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I could use some prayers please


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DH owns his own business and this week we found out that by Aug. 1, his biggest client is going to either drop him completely or significantly reduce their account with us. This one client currently represents about 80% of our income so it's a huge hit. We are not really trying to persuade the client to stay, as they asked DH to do some things that are definitely unethical / borderline illegal. The client has basically said, if you won't do this, we're leaving. It's not worth DH's name and reputation to keep them.


So obviously we are scrambling right now to either fill that void with new clients (nearly impossible to do in 1 month), or take his skills to get on with a larger company within the same field.


DH has had several initial interviews with other companies, and this Friday has a follow-up lunch at a company to meet the whole team he would be working with. If you're so inclined, would you please pray for him that everything goes well and he can be hired?


This is a field that is not in high demand here, and is saturated locally. If he doesn't get this job, we will put our house up for sale, move into a rental, and hunker down until he can either find a job locally or nationally, or rebuild our client base back to where it is affordable for us again. I really don't want to put my kids through all that, but will do what we need to do to keep things going.

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Oh no what a stressful situation.  I am so sorry that you guys are in this position.   Shame on that company for asking him to do something like that.  It takes such courage to stand up and say no.  You guys should be proud of yourselves for standing your ground and being good people. 


I hope that karma comes back to you guys.   

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Sending prayers and  :grouphug: .  I'm glad you're sticking to your moral ground.  We would do the same.



It's not easy to walk away from all that money, but you and your dh have made the right decision. Aside from the obvious moral and ethical issues which are obviously your priority, the legal implications of continuing to work with that company are just plain scary. Let's face it, if they get caught, they'll throw your dh under the bus to save themselves.


Please be sure your dh has documented everything that has happened and everything that he has done in response. Depending on your dh's field, it may also be appropriate to clarify in writing to the company the exact things your dh is unwilling to do for them, and why he believes they are the wrong thing to do -- but before he does that, make sure your dh isn't in a position where he is legally responsible to report the company's wrongdoing to authorities, unless he actually plans to do that.


If the company hasn't actually done anything illegal yet, your dh is probably safe if he advises them in writing that he won't do certain things and that he is advising the company not to do them, either, because he believes those activities to be illegal or questionable. He doesn't have to shame them or act like they're criminals -- it could be worded in a way that makes them seem misguided and having inaccurate information, rather than coming right out and saying he thinks they're criminals.


In other words, I'm just saying that your dh should protect himself and his own reputation in any way possible, in case the company gets caught in the future doing illegal stuff and tries to place the blame on him.


Praying that everything works out well with the new company! Please keep us posted and remind us to keep praying for him on Friday! :grouphug:

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Thank you so much for everyone's prayers and support. We are praying for the best with this job interview, but making plans in case of the worst. We are going to look at a possible rental home later today that might work if we need it.


Thanks also for your support of "doing the right thing." It would be very easy (from a financial perspective) to just keep going, look the other way, and justify things away, but neither of us could live with ourselves. It would also set a terrible example for our boys.


Please be sure your dh has documented everything that has happened and everything that he has done in response.:

Yes, I agree. DH has written them some very strongly-worded letters laying out exactly what the line is, and that he adamantly won't cross it.

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DH owns his own business and this week we found out that by Aug. 1, his biggest client is going to either drop him completely or significantly reduce their account with us. This one client currently represents about 80% of our income so it's a huge hit. We are not really trying to persuade the client to stay, as they asked DH to do some things that are definitely unethical / borderline illegal. The client has basically said, if you won't do this, we're leaving. It's not worth DH's name and reputation to keep them.


So obviously we are scrambling right now to either fill that void with new clients (nearly impossible to do in 1 month), or take his skills to get on with a larger company within the same field.


DH has had several initial interviews with other companies, and this Friday has a follow-up lunch at a company to meet the whole team he would be working with. If you're so inclined, would you please pray for him that everything goes well and he can be hired?


This is a field that is not in high demand here, and is saturated locally. If he doesn't get this job, we will put our house up for sale, move into a rental, and hunker down until he can either find a job locally or nationally, or rebuild our client base back to where it is affordable for us again. I really don't want to put my kids through all that, but will do what we need to do to keep things going.



Praying!  I think it would be a wonderful thing if, because of his choices, you not only find yourself breaking even with new clients but FLOURISHING because he made an honorable choice.  I am certain that was not an easy choice to make and I really hope you are incredibly blessed because of it.

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