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I guess I am just getting old ....


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The other night I was looking for a good action movie to watch before I went to bed. I decided to re-watch Raiders of the Lost Ark. When I was a teenager I had a HUGE crush on Harrison Ford and saw the movie 15 times. At the time I thought it was an edge-of- the-seat movie. 


When I re-watched it I realized .... it is so cheeeeeesy! I couldn't even enjoy it -- the acting was bad, the action scenes comical, but at least Harrison Ford still looked dreamy.


I tried to watch the second one and that was even worse! How did Kate Capshaw ever get that part?!


Sigh. I guess I am just too old and crotchety.


Any movies that you used to think were great and now realize they are meh?

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The Blair Witch Project. When I saw that in the movie theater, I thought it was the scariest movie ever. Driving home afterwards through the woods around our house, I was petrified. I refused to watch it for years afterward because I didn't want to get spooked all over again.


Well, last year, dh and the kids were watching it and I decided to be brave and join them. I couldn't believe it - it was nothing like I remembered. Not scary at all and sooo cheesy! And the female lead is so annoying, which I didn't remember, either. She grated on my nerves so much that I could barely stand to watch.


I guess I've become a lot tougher to scare in my old age. :)

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I just unearthed our old Thomas the Tank engine DVDs and rewatched a few episodes (which might have been watched a million times in our house 6 years ago). They are annoying, poorly made and drive me nuts now. I am not even sure how I tolerated them before and let my son watch them every day.

Edited by mathnerd
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Still love Raiders and Star Wars.


Rewatched the original Total Recall last week. Much more violent and not as good then I remembered.


16 Candles with my dreamy Jake Ryan makes me cringe now. I still watch it and ignore the stereotypes and rapey moments.

Back to the Future definitely held up.

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Whatever you do, don't go back and watch The Never Ending Story.  I thought it was so magical as a child.  



Back to the Future has indeed held up.


I was so excited to watch that one with my kids.  Then they kept looking at me through the whole thing, and when it was done, I totally got the Blank Stare.    When David Bowie passed, I wanted to watch Labyrinth with them, but when I mentioned it, DS asked me flat out if it was anything like The Never Ending Story.  Those two movies together were so huge to me growing up!  So my kids still haven't seen Labyrinth because I can't bear to have another one ruined!


I would also add Goonies.  We watched that one over and over as kids.  I tried watching it not too long ago and it just did not go well.  

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I can’t figure out how to see the movie Stephanie posted- someone please share.


Top Gun is SO cheesy now. Maybe it always was, like Dirty Dancing always was.

It’s white text. Just highlight it. But it’s already mentioned - Star Wars.



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I just unearthed our old Thomas the Tank engine DVDs and rewatched a few episodes (which might have been watched a million times in our house 6 years ago). They are annoying, poorly made and drive me nuts now. I am not even sure how I tolerated them before and let my son watch them every day.



Angelina Ballerina is nothing but one long whine.  That squeaky mousy voice just seems to be whining every.single.word.

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Hmm, well I still think a lot of those are good movies.  Maybe not Top Gun, but I never liked it - it was always cheesy.  It was really the airplane scenes that made it a little different.  


In fact, I like a lot of them better than most of the things that are coming out now.  I think they are usually paced better, for one thing, with more story-telling and not as much reliance on special effects and fast cuts and non-stop action to carry them.



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Yeah, I don't watch too many movies today.  Most of them just seem SO uninteresting. 


I think television is a lot better than films at the moment, overall.  I've been bored the last few times I've been to the movies, which is weird because they are so much faster-paced, being bored seems a weird response.

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My kids loved the Never Ending Story. They also loved The Breakfast Club and Adventures in Babysitting (my dd). They tolerated Pretty in Pink.


I still remember watching War Games with them when they were younger and my son asking questions such as: why is the keyboard the size of a typewriter? What do you mean the computer had call the other computer?

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I think television is a lot better than films at the moment, overall. I've been bored the last few times I've been to the movies, which is weird because they are so much faster-paced, being bored seems a weird response.

I agree. We never seem to really like movies anymore. I know I prefer TV because there is so much more time for character development. I don't think that's the case for my dh- but he never seems to like the movies either.

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FWIW, my DD loves The Goonies. I saw Batteries Not Included and Short Circuit on Netflix the other day. I loved those as a kid. I think what is jarring to me as an adult is how clean they are. The bad guys don’t hardly curse.



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I think television is a lot better than films at the moment, overall. I've been bored the last few times I've been to the movies, which is weird because they are so much faster-paced, being bored seems a weird response.

I think it'sbecause there is constant action. Very little time is used to build up suspense. Basically there is no rising action just constant climax in most action movies today which, quite honestly, is boring.

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Pretty Woman.  I liked it when it came out and watched it a year ago with my daughters. They were both amazed I would like a movie about a prostitute! (I think I vaguely knew, but didn't really pay attention back when; it was a minor detail in my mind.) It was totally cheesy and both daughters kept looking at me during the movie wondering why I liked it.

