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Dreams you remember


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My son has a project for his high school Psych class.  He needs people to tell him their dreams and then give any ideas they might have as to the meaning of those dreams.  If you don't know the meaning, it is ok.

Wanna share a dream you have had that was vivid enough to remember?  Any ideas as to the meaning?

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My dd is getting married in December. I dreamed that she changed the time of the wedding, moving it from like 3 pm to 12 noon without telling any of us. We show up in slouchy clothes to decorate and she’s mad that we’re not dressed and ready for wedding. And we ruined all her pics because we were in sweats and tennis shoes. And it was a big dramatic thing. 

My interpretation: my dd is unpredictable and hard to deal with. You never know what to expect. 

And that’s true!

Theres my dream.

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Oh here’s another one: 

my son has been doing this “huh?” Thing. Wherw he’s never paying attention and you have to repeat yourself four times for stuff to penetrate.

i dreamed we drove the van off a bridge or something and the vehicle was sinking in the water. I turn around and tell everyone “quick take off your seat belts and climb out the windows!” Everyone is doing this and my son is going “huh?”


i then woke up thinking he would drown because he wouldn’t pay attention.

my interpretation: 11 year old boys are ding dongs.

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Last night, I dreamed that a friend of mine needed $600 for something very urgent involving her kids (can't remember the specifics of what it was) and I said I would give her the money. I was writing her a check, but the check wasn't like a real check. It had several extra lines and I was getting very frustrated trying to figure out how to fill it out.

I have no idea about the meaning of the dream. This is not something that would probably ever happen in real life, because friend is financially comfortable.

The funny thing is that she called me right after I woke up this morning - and nope, she did not need to borrow money!🙂 

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Half the people I know with babies dreamed, during their pregnancies, about nursing kittens. Why kittens I don't know, but I think that a simple elementary understanding of that dream is that they were thinking about their new baby!

Just recently I dreamed that my sister had replaced my awful light fixture in the kitchen (I hate it so much) with something much brighter that has a working fan but that somehow the whole thing was covered with flies that would NOT go away or die, and as I climbed up on a ladder to try to shoo them out of the house I found the ceiling was full of expired food. No idea what that's all about, but I really hate that light fixture.

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I have a few that I think are fairly common for anxiety or a general sense of being overwhelmed  

There’s the one about showing up to class for the final test but realizing I’ve never been to any of the classes all semester and can’t find the room. 

There’s the one about getting ready for a big event (like my wedding) but not having something I really need (like my shoes or my dress or my makeup).

Once in a while I dream that my teeth are falling out. Not sure what that one’s about. 

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When I had just had my 3rd child under age 4 I had a horrible recurring dream that I drove off a bridge into the river and the water was rising in the van and I knew I could swim with 1 of them and maaaaaaybe with adrenaline pumping I could swim with 2 of them but no way with all 3 of them and how could I choose? So we all unbuckled and sat in the back seat together singing "Jesus Loves Me" while the water rose up our bodies.

I still shudder when I think of that dream 😝

I'm not Sigmund Freud, but I'm pretty sure it means I was feeling overwhelmed with 3 kids and unsure that I was enough for all of them 😉

I drove around with pool noodles and life jackets in the back of my van all year long for YEARS after that dream. 

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I have many many dreams I remember.  So many.  One vivid one was about my best friends first husband.. I loved him like a brother.  He turned out to be a serial cheater and he caused A LOT of hurt to a lot of people.  A few years after my friend finally divorced him I dreamed he and I were on a cloud over looking our city.  And we were chatting about our life and all the hurt and I suddenly had a feeling of forgiveness. And he was grateful to me.  It was an amazing freeing dream.

When I was 20 my high school boyfriend was murdered.  From that moment on up until today I have snake dreams.  Early on the snakes were gigantic...in fact I would wake xh up screaming that a giant python was wrapped around the window seal. These days they might be little garter snakes which makes me smile when I wake up.  

