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Looks like I got my wish!

Night Elf

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I wanted my volunteer job with the Humane Society Thrift Store to turn into a paying job. The employee I helped went out for back surgery and was supposed to be gone for 6 weeks. I increased my hours to take over the department. The director decided to pay me while the employee is gone. On Saturday, she talked to me again and said she didn't know when the employee would return and when she did return, the director didn't know at what capacity she'd be able to work. It's a physical job. So she's going to keep me on as her assistant. As a paid position! We didn't talk about hours except that I'd start going in every Saturday to whittle down donations so when we got there on Tuesday mornings (the store is closed Sunday and Monday), we wouldn't be so overwhelmed. So I don't know if I'll continue with the 16 hours or not but even if it drops down to 10, I'll be happy. I just wanted to make a little money to help pay some of my college dd's expenses. She doesn't drive so takes many Ubers and Lyfts. Those add up! Anyway, I'm so happy!

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