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[UPDATE - Dagny it ... isn't (oops!) and yet more pictures] -- Help me name our new kitten


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Some of you may have read my post almost two months ago about our 13 year old cat, Mira, passing away. [Moment of silence.]  I miss her.  Well, we got a new eight-week-old kitten yesterday ~ she's sweet, very active. Typical kitten!  She actually looks somewhat similar to Mira, although her coloring is a little bit more brown than gray. 

We're down to three names. Please let me know what you think below.  [ETA - I tried to make this a poll, but blew it somehow.] And you're welcome to propose other ideas, too, although we’ve already narrowed the list down from like 25 to these three. Bitte, Una and Ellis were the last to go of the list. Eowyn  was an early favorite. Anyway, we’re getting weary of the naming process.

Dagny -  I know some people really dislike this name, but I always liked it and wanted to name a spunky little daughter Dagny, but it never happened. So for a long time I’ve said I’d name a cat Dagny. 

North - This one just popped in my head as I drove up north to get the cat from the shelter. It’s on the top three list which means others here like it, too. 

Raven - Even though she’s not black, we like this name too. Similar to Dagny, I wanted to name a daughter Raven, but it never happened. 



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6 minutes ago, chocolate-chip chooky said:

Oh my! She's gorgeous! ❤️

How do you pronounce Dagny? I've never heard of that name before. Dag-knee?


Yes, DAG-nee. And I like the first syllable pronounced with a very obvious short a (rhyming with LAG), not a sort of short a/long a combination (more like DAYG-nee).  It's a slight difference, but I can hear it.  🙂

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5 minutes ago, chocolate-chip chooky said:

I know you said you've crossed it off the list, but I love Ellis. What a great name. I may need to file that one away to save for a future fur-baby or feather-baby.

Is the word 'dag' used in the US? I'm wondering if it's just an Australian slang term.


The kitten's name at the shelter was Alice, so Ellis was kinda cool that way.  I didn't want to stick with Alice because I don't like using obviously human (English) names for pets myself -- Stella, Molly, Lucy, etc.  Maybe I'll reconsider that one, too. 

No, I haven't heard dag as a slang term.  I know a friend, with whom I'd shared the name Dagny when I was pregnant once, said that in their family they called something they didn't like "daggy," so she didn't like Dagny.   Is your use of "dag" similar?  (Or worse, LOL?)

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Just now, milovany said:


The kitten's name at the shelter was Alice, so Ellis was kinda cool that way.  I didn't want to stick with Alice because I don't like using obviously human (English) names for pets myself -- Stella, Molly, Lucy, etc.  Maybe I'll reconsider that one, too. 

No, I haven't heard dag as a slang term.  I know a friend, with whom I'd shared the name Dagny with when I was pregnant once, said that in their family they called something they didn't like "daggy," so she didn't like Dagny.   Is your use of "dag" similar?  (Or worse, LOL?)

Here in Australia (in my circles anyway), dag is used as a gentle insult. If you're daggy it means you're uncool or unfashionable. My sister might say to me 'you're such a dag' if I'm going on about something a bit nerdy. It's gentle though and in my family it's said with love. 

Alice becoming Ellis really appeals to me. I can't get past Ellis. I love that name.

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I like North. (And Ellis. I had a friend who gave her son the middle name Ellis because that was her maiden name. I could only think he was so lucky his mom’s maiden name was terrific.)

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Alice is exactly the kind of pet name I tend to chose, so I'd leave it, but since you don't like it I'll say that I also like North.  It makes me think of Suri's Burn Book, in which "Suri" repeatedly refers to the Kardashian/West child as "North West The Person".   I think I'd want to call the kitten "North East The Kitten" as their full name.  

On the other hand, some people might not see a Kardashian connection as a plus in naming.  In which case, I'll add that I think Dagny is adorable.  It's very spunky, which is perfect for a kitten.  


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1 hour ago, Quill said:

I like North. (And Ellis. I had a friend who gave her son the middle name Ellis because that was her maiden name. I could only think he was so lucky his mom’s maiden name was terrific.)

 My son's middle name is Ellis because it's a family name and my son has always hated it. Thankfully his girlfriend loves it and wants to (in case they marry) give a future son that name.

Edited because I forgot to say how adorable the kitten is. Any name will suit that beautiful little doll.

Edited by stephanier.1765
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24 minutes ago, Alicia64 said:

Her precious!!

And I'm thinking of Mira too. (I still have moments of silence for my first kitty Purr. She was a sweetheart.)

I'm going to toss out the name River because of her coloring. I also have always loved the name Piper.



We have a cat named River. Well her full name is River Song but we call her River for short.😺

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1 hour ago, Daria said:

Alice is exactly the kind of pet name I tend to chose, so I'd leave it, but since you don't like it I'll say that I also like North.  It makes me think of Suri's Burn Book, in which "Suri" repeatedly refers to the Kardashian/West child as "North West The Person".   I think I'd want to call the kitten "North East The Kitten" as their full name.  

