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Husbands do not make good nurses! Prove me wrong.


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So yesterday I had my Moderna booster. I had high hopes it would be no big deal since it is a half dose. But my body, ever the nuclear reactor to all vaccines, just couldn't help itself. A few minutes ago, I was sitting in the recliner with my teeth chattering, and he, the chimpanzee I married, asked me how I was. I replied, "Feeling pretty cold at the moment." He said, "I better check your temp."

Did he get the thermometer? No. Did he lay the palm of his hand against my forehead? No. Did he reach under the blanket and down my pajamas to grab my boob? Yes, and then grinned and said, "Ya. I think you are pretty cold!" Making for the door like Speedy Gonzalez. 

This is what I endure. And he thinks he is absolutely hilarious.

Meanwhile, I feel and look like something the cat horked up! 😠😷🤒

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Just now, MooCow said:

I'm sorry. Not to brag, but the two times I've had surgery in the last ten years, dh really stepped up. Of course he had to redeem himself from the horror after I had the last child. Smh...he still gets in trouble for that when I remember. 

Feel better!!


Thanks! I am feeling pretty yucky, but not really sick. If I was really sick, he would be clingy. 😂😂😂 He was wonderful with the kids when they were little and sick. But sometimes that sense of humor of his.....

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I have had 10 babies, the last 7 of them at home. Usually my mom is there but with my 7th she didn't get there until after about 24 hrs.  I had him at 12:40 AM. The next morning my husband took care of the other kids etc but then came back to our bed about noon and said he was exhausted and was going to nap. I said, but I'm hungry, it's lunch time. Not joke the next words out of his mouth were "your leftovers are in the fridge" and that is how I ended up waddling to the kitchen 12 hrs post birth to heat up my food 🙄. I made sure my mom was there before the birth for the remainder of them so I was well taken care of in the early hours/days.  😉. I don't hold it against him really but just acknowledge that certain people are better at certain things.  

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I have to give kudos to my husband. Honestly, he generally thinks of my needs before I do. 

But this has generally been the case throughout our marriage. He’s always taken care of me and I take care of the kids. It’sa sweet deal. 😉


 Being painfully honest? I’m the bigger baby when I’m sick. 😂 

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Not to brag but my hubby has went above and beyond taking care of me since my crash in April. Still that does not prevent him from giving my butt a squeeze as he comes up the stairs behind me to insure I do not fall. At this point, climbing the stairs is still akin to climbing Mount Everest and I have explained that the goosing does not help but he insists that he is just letting me know that he still loves me and finds me attractive. It's hard to argue with that.

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I feel like I should add this. While the story I told up thread happened it was 13 years ago and honestly I just laugh about it. It was a stupid thing to do but it's not really a pattern or anything.  And since I've been sick with long covid (and a new AI diagnosis) he really has been amazing.    I read such devastating stories about women who's husband's or boyfriends are such jerks about their long covid and I'm so thankful that isn't happening here. He is incredibly patient. Much more so than me who just wants to be normal again. And he constantly asks me what I need and what he can do to help.   If a similar thing like that happened again, I would speak up which I didn't in the moment.  

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DH is always willing to bring me whatever I need (a drink, food, medicine) and always willing to go out to the store if necessary, too. But he doesn't get the "checking on the sick person" thing. You know, you're supposed to pop in every once in a while, say "How are you feeling honey?" in a sympathetic voice and then ask if you can bring them anything. Feeling the forehead, refreshing the water, straightening the blankets, emptying the trash...also all good things. That's what I do for people in my family when they are sick. But no one really does it for me--unless I directly ask.

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My dh would probably do similar if it wasn't serious. 🤣

Though in a real issue, I'm glad he steps up and over the line, being almost too attentive.  It's nice when it's serious, though.  He finally had been in enough doctor visits with me when they push the issue to the side (Diagnoses like "broke your elbow?  Just don't move it for six weeks.") where he reinforces that he's not taking me home until they treat me accordingly.  It sucks that it comes to that, but it's better than repeat visits to get one issue fixed.  (My current doctor doesn't think I have asthma because it "doesn't sound like what she's heard in her other patients".  That's because it's called cough-variant asthma, lady.  Literally.  Just refill my lovely little inhaler prescription and send me on my way.)

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Mine is really really good.  I've had a lot of serious health issues and surgeries the past few years and he's been absolutely amazing.  I just had major reconstructive surgery on my foot and can't do anything but ice and elevate for at least the next six weeks and I'm completely dependent on him and he's doing a great job again.  I am incredibly lucky but feel SO guilty that I'm such a burden on him.  He takes really good care of me even when I don't need him to!  

