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2017--2018 --8th Grade Planning

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Finalized a little more:


MUS Algebra I

Spelling You See

Adventures in Fantasy, maybe also Lively Art of Writing

Galore Park SYRWTL English 3 and related literature

Shmoop Study Skills & Critical Thinking

Oak Meadow Environmental Science

SYRWTL History (British history) 

something more formal for French, or maybe moving to ASL

Art of some kind, either Drawing Textbook or The Virtual Instructor, or maybe a live class 

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Math-MUS Epsilon and Zeta


Science-Bob Jones DVD Space and Earth


History/Literature/Bible/Geography-Sonlight core F


Language Arts-CQLA




Art-Open studio and mastering Sketchbook Pro


Music-Ukulele lessons

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I feel like this is entirely too much:


Math. Lials Algebra
Science: Apologia Biology
History: NotGrass America the Beautiful   His Request.
Latin: Second Form Latin
Logic: Continue Art of Argument from 7th, then The Argument Builder
Foreign Language: I don't know. He's doing DuoLinguo Irish this year. He wants to continue Irish, but I'm not sure he's really actually learning anything with DuoLinguo. I want to say I feel this is expendible, but then I feel like an ugly American. But he really wants to learn Irish even though I can't think of any situation where he would use it. He has no desire to travel. And he doesn't really talk to people. Maybe he wants to game online with Irish people?
Writing: He wants to do creative writing plus obviously I want him to continue working on reports. We don't have this very well fleshed out.
Literature: I don't know. I'm not concerned about this subject area. I love literature and he's a willing reader/discusser. I'll probably try to coordinate with history somewhat, and I know we want to do a Shakespeare this year.
Grammar: We'll either work through a grammar reference book I have that's kind of fun, or I'll think about using IEW's grammar. He just still needs a bit more work here. But I don't see this being like a full subject for this year.
Religion: I don't know. He and sister (will be 3rd) have been doing Apologia Who Is God this year. Maybe we'll go on to their next book, but nobody's been enthusiastic about this, so I don't know.
Health: I don't know? I should work this in at some point.
Art: He and sister and younger brother (will be K but SN) will do Artistic Pursuits as he and sister are doing this year. We will do some casual artist and musician study, too, but uber casual.

Vocab: We do vocabulary on a casual basis. We're doing Word Within The Word this year, and may continue if he wants to, otherwise we just do some fun games and work through an SAT book at dinner. It's actually fun, not just "oh, more school at dinner."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to the help on my math thread, I've finalized everything for my 8th grader:


Math: MUS Pre-Algebra (skipping as much as needed) and Algebra


Grammar: Analytical Grammar


Writing: Cover Story over the summer (April through August) and then she'll be taking W&R Refutation and Confirmation and Commonplace in co-op next year (I'm teaching).


Spelling: Megawords


Literature: My homemade Fairy Tale study that I've been working on for two years. Bringing in lots of resources, extra reading, and Socratic discussion prompts.


Foreign Language: Continuing Latin as a family and French individually.


History: I decided to spend her last year of middle school doing something she's been begging me to do for years: mythology! Instead of a specific time period we're studying mythology from Greece, Rome, Norse, Arthurian, and some Eastern cultures. Thankfully I found a free lesson plan online to do this with some minor tweaking on my part and some other ideas added in as well.


Science: Chemistry, Genetics, and Astronomy (one each term), Rainbow Science is the spine for Chemistry, Signs and Seasons for Astronomy, and The Code of Life for Genetics as spines with living books added in.


Bible: The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study by Starr Meade

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I think this is our plan for 8th grade. 


Bible - Who is God? ( not sure about this one) 

Math - Math U See Algebra 1/ geometry 

Science - Apologia physical science -  might do live class this year 

Writing - continue IEW B

History - Notgrass From Adam to Us

Logic - Finish Art of Argument then Argument Builder 

Lit-  Mythology theme 

French - Duolingo 


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Goals for the year: Be ready for pre-algebra in high school, and get her writing up to something that will let her go into 9th grade able to pass in English.


DD will continue for her last year at the Eagleridge Enrichment Program, 3 days a week. I will require her to do a writing class each semester at Eagleridge.

For math, we will do Life of Fred Fractions and Decimals and Percents, moving into LoF pre-Algebra when she completes them.


For other home subjects, it will up to DD. Currently she is working through a general middle school review program at her own pace, as well as working on some FunSchooling geography and career exploration workbooks She may continue with these. We may try out some more OutSchool classes.

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hmmmm....still a little too early for me, and we've been having all sorts of discussions about lack of effort, continuation of Latin, etc., etc., lately, but...


