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Help me figure out this noise...


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We have been hearing a noise at our house for days now and cannot figure out the source.  It lasts for only a second and sounds something like a cross between a bird screeching and air/water being sprayed--something like an eeeh-awww-shh sound   We have set a timer and it is occuring every 9 minutes.  But it does not seem to come from the same place.  Sometimes it sounds as if it is in the dining room; we will go there to try to pinpoint it and the next time it sounds like it is coming from the laundry room, the next time it may sound like it is coming from the family room.  It is always the same exact sound.

We can't see how it is an animal given how it has continued for days, is always the same length, and the spacing between sounds is like clockwork.  It is not the ice maker.  It is not the hot water heater.  Since it is Saturday we have had several people stationed around the house for the past two hours trying to figure it out.   It is driving us crazy!  

Any ideas????

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Do you have any smartphone/Alexa type devices that could accidentally have an alarm going off that is set to sound like that? If it's a movable device or one you have multiples of, that could explain the motion. Or an alarm or speaker system set up in multiple rooms?

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9 minutes ago, displace said:



My guess is pipe related.

We can't track it to the AC or heater.  We are having massive utility services/piping changed out in our neighborhood (that has been going on for over a year now).  Major water lines are being changed out as well as new natural gas pipes.  Our water has been cut off several times because of this.  I am wondering if there is air in the pipes somewhere.

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The precise nine minute delay makes me think it is something electronic.  I'm going to say smoke alarms.  It is frequently very difficult to figure out which one is making the sound.Station someone below each one, and watch to see if a light flashes red during the sound.  Note the brand and general design (or climb up and get the model number) then go online and look it up to see what that sound means. 

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16 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

Do you have any essential oil diffusers? Or air freshener plug in? Some have a timer and release every so many minutes. We went nuts trying to locate a sound one day and that's what it turned out to be. 

Oh yes. Public bathrooms often have these. It makes a regular hissing sort of noise.


A mystery! Good luck.


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Can you put people to listen in more than one room at same time? To see if everyone then thinks it came from same direction?  Because it could be a sound that has a moving source, but also could be coming from one spot, but sound like it’s moving depending on where the listener is.  

I have also had an animal making such a regular sound that I thought it had to be electronic.


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We have checked smoke detectors and that doesn't seem to be the source.

We don't have any essential oil diffusers or air fresheners (but the sound does sound a lot like the automatic air fresheners in some public restrooms)

Our first thought was it was our (horrible) Samsung refrigerator; it makes all other kinds of noises, but it doesn't seem to be the source of this.  We have also checked the hot water heater.

We are in a rental house that was wired for an alarm system; it isn't activated, but does make an annoying sound occasionally, but this doesn't seem to be the case now.

We have stationed people in different places in the house and we can't agree where the sounds is coming from.  And a person in one place will say it sounds like it is coming from a different place different times, and sometimes it is louder than other times.  


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2 minutes ago, Bootsie said:

We have stationed people in different places in the house and we can't agree where the sounds is coming from.  And a person in one place will say it sounds like it is coming from a different place different times, and sometimes it is louder than other times.  


That would still make me think HVAC or something duct-related where the sound would bounce around.


ETA: have you called the landlord? they may know something you don't, and in any case should attempt to find and fix it.

Edited by EmseB
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Can you turn off your breakers for a while and listen? Once the ambient noise of other appliances is gone, you may be able to figure it out. It will also isolate if it is a plugged in device that is suddenly quiet.

How about a cd player, dvd player, or game system trying to spin a disk? Maybe another electronic toy with a dying battery. Or a watch, ipod, old phone, or other device with an alarm going off that is muffled?

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We had a beep like that a few years ago. The culprit was some internet battery equipment thingy that was installed in the basement. It might have been a dead back-up battery or something like that. It was maddening tracking down the source and it never happened before or since, but the beeps were regularly spaced. 

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We have not been at home most of the day, but have not hear it this evening.  It does make me wonder if it has something to do with the air pressure in pipes as utility work is being done.  I don't know what all is involved, but area around the water meters up and down the street has been dug up and there has been some kind of "ditch witch" equipment.  Everyone's gas meter is being replaced, so we have to have a plumbing company come in next week to check all of the gas lines, and go under the house and in the attic.  

DD left two weeks ago for Europe; we got in touch with her to see if she could think of anything she left behind.  She couldn't think of anything.  But, we may have to go through the boxes she packed up and left in her room to see if there is something with an alarm that is going off if the sound starts up again.

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