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UPDATED: So, I found a lump...

Just Kate

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 I will pray for a positive outcome.

Someone upthread  mentioned that there are many things that cause swollen nodes.  When I had mono my lymph nodes were swollen all over.  Huge around my neck.  For years after I swelled anytime I was at all ill.

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26 minutes ago, Just Kate said:


Yes, my blood  was all normal. I think the cluster in my neck and then the enlarged nodes in my chest are worriesome. Also I have a week of antibiotics to see if that made any changes and it didn’t. I do keep praying for some other alternative. 

Yes, when they are in more than one area it's generalized, but even that can be caused by a virus (which antibiotics wouldn't effect), autoimmune, etc. Cancer is way down the list. And even then, my grandma had lymphoma for decades, and eventually died of something totally unrelated (heart failure from obesity). Hugs. 

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I am sorry that you are going through this, and that the first scan led to more worries.

Since my initial cancer diagnosis 12 years ago, I have had more scans and biopsies than I care to remember. I will be having a CAT scan myself next week for some inexplicable rib pain. But I have trained myself to develop the mindset that it-isn't-cancer-until-it-is-cancer. I'm not there perfectly, but I am close. I don't want the spectre of cancer to take away any more of my days than is absolutely necessary. I won't lie, though. I have spent some time Googling my most recent symptoms and some other related stuff. Try not to do that because it can actually be not so helpful for your state of mind but I am just admitting that I don't always 100 percent follow my own advice ?

Today, you do not have a cancer diagnosis. Today, you have swollen lymph nodes. You don't feel sick in any way. Today, I have some rib pain that could in fact be a yoga injury. It is nothing that keeps me from doing what I want to do today, and I did not let it rob me of my today.

 Mega Hugs.

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12 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

Yes, when they are in more than one area it's generalized, but even that can be caused by a virus (which antibiotics wouldn't effect), autoimmune, etc. Cancer is way down the list. And even then, my grandma had lymphoma for decades, and eventually died of something totally unrelated (heart failure from obesity). Hugs. 


Thank you so much. I really need to lean into any and all hope right now, as I keep allowing myself to go to the “worst place imaginable” in my head. 

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10 minutes ago, Penguin said:

I am sorry that you are going through this, and that the first scan led to more worries.

Since my initial cancer diagnosis 12 years ago, I have had more scans and biopsies than I care to remember. I will be having a CAT scan myself next week for some inexplicable rib pain. But I have trained myself to develop the mindset that it-isn't-cancer-until-it-is-cancer. I'm not there perfectly, but I am close. I don't want the spectre of cancer to take away any more of my days than is absolutely necessary. I won't lie, though. I have spent some time Googling my most recent symptoms and some other related stuff. Try not to do that because it can actually be not so helpful for your state of mind but I am just admitting that I don't always 100 percent follow my own advice ?

Today, you do not have a cancer diagnosis. Today, you have swollen lymph nodes. You don't feel sick in any way. Today, I have some rib pain that could in fact be a yoga injury. It is nothing that keeps me from doing what I want to do today, and I did not let it rob me of my today. Mega Hugs.

Very good words. Thank you. And I will be praying that your scan comes back normal. (((Hugs)))

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Just Kate, I use a lot of self-talk to get through times of uncertainty and waiting for results. I say things to myself like “You know, Penguin, this might be your last weekend that you DON*T have cancer. Do you REALLY want to spend it worrying?” Which upon reflection kind of sounds like I am berating myself (rarely a good idea!) , but it isn’t really like that for me. It’s more like my way of nudging myself out of a funk.

And I do that thing where I give myself a set amount of time to research and worry, and then I put it away. 

And I try to keep VERY busy.

If this is not helpful to you, then of course ignore me. We’re all different, and I acknowledge that. 

(Some if this I wrote as an ETA to my previous post but then realized you might not see it.)

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I'll be praying, too. 

When I first posted on this thread, and missed that you were concerned about cancer, I didn't think of that because I'm another who lives with swollen lymph nodes a lot of the time, due to autoimmune disease. And my mom was another person who'd had severe mono, and residual and recurrent lymph node swelling for many years afterward. So my default is to think of eveything but cancer, since statistically the "everything but" is far more likely.

I think Penguin's advice is wonderful. I hope your stressful weekend goes smoothly.

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Just wanted to say when I had cat scratch, it took several weeks (over a month) and two rounds of antibiotics to do anything.  Also, if they gave you generalized antibiotics but you need more specific, then it's not surprising that the antibiotics have not done anything yet.  Hang in there!  It's actually rather encouraging that your bloodwork was normal.

And Penguin, you rock....

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Thank you all so much! I had a fine needle biopsy of my lymph node today and will get results in about a week. Unfortunately, they can’t always get a good amount of cells this way and they could have to do an incision and remove the lymph node for testing. The bad thing about that is that my swollen node is toward the back of my neck and there are a lot of nerves there. The procedure is complicated and could result in a loss of motor function in my arm!!! So of course I am praying that the biopsy was perfect and they get what they need.

To add to it...I live in a more rural area and the doctor that I am seeing is part of a hospital system that I don’t like at all (very small, behind the times, etc.). There are some better hospitals here, but when I called ENTs associated with those hospitals, the wait was going to be over a month. So if I have to have this surgical procedure, I am very stressed about having it at this hospital. I’m trying to decide if I could just call other ENTs (we are 3 hours from both Columbus and Cincinnati, OH) to see if I could find someone to see me. Thoughts??

I just keep praying that this is just some crazy infection that clears up on it’s own. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. 