Grammar/Lit/Writing:     Oak Meadow English 8; I also own Write Shop and WWS2, so we may add in those if necessary...I don't know how much I'll like OM's writing instruction


History:     Oak Meadow Civics and SOTW 4


Science:    Not 100%, but leaning towards Novare Physical Science


Latin:         IF he continues, he will be finishing up Second Form Latin, starting 3rd form, and supplementing with Cambridge or other reading


Spanish:    Most likely continuing with his tutorial and doing Spanish 2


Math:         Probably Saxon Algebra 2 (95% sure on this)


Logic:        Still figuring this out...maybe Art of Argument


Health:       ??? I'm thinking of having him read some nutrition books and we'll go from there...state requirement


Music/Art:   ???  no idea.  Maybe Artistic Pursuits for Art

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I can't believe Ds12 is going to be in 8th grade next year. It really doesn't seem possible.


I think we'll be doing something like:


Foerster's Algebra I   He is currently doing Jacobs, but I always intended doing a second year with him.

TOG Year 3

Apologia's Physical Science

finish SYRWTL Spanish


Still up in the air a bit:

something with Latin

continue Chinese with Mike

Mapping the World with Art


I think I am going to go through Art of Argument with Ds12 this summer. We are also going to work hard on writing using Understanding Writing. Ds is a slow worker, especially in math. I'm hoping to keep his day under 7 hours next year. It has been 8 fairly often this year.


Math: Foerster's Algebra I   He was concerned about doing two years of algebra - that he was losing ground. Although he is understanding algebra this year, really, truly understanding it, I need for it to become second nature to him. He will still work slowly, but hopefully not as slowly.

Science: Apologia's Physical Science


Languages: continue on with Latin for Children, Galore Park Spanish, Chinese with Mike, and Welsh on Duolingo. He does not spend much time on these, maybe an hour/day for all of them which is why he makes slow progress. Maybe we will try 20 mins/language/day next year.


History: TOG Year 3, Dialectic Level


Language Arts: Most likely TOG Year 3, MP American Short Stories, Rod & Staff 8 (although he will have the opportunity to choose Shurley 7 or MCT since I have them), W & R Chreia, and AAS 6 & 7.


Geography: Mapping the World with Art


And I think that is it?

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Bible: The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study by Starr Meade

Latin:  Latin Alive 2, Classical Academic Press

History: Dave Raymond's Modernity, Compass Classroom

Science: Conceptual Physics (Hewitt)?

Math: VideoText, Level F and then additional word problems, challenge problems, and more practice 

Writing: Writing with Skill 2 and possibly continuing the Writing & Rhetoric series (Encomium & Vituperation)

Literature - TBD

Extras: Charlotte Mason co-op (art, picture/composer study, geography, Art of Poetry, etc.), piano, and swimming.

I've decided to wait until 9th or 10th grade for formal logic. We are working through the Art of Argument and Fallacy Detective this year in 7th grade.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Algebra I  -  AOPS with WTMA

Geometry  -  AOPS or Saxon with WTMA

Spanish I  -  ????

Earth/Space Science  -  with FLVS and BYL 8 & 9

Grammar & Composition  -  WWS 3 with WTMA, Megawords, Grammar Voyage, Figuratively Speaking

Literature  -  BYL 8 & 9

History of Science  -  BYL 8

Prehistory/Evolution (.5)  -  BYL 9

Art (.5)  -  BYL 8 & 9


We've changed things up a bit since our January plan.


Algebra I                   AOPS - Well Trained Mind Academy

Physics                     Well Trained Mind Academy

Intro to Lit & Comp   Blue Tent Online (+Megawords at home)

Intro to Spanish        Duolingo online

History of Science    Build Your Library 8 (at home)

Modern History         Well Trained Mind Academy

Music of the World   Florida Virtual School

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Finalized a little more:


MUS Algebra I

Spelling You See

Adventures in Fantasy, maybe also Lively Art of Writing

Galore Park SYRWTL English 3 and related literature

Shmoop Study Skills & Critical Thinking

Oak Meadow Environmental Science

SYRWTL History (British history) 

something more formal for French, or maybe moving to ASL

Art of some kind, either Drawing Textbook or The Virtual Instructor, or maybe a live class 



Some things are more final than others. 



MUS Algebra 1

Spelling You See

OM Environmental Science (I read through part of the syllabus and I really like it. I think this is what DD wanted.)


