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The Vaccine Thread


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7 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

This is really frightening to me, especially because the anti-vaxers I know are very strident in trying to persuade pregnant women not to get vaccinated. There is also a story about a breast fed baby who died a few weeks or a month after the mother was vaccinated, that is all over social media at the moment. I tried to look into it some more and it does not seem clear cut at all that it was a result of the vaccine, but not many details. And I keep thinking of the number of unborn babies that die because their mothers are seriously ill with Covid.

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1 hour ago, TCB said:

There is also a story about a breast fed baby who died a few weeks or a month after the mother was vaccinated, that is all over social media at the moment. I tried to look into it some more and it does not seem clear cut at all that it was a result of the vaccine, but not many details.

They have shown that no vaccine components even pass into breast milk, so there’s no conceivable way it would be vaccine related. Sad that people spreading it around are far more likely to end up contributing to the death of a pregnant or nursing mother than to help anyone at all. People don’t seem to have a handle on the fact that something happening in the weeks after someone got a vaccine doesn’t mean that thing was caused by the vaccine. 

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11 minutes ago, KSera said:

Sad that people spreading it around are far more likely to end up contributing to the death of a pregnant or nursing mother than to help anyone at all. People don’t seem to have a handle on the fact that something happening in the weeks after someone got a vaccine doesn’t mean that thing was caused by the vaccine. 

I see this all the time here and it is so frustrating and upsetting.  😞  

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12 minutes ago, KSera said:

They have shown that no vaccine components even pass into breast milk, so there’s no conceivable way it would be vaccine related. Sad that people spreading it around are far more likely to end up contributing to the death of a pregnant or nursing mother than to help anyone at all. People don’t seem to have a handle on the fact that something happening in the weeks after someone got a vaccine doesn’t mean that thing was caused by the vaccine. 

Unfortunately I think it is not only that they don’t understand that there may very well be no connection between the two events, but they also have no interest in understanding that, and wish to grasp on to anything that confirms their fears. I would not want to bear the responsibility of passing on false information if I were them.

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Four and five year old kids accidentally got the adult covid shot instead of their flu shot.  It's pretty concerning that 2 out of 2 are showing signs of heart problems afterwards.  I know they (Pfizer) are only planning to give kids 1/3 the adult dose, but I think the Moderna kids trial is still using higher than the Pfizer adult dose.


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1 hour ago, Syllieann said:

Four and five year old kids accidentally got the adult covid shot instead of their flu shot.  It's pretty concerning that 2 out of 2 are showing signs of heart problems afterwards.  I know they (Pfizer) are only planning to give kids 1/3 the adult dose, but I think the Moderna kids trial is still using higher than the Pfizer adult dose.


That's awful they would make that kind of a mistake. Scary, because they are pharmacists, and you wonder what kind of other mistakes they might make with medications. I wish there was more information on what kind of problems they are seeing in the kids. Seems informative as far as Moderna dosing, though with only two kids, and them being related, not a super helpful sample. I'm also curious if they ran covid tests just to be sure, because they said the younger one developed a fever and a cough, and a cough isn't a usual side effect of a covid vaccine.

eta: What's up with all the funky news sources who are reporting this as the employee "accidentally" giving the covid vaccine to the kids (they use quotes around accidentally). Do some people really think the employee did it on purpose??

Edited by KSera
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Moderna is testing 50 and 100 µg doses in ages 2-11 and 25, 50, and 100 µg in ages 6 months to 2. So the doses these children got are lower than any dose Moderna would use even in a 2 yr old, and only slightly higher than the lowest dose they are testing in 6 month old babies.

If the children do in fact have cardiomyopathy, that is definitely concerning, but I would want to hear that from another source besides the family's lawyer (who is presumably planning to sue Walgreens). At this point the info is basically 3rd hand: the lawyer says that the family says that the cardiologist said that were signs of heart issues. It could be that the doctor said something like "we need to continue to monitor the children for cardiac issues," and the family told the lawyer "the doctor said there may be cardiac issues" and the lawyer said "the cardiologist says there are cardiac issues."

Also, WTF Walgreen's? They just did the same thing a few weeks ago with a 4 year old in Maryland. They seriously need to review their safety procedures!

Edited by Corraleno
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1 hour ago, Corraleno said:

At this point the info is basically 3rd hand: the lawyer says that the family says that the cardiologist said that were signs of heart issues. It could be that the doctor said something like "we need to continue to monitor the children for cardiac issues," and the family told the lawyer "the doctor said there may be cardiac issues" and the lawyer said "the cardiologist says there are cardiac issues."