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14 minutes ago, Just Kate said:

Thank you all so much! I had a fine needle biopsy of my lymph node today and will get results in about a week. Unfortunately, they can’t always get a good amount of cells this way and they could have to do an incision and remove the lymph node for testing. The bad thing about that is that my swollen node is toward the back of my neck and there are a lot of nerves there. The procedure is complicated and could result in a loss of motor function in my arm!!! So of course I am praying that the biopsy was perfect and they get what they need.

To add to it...I live in a more rural area and the doctor that I am seeing is part of a hospital system that I don’t like at all (very small, behind the times, etc.). There are some better hospitals here, but when I called ENTs associated with those hospitals, the wait was going to be over a month. So if I have to have this surgical procedure, I am very stressed about having it at this hospital. I’m trying to decide if I could just call other ENTs (we are 3 hours from both Columbus and Cincinnati, OH) to see if I could find someone to see me. Thoughts??

I just keep praying that this is just some crazy infection that clears up on it’s own. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. 


Thoughts about being seen sooner: !) Ask your family doctor to call for you. A doctor can often get you an earlier appointment than you could get yourself. 2) If you can be flexible, call every single day for cancellations. I've done that before and gotten seen much more quickly. Make friends on the phone with the scheduling person and ask for the best time of day to call in. Mondays are often very good: something comes up over the weekend, and people call to cancel appointments. 

Thoughts about waiting: Although when you are worried about cancer a month seems a long time to wait, it is often okay.   Prognosis is sadly different depending on the institution that you go to for treatment and given that the node removal is a complex operation that could result in loss of motor function, I would wait and get someone experienced. 


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Does your rural hospital have a good surgeon who would do it?  I live in a very rural area too, but we have one good surgeon (our only surgeon) here who serves our entire rural area.  He did a needle biopsy on my thyroid years ago, and also on a breast lump.  I knew I could trust him for that, and would have trusted him for far more too.  But, our local hospital is also linked with other bigger hospitals (an hour or two away) that actually have specialists.   Our hospital is usually able to arrange for care at one of the bigger hospitals much sooner than if I tried to do it myself.

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3 hours ago, Just Kate said:

Thank you all so much! I had a fine needle biopsy of my lymph node today and will get results in about a week. Unfortunately, they can’t always get a good amount of cells this way and they could have to do an incision and remove the lymph node for testing. The bad thing about that is that my swollen node is toward the back of my neck and there are a lot of nerves there. The procedure is complicated and could result in a loss of motor function in my arm!!! So of course I am praying that the biopsy was perfect and they get what they need.

To add to it...I live in a more rural area and the doctor that I am seeing is part of a hospital system that I don’t like at all (very small, behind the times, etc.). There are some better hospitals here, but when I called ENTs associated with those hospitals, the wait was going to be over a month. So if I have to have this surgical procedure, I am very stressed about having it at this hospital. I’m trying to decide if I could just call other ENTs (we are 3 hours from both Columbus and Cincinnati, OH) to see if I could find someone to see me. Thoughts??

I just keep praying that this is just some crazy infection that clears up on it’s own. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. 

If you need the lymph node removed, I would go for the better, more experienced surgeons even if it meant a wait.  But you need to call (or ideally have your doctor's surgery scheduler call)...and see what they can do regarding time.  When it's urgent, they often find a way to fit you in.  


Praying you don't need that, though. ❤️ 

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I was just coming here to try to find this thread to update...so glad that I didn’t have to search for it!!

I had a second CT scan and the results were much better. This CT Scan was just of my chest and it only showed one (barely) swollen lymph (they are concerned when they are over 1cm and my swollen node was only 1.1cm). The radiologist report suggested a follow up in 3-6 months. 

Then yesterday I received my biopsy results and they were benign!! So so thankful for that. 

Finally today I saw a different ENT in Columbus, OH (I already had the appointment scheduled and decided to follow through with it). After looking at my CT Scans and examining me, he feels strongly that my body is just fighting off some type of infection. He suggested that I see my local ENT to discuss my biopsy results and then he thinks that I should have a follow-up CT scan in about 6 weeks. Luckily, I was able to get in with a different local ENT who I feel may be better than the one that I saw originally and I’m seeing him Friday. I feel kind of crazy seeing so many ENTs, but the original one just made me feel so uncomfortable. 

Today’s ENT did say that if the swelling doesn’t go down soon, they could have to do surgery to remove the lymph node in my neck (that is the only definite way to make sure that it is benign). I can already tell that it is somewhat smaller, but it is still there. I am praying that it goes away on it’s own and that no surgery is required. I asked him if there is a chance that the benign result of the needle biopsy could be incorrect and he said yes, but it would be a very low chance  

So I’m feeling good today. Well, other than the fact that the ENT put a scope up my nose!!! That was so crazy uncomfortable!!! I’d never had anything like that done before and hope I never have to again  

Thanks for checking up on me and for the prayers  @Penguin any updates from you?


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40 minutes ago, Arctic Mama said:

I’m glad it was nothing - lymph nodes usually are except those times they aren’t, right?  And it can be tough to tell the difference sometimes.  But I’m glad you found an ENT you’re comfortable with.


Yes, that’s so true! I think the reason my primary doc was so concerned was because I didn’t seem to be fighting off any type of illness. I am glad he took my concerns seriously, rather than taking the wait and see approach. Even today, it is 3.5 weeks since finding the knot on my neck and it is still there. It is a bit smaller, but it hasn’t gon away yet. So if we’d taken the wait and see approach, by this point they would have still put me through the tests and I would have dealt with even more anxiety and fear. 

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