Up in the air:



foreign language

art (still waffling between stuff we already have and putting her in a class)



I like the skills stuff that Galore Park has for English, but I really don't like the majority of their literature choices, so now I'm trying to decide if I want to do that with alternate lit choices, or go with something else entirely (maybe Moving Beyond the Page or OM? I don't know). I got Bravewriter Help for Highschool, but I don't know if I want to use it at this stage. DD would like that a whole lot more than essay after essay, though. I may or may not use Adventures in Fantasy, although DD did ask if we could do it (one time), but that's more than she's ever asked about any other curriculum.

I never have found something I loved for foreign language or art. 

I've been reading through the resources we have for history and I'm not particularly thrilled. I'm thinking I'd like to do world geography, maybe. I don't even know if we're going to get to study skills, unless I drop history and do something like study skills one semester and maybe media literacy the the next.


I swear, this year I've actually had LESS settled as time goes on instead of more. :willy_nilly:

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I've skipping right over this post for weeks thinking it didn't apply to me because my kids aren't this old yet. As it turns out my oldest will be 13 and in 8th grade next year. How in the world did that happen?!


I've started mapping out a rough plan but I still have some things to figure out. Our convention is next month so hopefully I can look at materials then.


Bible - Who Is My Neighbor?

Character with SCM Laying Down the Rails

Bible reading and memorization


Math - finish MM 7 (starting next week)

Algebra 1 - no idea what


History- we'll still be using SOTW (volume 4) for a spine and filling in with extra books, geography activities, written narrations and reports, and Book of Centuries.


Science - Apologia Physical science most likely

I'm also considering just letting her read through whichever Apologia elementary books that interest her. She doesn't really care for science and might learn more from following interests


English - IEW theme book

Fix-It Grammar level 3 and maybe 4

Spelling Power

I'll probably provide a list of books for literature and let her choose her own

Poetry memorization


Piano Lessons




I'm still deciding on Spanish. We've been doing it the past few years but I might skip it this year.


I'd kind of like to just insist on math and let her follow interests for the rest. Or follow a routine like Ellie's. Her schedule sounds so...freeing and restful. She's in an "I hate school" phase and I wonder if letting her learn what she wants would inspire some creativity and reveal some interests. Maybe that's just winter talking. I'm pretty sure my DH would never go for it anyway.

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Uh, I don't know...

  • History--make it to the modern world finally. Mix of Human Odyssey 3, Hakim US History, and Prufrock's materials (America in the 1950s, 1960s, etc. series which are really literature and music analyses that tie in with the history of the decade. They look really interesting and hopefully will break up some of the monotony that we've felt lately)
  • Math--finish algebra (Foerster's) if we haven't this year and then switch to geometry (Jacob's) (rethinking this plan. I think we might do another pass of algebra with AoPS and just do Patty Paper Geometry concurrent and then do geometry in 9th)
  • Spanish--Español Santillana. We're finishing 1B this year so we'll start high school level 1 next year. I'm hoping to encourage her to use Homeschool Spanish Academy for conversation practice, plus they're Guatemala-based, and she's Guatemalan-born! My accent is castellano so it would be good for her to have some diversity. (Not going to finish 1B this year and I realized that 1A and 1B middle school is same as Spanish 1 high school. So, we'll just finish 1B in 8th and she'll be ready to move to Spanish 2 in 9th.)
Latest updates (2/12)
  • Story of Science--Einstein (yes)
  • Oak Meadow 8th Grade English (lit of the Giver, Hitchhiker's Guide, The Hobbit, Call of the Wild, Lord of the Flies, Wrinkle in Time, Tom Sawyer) (it has a lot of writing and grammar too so will try not to add more...) (yes)
  • Oak Meadow High School Geography (yes)
  • Study skills, note taking, etc. (Great Course and book) (yes
  • Anatomy & Physiology -- continue with Hole's (started this year but we won't finish) ​(I don't know.. it's going more in depth than we wanted so I can already tell we'll need a break from it next year as I think we're getting what we mostly want out of it this year. So, I need a new plan for science)


  • Aerial dance, a billion hours a week, more or less, private tumbling, maybe floor dance
  • 1 full day outdoor school
  • pottery
  • volunteering (preschool and aerial studio)
  • chorus, maybe

Updates in red. I think my biggest frustration is my plan for science. We might just take it easy and go through the Joy of Science Great Course. We've done so, so, so much random science up to this point, and I just don't want to get into Official High School Science yet.


I really feel mixed about 8th grade. I feel like it has pressure surrounding it to make sure DD is ready for high school, but on the other hand, I just want to have some fun too. She's been ahead of things fairly universally, and although she's MG, academics aren't her true love. So, yes, I could move her up in everything in 8th grade, but the idea of being more relaxed really appeals to me. I like the idea of trying to have some fun with history again whereas we've lost some of that this year. I am excited about the novelty of the Prufrock materials for history and the OM materials that we've never used before.