Toward the end of my first marriage I began to have what I called kindness dreams.  When my now xh would be mean to me, I would go to sleep and dream that a man....various random men....would be kind to me.  It became so predictable that when I woke up I would actually smile at my dream....knowing the reason for it.  

Another vivid dream was me driving over a long bridge over a huge body of water.....I had my parents and my son...who was a toddler...in the car.  I suddenly veered off the road and we were free falling toward the water. My mom has never been able to swim, and in fact is terrified of water.  As we were falling toward the water I realized I had to make the decision to save my mom or my child...and in the dream I sadly realized I had to save my child.  ( I have no idea about my dad lol). That dream was very scary and disturbing to me...but I read it as having to choose to put my son above my mother....

Edited by Scarlett
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My most common dreams are about finding unknown rooms in house I just bought. Common interpretation, is that it is about neglected potential or opprotunities. This makes sense in that I am stuck in a dead end job, but I stay for my family and schedule. 

My next most common is dreaming that I am asleep and wake up to see spiders running across the floor, or running over me as I lay on the couch sleeping.  Common interpretation would be that I am dreaming about my advesaries running over me while I am unable to fight back.  It makes sense in that I had a coworker who would be nice to everyone's face and then stab them in the back the second they walked away. Everyone knew she did it and it actually got to be a joke...."wanna know what W was saying about you today!".  It was still frustrating because management wouldn't step in and deal with it. 

Edited by Tap
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32 minutes ago, kdsuomi said:

I have very vivid dreams and almost always remember them. The meanings for most of them is probably that I'm a paranoid nut. Last night's main dream was a mass shooting at a mall. A few nights ago I had a dream that the empire took over the planet, and that was bad. Many dreams are my mind putting things that are on the TV at that time of my sleeping into my head, which is why horror movies while I'm sleeping are banned. 

Terrorists bombed Disneyland when I was in high school and also attacked freeway interchanges (in a different dream). Mass shootings happen on the regular. God was once chasing me, but it was an evil God who wanted nothing good with me. There was once a nuclear bomb that killed me and led me to "heaven" and having a conversation with Jesus. In fourth grade I dreamed that Nazis took over the U.S. My family was in the car and was hiding a non-white child who was a friend of ours when we came upon a checkpoint. Oh yeah, all of these dreams were dreams that felt real, so terrifying sleep I have.

(I do have some non-scary dreams, though, but they tend to be much more boring.)

You dream like me. 

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I have a recurring dream that I find a secret room in my house. It's always really awesome. Room would be an understatement. It's more like an unknown wing of the house. It varies depending on the night, but sometimes it'll have a gym and tons of guest rooms. Sometimes it may just be another family room and play room. Sometimes it's like a long hall and I discover lots of rooms. I make plans for the rooms like how we'll have everyone over for Thanksgiving and have plenty of room for them. And then I wake up and I'm disappointed and like, "how could I be fooled again!" 😁 I don't believe dreams have much meaning, but maybe it means I want to do new things.



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2 minutes ago, happysmileylady said:

I remember most dreams and I don't believe that dreams really have "meaning."  In fact, many times, I can sort of point to the various aspects of the day that my brain....mal-interprets, for lack of a better word.

And example of that is one dream that was extremely vivid.  It was this post apocalyptic type thing, where I saw nuclear bombs coming down, multiple mushroom clouds and was trying to get home from work.  Got there, my family was gone.  Military helicopters arrive to save people in the neighborhood, riding up the ropes evacuating.  Later, leaving a "camp" to try to go back home, seeing a bus with DH and the girls, trying to chase it.  At that point, I woke up and since I knew I needed to go back to sleep, I remember the back of my brain saying that ending won't work.  So then, back in the dream once I fell asleep again, I leave the camp, find my house (which, is now a different house but still "my" house in that way that dreams work) and DH and the kids are all there, and we are surviving out of a "doomsday preppers" type of bunker in the ground.  But we were "outside the safe zone" so we were dealing with frequent military "check ins"  But that's when I woke up for good.