On the other hand, some people might not see a Kardashian connection as a plus in naming.  In which case, I'll add that I think Dagny is adorable.  It's very spunky, which is perfect for a kitten.  


I totally do this with my pets, too. They have their name, and then they have the absurd thing I like to call them. 

Our dog, Sergeant, was called Sarge most of the time, but I couldn’t resist referring to him as Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. 

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I love Dagny, but I think North is cute, too. Both seem good fits for your adorable addition!

We adopted a 2 yr old cat (that I think is at least part Russian Blue) from a shelter a couple of weeks ago. She's a shy one, but we're (very) slowly getting her integrated into the household. I'd post a picture for those who will demand one, but I don't have one on this computer. [DH says her eyes are cold, but she's very smooth & fluffy.] We named her Poe (like the poet). 

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4 hours ago, chocolate-chip chooky said:

Jinx! Is that the name of the cat from Meet the Parents? The one who can flush the toilet? 😁 

That's a great name too. I need more pets.

Oh, how funny! I've never seen that one.🙂

Her shelter name was Nosey because she is black and white with an adorable black nose, but we were looking for a name that better suited her silly and mischievous personality. I was watching her play and Jinx popped into my head and that was that!

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So, I pretty much know that I love Dagny but that every other person here does not.  I'm giving it a couple of days.  My 17yo daughter, who doesn't love it and yesterday said no way, said it would be fine if I wanted to choose that.  The truth is that half way through this cat's life (should she live an average length one), they will all be out of the home and this will be my dear cat, so I somewhat sheepishly do have final say. 

I've really appreciated all the feedback so far! Thank you!

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Just now, Selkie said:

Oh, how funny! I've never seen that one.🙂

Her shelter name was Nosey because she is black and white with an adorable black nose, but we were looking for a name that better suited her silly and mischievous personality. I was watching her play and Jinx popped into my head and that was that!


That's what happened to me with Mira when she was a kitten and so I was hoping this time it would be as easy.  We were driving home, I was looking at her in the rearview mirror (as my daughter held her) and "mirror" instantly became "Mira" in my head.  I put no thought to it whatsoever, it was just there.  It was the perfect name for her, too. But every situation is different.  I do think it will be Dagny but who knows.  I'll update when we decide.  🙂

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On 1/27/2019 at 10:01 AM, RootAnn said:

I love Dagny, but I think North is cute, too. Both seem good fits for your adorable addition!

We adopted a 2 yr old cat (that I think is at least part Russian Blue) from a shelter a couple of weeks ago. She's a shy one, but we're (very) slowly getting her integrated into the household. I'd post a picture for those who will demand one, but I don't have one on this computer. [DH says her eyes are cold, but she's very smooth & fluffy.] We named her Poe (like the poet). 

Yes yes yes to photos, if you can. I love sharing in everyone's pet love.

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Beautiful!  The weekend had a profound effect on our naming choices.  North and Raven have been discarded and right now the list is Dagny, Little Dorrit, Ellis and Scout.  Sigh.  This is why I always named babies before they were born. 

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Dagny hands down. Love it! 

I want to encourage you to go with your loved name and don't back down. 13 years ago when I got my frenchie puppy I wanted to name him Merrick. I loved it and that was his name before he flew into the airport. Once I told everyone they started with the "no, you should name him..." and so I caved. He has passed and I still think he would have made a good Merrick. Funny aside but one of those nay sayers ended up naming their DD Merritt 5 years later 

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On 1/27/2019 at 8:51 AM, chocolate-chip chooky said:

Here in Australia (in my circles anyway), dag is used as a gentle insult. If you're daggy it means you're uncool or unfashionable. My sister might say to me 'you're such a dag' if I'm going on about something a bit nerdy. It's gentle though and in my family it's said with love. 

Alice becoming Ellis really appeals to me. I can't get past Ellis. I love that name.

In NZ it means funny sort of - one of those people who are unintentionally funny.  "He's such a dag".  And of course Fred Dagg.

Bit days are also those poor encrusted bits of wool a sheep has.

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8 hours ago, Mergath said:

I love the name Dagny! I just wish it didn't make me think of Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand. I wish Rand had named the main character Gertrude or something. 


Admittedly, I heard  and fell in love with  the name before I’d heard of Atlas Shrugged, and I have never read the book.  I love the positive vibes I got here for the name. I got such blowback IRL when I told people I liked this name for an actual human being! I did decide to go with the Dagne spelling. Maybe.


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12 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Oh mercy!!!! Well, I know I will absolutely not be showing those pictures to my daughters.😂 they’re already bugging me about getting another kitten. We have three cats, we do not need another kitten.

I repeat, we do not need another kitten!!!


Let us know when you get your new kitten. We can help you name her. 😉

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