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A Little Bit Scary Start to the Holidays


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Last night, DS23 had a really late night theater thing.  He wrapped up about 5am and went out to find the inside of his car was trashed - things thrown everywhere.  Apparently he had forgotten to lock the doors and someone searched his car.  Since he had his wallet with him, he figured they didn't find anything.

This morning about 6am, the dogs went totally bonkers - barking and throwing themselves at the inside door to the garage.  DH could hear the garage door opening and he let them out.  More wild barking and a car reversed rapidly out our driveway.  Apparently, they had stolen the garage door opener and registration from DS23's car and had come to break into the house. 

Here's a pic of my heroic puppers (and a cat).  Garage door is unplugged so they can't try again and I will run out later and get a new registration printed for DS23's car. 160 pounds of dogs barking and lights turning on scared them off - hopefully for good.


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DH was hoping their car would get stuck in our driveway so he could call the police to have them picked up.  The police here would be very happy to come and catch some of these nasties doing the break-ins or at least collect some evidence.  Unfortunately, their car made it back out the driveway.  As-is, DH left a message on the non-emergency line and they said they will follow up if the nasties come back.

My dogs are large and sound terribly fierce and are trained to bark until given a signal to stop, so they are good for looking scary.  In reality, they are giant floor pillows that would probably just wag their tails and let someone in (while barking loudly).

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1 hour ago, AK_Mom4 said:

Last night, DS23 had a really late night theater thing.  He wrapped up about 5am and went out to find the inside of his car was trashed - things thrown everywhere.  Apparently he had forgotten to lock the doors and someone searched his car.  Since he had his wallet with him, he figured they didn't find anything.

This morning about 6am, the dogs went totally bonkers - barking and throwing themselves at the inside door to the garage.  DH could hear the garage door opening and he let them out.  More wild barking and a car reversed rapidly out our driveway.  Apparently, they had stolen the garage door opener and registration from DS23's car and had come to break into the house. 

Here's a pic of my heroic puppers (and a cat).  Garage door is unplugged so they can't try again and I will run out later and get a new registration printed for DS23's car. 160 pounds of dogs barking and lights turning on scared them off - hopefully for good.


have you reported the incident to the police?   even if they only tried to break into the house - if they did it to you, they'll try again with someone else.

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2 hours ago, Pink and Green Mom said:

Wow!  I'm convinced my dog would have slept through it or been like "please do come in...let me show you where they keep my cookies so you can give me one."

This is my dog too... either that or he'd be like  "oh friends to let me out!"  

AK mom - so glad you had such good doggies!!  

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Assuming you are in our area, and I am sympathetic. The car break-ins are terribly common. I had my window smashed during prime time hours at the dog park last fall, and it cost me over $1000 when all was said and done. The boldness of the thieves is shocking! I have taken to locking the garage door opener in the glove compartment in hopes of slowing them down. Once it happens, you never feel entirely comfortable leaving your vehicle anywhere in town.

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