In that case, I could point to specific points of the dream that related to specific parts of the week such as the bombs coming from having done a search for the TV show Jericho.  Riding up the helicopter ropes....I had falled asleep watching an episode of Man vs Wild that night.  And, it was a few years ago now, before we moved here, so I can't quite remember all the details of what all was going on, but we were also dealing with a large number of firearms and ammo and such after FIL's death, so I know that's were much of the military imagery came from.  

I believe that the type of dream where you can "reset" or sort of "control" how the dream goes is called a "lucid" dream?  That happens to me a lot, particularly if I wake up from a bad dream at like 4am or so.  I know I have to go back to sleep but if I don't "reset" then I won't get any sleep.  So I rewrite it.


Oh sure I am a lucid dreamer at times.  I can remember thinking in a dream....no, I don’t like that....and like I as directing a movie camera I changed the scene.  Very cool. Bu I can’t always do that.

i also get sleep,paralysis. I have a theory that vivid dreams and sleep paralysis are r,acted somehow.  

Not every dream means something.  Sometimes it is just an odd collection of the days events.  

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2 minutes ago, Paige said:

I have a recurring dream that I find a secret room in my house. It's always really awesome. Room would be an understatement. It's more like an unknown wing of the house. It varies depending on the night, but sometimes it'll have a gym and tons of guest rooms. Sometimes it may just be another family room and play room. Sometimes it's like a long hall and I discover lots of rooms. I make plans for the rooms like how we'll have everyone over for Thanksgiving and have plenty of room for them. And then I wake up and I'm disappointed and like, "how could I be fooled again!" 😁 I don't believe dreams have much meaning, but maybe it means I want to do new things.



Or that you want a bigger house. 

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Oh my word, where to start. One dream I remember as a child - The Smurfs and I were building a wall to heaven, but God kept striking it down. We'd fall into a huge pit, and Gargamel and Azriel were running around it trying to catch us. I went to  Catholic school at the time so we were maybe talking about Babel 🙂

While in college I had a dream that I lined up all the parents from my hometown in their cars and then set them all on fire, including my parents. I became the main suspect in the crime because I knew exactly where my parent's car was in line up. I don't know what it meant, but when I told my mom she said that maybe I shouldn't come home from college for a while.

I often have a recurring dream that I am on a bike riding up a metal bridge. It is always raining so it is hard to get up the bridge. My bike seat also disappears mid-dream, and I end up with a pillow as the seat which I have to balance on the pole that should hold the bike seat. Usually, I have this dream when I'm struggling with something, and having a hard time balancing everything.

I often have dreams I am naked in public when I start something new - job, committee, etc...

Here is the best one I can remember.

The president (I think this was when 2nd Bush was pres) came up with a money saving idea. One person from every family would have their head cut off, because, you know, that would save on food costs. Being the selfless person that I am I volunteered to be the person. 

The day came for my head to be cut off, and we had everyone assembled in the living room: my dh, me, the kids, and my parents. I was annoyed with my parents because they had their own household, so one of them should be getting their head cut off also, but whatever... My dh starts to saw off my head, but he's using a really dull knife. I get upset, and tell him he's going to traumatize the kids because it is taking so long. I get him a sharp knife, which gets my head off quickly. The kids are super excited because my head is filled with ice cream which they get to eat. 

Later that night I'm really bummed (nope, didn't die) because I can't eat, read, or watch tv anymore. I'm sulking on the couch when my mom comes over and tells me I'm being selfish. And, that's it. No clue what that dream meant. None.at.all.

Weirdest and funniest dream I have EVER had. Maybe, I have had some doozies in my life. I love to sleep for this reason! My dreams are better than tv.


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3 minutes ago, Paige said:

I have a recurring dream that I find a secret room in my house. It's always really awesome. Room would be an understatement. It's more like an unknown wing of the house. It varies depending on the night, but sometimes it'll have a gym and tons of guest rooms. Sometimes it may just be another family room and play room. Sometimes it's like a long hall and I discover lots of rooms. I make plans for the rooms like how we'll have everyone over for Thanksgiving and have plenty of room for them. And then I wake up and I'm disappointed and like, "how could I be fooled again!" 😁 I don't believe dreams have much meaning, but maybe it means I want to do new things.



