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Parasites: don't read if you don't want to be super grossed out


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As some of you know, I've struggled with a very serious and long list of physical symptoms and several chronic diseases over the years. I was diagnosed with excess GI bacterial growth and dysbiosis years ago due to my insistence for a comprehensive stool test, which tests the large intestines, because my symptoms pointed to considering this from my research. I was given some meds and felt a little better for a short while. Besides seeing a tapeworm pass (beyond gross), I didn't see anything because bacterial is microscopic, after all.


Years later. I was diagnosed with SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth) not too long ago and am currently doing treatment for that. I'm not sure if I had SIBO to begin with or the dysbiosis progressed from the large intestine to the small intestine. The meds are super strong and super bright yellow and permanate. I can taste them and my pee and poo is bright yellow. 


Well, today I'm noticing that I'm passing what I think is some kind of transparent worm. Lots of them. To say that this is disturbing and gross would be an understatement. I've never tested positive for any other parasite except normal GI bacteria that had overgrown. Overgrowth can happen for lots of reasons: antibiotics, high sugar and carb diets,  I've actually had 2 stool tests before the SIBO diagnosis! But, I've been reading that these tests  notoriously miss things because of the nature of parasites and for other reasons. So, there is not way to be sure, but because of the nature of my symptoms over the years, I'm wondering if I haven't been infected for a long time. 


I'm emailing my doctor tonight and will cal tomorrow. I'm freaking out though and don't ever want to have anyone over to my house or go to anyone's house ever again. My doctor only prescribed my over the counter supplements for two weeks, but there is not way in heck I'm stopping then. I'm on day 6. Due to stopping and starting over and over again because I kept forgetting doses, I've been doing this treatment forever. Sigh. But I've done great this time, probably  because I put the whole family on the meds too, and they're helping remind me. I can't afford testing for everyone, but many of my kids have the same SIBO symptoms I had, so I just did treatment for everyone. Dr. didn't have a problem with that when ordering meds from her directly. If I had been seeing a regular MD for SIBO, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have affected and revealed the other disgusting problem. 


So, so gross. And though I wonder of cleansing whatever the heck I picked up could make a huge difference with my fatigue and weakness especially, what the heck am I supposed to tell those in my life who will want to know what happened. How utterly embarrassing. Ugh.



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You're keeping samples, right? Plastic ziplock bag, refrigerated.


Best wishes to you!


Good idea! I had to collect stool samples and refrigerate for several days for both the comprehensive stool tests I've done in the past, so I should have thought of that. 

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I'm so sorry. And :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: in solidarity. Hope you hear back from the doctor soon. And on the bright side, perhaps this is the first step toward feeling better?? We can hope!!



I'm feeling yucky on the meds with nauseousness and occasional stomach pain for now, but yes, I am starting to feel a bit hopeful for the future. Thank you!!

Edited by ifIonlyhadabrain
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Medical background here. I've seen everything, and nothing except the smell of bleu cheese dressing grosses me out. :ack2:


Those yucky parasites are excellent news because it means the medication is working and hopefully you will be feeling better very soon! :grouphug:


After the samples are examined and parasite identified, you can hopefully figure out how you got it so you don't get it again.

Edited by trulycrabby
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My sympathy to you. I hope that this all helps though. A few years ago a friend of ours passed part of a tape worm. My dh is a gp so our friend brought it over to our place for my dh to take in to the hospital to send off for identification. It lived in our fridge over night grossing me out. It turned out to be from eating raw salmon. Apparently the type that you get with sushi is flash frozen to kill parasites but wild salmon is loaded with them.

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Thank you for the support and stories. I needed that. I wonder what the heck I have? *Shiver* I hope it can be identified. I just realized that my beagle should probably be treated too.

Oh yes, animals should be treated too. Ugh. So creepy and I really feel for you. My friend asked me not to tell anyone when she had a parasite! I never did of course....,it has been 20 years now.

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My sympathy to you. I hope that this all helps though. A few years ago a friend of ours passed part of a tape worm. My dh is a gp so our friend brought it over to our place for my dh to take in to the hospital to send off for identification. It lived in our fridge over night grossing me out. It turned out to be from eating raw salmon. Apparently the type that you get with sushi is flash frozen to kill parasites but wild salmon is loaded with them.

But if you cook the wild salmon does it kill the parasite?

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*Am I the only person reading this thread who is thinking that drinking a gallon of bleach is sounding like a not-so-crazy-maybe-kinda-good idea?*




ETA:  This is not medical advice.  I am not in any way a medical professional.  I don't even play one on t.v.  I'm just a kinda weird mom who homeschools her kid.  You should definitely not listen to me.

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I know you are exaggerating about the amount, but I wonder does bleach even work?


I would say no. I suspect that you would just damage the esophagus and stomach, and the evil critters in the large and small intestines would survive unscathed.  I'm thinking that the solution would be the "better living through chemistry" that only real physicians can provide.



But I'm still tempted.

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But if you cook the wild salmon does it kill the parasite?