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Some things are more final than others. 



MUS Algebra 1

Spelling You See

OM Environmental Science (I read through part of the syllabus and I really like it. I think this is what DD wanted.)




Have you purchased OM Environmental Science yet?  I looked at it online, but really wanted a better look at it.  It looks like it was recently changed, so I wasn't sure if you had the current version.  Does it look like it has experiments or long-term projects?  Daily reading and answering questions?  I've never used their science before, and I just feel like I can't get a good grasp on it from the sample. 

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Have you purchased OM Environmental Science yet?  I looked at it online, but really wanted a better look at it.  It looks like it was recently changed, so I wasn't sure if you had the current version.  Does it look like it has experiments or long-term projects?  Daily reading and answering questions?  I've never used their science before, and I just feel like I can't get a good grasp on it from the sample. 


I did purchase it. When I looked at it just before I bought it (the LAST day of the February sale because I kept going back and forth about it), there weren't any samples that were for the new syllabus. It is similar to the old samples, IIRC, but it's been awhile since I looked at them. I haven't gone over it extensively, but I like it better than the samples I saw for the old version.


There is reading for each lesson and questions, and most weeks have one or more project/experiment(s) (usually several to choose from) to complete. I don't know if it has long term projects, since I only read through select lessons once I got the syllabus.

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My current 8th grader is doing the following:


Math - Geometry with AOPS online class


ELA - LLftLotR, LTOW 1


Science - DO Physical Science


History - From Adam to US


Logic - Intro Logic by Nance


Extras - homeschool drama club, and Mathcounts, Art, and Shop at the middle school

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  • 2 weeks later...

Math            Foerster Algebra 1


Science       Mr. Q's Advanced Earth (would love to get Physics 101 dvds in too if possible) 

                    Runkle Physical Geography


Writing         A hodge podge of things-maybe part online class, part Lively Art of Writing, Writing With a Thesis, might even do IEW, etc.

                    IEW SWI B, Sequential Spelling, finishing Caesar's English 2, GUM Drops, literature, still working on cursive


History         Biblioplan, continue where we left off


German       continue on his own using Duolingo and library resources


Electives     not decided--maybe some culinary arts, Art of Argument, The Edison Project?  classes at the local science center, etc.

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Yay! I saw all of those. 


So, I am always thinking about what's next. Here is what I know so far. Most will be just moving up a level. 


Math: She will be in Rod and Staff 7 next year. 

English: She will be in Rod and Staff 6 next year. 

Spelling: We will continue with Dyslexia Games and word loading methods we got from her teacher at Vision Therapy. I would like to incorporate the section D parts of Rod and Staff Spelling at some point. The 6th grade book starts with the history of language. We may do those as reading comprehension. 

History/Lit: WTM logic stage Middle Ages using the KHE, timelines, map books, and CHOLL book selections and some of their lesson plans that I still have printed from the old blog. 

Latin: Third Form 

Spanish: ? maybe continue a bit with EasyPeasy and readers. Maybe take the year off, and pick it back up after Latin studies are complete. I plan for this child to get through a high school credit of Latin I, then switch and do 2 years of high school Spanish.  

Science: I don't know. Her co-op usually has a class. I usually just purchase what they are doing, as she is very motivated to keep up with the reading and assignments for them. I can add nature study or another science topic into our journal time or summer school or scouts work if there is something I want to cover.  The only thing I hate is that I always have to buy some expensive new text for the class when I have shelves full of stuff that her sister used. 

Art: no particular plan yet. But this child plans on art school. So we try to incorporate it wherever we can. I plan on reading up on a high school plan for this over the summer once I learn about PSATs and and all of that for the current high schooler.   I need some teacher/planning days to sit and digest a lot of WTM threads on testing and such. :)


Journal time: this will cover a lot of extras.  I got us each the same Funschool Journal that we will do for about an hour or so every morning together. It will cover Bible. I am working on which resources we will use for this. I really like a book I saw on the Hebrew alphabet and the Psalms. But it is $40. I have enough resources around that we could use and save that for another year. We will do poetry at this time. We will do our read alouds, nature study,creative writing, geography, math games, etc. We will just rotate through these each morning. My ideas include the Tree Book for Children and their Adults for the nature study. Our Geography Coloring books that we already have plus the internet for the geography days, Kahn academy for the math days plus math games, spelling games and vocabulary from our lit readings for the spelling days, etc. I downloaded the Tutor free Charlotte Mason magazine and may print those out. There are some stories in there that I would never read aloud to my kids, but there is a good collection of poetry readings around the nature themes and original source speeches and other useful things. It would be easy to print those for Bible, poetry, some nature and read alouds.  This will be our morning time/basket time. I have always done this in the afternoons, but we are trying out some in the mornings this semester and I really like the results I am getting from starting the day off together.