Yes, yes, yes! I have this dream too! But, it isn't our current house. It is always a house we just bought. When we move in we keep finding new rooms. Sometimes they are furnished beautifully, and sometimes it is filled with what looks like junk, but could be priceless heirlooms. Those are such fun dreams!


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Last week I had one that was very scary, bordering on nightmare. I had gone out the back door of a restaurant, trying to hide from the owner because I had somehow broken the chocolate soft-serve machine. I was in an alley with a bunch of dumpsters, when a zombie leaped out from behind one of the dumpsters and landed on my back. I tried to run and scream for help, but the zombie held on and I was dragging him with me. I woke up to find that I was on my stomach, and my dog had jumped up on the bed and was lying with his chin resting across the back of my neck. 😂 The zombie was obviously my dog, but me breaking the soft serve machine? No clue about the meaning of that!

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13 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Or that you want a bigger house. 

But I really, really don't. 

I frequently have dreams of recently deceased people visiting me. We both know they are dead in the dream but nobody cares and it's pretty casual. I think I must be saying good bye. I have tried really hard to have similar dreams of people who have passed long ago but it never happens. 

In school I could study my notes before bed and then dream about studying all night. Eventually I could do it on purpose. I woke from those dreams feeling unrested but knowing the material. I think the meaning is obvious- I needed to learn the material or I couldn't turn off that part of the brain. 

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1 hour ago, Hyacinth said:

I have a few that I think are fairly common for anxiety or a general sense of being overwhelmed  

There’s the one about showing up to class for the final test but realizing I’ve never been to any of the classes all semester and can’t find the room. 

There’s the one about getting ready for a big event (like my wedding) but not having something I really need (like my shoes or my dress or my makeup).

Once in a while I dream that my teeth are falling out. Not sure what that one’s about. 


1. Obligatory xkcd: https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/557:_Students

2. I've always been told that if you dream about your teeth falling out, it means you're about to come into some money.

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1 hour ago, happysmileylady said:

Also, here's my crazy 10pm admission for the month lol.....

I don't believe de je vu is just a feeling of "having been here before."  I have situations that I can remember where I dreamt of something specific, just a small flash, and it just had this *quality* that was different.  And I would remember that dream when I woke up.  And then years later, that was my de je vu experience.

Best example of that....A brief flash of a dream.  Emptying a hamper of baby clothes into the washer at my parents house.  Thinking, "sheesh baby laundry takes FOREVER, because it's SO MANY itsy bitsy clothes.  "

I was 16 at the time, and in the dream I was still young, like 18 or 19.  It was literally a 30 second to 1 minute flash, that just has that quality that's hard to describe.  And I remember waking up that morning and thinking..............that's going to happen.  I could just tell.  And then, I completely wrote it off.  There was NO WAY I was going to be dealing with a baby at 18 or 19, washing baby clothes.  I didn't even have a boyfriend at the time, and was completely uninterested really in ANYTHING related to anything of that.

And then DD23 was born 2 weeks after I turned 18, and that actual specific, down to one of the multi colored onsies falling into the washing machine from the hamper, happened that next summer.  

That's when I realized that deja vu was more than just a feeling.  


I have this happen too.  Stuff usually comes true when I'm worried I've made a huge mistake and am off track in my life.  Then I have one of those moments and it feels like reassurance from God.

One cool not deja-vu dream I had recently was that I'd found this secret diamond mind in my backyard.   It was a little cave on the side of a creek and I found a vein of more diamonds than I had time to pull out.  Large uncut ones, as big around and about half as long as my little finger.  There was more there than I could ever use or need the money for.  I didn't feel greedy about it or in any kind of hurry.  I just felt a huge sense of well-being.  I took what I needed and called my sister so she could come get what she needed too.  I think I had this dream because I've been considering going to law school after all and working with foster kids.  I ruled law school out as a college student because I had no interest in having more student loan debt than I would have salary for working in a DA's office, and I didn't want to be imprisoned working 14+ hours a day on a partner track at a large firm.  Recently I learned about in-house lawyers, how they work 40 hour weeks but still get good salaries.  DH's company is always hiring them and they encourage lots of volunteer work so I could also work with foster kids as a guardian ad litem.   And my sister was considering changing grad programs too, and just switched up quite a few things about her job that were good and brought her more money.  So I don't know.  I still haven't made any decisions, and wouldn't until my youngest two are more verbal.  It would mean no more homeschooling and no more foster parenting, but I'm starting to feel done and like I need something new.