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I was so excited to watch that one with my kids.  Then they kept looking at me through the whole thing, and when it was done, I totally got the Blank Stare.    When David Bowie passed, I wanted to watch Labyrinth with them, but when I mentioned it, DS asked me flat out if it was anything like The Never Ending Story.  Those two movies together were so huge to me growing up!  So my kids still haven't seen Labyrinth because I can't bear to have another one ruined!


I would also add Goonies.  We watched that one over and over as kids.  I tried watching it not too long ago and it just did not go well.  


I watched Labyrinth with one of my kids recently.  I thought it held up okay. 


Star Wars - IMO it was all the messing about with the originals that made it age badly.  There are too many badly remastered moments.


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Pretty Woman.  I liked it when it came out and watched it a year ago with my daughters. They were both amazed I would like a movie about a prostitute! (I think I vaguely knew, but didn't really pay attention back when; it was a minor detail in my mind.) It was totally cheesy and both daughters kept looking at me during the movie wondering why I liked it.

Yeah, I loved that movie when it came out, and now the fact that she's a prostitute is horrifying to me. What the heck was I thinking? :confused1:

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I watched Labyrinth with one of my kids recently. I thought it held up okay.


Star Wars - IMO it was all the messing about with the originals that made it age badly. There are too many badly remastered moments.


We did Labyrinth a few weeks ago and my 6 year old thought it was so cheesy haha. I was too busy singing along to notice.


I tried watching Star Wars about a year ago. I was so bored. It was not as exciting as I remembered which made me sad.


The ones that always gets me are 80s cartoons. My DD and I watched Rainbow Brite and Gummi Bears last year...the art kills me now. I used to love those!

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My kids also like a lot of these - The Neverending Story, Goonies, Short Circuit, Adventures in Babysitting, Grease.  And the LOVE Labyrinth, in fact at one point I kind of got a little sick of it and had to hide the soundtrack record which they wanted to play constantly.


However - they hid the DVD for The Dark Crystal for years because they said it was too scary.  They like it now though.

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I thought watching Peanuts holiday specials would be a beloved family tradition to establish.


We started with the Christmas one when DD was 2 or 3.


DD watched in horror as the kids mocked Charlie Brown.  After about 90 seconds of that, she jumped out of my lap in indignation, and said sternly, "THOSE kids are not nice.  WE don't watch THIS kind of show in OUR family!"  And she waited for me to turn off the TV.  Which I meekly did.  And that was the end of that, for about 4 years.  

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I thought watching Peanuts holiday specials would be a beloved family tradition to establish.


We started with the Christmas one when DD was 2 or 3.


DD watched in horror as the kids mocked Charlie Brown.  After about 90 seconds of that, she jumped out of my lap in indignation, and said sternly, "THOSE kids are not nice.  WE don't watch THIS kind of show in OUR family!"  And she waited for me to turn off the TV.  Which I meekly did.  And that was the end of that, for about 4 years.  


My 10 year old did kind of the same thing with Batteries Not Included.  At the beginning they have the thugs trying to run the people out of the buildings.  She kept going on about how mean and wrong it was.  I had to really work at convincing her to keep watching because it was the set up for the good guys to come in later and save the day.



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I remember being all excited for my kids to watch The Wizard of Oz and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I thought they would be a little scared of the witch and the Bumble like I was when I was little.


Nope. Didn't even phase them. My daughter felt bad for the Bumble.

I remember watching Rudolph with my first born. Excited to share. And as I watched it as an adult I suddenly realized that Santa is a prejudiced jerk who only accepts Rudolph when he needs the nose. I was proud my son was able to figure that out the first time Santa said too bad about the nose. We had great conversations about people who are different and treating others.

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I thought watching Peanuts holiday specials would be a beloved family tradition to establish.


We started with the Christmas one when DD was 2 or 3.


DD watched in horror as the kids mocked Charlie Brown.  After about 90 seconds of that, she jumped out of my lap in indignation, and said sternly, "THOSE kids are not nice.  WE don't watch THIS kind of show in OUR family!"  And she waited for me to turn off the TV.  Which I meekly did.  And that was the end of that, for about 4 years.  

 LOL, my responded to the Peanuts like this, too.

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I think it'sbecause there is constant action. Very little time is used to build up suspense. Basically there is no rising action just constant climax in most action movies today which, quite honestly, is boring.



Our local arthouse cinema shows oldies, and I took four teenage boys to see "The Sting." I could tell they were really, really bored the first, what, hour and a half?! haha. But they LOVED the ending. I don't think kids these days :) are used to movies' laying the groundwork in a complicated plot.

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This is a common argument in my house. My brother thinks that if it was good the first time, it's still good today. My husband thinks technology and time improves things and newer is always better. I'm somewhere in the middle, thinking there's something to be said for nostalgia but that some things definitely don't age well. :) But their opinions are all extreme and no one wants to hear me being all fair minded and moderate. :)

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Ones that have not are Top Gun, Beetleguise, Big, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Little Shop of Horrors (which I loved for how bad it was....now it's just too bad to like,)


And some of the ones mentioned here like Labyrinth and Never Ending Story, they were just OK for me. 


We still enjoy Bill and Ted. :-) Mr. Ellie doesn't love Beetleguise as much as I do, lol. I don't think I've ever seen Little Shop.

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