OK= changes: I am going to leave off Spanish for next year and focus on Latin, picking up Spanish again in high school. 


I am enrolling our family in School House Teachers dot com and have been looking over classes on there for her. I am going to have her do the Keyboarding and Logic from it and one of the Art classes- her choice on the art. '

They have Truthquest Middle Ages History on there. I am not really too sure what Truthquest is, but since I will have access to it, I may incorporate some of that. Plus at co-op we are going to use KONOS middle ages unit study. I haven't gotten my hands on that book yet either, but we will incorporate that into a class there which may carry over into home too. I will just pull from all of these resources since I will have them. 


I am going to have my dd14 do the geometry on SHT next year. If we like it, then the 8th grader will use it for preAlgebra her 9th grade year after completing R&S 7 next year. 

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Math - Algebra 1 using the series our local PS uses (SMc Core Focus on Math) and supplementing with Zaccarro and iXL
History - World History with lots of materials including Human Odyssey 2 and Crash Course World History videos
English - Rules of the Game 2, Spelling Rules book F, Variety of Novel studies
Science - Ellen McHenry The Cell, Botany, the Brain, Anatomy
Spanish - Basic Spanish and DuoLingo and supplements

Plus fitness training and lots and lots of tennis

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Current Plan…


Morning Time (whole family): Bible/Prayer, Virtue Training, MT Loop: Easy Peasy Art – Cultures; Classics for Kids Podcast; World of Poetry; Philosophy for Kids; Fairytales; Shakespeare


Math: AoPS Algebra, Math Club at local middle school


English: Write at Home semester class, Roots of English, Glencoe diagramming book, essays/research papers, notetaking


Literature: homemade booklist (working on it!) and lit analysis notebook, 7 sisters homeschool guides, Worldview Detective questions, book club


History/Geography: Sonlight Core H books, Middle East + Asia study (sort of Core F)


Science: Big History Project with added videos/lectures on philosophy and theology to counter the materialistic worldview, “living†books


Spanish: Rosetta Stone 3 or FLVS Spanish 1, Spanish Club at local middle school


Logic: The Art of Argument


Piano: Yousician, playing by ear


Possible Extras: Cooking Club, How to Become a SuperStar Student, FLVS Digital Information Technology, SAT/ACT prep,



This seems like a lot. Probably seven-ish hours daily. Does that seem about right for 8th grade or too much?

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7ish is about what my 7th/9th graders do. So it seems right to me. My current 7th grader has math at 8:00, 9:00 spanish, 9:30 journal, 10:00 latin, 11:00 spelling/English 12;00 lunch, 1:00-reading/history depending on day.  2:00 afternoon dance classes, sometime in the evening, science homework from co-op and reading to self. 



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Some things are more final than others. 



MUS Algebra 1

Spelling You See

OM Environmental Science (I read through part of the syllabus and I really like it. I think this is what DD wanted.)


Up in the air:



foreign language

art (still waffling between stuff we already have and putting her in a class)



More finalizing:

MUS Algebra 1

Spelling You See

Galore Park English 3 (not using the suggested lit)

MCT Lit, either Fog and Shadow or Time and Fog (I already bought the Fog set :laugh: )

OM Environmental Science

A Picturesque Tale of Progress (vol 5-8 - Middle ages)


Still up in the air:


foreign language

maybe media literacy

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I think my biggest frustration is my plan for science. We might just take it easy and go through the Joy of Science Great Course. We've done so, so, so much random science up to this point, and I just don't want to get into Official High School Science yet.



Figured it out. Doing culinary science. DH is a serious hobbyist chef, and DD loves cooking and baking. So, they'll do the hands-on, and I do the readings, etc.

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Figured it out. Doing culinary science. DH is a serious hobbyist chef, and DD loves cooking and baking. So, they'll do the hands-on, and I do the readings, etc.

Have you seen the giant chocolate geode video of the geode created byAlex O'Brien Yeatts of the Culinary Institute of America in New York with his partner Abby Lee Wilcox?