I had missed that this statement came from a lawyer. I had been stuck on wondering what caused the kids to end up at a cardiologist when nothing was outright said about any specific issues. The context of the lawyer is relevant. Hopefully all will be find with these kids. I expect so, given they are still conducting trials for both moderna and Pfizer at those doses, and would have halted them if there was a concerning level of side effects. But I'm with you on the WTH Walgreens.

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25 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

They were not there to get a  Covid vaccine.  They were there to get a Flu shot and got a covid vaccine instead. 

Well that's concerning.  Is this a confirmed fact or just an allegation?

I've been getting my kids' vaxes at Walgreens.  I didn't think there was a risk of them getting the wrong vax.  That is actually really scary.  What else are they mixing up?

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5 hours ago, TCB said:

Unfortunately I think it is not only that they don’t understand that there may very well be no connection between the two events, but they also have no interest in understanding that, and wish to grasp on to anything that confirms their fears. I would not want to bear the responsibility of passing on false information if I were them.

One of the most prolific purveyors or false information in my circles is unrepentant. I am certain she thinks she's doing God's work, and the persecution she faces for spreading lies is likely just proof. She says people have said mean things to her, but every time I see her spreading lies, everyone I know on that thread is coming to her aid. So much for persecution. She's very influential. I called out her posts as lies which brought me quite the headache. 

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1 hour ago, kbutton said:

One of the most prolific purveyors or false information in my circles is unrepentant.

Currently, one of the prolific purveyors of Covid misinformation is Alan West of Texas, who continues to baffle me with his anti vax tweets from his Covid hospital bed touting the at home treatments he took and the wonderful hospital care he is receiving as being superior to the vaccine. While he lies in hospital bed on oxygen. What kind of crazy lack of logic is that? Oh, and one of his biggest things is that we need to promote Regeneron instead of "Instead of enriching the pockets of Big Pharma" 🤣. His threads are nuts

I also love how people like this like to start things with "I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but..." 😂

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1 hour ago, SKL said:

Well that's concerning.  Is this a confirmed fact or just an allegation?

I've been getting my kids' vaxes at Walgreens.  I didn't think there was a risk of them getting the wrong vax.  That is actually really scary.  What else are they mixing up?

If you look at the Pfizer data from their booster trial, they had to eliminate some of the participants because they were injected with the incorrect vaccine as part of the trial--so even if under the closely monitored testing during a trial the incorrect vaccine is given, it does raise questions about how often this type of thing happens.

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When I got my Covid booster at CVS she had two plastic cups on the counter, one with syringes of Covid vaccine and one with syringes of flu vaccine. So I could see I guess how someone could grab one from the wrong cup...but they should be checking each time. 

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11 minutes ago, KSera said:

Currently, one of the prolific purveyors of Covid misinformation is Alan West of Texas, who continues to baffle me with his anti vax tweets from his Covid hospital bed touting the at home treatments he took and the wonderful hospital care he is receiving as being superior to the vaccine. While he lies in hospital bed on oxygen. What kind of crazy lack of logic is that? Oh, and one of his biggest things is that we need to promote Regeneron instead of "Instead of enriching the pockets of Big Pharma" 🤣. His threads are nuts

I also love how people like this like to start things with "I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but..." 😂

So he and his wife, who is vaccinated, were both treated with monoclonal antibodies, and while his wife immediately went home he's in the hospital, on oxygen, with pneumonia. But the vaccine doesn't make any difference, and the people whose loved ones died totally preventable deaths, who are now urging others to get vaccinated, are the ones engaging in "manipulative deception." He is such a clown.

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5 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

So he and his wife, who is vaccinated, were both treated with monoclonal antibodies, and while his wife immediately went home he's in the hospital, on oxygen, with pneumonia. But the vaccine doesn't make any difference, and the people whose loved ones died totally preventable deaths, who are now urging others to get vaccinated, are the ones engaging in "manipulative deception." He is such a clown.

Yep. And he is encouraging the ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine combo he took before he was hospitalized as well.

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19 hours ago, ktgrok said:

They already were not going to get vaccinated - that's why they are the unvaccinated. It's an excuse, not a reason. 

I do know a very small handful of people who are waiting not-so-patiently for Novavax -- at least one due to their doctor's advice that, for them, it is thebest option. Otherwise, that one would be getting a medical exemption.

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Just now, RootAnn said:

I do know a very small handful of people who are waiting not-so-patiently for Novavax -- at least one due to their doctor's advice that, for them, it is thebest option. Otherwise, that one would be getting a medical exemption.

Ok, so they get the medical exemption until Novavax is available, and then get Novavax. How does a mandate change that?

