. It was an over the line joke - and not-vetted by the Academy btw. (he submitted the rest - not that.)

If her hair was just super short because that's how she cut it - it would have been different.

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8 minutes ago, Catwoman said:


Physical assault is not the appropriate response to an insult, no matter how mean the insult. It just isn’t. We don’t let our children get away with it, so why would anyone condone it from a middle-aged man? 

Seriously. Insult him back, or you know, be a real man and say flat out that insulting people for a medical condition is not okay. Million ways to handle this beyond slapping someone. 

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2 minutes ago, KSera said:

The whole thing was inappropriate and super uncomfortable all around, but I’m only going to address the alopecia part. Not wearing wigs doesn’t meant that the condition isn’t still painful and difficult for someone. Their are lots of reasons not to wear wigs and many people with alopecia choose not to despite not “embracing” their hair loss. My own family member found wigs worse than just dealing with the difficulty of being someone with obvious hair loss. Didn’t mean they weren’t unhappy and sensitive about it, even if they made the decision they weren’t going to try to hide it somehow (wigs and sensory issues really don’t go together). 

I agree, but the thing is, if you don’t want people to comment on something, you don’t intentionally draw attention to it. I didn’t know she had alopecia. I honestly thought it was a style choice and that it looked great on her. 

And really, it was a one-line joke that would have been forgotten by just about everyone had Will Smith not made an idiot of himself by rushing to the stage and hitting Chris Rock. If Jada didn’t want her hair loss to be the focus of attention, her husband shouldn’t have done what he did.

Insult comics tell hurtful jokes about lots of people. I’m not saying it’s right, but that’s what Chris Rock was paid to do. And as far as I know, we don’t know that he knew she had a medical condition. If he did, his joke was absolutely wrong, but if he didn’t, it’s no different from when comics made jokes about Demi Moore’s crewcut. And in the end, it still comes down to Will Smith’s violent response being entirely inappropriate. If a guy did that in a bar because somebody insulted his wife, he would have been arrested for assault.

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1 minute ago, Sneezyone said:

Everything about that family is dramatic. God bless 'em, don't put your business out in the streets if you don't want people to talk about it. Everything about that slap looked like a *****move to me. If my DH was really angry enough to strike someone, it wouldn't be a slap, he wouldn't smirking at *any* point, and  I'd have been up and out of my seat trying to pull him back!


There wasn't even a "What did you say about my wife?" moment, no escalation, just this weirdness. 

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1 minute ago, KSera said:

Would you think the same about other conditions that affect a person’s looks? What if someone had vitiligo or a facial difference? Would the fact they don’t wear a facial veil to cover up and are a confident personality mean they clearly aren’t sensitive about it and it’s fair game for a joke?

This is like going to the pre-COVID Washington Press Association Dinner and not expecting a roast. It's the nature of the event/format.

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2 minutes ago, KSera said:

Would you think the same about other conditions that affect a person’s looks? What if someone had vitiligo or a facial difference? Would the fact they don’t wear a facial veil to cover up and are a confident personality mean they clearly aren’t sensitive about it and it’s fair game for a joke?

But did Chris Rock know she had a medical condition? We don’t know that he did. 

And no matter what, Will Smith had no right to hit him. 

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Honestly, if Will Smith hadn't slapped Chris Rock, I would never have known about her alopecia diagnosis. Some women just look beautiful with a shaved head and I would never have given a second thought to her having one because she looks great that way. When I heard the GI Jane joke, I thought it really had to do with an upcoming GI Jane movie. So all Will Smith did was bring more attention to his wife's diagnosis.

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2 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Seriously. Insult him back, or you know, be a real man and say flat out that insulting people for a medical condition is not okay. Million ways to handle this beyond slapping someone. 

Yes! I am actually shocked that anyone here is defending Will Smith.

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Just now, stephanier.1765 said:

Honestly, if Will Smith hadn't slapped Chris Rock, I would never have known about her alopecia diagnosis. Some women just look beautiful with a shaved head and I would never have given a second thought to her having one because she looks great that way. When I heard the GI Jane joke, I thought it really had to do with an upcoming GI Jane movie. So all Will Smith did was bring more attention to his wife's diagnosis.

Same here! 