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I don't have everything finalized yet but the plan for DD's 8th grad year is:


Life of Fred Pre-Algebra 0-2 (with lots of supplements)
Notgrass From Adam to Us
Writing, Grammar and Literature will be tied into Notgrass
continuing a word roots study
Biology (her biggest interest, something high school level but haven't nailed down which texts to use)
Old Testament Study using DH's college textbooks and a few other books we have
Something for Health
Something for Logic
Also- Girl Scouts, 4H, Flute (private lessons and a band), Coop Classes (art & science), various sports & Youth Group
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This is me right now thinking about 8th grade for next year


"Ack! 8th grade? crap, I better start getting the 7th grade stuff done.  OMG I have failed as a mother, this year was insane. What was I thinking bringing back home to homeschool, I have screwed him up for life because I have hardly been home to make sure he is doing his work!"

Like seriously, I have no idea what we will do next year for 8th, I dropped the ball worse this year than ever before.  I had put the kids in school this year for this exact reason, I knew I would not be available much this year. And when that failed for ds13 I brought him back home and now the head spinning crazy.

Guess I better figure out a plan to somewhat recover this year and plan next year.  

Son is really interested in what timberdoodle has to offer, so I may find a way to incorporate that.  He is hands on all the way, with LDs, which means he wants to be more independent in his work but usually needs me there, especially with the work we currently have for him. 

Need to keep in the loop of this thread to keep me focused on next year :)

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This is me right now thinking about 8th grade for next year


"Ack! 8th grade? crap, I better start getting the 7th grade stuff done. OMG I have failed as a mother, this year was insane. What was I thinking bringing back home to homeschool, I have screwed him up for life because I have hardly been home to make sure he is doing his work!"


Like seriously, I have no idea what we will do next year for 8th, I dropped the ball worse this year than ever before. I had put the kids in school this year for this exact reason, I knew I would not be available much this year. And when that failed for ds13 I brought him back home and now the head spinning crazy.


Guess I better figure out a plan to somewhat recover this year and plan next year.


Son is really interested in what timberdoodle has to offer, so I may find a way to incorporate that. He is hands on all the way, with LDs, which means he wants to be more independent in his work but usually needs me there, especially with the work we currently have for him.


Need to keep in the loop of this thread to keep me focused on next year :)

Maybe you can find him classes that have video components (especially for math), choose more open and go curricula, and outsource with some online classes. For my high schooler and middle schooler I write out their week's workload in their planners and they have to highlight when they finish. And I check it daily. Hope it works out for you!

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Maybe you can find him classes that have video components (especially for math), choose more open and go curricula, and outsource with some online classes. For my high schooler and middle schooler I write out their week's workload in their planners and they have to highlight when they finish. And I check it daily. Hope it works out for you!

Online classes aren't an option for him. He needs something that is open and go but that is mostly hands on with limited reading and writing. Mostly he just needs me to restructure my time as best as I can to be there for him. I knew going into this year it wouldn't be a good homeschooling year and tried to be proactive, but hosing is still best for him. Just a crappy year. Good to get refocused and start looking toward a better yr next year.

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Okay brain is working double time now thinking ahead to next year.


Talked with ds13 about what we need to finish this year and goals/interests for next year.  Due to his LDs he is still struggling in some areas so have to take those into account.

tentative thoughts so far:



  • Saxon 6/5
  • math games
  • and possibly even MUS gamma to solidify weak areas



  • Exploration Education.  We have apologia general science at home already, so if the $ doesn't improve we will stick with that (exchange rate is insane right now, it would make EE nearly double the cost).  He loves science and is hands on so EE seems like a good fit. And it will be something new since we have been heavily focused on anatomy this year.



  • 2 more time travelers cd-roms, he is asking for colonial life and 19th century.  
  • Along with modern history through Canadian eyes.
  • Current events. and any random bits he wants to learn about.  
  • Geography I am not 100% sure yet.  Have mapping the world with art here, might do that, or might go for a more basic Canadian geography program.  Still thinking.


Language Arts: Major area of concern due to dysgraphia.

  • So continued work on penmanship with HWOT
  • Essentials in Writing 8
  • Daily Grams (Jr & senior high)
  • R&S 7 OR Easy Grams Ultimate 8
  • Novel studies (To Kill a Mocking Bird, Animal Farm, and The Giver) -->chosen by him to do this year but we didn't get them in time.  Will finish up Lord of the Flies this year.  
  • Shakespeare: Undecided.  He is thinking Hamlet, but might go with something a little different and do Much Ado.


  • He wants lots, but I think 1 will be enough for him, since he has never studied a foreign language before. So either:
  • Mission Monde French 1
  • OR First start french 1 (either french option would be with youngest since she will be starting french in 4th)
  • OR First Form Greek
  • OR Henle 1 (units 1-5)

We will see.