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I often dream that I am falling. Sometimes I physically jolt like landing hard enough to wake DH up. I have had this dream since I was a very young child. In my teens I asked my mum about it and she said when I was a baby I would crawl to the step and fall down. She had a pillow at the bottom that I would land on. Pre baby-gates being invented I guess. 

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Several times a year I have dreams that then happen a few days later - sort of like telling the future - but I don't believe in telling the future.

Mostly they are things that there was no way I could have known about beforehand. Like dreaming about going to the op - shop and they had cool   heavy duty cake tins that were square in shape. Going to the op shop a week later and there is one exactly like I dreamed about, folded metal with seams on the outside ( which I then bought)

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I have had recurring dreams about being able to fly (or jump super high) - like this is an ability I've always had but never realized it until the dream.

And the more advanced version is that I'm stranded with some people and there is a busted flying machine.  (Either a plane on a desert island or a spaceship on some planet etc.)  I find out I have the engineering skills to fix the flying machine and fly it and save everyone.

I've had many dreams where I discover a secret passage from my house to some interesting place - often a carnival, shopping mall, old castle etc.  I can go there and explore at night when nobody is around.

Before I adopted my kids, I had a dream about a little girl with black hair drowning in a canal and I had to figure out a way to go get her.

This past week I dreamed a series dreams in which I failed at something.  Wish I could remember the details, but in each dream I would get like 4/5 of the way toward success and then stop short / fail.  Then I'd wake up, roll over, and go back to sleep and have another dream, different, but again coming up short.

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I have a reoccurring, almost nightly dream.  In it, I'm designing a prosthetic limb using a combination of materials that slowly dissolve as stem cells are injected to recreate the muscle tissue around titanium bones and harvested nerves.  And it works by being "plugged in" somehow to the body at the missing limb point, using the nerves there to continue on to electrical impulse artificial nerves that serve to give the limb function as it heals back into a flesh-based reattachment.

In real life, I have absolutely no interest in bio-tech.  But several nights a week, for at least 10 years, my brain has broken down the inner workings of arms and ligaments and joints and everything else (at least what it thinks the inner workings are) to think of a detailed analysis of them

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I remembered 2 dreams last night.

First dream:

I was with a friend, who moved away about 2yrs ago.  She had just graduated from college (true in real life).  I think we were in some hotel and she was sitting watching TV.  Her husband was there, but I can't remember what he was doing.  I remember asking her what she got her degree in and she said something to the effect that her degree was in home design (like in remodeling designs, not painting and colors, etc).  I remember being very surprised because she'd always been in childcare and I wasn't expecting such a shift in her career.  I was thinking that maybe I would like getting a similar degree.

possible explanation.  My friend HAS just graduated with we BA via an online school.  She's been talking about school a lot on FB and had her graduation live-streamed this past weekend.  I have no idea what her degree is in, but I assume it is in Early Childhood Ed, since that is what she did when she lived here.  I've also been thinking a lot about what I want to do with this next chapter of my life.