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13 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Ok, so they get the medical exemption until Novavax is available, and then get Novavax. How does a mandate change that?

Oh, sorry Katie, I was just responding to your statement that people who are unvaccinated now are not intending to get vaccinated. The one I know of with the doctor-advised waiting does not fall under the new mandate so she doesn't have a medical exemption. Just that her doctor would give herone until Novavax comes out *if* it ever does. The others, I don't know what their doctor's say, just that they say they are waiting for Novavax.

By the way, can anyone link to President Biden's executive order about the new companies-over-100 test-or-vaccinate thing? I cannot find it on the White House site or the site that has the other 50+ ones he's signed so far.

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20 minutes ago, RootAnn said:


Oh, sorry Katie, I was just responding to your statement that people who are unvaccinated now are not intending to get vaccinated. The one I know of with the doctor-advised waiting does not fall under the new mandate so she doesn't have a medical exemption. Just that her doctor would give herone until Novavax comes out *if* it ever does. The others, I don't know what their doctor's say, just that they say they are waiting for Novavax.

By the way, can anyone link to President Biden's executive order about the new companies-over-100 test-or-vaccinate thing? I cannot find it on the White House site or the site that has the other 50+ ones he's signed so far.

Gotcha. I suppose I should have clarified that those that CAN be vaccinated now, would be already, if they wanted to be. Those that can't be are a different category, and the mandate has no effect on them either way. 

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12 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Given that the US has more doses than they can use, and the dose I got wasn't going to go to someone on the African continent no matter what, there are more shades of grey than he's letting on. 

I did donate the suggested $5 per dose to Covax, to cover my 3 doses. Get one, give one kind of thing. 

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10 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

It is hard to believe the parents are doing so poorly after what is effectively a booster since they were originally vaccinated in April.  There has got to be more to this.  Either these people are hyping up their symptoms for the legal case or they didn't really get the adult Pfizer dose.  Modera dose?  The flu dose of pfizer? Something's off.  

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1 minute ago, Syllieann said:

It is hard to believe the parents are doing so poorly after what is effectively a booster since they were originally vaccinated in April.  There has got to be more to this.  Either these people are hyping up their symptoms for the legal case or they didn't really get the adult Pfizer dose.  Modera dose?  The flu dose of pfizer? Something's off.  

That was my thought too, odd that all of them would be feeling it.  Or maybe something about their genetics at play?  But yeah the legal case is probably the most likely.  Sigh.

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11 minutes ago, Syllieann said:

It is hard to believe the parents are doing so poorly after what is effectively a booster since they were originally vaccinated in April.  There has got to be more to this.  Either these people are hyping up their symptoms for the legal case or they didn't really get the adult Pfizer dose.  Modera dose?  The flu dose of pfizer? Something's off.  

I had chest pain, headache, and elevated temperature after my Pfizer doses.  (I didn't check my blood pressure.)  I didn't make a fuss about it because I was expecting side effects.  But if I had a lawyer involved for the very valid reason this family has, I would be factual about it.

Gosh, tachycardia in the little ones scares me.  Really kinda mad that they are trying to make this sound like it's nothing.  At least maybe this will convince parents to wait for the lower dose vs. trying to get adult doses for their young kids.

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14 minutes ago, SKL said:

I had chest pain, headache, and elevated temperature after my Pfizer doses.  (I didn't check my blood pressure.)  I didn't make a fuss about it because I was expecting side effects.  But if I had a lawyer involved for the very valid reason this family has, I would be factual about it.

Gosh, tachycardia in the little ones scares me.  Really kinda mad that they are trying to make this sound like it's nothing.  At least maybe this will convince parents to wait for the lower dose vs. trying to get adult doses for their young kids.

Edited to make more sense

Some tachycardia is normal while you have a fever - it is the body's way of cooling off. 

Signs and symptoms of fever

Fever causes an increase in the heart rate, breathing rate and blood circulation to the skin. This is how the body tries to reduce the heat caused by fever


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1 minute ago, ktgrok said:

I think some tachycardia is normal if you are having a fever. Doesn't fever usually elevate pulse rate?

Yes. The little girl having elevated blood pressure was the only symptom that sounded unexpected to me, but I’ve never taken my blood pressure when I had a fever so I don’t know if that’s common. I don’t know if they’re talking a dangerous rise in blood pressure or a slight rise due to illness (and being taken to doctors). 

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27 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Edited to make more sense

Some tachycardia is normal while you have a fever - it is the body's way of cooling off. 

Signs and symptoms of fever

Fever causes an increase in the heart rate, breathing rate and blood circulation to the skin. This is how the body tries to reduce the heat caused by fever


For weeks?