  • Boys hip hop(if offered, this year not enough boys so it was cancelled) otherwise competitive hip hop and possibly contemporary
  • Swimming (lessons and then possibly team he is not sure)
  • boys club (it is a fitness group for teen boys that focuses on proper technique in weight lifting, nutrition and growing up to be a man)
  • Possibly drum lessons, he has been begging for years, will depend on my work schedule and tolerance for practice.

Things may drastically change between now and sept, have to see what these next 4.5 months brings.



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We are adopting in Aug/Sept from China so I am trying to nail down DS's 8th grade year/curriculum and keep it pretty simple.  So far I have:


Literature/Writing:  Tutorial with David Raymond (of Compass Classroom) (SO thankful for this, especially since it is 3 mins from my house! :) ) 

History - Same as above - Ancients

Math - CLE 800 and transitioning into Algebra 1 

Science - TBD (maybe Homeschool Connections Physical Science)

Grammar - Still searching for an online/DVD option

Religion - Homeschool Connections


He will join younger siblings for morning basket time and will do map drills, poetry, hymns, composer/artist study, prayers. 



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Thanks to seeing this thread, I actually set down and typed up my lists for all 4! I had them in my head, but had to refine  ;) .


Whole Family: 

Geography: Europe, Asia and Oceania (map work, reading, sheppardsoftware) (we did Africa, the americas and USA geography the previous 2 years)

Art :artist study to line up with history plus creativity express



8th grade:

Science: Exploration Education (younger sibs will tag along/do their level)

Math: Alg I with a textbook I already have, we did heavy pre-alg this year, so am looking at adding in Patty Paper geometry for fun. May try to line up some videos from Khan to go with the Alg book or tabletclass to supplement.

History: World History from Napoleon to today: my course using a mix of lit, hakim, World History textbook, SOTW (youngers will follow along), might look for some documentaries or Great course to fill it out

Vocab: CTC Word Roots vocab program, continued

Spelling: He still needs practice, so may use sequential spelling or I ordered spelling plus to look over, but mainly daily dictation of lists....

Lit: a list made up to go along with history/science plus some classics, going to use 4 lit guides for some more detailed analysis, but otherwise just read, read, read

Grammar: Easy Grammar Plus

Writing: Undecided, he wants a structured step by step program.....Younger will be using WWE, I tried WWS, but he wasn't a fan. Not sure where to look next. He loathes any sort of "open-ended" writing, fiction writing. 

Arabic: continue as we are

Logic: CTC Critical Thinking Book 1-2



Economics(mainly reading), might add GC if I can find one

Public Speaking, Archery, Leadership, maybe one more, Cooking? (all these with 4H)



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Still a little up in the air for my 2e kid.


Math: Singapore Dimensions Math 8A and 8B

Literature: TBD--considering the Daybook of Critical Reading and Writing (Great Source) or Mosdos; he has a tutor for literature because he get's stuck on the social aspects and struggles with writing prompts related to the literature

Writing: with tutor--currently working through WWS I, and we are waiting to see how it plays out. He may do "more of the same", continue, or try something new for a little bit

Grammar: 2nd half of Daily Grammar's Ultimate Series, 9th grade and maybe some Warriner's; taking a break from MCT for some more explicit teaching/practice in areas that MCT is less explicit about

Vocabulary: Maybe CE II (two lessons at a time) followed by the next MCT level of vocab (we don't use the levels in sync)

Spelling: Sequential Spelling, typed

Music: Piano, beginning trombone (choir and band if the schedule works out)

Art: ??? Shh...we aren't very good at getting to this. Maybe Mapping the World since we already have it.

History: 2nd half of From Adam to Us, if SOTW is a read-aloud, then we'll do Lessons for the Young Economist; if we use SOTW more fully, then probably no economics

Science: Apologia's high school biology

Health: ???

Bible: ??? Maybe something like Basic Christianity


Am open to suggestions on art, health, and Bible. We've tried Artistic Pursuits, but my son has trouble drawing with perspective, so we stalled really, really fast. 


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Here's what we have for DD12 (pretty extreme AL)-because she's doing some classes at the community college, we're doing one semester at a time



English-focus on literary analysis and essay writing with a range of resources and materials


Math-At CC (2nd required course for teacher licensure)


Science-HHM-Modern Chemistry and local lab, Tro-Introductory Chemistry

General Paychology at CC

Herpetology research and outreach

Teach Herpetology workshop at Athena's Academy


Language-Spanish at CC


History-Canadian History (Origins-history of Canada to Confederation, Destinies-History of Canada since confederation)


Cheer team and tumbling classes


Piano and theory with private instructor.


In Spring, I don't know yet, but probably Probability and Statistics at CC (required for both majors), English 1 at CC, and Spanish 2 at CC, continue other stuff

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Am open to suggestions on art, health, and Bible. We've tried Artistic Pursuits, but my son has trouble drawing with perspective, so we stalled really, really fast. 


