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Things you irrationally hate


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I've got another one. When I take the kids to a doctor's appointment and the doctor calls me "Mom." Take three seconds to look at the chart and learn my name. It feels rude to me, and like I'm just another interchangeable "mom."

Yes, yes, yes, YES


Hate this with a fire of 1000 suns

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Hair. Not. Attached. To. Bodies.


Seriously. If I go on vacation, walk into a hotel bathroom, and see a random hair sitting in the tub it is GAME OVER. Pack it up. Go home. Fun will NOT be had. I don't know what it's about, but hair not attached to bodies is my #1 freak out thing. If I can identify where the hair came from, it isn't so bad. But still. Ewww.


You can't come to my house, it might kill you. Everyone has long hair but my young sons, and mine are three feet long. They end up everywhere and I can barely vacuum because the roller always gets snagged and the belt breaks.


I swear I find them in sealed food! Hair everywhere. St least I can sweep it in my non carpeted areas :o

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You can't come to my house, it might kill you. Everyone has long hair but my young sons, and mine are three feet long. They end up everywhere and I can barely vacuum because the roller always gets snagged and the belt breaks.


I swear I find them in sealed food! Hair everywhere. St least I can sweep it in my non carpeted areas :o

:lol: Same here. We all have long hair AND we have a cat and a dog. Poor roomba chokes on hair if I don't clean him out after every cycle

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DH will not use the word seen correctly.  He is convinced that I am crazy when I correct him.  His whole family does this so I blame them. Any time it is past tense it is seen to them. Every time he says it I just cringe.  Like nails on a chalkboard.


"I seen this thing the other day".

Edited by Attolia
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That made my day. Thank you! You must have missed some of my, um, "finer" moments, though. ;-)

Well, I did say, "I've never *seen*..." It doesn't mean there hasn't been any! 😘

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Somehow I hate putting away soup, chili and other wet type foods after dinner. I love making soup and chili and I like eating all of that, but putting it into containers or zippies and then into the fridge slays me.


Dry foods and even foods as wet as a casserole I have no qualms about.

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Somehow I hate putting away soup, chili and other wet type foods after dinner. I love making soup and chili and I like eating all of that, but putting it into containers or zippies and then into the fridge slays me.


Dry foods and even foods as wet as a casserole I have no qualms about.

I cannot bear soup in a ziploc baggie. It looks so amorphous and suddenly unappealing. Soup must go in a firm container.

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Rabbit alert-

I wonder how long it will be before people wonder what "like nails on a chalkboard" means?

I think this with our kids and the idiom "like a broken record." No kid the generation of my children has ever *heard* a skipping record.

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I say mah-nnaise, while my DH actually pronounces the word mayonnaise with all the sounds. I fully understand that I'm not saying it correctly, and I'm okay with that. I do, however, get totally bent out of shape when people pronounce syrup as "surrup." This is why these things are in the irrational thread.

Wait. How else would you say it?

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Wait. How else would you say it?

Seer Up.


If you listen to commercials, that's how it is generally pronounced.



I assume that's the more "neutral" pronunciation, maybe less regional. I don't know.

Dictionaries list both pronunciations.


When we did All About Spelling, the options for pronouncing Y were: as a consonant sound, and also short i, long i, and long e, but not as uh. I can't think of any other words where y would be pronounced that way.

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I don't know anyone who says seerup. That sounds weird to my ears.

My dd has an irrational hatred of our New York accent way of saying coffee. She will shriek that their is no w in coffee. We tell her she is wrong. I don't know how she avoided the ny accent. It is also drives her nuts that her bronx boy father adds an r to the end of words that end in "a". Soda becomes soder. And then he drops the r from words that end with one. So much fun in our house.

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Interesting that some say seer-up.  We're all going through memories this morning to see if we know of anyone who pronounces it that way - and hubby is from the south (VA/NC) - but even he uses sir-up.  I suspect it's more southern than he is?  Or is it regional elsewhere and we just don't eat things with syrup enough to have heard it (or put it into memory if it were in the background)?