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44 minutes ago, SKL said:

For weeks?

I’m not sure we have any indication it’s been weeks. The shot was just on October 4, and we don’t know when the doctor visit occurred. The fact that the dad is having blood pressure issues this far out makes me wonder if he may have had something pre-existing that he didn’t know about— very common with hypertension. The little girl’s blood pressure is the more concerning piece. I looked that up, and that doesn’t seem to be associated with fever, but apparently children’s blood pressure values are not well-established, so they count anything over the 95th percentile as hypertension. Her mom said hers was 98th percentile. If I were that mom, I would be looking into other causes once the little girl is feeling otherwise fine. I would be concerned about an underlying disease that hadn’t been noticed before, since kids rarely get their blood pressure taken.

No doubt, it’s a bad mistake that this happened, and I would be appalled if I were the parents as well. Fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be indication that they should expect any long-term negative effects from this. Dosages higher than that have been being tested on kids during the study trials. A full adult Pfizer dose is less than a kid Moderna one.

eta: I also think the parents are within their rights to pursue legal action on this one, and I can understand them doing that. I don’t think this case is a Covid vaccine problem though, it’s a medical/pharmaceutical error problem. 

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33 minutes ago, KSera said:

I’m not sure we have any indication it’s been weeks. The shot was just on October 4, and we don’t know when the doctor visit occurred. The fact that the dad is having blood pressure issues this far out makes me wonder if he may have had something pre-existing that he didn’t know about— very common with hypertension. The little girl’s blood pressure is the more concerning piece. I looked that up, and that doesn’t seem to be associated with fever, but apparently children’s blood pressure values are not well-established, so they count anything over the 95th percentile as hypertension. Her mom said hers was 98th percentile. If I were that mom, I would be looking into other causes once the little girl is feeling otherwise fine. I would be concerned about an underlying disease that hadn’t been noticed before, since kids rarely get their blood pressure taken.

No doubt, it’s a bad mistake that this happened, and I would be appalled if I were the parents as well. Fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be indication that they should expect any long-term negative effects from this. Dosages higher than that have been being tested on kids during the study trials. A full adult Pfizer dose is less than a kid Moderna one.

eta: I also think the parents are within their rights to pursue legal action on this one, and I can understand them doing that. I don’t think this case is a Covid vaccine problem though, it’s a medical/pharmaceutical error problem. 

But if the dad has some sort of pre existing issue don't you think he would have noticed after his first Pfizer or at least his second pfizer?

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4 minutes ago, Syllieann said:

But if the dad has some sort of pre existing issue don't you think he would have noticed after his first Pfizer or at least his second pfizer?

Not if he hadn’t been worried and thus gone to the doctor and had his blood pressure taken. Hypertension is known for most often having no symptoms. Millions of people are walking around with high blood pressure and don’t know it. Not saying that’s most likely the case, but it’s not UNlikely. (Plus the stress of all this.)

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1 hour ago, KSera said:

Not if he hadn’t been worried and thus gone to the doctor and had his blood pressure taken. Hypertension is known for most often having no symptoms. Millions of people are walking around with high blood pressure and don’t know it. Not saying that’s most likely the case, but it’s not UNlikely. (Plus the stress of all this.)

Not to mention there are now grades of hypertension 130/80 is stage one hypertension, it is often monitored and not treated depending on other conditions. 1 in 3 Americans have hypertension even if they don't know it.

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I feel sure this information is in this thread somewhere, but having trouble finding it:

Once boosted, what is the efficacy of the (boosted) vaccine, and do we have any idea about how long it might stay high (if it’s back up to the original numbers?)? 


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58 minutes ago, Spryte said:

I feel sure this information is in this thread somewhere, but having trouble finding it:

Once boosted, what is the efficacy of the (boosted) vaccine, and do we have any idea about how long it might stay high (if it’s back up to the original numbers?)? 


We don't really have efficacy figures for the boosters because the trials were tiny (Pfizer was around 300 and Moderna was even smaller) and they used antibody levels as a proxy for efficacy. Also they only followed up for 2 months, so there isn't any data yet on how long it lasts, only that it seems to boost protection back to the level it was after the second shot. I think we will likely have real-world efficacy data, at least on Pfizer, from Israel before too long.

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Advisory panel recommends 2nd shot of J&J for ALL recipients (not just over 65 or high risk) "at least 2 months" after first shot. They are basically saying that this is a second dose, not a booster. Presumably the CDC's advisory group will also approve it next week when they meet to discuss Moderna's booster, and if the FDA finalizes the approval then boosters of all three should be available by next weekend.

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