The fish must be heated 145F for at least 15 seconds. The problem is that a lot of restaurants do not follow this guideline--the "ideal for flavor" temp is around 130F. And a lot of restaurants do not thermometer each dish.

This is my understanding as well. This particular fellow is pretty woodsy. I think that he was snacking on raw salmon that he had caught himself.

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What are you taking right now?


I've had health problems for the last decade. I was treated for a tapeworm about seven years ago. I was also diagnosed with another parasite (blastocyctis hominis). I don't know if that is gone. I've also had stool tests showing dysbiosis and although I haven't been tested for SIBO, I have symptoms that could be from it. So I am very interested in hearing about your treatment.

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What are you taking right now?

I've had health problems for the last decade. I was treated for a tapeworm about seven years ago. I was also diagnosed with another parasite (blastocyctis hominis). I don't know if that is gone. I've also had stool tests showing dysbiosis and although I haven't been tested for SIBO, I have symptoms that could be from it. So I am very interested in hearing about your treatment.

My health problems for a decade or so too. I'm sorry. :( Please see below for my doctor's treatment plan.


What's the medicine that's killing the parasites? I have dogs and I eat salmon and sushi.

I'm on a Low FODMAP diet for the SIBO plus supplememts. This is copy and pasted from a pm:


"I'm taking 2 of these 3 times a day:



I was also prescriped 1 of these 3 times a day:



This brand of berberine is really strong, stronger than others I've tried. I actually opened up a cap to compare it to another kind (same potency) I had to make sure it was worth spending the extra money for the one my doctor prescribed. The IT brand was def. more potent although the other stuff was terrible tasting too."


Berberine is nasty tasting stuff. So bitter. It's a great multi herb though. It's antifungal, antibacterial, and more. I found some good studies on it before taking it.


I was prescribed berberine when my stool test came back positive years ago. Not this much or brand though.

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Like someone else said, it's good news and shows the meds are doing their job.

I really hope that this is the beginning of healing and feeling better for you.

As a support for your gut health, I'd add some fermented / probiotic foods to help your good bacteria grow more.

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Wow, that is quite fascinating.  I hope it's the beginning of the end (of health problems) for you!  Have you ever lived in another country where you could have picked something up more easily?  Of course I know you can pick up parasites anywhere.  My husband passed a very pregnant worm once.  That was after living in Egypt.  


I believe parasites like that are much more common than most people think, at least when you're talking about the whole world.


I really really hope it solves your problems, and I will be curious to know if it does.  So please keep us posted!

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Since we already had the gross warning for this thread


Google worms in costco salmon sometime if you want a freak out moment. This isn't just hitting people who are fishing out in the wild and eating raw fish.


But proper preparation (not eating raw) should take care of this, RIGHT?

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OMG -- we eat that kind of stuff all the time. So, is the parasite from the flour? If we grind our own flour, does that make it okay?

We were living in another country at the time that doesn't have the same cleanliness requirements that the US has. They think it was cross contamination in a factory that ground the flour but also grinds meat (why would a factory grind both?).It scared us so much that we don't even risk it now that we are back in the US.
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Since we already had the gross warning for this thread


Google worms in costco salmon sometime if you want a freak out moment. This isn't just hitting people who are fishing out in the wild and eating raw fish.



But proper preparation (not eating raw) should take care of this, RIGHT?


CAVEAT!  As a lover of both Costco and salmon, I did some research.  First, worms in fish, while gross, is NOT evidence of contamination; it's just nature.  The danger is in eating the fresh, never frozen stuff.  The frozen fillets are flash frozen to a temperature that kills parasites.  Here are a couple of links:  


and   http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/GuidanceRegulation/UCM252393.pdf


OP:  I'm sorry that you are dealing with this, but thank you for this informative, albeit gross, thread!


Edited a zillion times to (hopefully) fix broken link.

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I am off to buy about a million of these de-parasiting things and I am never eating salmon again.



I wouldn't feel embarrassed about it, OP.  The most common worm infection in the US is pinworms, and it is reported to not be associated with any particular socioeconomic class, culture, gender, etc.  

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CAVEAT! As a lover of both Costco and salmon, I did some research. First, worms in fish, while gross, is NOT evidence of contamination; it's just nature. The danger is in eating the fresh, never frozen stuff. The frozen fillets are flash frozen to a temperature that kills parasites. Here are a couple of links:


and http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/GuidanceRegulation/UCM252393.pdf


OP: I'm sorry that you are dealing with this, but thank you for this informative, albeit gross, thread!


Edited a zillion times to (hopefully) fix broken link.

Good to know. Frozen is all I buy.......

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I am off to buy about a million of these de-parasiting things and I am never eating salmon again.



I wouldn't feel embarrassed about it, OP. The most common worm infection in the US is pinworms, and it is reported to not be associated with any particular socioeconomic class, culture, gender, etc.

I read yesterday about another fish from Costco with a worm found in it. I think it was cod.