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Having just returned from the state swim meet, I have so so many hatreds, but they are all rational. Whistles to pace breaststroke give me a headache. But the worst was a parent who camped in a top spot and stood up and videotaped every race his child was in, calling out her name in a loud bark in two second intervals. Even during races that were 5 minutes long.

Yes, we all learned her name and everyone of us felt a stupid amount of momentary glee at her finishing last in her heat. And then, we all felt pity for the poor teen who had to live with him and rewatch those bad races.

Why, oh why, isn't Tony Soprano a swim parent? I have never had such a desire in the last ten years to kneecap a parent.

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It is sir-up y'all.  Case closed  :lol:



I live in an area that produces a lot of maple syrup (we have an annual maple festival, a Maple Elementary, Maple Avenue, Maple Leaf restaurant, etc.) and I've only heard it pronounced this way.


This book https://www.amazon.com/Speaking-American-Youse-Visual-Guide-ebook/dp/B01M27RXYO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500994565&sr=8-1&keywords=speaking+american  addresses the word "syrup" as well as many other pronunciations and terms.  I really liked it - quick and fascinating read.  

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You can't come to my house, it might kill you. Everyone has long hair but my young sons, and mine are three feet long. They end up everywhere and I can barely vacuum because the roller always gets snagged and the belt breaks.


I swear I find them in sealed food! Hair everywhere. St least I can sweep it in my non carpeted areas :o



Here's the weirder part - it might not bother me at your house because I can identify where the hair came from.  That makes it MUCH easier for me to keep the freak out inside.


It's the unidentifiable hairs that WIG ME OUT (no pun intended).  I think it makes me feel like I am at a crime scene where this is a random hair and no one to match it with.

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Having just returned from the state swim meet, I have so so many hatreds, but they are all rational. Whistles to pace breaststroke give me a headache. But the worst was a parent who camped in a top spot and stood up and videotaped every race his child was in, calling out her name in a loud bark in two second intervals. Even during races that were 5 minutes long

Yes, we all learned her name and everyone of us felt a stupid amount of momentary glee at her finishing last in her heat. And then, we all felt pity for the poor teen who had to live with him and rewatch those bad races.


Was her name Mariana? That's the name our annoying parent shouts.

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Teague. Imagine a deep bark at a ridiculously loud decibel level. From dive in to finish.


Goodness knows I have suffered from random ex-cheerleader moms (Bail-eeee, Kyli-eee in a whooping bird like call). But this somehow messed with my equilibrium and I literally saw red.

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When people use the Greek alphabet in English words, like in the title sequence of My Big Fat Greek Wedding where all the e's are replaced with capital sigmas. Drives me bonkers!

Or Russian... those letters don't make those sounds even... ugh.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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Dishes stacked on my counter to the left of the sink. The right of the sink, fine. If it is on the left of the sink, watch yourself. [emoji38]


Ponytails paired with comb-overs on balding men.

Ha in my house it's the opposite... dirty dishes go on the left of the sink. Dirty dishes may only be stacked in the left sink. The right sink is rinsing only and the right cabinet is for drying clean dishes.... OBVIOUSLY


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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YES! My DS17 was just moments ago fishing for brownie points, asking which kid does the best job of cleaning up the kitchen. I grouchily said, "As far as I can tell, none of you, because every single day, morning after morning, I have to *rewash* pots and pans that were not done correctly!" I have gone wrong with that somewhere. I have even instructed them over and over again, step by step. I have been known to put a pan on someone's *bed* because I am NOT rewashing it. I have explained. I have demonstrated. I have shown them again and again, "do you see how it streaks with your finger? That is because it still has grease on it." But no. They do not do it fully correctly, no matter what I do.

Right there with ya! So many thing like this!