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I watched it live, and it was shocking. The audience was clearly shocked, and the producers blocked out some of what happened by muting the sound and replacing the video with a logo temporarily. I thought Chris Rock's joke was in poor taste, but that is what he does and digs at the the stars are common. I'm not defending that, because I don't like it, but searing jokes are often part of the annual awards show. Would I want my loved ones' disabilities to be the target of a joke on national television? Absolutely not. But Will Smith striking the comedian was way out of line. I was sorry that he won the Oscar after that, and that his behavior upstaged what should have been a career-high moment for him. Always from now on, the incident will be remembered whenever his achievement is discussed.

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1 minute ago, Catwoman said:

Yes! I am actually shocked that anyone here is defending Will Smith.

And I'm a hot head from a long line of hot heads who have had their violent moments! But if we are falling back on the tough guy alpha man ethics, it STILL doesn't fit! You would first get in their face and tell them to take it back, or apologize, or whatever, then they either would back down, or would double down and step into you more, and it would escalate and THEN maybe violence. Hell, even DOGS have a ritual for this!!! Growl, posture, feint, etc THEN bite as last resort. 

He was more like one of those skittish chihuahuas that snap over anything, lol. 

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2 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

And I'm a hot head from a long line of hot heads who have had their violent moments! But if we are falling back on the tough guy alpha man ethics, it STILL doesn't fit! You would first get in their face and tell them to take it back, or apologize, or whatever, then they either would back down, or would double down and step into you more, and it would escalate and THEN maybe violence. Hell, even DOGS have a ritual for this!!! Growl, posture, feint, etc THEN bite as last resort. 

He was more like one of those skittish chihuahuas that snap over anything, lol. 

Right? Like, even the performative masculinity was all wrong! It felt very contrived to me.

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3 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

And I'm a hot head from a long line of hot heads who have had their violent moments! But if we are falling back on the tough guy alpha man ethics, it STILL doesn't fit! You would first get in their face and tell them to take it back, or apologize, or whatever, then they either would back down, or would double down and step into you more, and it would escalate and THEN maybe violence. Hell, even DOGS have a ritual for this!!! Growl, posture, feint, etc THEN bite as last resort. 

He was more like one of those skittish chihuahuas that snap over anything, lol. 

Absolutely! And only a complete idiot would rush up onstage and make a big scene over it.

It’s like Will Smith saw his opportunity to look like the knight in shining armor, protecting his wife… on camera in the middle of the Academy Awards, so he could be sure the whole world would see it. 

What a great example he set for his fans, especially the young men. Somebody insults you or your wife? Just rush over and hit him. 🤮 Ugh.

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14 minutes ago, KSera said:

Would you think the same about other conditions that affect a person’s looks? What if someone had vitiligo or a facial difference? Would the fact they don’t wear a facial veil to cover up and are a confident personality mean they clearly aren’t sensitive about it and it’s fair game for a joke?


eta: this doesn’t justify the hit, I’m just pushing back on the idea that because Jada goes bald and looks beautiful, that the condition must not be painful for her. 

Yes! Totally agree with this. She might be rocking the shaved head look, but could have been in tears just hours before this incident because it is NOT the look she wanted to be rocking. 

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12 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

I agree, but the thing is, if you don’t want people to comment on something, you don’t intentionally draw attention to it. I didn’t know she had alopecia. I honestly thought it was a style choice and that it looked great on her. 


10 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

But did Chris Rock know she had a medical condition? We don’t know that he did. 

And no matter what, Will Smith had no right to hit him. 

Like I said, I’m commenting on the alopecia aspect, totally aside from the violence and ridiculousness. As an ally of people with alopecia, I want to make clear, that someone not covering up their head doesn’t mean they are intentionally drawing attention to it. No one should be required to cover their head or wear uncomfortable, expensive wigs in order to make other people feel comfortable and/or for people to not accuse them of purposely drawing attention to it. 

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1 minute ago, KSera said:


Like I said, I’m commenting on the alopecia aspect, totally aside from the violence and ridiculousness. As an ally of people with alopecia, I want to make clear, that someone not covering up their head doesn’t mean they are intentionally drawing attention to it. No one should be required to cover their head or wear uncomfortable, expensive wigs in order to make other people feel comfortable and/or for people to not accuse them of purposely drawing attention to it. 