Second Dream:

I'm walking along this path in a field.  We are walking along the side of a hill (not up the hill)  To my left and downhill is a wooded area with a stream running through it.   To my right and  further uphill are houses.  I'm walking with a grandchild.  We come to some berries - red berries and blueberries.  My husband decides to eat them with on of our adult dd.  I say something to the effect that it looks like they are cultivated and perhaps someone has planted them - rather than being wild.  I keep walking with grandchild (who is about 3ish) to get some distance. I am concerned that the owner of the berries will be out soon and be quite annoyed.  I go a few houses distance and indeed someone is riding along on their tractor lawn mower.  Then another elderly lady comes and sits down on a chair right at the edge of the path...then another.  I stop to talk with them about living here right near the woods and stream.  I ask one of them if they ever walk down there, and one indicates or says she definitely loves doing down to the stream for dip.   As we're looking uphill toward the houses I see there are wooden split rail type fences that demarcate the property lines.  I ask something about that, but I can't remember.  Then we see a Mountain Lion on the property side, stalking us.  I see a friend from church walking from one of the houses towards us... we try to warn her of the mountain lion, but somehow we can't make her understand.  I run up to the fence, my friend starts to roll downhill away from the mountain lion, and then I scream or roar or something AT the mountain lion.  This startles the ML, then I do it again and again, until it starts to move away.

possible explanation:  I don't have much, except my husband does like to push boundaries like that and I'm prefer to follow the rules... so we always have this type of push-pull issue.  The part about the berries is definitely something that could happen in real life.   But, we haven't had anything come up lately, so it's random.  The second part with the mountain lion is very weird... except the friend in my dream is not someone I'm particularly close to.  This past Sunday she asked me and another friend if we wanted to maybe go see a movie together.  It was very random, as we've never done anything social together before (she's a widow and recently retired).  Anyway, I was thinking about her just before I went to sleep.  

There's you go. I hope he does well on his paper.  

Edited by PrincessMommy
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I forgot to mention that the snakes 🐍 in my dreams seem to just be a symbol of evil.  They are  always there when things are wrong in my life.  They were huge when I was 20 and my friend was murdered.  At various times over the next 24 years the snakes are all sorts of sizes.  I fen notice the size of the snake while I am dreaming....like oh this is just a little green snake.


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1 hour ago, PrincessMommy said:

I remembered 2 dreams last night.

First dream:

I was with a friend, who moved away about 2yrs ago.  She had just graduated from college (true in real life).  I think we were in some hotel and she was sitting watching TV.  Her husband was there, but I can't remember what he was doing.  I remember asking her what she got her degree in and she said something to the effect that her degree was in home design (like in remodeling designs, not painting and colors, etc).  I remember being very surprised because she'd always been in childcare and I wasn't expecting such a shift in her career.  I was thinking that maybe I would like getting a similar degree.

possible explanation.  My friend HAS just graduated with we BA via an online school.  She's been talking about school a lot on FB and had her graduation live-streamed this past weekend.  I have no idea what her degree is in, but I assume it is in Early Childhood Ed, since that is what she did when she lived here.  I've also been thinking a lot about what I want to do with this next chapter of my life.

Second Dream:

I'm walking along this path in a field.  We are walking along the side of a hill (not up the hill)  To my left and downhill is a wooded area with a stream running through it.   To my right and  further uphill are houses.  I'm walking with a grandchild.  We come to some berries - red berries and blueberries.  My husband decides to eat them with on of our adult dd.  I say something to the effect that it looks like they are cultivated and perhaps someone has planted them - rather than being wild.  I keep walking with grandchild (who is about 3ish) to get some distance. I am concerned that the owner of the berries will be out soon and be quite annoyed.  I go a few houses distance and indeed someone is riding along on their tractor lawn mower.  Then another elderly lady comes and sits down on a chair right at the edge of the path...then another.  I stop to talk with them about living here right near the woods and stream.  I ask one of them if they ever walk down there, and one indicates or says she definitely loves doing down to the stream for dip.   As we're looking uphill toward the houses I see there are wooden split rail type fences that demarcate the property lines.  I ask something about that, but I can't remember.  Then we see a Mountain Lion on the property side, stalking us.  I see a friend from church walking from one of the houses towards us... we try to warn her of the mountain lion, but somehow we can't make her understand.  I run up to the fence, my friend starts to roll downhill away from the mountain lion, and then I scream or roar or something AT the mountain lion.  This startles the ML, then I do it again and again, until it starts to move away.

possible explanation:  I don't have much, except my husband does like to push boundaries like that and I'm prefer to follow the rules... so we always have this type of push-pull issue.  The part about the berries is definitely something that could happen in real life.   But, we haven't had anything come up lately, so it's random.  The second part with the mountain lion is very weird... except the friend in my dream is not someone I'm particularly close to.  This past Sunday she asked me and another friend if we wanted to maybe go see a movie together.  It was very random, as we've never done anything social together before (she's a widow and recently retired).  Anyway, I was thinking about her just before I went to sleep.  