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8 hours ago, MercyA said:

DH is always willing to bring me whatever I need (a drink, food, medicine) and always willing to go out to the store if necessary, too. But he doesn't get the "checking on the sick person" thing. You know, you're supposed to pop in every once in a while, say "How are you feeling honey?" in a sympathetic voice and then ask if you can bring them anything. Feeling the forehead, refreshing the water, straightening the blankets, emptying the trash...also all good things. That's what I do for people in my family when they are sick. But no one really does it for me--unless I directly ask.

This is my DH too. When he is sick, he wants to crawl into a hole and die or recover alone, without interference, and so he extends that same “courtesy” to me. Whereas I would prefer that once in awhile someone show a little interest in how the dying/recovery process is going. I don’t like a lot of fuss , just periodic inquiries and offers of help.

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Just had my booster and spent a day in bed. Woke up at midnight the first night, shaking, like @Faith-manor. I didn’t want to wake Dh, who had to get up early for work. I couldn’t take my blanket off and walk to the kitchen because I was so cold. Finally, I poked him and said, “Help me!” He jerked awake and I said I needed ibuprofen. He got it and it helped. That morning I woke up with hives just like with my first two vaccines. Took Claritin for that. My word. It’s awful. 

Edit: Yes, it’s awful for some of us, but it’s just for a day for most. Don’t let it discourage you from getting them!

Edited by Indigo Blue
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My SO is really good when I'm sick. The week after we moved in together, I ended up sick for 3 weeks. He made me soup, rubbed my back, made sure I was comfortable. When I had my surgery last year, he was great. 

My ex would do the check on me once a day thing, maybe bring me some food. 

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8 hours ago, MercyA said:

DH is always willing to bring me whatever I need (a drink, food, medicine) and always willing to go out to the store if necessary, too. But he doesn't get the "checking on the sick person" thing. You know, you're supposed to pop in every once in a while, say "How are you feeling honey?" in a sympathetic voice and then ask if you can bring them anything. Feeling the forehead, refreshing the water, straightening the blankets, emptying the trash...also all good things. That's what I do for people in my family when they are sick. But no one really does it for me--unless I directly ask.

This is my husband. He doesn't get that I get so fatigued I am unable to formulate requests.  He always expects me to ask and is very good at helping me if I ask.  But I really need him to ask more.  I need that to improve my health..I am going to be educat8ng him about aphasia 

He is much more likely to check on me if he has had enough sleep.  After all, he is the one who asked how my knee looked when I was wearing a long skirt and had fallen on that knee a little iver a month previously.  I had fallen on asphalt, developed a humongous bruise, then big scabs.  I hadn't noticed that my scab had fallen off during the night.  When he looked at my knee, I had a big hole that looked awful wgere the scab was. He immediately called and got an appt w our concierge doctor for 1pm ( it was 10am then).  Came upstairs again to check my knee an hour later and it loiked worse so hr took me to the ER.  I spent 7 days in the hospital in March.  He also learned how to apply ointments, soecial bandages, etc, etc.  He took me to the Wound clinic every week from late March to mid July.  He us ggr 8nevwho usually drives me to Nashville - a 2 hour drive each way- to see my rheumatologist or another specialist occasionally.  

So, yes,, hevis definitely a keeper.

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10 hours ago, MercyA said:

DH is always willing to bring me whatever I need (a drink, food, medicine) and always willing to go out to the store if necessary, too. But he doesn't get the "checking on the sick person" thing. You know, you're supposed to pop in every once in a while, say "How are you feeling honey?" in a sympathetic voice and then ask if you can bring them anything. Feeling the forehead, refreshing the water, straightening the blankets, emptying the trash...also all good things. That's what I do for people in my family when they are sick. But no one really does it for me--unless I directly ask.

I have developed a "I'm dying" routine, which I pull out with any sniffle. Not because I want to be dramatic, but because DH's maternal instinct only kicks in if you are dying, apparently. So if I want to be tucked in, handed the remote control, given my cup of tea and plate of crackers, and patted gently on the head -- all standard of care that I think should come with minor cold and above -- he needs to think I'm at death's door. If it looks like I have a 50-50 chance of survival he completely forgets about tuck ins and head pats and remote controls, so I do what I gotta do to make sure my needs are met, lol.

eta: however, any minor illness symptom in the house triggers The Great Lysol'ing. Once someone sneezes and it isn't obviously from allergies, he starts wiping door knobs and opening windows and scrubbing surfaces. So we all have our strengths. 

Edited by Moonhawk
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2 hours ago, Moonhawk said:

eta: however, any minor illness symptom in the house triggers The Great Lysol'ing. Once someone sneezes and it isn't obviously from allergies, he starts wiping door knobs and opening windows and scrubbing surfaces. So we all have our strengths. 

I wish my DH would do that. He pretty much doesn't care about spreading his OWN germs.... 😒 Luckily he's rarely sick! I don't think I could take frequent flus or colds with him. 

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