I agree — but again, everyone is fair game at the Oscars, and Chris Rock may have honestly just been making a joke about her hair style, without realizing that she had alopecia. I don’t think most people would have even paid attention to the joke if not for Will’s ridiculous and inappropriate reaction. 

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I don't see it as an insult. It drew attention to her condition, but it's not like he was saying she was ugly or something. I don't think it is necessary for people to take such things in stride (your medical condition is no big deal and something we can joke around about) but nor is it necessarily insulting what he said.

Joking about things people might be sensitive about just makes my skin crawl. I hate it, so I rarely watch comedians. I understand if Jada didn't want her condition to be a butt of a joke, but again, she wasn't being insulted, imo. 

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33 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

What gets me about the whole situation are how many women are defending Smith's OTT reaction and completely missing the fact that Jada is no shrinking violet. Let me handle my business, TYVM, Jada can handle hers. I'm not trying to have my son be out in the streets embarrassing himself or his loved ones like that...ever. She wasn't under physical threat. If Will felt that way about Chris, he had a million ways to handle it before and after the show. This is their WORKPLACE. If that's the kind of demonstration of 'chivalry' a chick needs, DS needs to run, not walk, away as fast as his feet can carry him.

Unsurprisingly my FB feed is filled with women reposting memes that say things like “If my husband don’t love me like Will Smith, I don’t want it.”

My husband has probably never raised a hand to anyone in his life.  Bless his heart, he thinks he insults someone and then feels bad about it while I roll my eyes because I know that the comment wasn’t insulting in the least and the other party didn’t think twice about it.   But trust me, he loves me, even if he’ll never punch anyone in the face for me.  Besides, I don’t need him to punch anyone for me; I’ve had a migraine for two days and he took today off his contracting work to manage kids and dinner and all the things I usually handle so I could catch up on sleep. 

DD, on the other hand, is likely to haul off on anyone who she thinks is being a jerk.  We’re constantly reminding her that violence is not the answer.  I’m pretty sure if someone ever insults her like CR did, it will be her husband/boyfriend/SO holding her back. 

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1 minute ago, Catwoman said:

I agree — but again, everyone is fair game at the Oscars, and Chris Rock may have honestly just been making a joke about her hair style, without realizing that she had alopecia. I don’t think most people would have even paid attention to the joke if not for Will’s ridiculous and inappropriate reaction. 

I feel like a broken record, but again, my comments are in response to your comments about how she would have covered her head up if she was sensitive about it. I’m not speaking to the Oscar situation at all, just the misunderstandings about alopecia and how people should be expected to cover it up if they don’t like losing their hair. 

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23 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

Everything about that family is dramatic. God bless 'em, don't put your business out in the streets if you don't want people to talk about it. Everything about that slap looked like a *****move to me. If my DH was really angry enough to strike someone, it wouldn't be a slap, he wouldn't be smirking at *any* point, and  I'd have been up and out of my seat trying to pull him back!

That's what DH said, "If you're going to punch someone, put them on the ground!" and something about it being a good thing this wasn't right after filming Ali.   He first saw the slap out of the corner of his eye and was convinced it was a weak punch and that WS was either a terrible fighter or the whole thing was an act and the timing was off from rehearsals and that's what had CR quaking. Only later when in replay we saw it was a slap did DH wonder if it was real. I'm 65% convinced this was planned.

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19 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

Yes! Totally agree with this. She might be rocking the shaved head look, but could have been in tears just hours before this incident because it is NOT the look she wanted to be rocking. 

You know who we don't hear about, not their hair, their open marriage, their dramas... Denzel and Pauletta. Why? Because he and his OG wife, the original who was a Broadway thing before he had a Hollywood dream, know how to handle their business outside the public spotlight. No web shows, no Instacrap, none of it.

I have close cousins (2) with alopecia. It's a non-issue. We're beautiful people REGARDLESS of hair, no hair, wigs, weaves, locs, braids, twists, curls, fros, relaxers. *THAT'S* not what the Smith's are about tho. They're all about image.