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Ha in my house it's the opposite... dirty dishes go on the left of the sink. Dirty dishes may only be stacked in the left sink. The right sink is rinsing only and the right cabinet is for drying clean dishes.... OBVIOUSLY


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Most of the counter to the right of my sink is obscured by the fridge. So to the left is my main workspace.

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roundabouts and 2 way stops (wait these other people don't have to stop?)


But it's rational to me, because I feel like my odds of getting into an accident go up a huge percent

There's a roundabout near my house. Every single holiday weekend, there are out-of-towners driving the wrong way through the roundabout. Every. Single. Time. (I know someone's pet peeve has to be using a period after every word for emphasis... did it on purpose, sorry!)


DH knows when I get home from running errands those weekends, it'll be ten minutes of me griping about people that can't drive the right direction. Or in the actual road. I've seen people cut across it!

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There's a roundabout near my house. Every single holiday weekend, there are out-of-towners driving the wrong way through the roundabout. Every. Single. Time. (I know someone's pet peeve has to be using a period after every word for emphasis... did it on purpose, sorry!)


DH knows when I get home from running errands those weekends, it'll be ten minutes of me griping about people that can't drive the right direction. Or in the actual road. I've seen people cut across it!


This made me lol. Trying to figure out what goes through their brains. "Well, I don't know what these extra bits of road are, but I'll just do my usual suburban off-roading ..."

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roundabouts and 2 way stops (wait these other people don't have to stop?)


But it's rational to me, because I feel like my odds of getting into an accident go up a huge percent

I live in a largish city.  THere are 6 roundabouts that I know of.  When my daughter learned to drive, I made her go in and out fo each one, multiple times.  And then went back at night and made her do it all again. LOL They were different styles, sizes and 3 were all  in a single row though a section of neighborhood. One of the larger ones has a structure in the middle so you can't see the other side.  A couple are regular ones, but one had 5 outlets instead of 4. 


They are in random neighborhoods and out of the way places, so it is unlikely to run into them unless you visit those neighborhoods. I wanted to make sure she knew how to navigate them with minimal effort. 

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I irrationally hate people who call their spouse Ma,Pa, Mother, Father. It is just weird and creepy to me. I will refer to my spouse as father when speaking about him to the children. I do not call him father.




I always cringed when Ronald Reagan referred to Nancy as "Mommy". That was creepy.

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Ick. I have a dear friend whose parents do this. They are the sweetest people, but it sounds so wrong.

I had couple friends that call each other mom and dad. But they were young! Like in their twenties. Skeeved me out so much I had to ask them about it. I didn't say what I was really thinking, but did they call each other that when alone and having "fun" together? Ack!

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When people lollygag right in the way at the grocery store.  If you've run into an old friend, or you're looking for a coupon, or contemplating life, how about not standing right in the middle of the aisle and then being oblivious to the traffic jam you're creating?  I mean, I know the aisles aren't huge, but that's all the more reason to be courteous and at least try to get out of people's way.  


Fake, horrible accents.  I love love love listening to authentic accents, like Australian or British, etc., but someone doing a purposeful fake accent and botching it because they think that's funny just drives me crazy!   :lol:


Irrational, I know.  A sign I need to work on patience?  For sure!



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wind turbines



They are mean and terrifying and I hate them!

I am all for green energy but those turbines freak me out!


When we drive through a turbine hellscape I feel sick to my stomach and I shake and cry. I think I react that way when surrounded by pure evil.

My hubby teases me about this now. I think it also needs a name.

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Radio stations who play siren sounds or songs with sirens in them.


DH coughing on me, my face, or my food, especially when he's been eating foods I'm allergic to.


Tornado sirens for "severe thunderstorms" that are only moving at 30 miles per hour, and are absolutely no danger unless you're outside and can see them coming anyway.

I think the first one is logical. If you are driving in a car and hear sirens you start looking for emergency services. It's not great to have siren sounds commonly used outside of their intended purpose.

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