The more research and looking at pics I do, I'm fairly certain I'm dealing with pinworms, which are the most common, least damaging supposedly, but almost impossible to get rid of. That sucks. We actually got pinworms a few years ago and I went above and beyond treating them, even ordering at least 6 weeks of pharmacuetical meds from Ebay and other things rather than the usual RX that doesn't get the whole life cycle. I just never saw them like I have now and forgot because again when I treated last, I was not seeing this! I think I'll be taking these meds for life or at least a long time and until I cure them.

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Pinworms are beat-able. I won't disclose how I know that . . . but I know it!!!!




take an appropriate dewormer on schedule. (pyrantel pamoate. . . google up the dosage . . . available OTC for animals . . . and people, but the animal stuff is cheaper and is readily available, just be sure you get your math straight on dosage. )


repeat the dewormer every 2 weeks. ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD. Repeat at least 3 times. (Pinworms actually reproduce on/in the human host . . . So you've got to repeat the deworming on schedule to really get rid of them.)


wear (fresh) undies & PJ bottoms every night.


clean jammies every night. 


bathe thoroughly before and after bed. Showering is best. 


single use bath linens. (including hand towels, etc!). Hot water wash between uses. Do NOT share linens!! Put paper towels in the bathrooms for a few months if needed.


wash your bed linens daily in hot water and hot dryer (at least daily until symptoms disappear . . . ideally daily for 4-6 weeks through 3 doses)


wash hands thoroughly and frequently and after ANY touching below the waist!!




Yes, that's a whole heap of annoying work. For a few weeks. And then, you are FREE FREE FREE. It's WAY worth the effort!!!!


(If any signs recur later, re-do the regimen!)


It's theoretically possible to get rid of pinworms without medication. Many human bodies fight it off themselves. Others might be good enough at hygiene (possible theoretically) to eliminate an infection. 


Some people are not annoyed or bothered by pinworms, which is why so many people have it unknowingly. Other people are more sensitive . . . 


Be sure EVERYONE in the household is on the regimen. They might be carrying them w/o symptoms and then re-infecting the more sensitive folks . . .


Be SURE to re-dose everyone in 2 weeks (3 times total minimum) or you'll be starting all over again!!!


Wash, wash, wash everything in the house that is washable. Over and over again. ESPECIALLY linens and sleepwear!!


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Pinworms are beat-able. I won't disclose how I know that . . . but I know it!!!!




take an appropriate dewormer on schedule. (pyrantel pamoate. . . google up the dosage . . . available OTC for animals . . . and people, but the animal stuff is cheaper and is readily available, just be sure you get your math straight on dosage. )


repeat the dewormer every 2 weeks. ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD. Repeat at least 3 times. (Pinworms actually reproduce on/in the human host . . . So you've got to repeat the deworming on schedule to really get rid of them.)


wear (fresh) undies & PJ bottoms every night.


clean jammies every night.


bathe thoroughly before and after bed. Showering is best.


single use bath linens. (including hand towels, etc!). Hot water wash between uses. Do NOT share linens!! Put paper towels in the bathrooms for a few months if needed.


wash your bed linens daily in hot water and hot dryer (at least daily until symptoms disappear . . . ideally daily for 4-6 weeks through 3 doses)


wash hands thoroughly and frequently and after ANY touching below the waist!!




Yes, that's a whole heap of annoying work. For a few weeks. And then, you are FREE FREE FREE. It's WAY worth the effort!!!!


(If any signs recur later, re-do the regimen!)


It's theoretically possible to get rid of pinworms without medication. Many human bodies fight it off themselves. Others might be good enough at hygiene (possible theoretically) to eliminate an infection.


Some people are not annoyed or bothered by pinworms, which is why so many people have it unknowingly. Other people are more sensitive . . .


Be sure EVERYONE in the household is on the regimen. They might be carrying them w/o symptoms and then re-infecting the more sensitive folks . . .


Be SURE to re-dose everyone in 2 weeks (3 times total minimum) or you'll be starting all over again!!!


Wash, wash, wash everything in the house that is washable. Over and over again. ESPECIALLY linens and sleepwear!!

You are awesome, Stephanie. Thank you so much. I'm going to the feed stores tomorrow to see if I can find that med locally first. I'll be treating our beagle too.


I'm also going to go buy a bunch of paper towels from Costco to put in the bathrooms and kitchen and buy their huge package of white hand towels to dry off after baths. I'm banning full size bath towels until we're over this and I can bleach the white hand towels.


Will call my doctor in the morning to figure out how she wants me to go about getting tested to make sure of what we're dealing with.


ETA: showers not baths

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I want to ask a question:  can you easily see the parasites in the loo or are they embedded and you have to go looking if you know what I mean?


I had a stool test to do from my doc because he likes to test everyone but it was so involved with lots of pieces to use so I put it off and finally threw it out.  I'm thinking about getting some cleanses and just doing it in case I do have anything.  I am not sick feeling but do have an autoimmune disease.


I never saw them before taking the SIBO meds. I know the meds are killing and expelling them. Now I can see them if I look close in the toilet and def. when inspecting. 

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