There's you go. I hope he does well on his paper.  

Definitely go to a movie with that retired widow.  She is probably very lonely and looking to make connections.  Subconsciously you probably already knew this....thus the dream to remind you about it.  

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Just the other night:

DREAM:  I was looking through an old newspaper (25 years old or so)  from a small town we used to live in.  I had just found the paper in our storage area.  Turning the pages, I see this headline (our names changed), "Jack and Jill and the No Small Cat" with a photo of Jack and I at a street festival.  Jack was carrying a cat in a child-carrier backpack.  The cat looked like our current cat just hanging out, enjoying the crowd.  In the dream, I show the newspaper to DH, asking, "Does 'Jack and Jill and the No Small Cat' ring a bell?"   He says, "Yes!", as in 'of course, don't you remember that?'.  As soon as that happened, he woke me up to kiss me goodbye.  We really chuckled over that dream!  The only thing I can think of is that we had a similar photo (not in paper) taken at a street festival with eldest in backpack...the dream photo was just like it except cat instead of eldest=)  Also, the cat we owned at the time was a very BIG cat and had the same name as current cat.  Maybe it signifies that our pets have become our children LOL

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15 hours ago, HomeAgain said:

I have a reoccurring, almost nightly dream.  In it, I'm designing a prosthetic limb using a combination of materials that slowly dissolve as stem cells are injected to recreate the muscle tissue around titanium bones and harvested nerves.  And it works by being "plugged in" somehow to the body at the missing limb point, using the nerves there to continue on to electrical impulse artificial nerves that serve to give the limb function as it heals back into a flesh-based reattachment.

In real life, I have absolutely no interest in bio-tech.  But several nights a week, for at least 10 years, my brain has broken down the inner workings of arms and ligaments and joints and everything else (at least what it thinks the inner workings are) to think of a detailed analysis of them



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On 10/14/2019 at 10:06 PM, SquirrellyMama said:

Yes, yes, yes! I have this dream too! But, it isn't our current house. It is always a house we just bought. When we move in we keep finding new rooms. Sometimes they are furnished beautifully, and sometimes it is filled with what looks like junk, but could be priceless heirlooms. Those are such fun dreams!


I’ve had that dream many  times, but not in a ‘just purchased’ house. It’s not the house we live in but in the dream it feels like our house, not a new one. But yeah, I’ll run across a third living room with heavy drapes and old furniture and I’m always so happy to find it, as if I’d forgotten it was there. And then I find more and more rooms.  And it always gives me such a happy feeling, which is weird. I do NOT want a larger house. 


When I was a kid I had a lot of flying dreams, and I flew like I swim underwater. As an adult I don’t have flying dreams. 

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I remember doing something similar in high school.  I felt like it was an invasion of privacy and refused to answer.  at that age, I had a lot of nightmares. (I still remember more about them than I'd like.)  They were a reflection of the stress I was under.

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Okay, here's one from last night.

I was a teenager - not me as a teenager, some other teenager - and a wizard like Harry Potter (not namedropped in the dream) and then a spaceship was about to crash on Earth so my heroic wand hopped out alone to do its duty with all the other wands and stop it (I guess they were sapient? idk) and some malicious person was setting off fireworks in their field to make them all burn (!!!) so I had to go and set fire to a tree (!?) and it was hard work.

Meaning: Yeah, this is cobbled together from the plots of a few books and TV shows I've consumed in the past week, plus last night before bed I read some HP fanfic and there was a great illustration of somebody with a broken wand looking hapless.

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