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I Quit! I just...Mondays, Daylight Savings time, winter storm in March


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We saw the sun yesterday. It was sooooo nice. We had like 10 straight days of rain before that. The forecast is mostly rain looking forward too, except for Thursday. I want spring. And I just got my dd up (9:28 here) and she got her bowl of cereal and went back to bed. Got to go fetch her again for schoolwork.

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I'm with you.


We are supposed to be driving away right now on our "spring" break trip.   To an area that's going to be getting more snow than we'll get at home.   We had envisioned long hikes, but not in 18 inches of snow.   Talking to someone about it yesterday, they said "cool!  Snowshoeing!"  Uh, we don't have snowshoes, we're not running out to buy snowshoes we'll never use again.  We had envisioned a visit to the quaint town near the cabin, but we might not be able to get out of the driveway for a day, depending on when the plow people will be by. 


But, we're not leaving for at least an hour because our son's phone just flat-out died this morning.  So we're trying all the things to get it working before we send it back for warranty service. His cellphone is a utility, so I am loath to leave it home to deal with when we get back - classes will be back in session, etc.  


We might get to the cabin before dark.   If 'we were able to leave on time, we might have gotten a hike in before dark. The snow is forecasted to start around 8.


We actually can't remember the last trip we went on that didn't include last-minute drama of some sort. It is never smooth.  I know people who plan vacations, go on them, have a good time, and come back without drama.  Never happens to  us.


But of course I know these are small things in the big picture of life.  It's just frustrating right now.

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I'm right there with you.  But I'm still making the kids work this morning.  :cool: 


We've had too many days where we've gotten a late start because I didn't set up their work.  So I decided to go back to setting up a week at a time.  I had a nice document (with formulas!) all set up in Excel and my computer died.  For good.  So I had to hand write this weeks assignments.  And the kids are complaining about my handwriting.  Which I will admit is pretty atrocious since I badly broke my wrist 10 years ago.  It never fully recovered.   I told them it will be typed next week since my new computer arrives Wednesday.  Assuming the snow is cleared.  We're in the 18 inch band.  yippee.  :(


I've been trying to get rid of a cold/bronchitis for weeks, spent 3 hours outside on Saturday marching in a St. Pat's parade for 4-H and it was 22 degrees and windy.  Guess who's back to the beginning on getting better?


I also hurt my shoulder/neck.  I think I coughed too hard while lying down in an awkward position and pulled a muscle.  I thought it was getting better but it seems to be flaring up again along with my cough.

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Plus my throat is sore and my cat is sick. Where do I tender my resignation? My son is in outer space. I'm making lunch and he's still doing Math.


I'm so over it.

So take a sick day. Or a Mental Health day. Or a snow day. Or all three! You ARE allowed, you know? If no one else gives you permission (including yourself), the Hive certainly does!

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So take a sick day. Or a Mental Health day. Or a snow day. Or all three! You ARE allowed, you know? If no one else gives you permission (including yourself), the Hive certainly does!

Well, I'm sure we'll be taking a snow day tomorrow, and possibly Wed, too. This is part of what makes me feel I can't call it off for today.

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If you need a note, we'll give you a note.



"Please excuse Mason's absence. His mother was mad."


ETA: I can't spell today, either.

Edited by Quill
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I had two children throwing up every thirty minutes from 3 a.m. until 11 a.m. (or so).  I am traumatized and overwhelmed. We have literally been sick (as a family for months... March is the third month). So overwhelmed. Exhausted. I was driving in the dark to Shoppers this morning, emergently buying gatorade, lysol (they had the red lid- thanks Hive for that tip!), crackers, water, toilet paper. The pending storm has filled me with doom.


O, I have all the Monday feels.



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I'm with you.


We are supposed to be driving away right now on our "spring" break trip. To an area that's going to be getting more snow than we'll get at home. We had envisioned long hikes, but not in 18 inches of snow. Talking to someone about it yesterday, they said "cool! Snowshoeing!" Uh, we don't have snowshoes, we're not running out to buy snowshoes we'll never use again. We had envisioned a visit to the quaint town near the cabin, but we might not be able to get out of the driveway for a day, depending on when the plow people will be by.


But, we're not leaving for at least an hour because our son's phone just flat-out died this morning. So we're trying all the things to get it working before we send it back for warranty service. His cellphone is a utility, so I am loath to leave it home to deal with when we get back - classes will be back in session, etc.


We might get to the cabin before dark. If 'we were able to leave on time, we might have gotten a hike in before dark. The snow is forecasted to start around 8.


We actually can't remember the last trip we went on that didn't include last-minute drama of some sort. It is never smooth. I know people who plan vacations, go on them, have a good time, and come back without drama. Never happens to us.


But of course I know these are small things in the big picture of life. It's just frustrating right now.

You can rent snowshoes. Just throwing that out there.