To me, what this episode exposes is how truly hollow they are. They're frontin' on the public in a major way - claiming confidence they don't possess, being public when they really want to hide and have privacy, and working through MAJOR marital challenges. it's been obvious for a long time that they are not some new age, love-fest couple. It's time for them to step back and work on themselves.

It reminds me a lot of the pre-divorce Kanye West. Like, you see some guy skidding off the rails and people are all ooooh, look at his marvelous religious conversion!! Meanwhile, I'm like, how does no one see that this man/family is in crisis?

Edited by Sneezyone
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5 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

Unsurprisingly my FB feed is filled with women reposting memes that say things like “If my husband don’t love me like Will Smith, I don’t want it.”

My husband has probably never raised a hand to anyone in his life.  Bless his heart, he thinks he insults someone and then feels bad about it while I roll my eyes because I know that the comment wasn’t insulting in the least and the other party didn’t think twice about it.   But trust me, he loves me, even if he’ll never punch anyone in the face for me.  Besides, I don’t need him to punch anyone for me; I’ve had a migraine for two days and he took today off his contracting work to manage kids and dinner and all the things I usually handle so I could catch up on sleep. 

DD, on the other hand, is likely to haul off on anyone who she thinks is being a jerk.  We’re constantly reminding her that violence is not the answer.  I’m pretty sure if someone ever insults her like CR did, it will be her husband/boyfriend/SO holding her back. 

Early on in our marriage a guy got in my face and my husband stood him down. I asked him if he would do what WS did. He said no and I pouted because I will always remember feeling like he had my back 1000% that day. Like TW's DD, I know I will be more likely to haul off on someone who would insult my family members.

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9 minutes ago, KSera said:

I feel like a broken record, but again, my comments are in response to your comments about how she would have covered her head up if she was sensitive about it. I’m not speaking to the Oscar situation at all, just the misunderstandings about alopecia and how people should be expected to cover it up if they don’t like losing their hair. 

But nobody is saying that. What we are saying is that Jada Smith appeared to be embracing her super-short hairstyle, and many of us had no idea she had alopecia.

But if she really and truly wasn’t able to handle a quick one-liner about it from an insult comic, then yes, she should have worn some kind of head covering. Insult comics look for anything unique about a person and turn it into a joke. And when you come right down to it, Chris Rock didn’t say that Jada was hideous or ugly. He made a GI Jane comment. Demi Moore had a crewcut and was in amazing shape when she made that movie. Jada has very short hair and she’s in amazing physical shape right now. To say that she could be playing GI Jane isn’t as insulting as a lot of people seem to believe it is (again, assuming that Chris Rock was unaware of her alopecia.) And it was one line. He wasn’t harping on her appearance for five minutes. And he didn’t single her out after being nice and complimentary to everyone else. 

Edited by Catwoman
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1 minute ago, teachermom2834 said:

So I absolutely love my family and I’d do anything for my kids including jump in front of the proverbial train for them. But I wouldn’t punch someone who insulted them. 

Does that make me weak? I love them less? This whole thing just doesn’t even compute for me. 

No, it doesn’t make you weak. I also don’t think many kids would want that anyway. Ds asked us long ago not to even say anything when someone is offensive to him in public because it just draws more attention. I definitely wouldn’t have a problem having words with those who say that horrible stuff to him but I would never physically hurt someone over words.

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12 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

Early on in our marriage a guy got in my face and my husband stood him down. I asked him if he would do what WS did. He said no and I pouted because I will always remember feeling like he had my back 1000% that day. Like TW's DD, I know I will be more likely to haul off on someone who would insult my family members.

But what would it accomplish, other than you or your dh getting arrested for assault? 

I am fully in favor of defending family members from insults, but I don’t agree that physical violence is an acceptable response to a verbal insult.

Edited by Catwoman
I can’t type at all today!
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3 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

But what would it accomplish, other than you or your dh getting arrested for assault? 

I am fully in favor of defending family members from insults, but I don’t agree that violence is an acceptable response to a verbal insult.

🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm hotheaded and very loyal to those who are loyal to me. 

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1 hour ago, Moonhawk said:

 The fact that he misjudged what type of reaction he'd get to this particular joke doesn't mean that he didn't know what he was joking about.  

The fact he did NOT submit this joke for pre-vetting to the academy (as required) implies he KNEW it was over the line.

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