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I had two children throwing up every thirty minutes from 3 a.m. until 11 a.m. (or so). I am traumatized and overwhelmed. We have literally been sick (as a family for months... March is the third month). So overwhelmed. Exhausted. I was driving in the dark to Shoppers this morning, emergently buying gatorade, lysol (they had the red lid- thanks Hive for that tip!), crackers, water, toilet paper. The pending storm has filled me with doom.


O, I have all the Monday feels.



Red lid Gatorade? What's the secret?

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Oh, and in the DST lag club, too. Cloudy skies and sluggishness that two cups of coffee haven't put a dent in. Only half-heartedly able to command dd to finish the math lesson (for the third time this morning).


If my to-do list for the day weren't so long, and if dh weren't home to see nothing getting checked off, I'd just crawl back under the covers til the sun comes out.

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Right there with you, Quill.  Prediction was 7 inches so I was hoping for my Monday tutoring session to be called off (unlikely, but possible!). Nope. We got like 2 inches.  Snowplow guy came and did our driveway before we could tell him not to (because who plows for only 2 inches?  The guy who hasn't had any work the past two months, I guess)  The cat barfed at the foot of my bed, and my grandson cried when I sent him a picture of our snow. (Because he lives in Florida at the beach and he wants snow).  And then one of the kids I tutor was SO off today that he couldn't do ANY calculations in his head. Like none. 14 divided by 2? Needed a calculator.  It was a SLOW tutoring session. 


I am grateful that the heavy snow is much farther east. Sorry...I know that's not fun for you...



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Right there with you, Quill. Prediction was 7 inches so I was hoping for my Monday tutoring session to be called off (unlikely, but possible!). Nope. We got like 2 inches. Snowplow guy came and did our driveway before we could tell him not to (because who plows for only 2 inches? The guy who hasn't had any work the past two months, I guess) The cat barfed at the foot of my bed, and my grandson cried when I sent him a picture of our snow. (Because he lives in Florida at the beach and he wants snow). And then one of the kids I tutor was SO off today that he couldn't do ANY calculations in his head. Like none. 14 divided by 2? Needed a calculator. It was a SLOW tutoring session.


I am grateful that the heavy snow is much farther east. Sorry...I know that's not fun for you...

Ordinarily, I like a good snowstorm. But not in mid-March. My peach tree has buds on it. Looks like zero peaches this year.

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Ordinarily, I like a good snowstorm. But not in mid-March. My peach tree has buds on it. Looks like zero peaches this year.


Boo!!!!!   Yeah, I like a few good storms a year but by March I'm ready for spring.  Buds on your peach tree already? Wow! I have nothing except I can see the very beginnings of my day lilies. 

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lets see I had to work the weekend which meant I had to work an extra 2 hour Saturday night.   Then I come home to 3 hypothermic puppies my son found in the middle of the road.  We live rural and people will just put out dogs they don't' want. It pisses off.   So instead of sleeping a good 8 hours I was feeding and warming puppies,  worked last night and now just getting up to puppies.   We want to give them a chance but man its a lot of work.   


The good in all that is the puppies today are active and 2 seem healthy.  There is one that has coordination issues, sleeps more not sure if its do to less mom milk or the cold nights.


So its been a fun monday

Edited by Cafelattee
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lets see I had to work the weekend which meant I had to work an extra hour Saturday night. Then I come home to 3 hypothermic puppies my son found in the middle of the road. We live rural and people will just put out dogs they don't' want. It pisses off. So instead of sleeping a good 8 hours I was feeding and warming puppies, worked last night and now just getting up to puppies. We want to give them a chance but man its a lot of work.


The good in all that is the puppies today are active and 2 seem healthy. There is one that has coordination issues, sleeps more not sure if its do to less mom milk or the cold nights.


So its been a fun monday

Oh, but....puppies! That's a fun reason to be sleep deprived. Hope they all come around.

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lets see I had to work the weekend which meant I had to work an extra hour Saturday night.   Then I come home to 3 hypothermic puppies my son found in the middle of the road.  We live rural and people will just put out dogs they don't' want. It pisses off.   So instead of sleeping a good 8 hours I was feeding and warming puppies,  worked last night and now just getting up to puppies.   We want to give them a chance but man its a lot of work.   


The good in all that is the puppies today are active and 2 seem healthy.  There is one that has coordination issues, sleeps more not sure if its do to less mom milk or the cold nights.


So its been a fun monday


I hope they all make it. If you get tired of taking care of them, just send them over to my house! There's nothing better than snuggling with puppies.


And what is wrong with people that dump animals? It makes me so mad.  :cursing:

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I still haven't started school. DS is flying under the radar and I'm pretending not to notice. I may be taking an in-service day.


Instead of the 12 things I need to do with deadlines, I made a gallon of stock and a pound of chick peas to stock my freezer. They're cooling on the patio now and I'm goofing of here talking about worm composts and the BeeGees.

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Can't quote on my phone but re: renting snowshoes. True. Just was not on my radar till way too late to even think about it.


We got on the road, new phone coming soon. Glad for extended warranty! Glad the Kindle and ancient iPod are available for entertainment.

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