We've had success with Drawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre. The lessons slowly build on each other and you can keep redoing the lesson until it's mastered, unlike some of the other curricula that expect the student to master the technique in one shot, or be motivated enough to do it over and over on their own.


It's super cheap to implement - $13 for the little book, plus a ream of typing paper and some pencils. You need to find something else if you want to cover more than drawing, though.


I'm no help with health and Bible. I'm still poking around looking for something for health here.

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Really trying to finalize plans for my soon to be 8th grade DS but I'm sure some things will change:


Mathematics: The leading contender right now is CLE Algebra 1 supplemented with Zaccaro Algebra and Problem Solving books


Language Arts:


Grammar—DS is behind where I would like him to be in Grammar due to going to public and private schools from grades 4-6 where grammar was not taught. at all. :


Analytical Grammar in fall with me and Diagrammarian Barbarian online with Lukeion in the spring


Spelling: probably Megawords books 4 and 5


Vocabulary: Witty Wordsmith: Greek and Latin Word Roots with Lukeion online in the fall and something else with me in the spring


Literature—DS still needs some scaffolding with reading fiction so we will rotate among several things:


Inference Jones

Figuratively Speaking

Reading and Reasoning Level 1 or 2 (Classical Academic Press)

Movies as Literature with Workbook

Mosdos Press

Novel Studies with literature guides




Continue sentence construction from Killgallon with me (for advanced style)


IEW Student Writing Intensive B  Online Class



History—not sure yet but he will be studying the Middle Ages and it will be an online class; some ideas so far:


Famous Men of the Middle Ages with Memoria Press online (only a fall semester course) OR


Medieval Civilizations with the Classical Historian online  OR


Introduction to the Middle Ages with CLRC online





World Geography course online but I'm not sure which one yet





Apologia Physical Science with Lab at local homeschool co-op




Twice weekly church youth group

Morning devotions with dad


Fine Arts:


Drama at local homeschool co-op



Physical Education


Continue with fencing and ice skating




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Plan for Grade 8 (for now)


Math-continue with AOPS Algebra. He is chugging along with this at his own pace. At this rate, he'll probably finish it sometime in Grade 9, which is fine with me. 

Science-Novare Earth Science (he loves the physical science book, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it)

English/LA-Continue R+S 8 (grammar overkill, but he likes it, and I do think the writing exercises are good), probably more progym exercises, and if I have time I may look at starting a bit of the LToW (or not), literature cribbed from the Norms and Nobility Reading List as I think of it/what I can find easily

History-History of the English Speaking Peoples (rest of book 2, 3, and 4)

French-outsource through our local Alliance Francaise

Latin-I will outsource this next year. He likes Latin, and likes the Cambridge books, but the outsourcing options are a bit confusing to me. I'm considering Lukeon, which I think he would like but find very time intensive. 


Art-I'll find a local art class as they come up


Music (oh my): Violin-Grade 8+, Piano-Grade 7+, Theory-History and possibly Harmony (Grade 9), Double Bass, he's hoping to try out for the local youth orchestra, Chamber orchestra, and choir. 

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This is my 8th graders last year before public high school, trying to cram everything in, This is where I am today


Bible -       Lightbearers and SL100 bible book selections

Math -       BJU Algebra  (hoping for key to algebra review over the two summers)

Science -  BJU Physical Science

Grammar -R&S 8 

Writing -   Lost Tools of Writing or WWS1    and   Grammar for middle school by Killgallon

Lit. -          some combination of Teaching the Classics and Windows to the World.( not doing much writing with this)

Vocab  -    Word roots 2

Critical thinking  - Building Thinking Skills level 3 verbal

History/Literature - slightly slimmed down version of SL100 ( not quite so many books)

 -  using some combintion of the Hewitt test with taking notes on study guide and the student study guide/ teachers guide from oxford press for the History of US

- mapTrek maps


I would love to add in stories from MP Am. Lit poety and short stories, more from an exposure standpoint than a studying standpoint though

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We've had success with Drawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre. The lessons slowly build on each other and you can keep redoing the lesson until it's mastered, unlike some of the other curricula that expect the student to master the technique in one shot, or be motivated enough to do it over and over on their own.


It's super cheap to implement - $13 for the little book, plus a ream of typing paper and some pencils. You need to find something else if you want to cover more than drawing, though.


I'm no help with health and Bible. I'm still poking around looking for something for health here.


Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My son will be returning to homeschooling after being in public school. Here's our plan:


History - Creating our own


LA - Good & The Beautiful Level 7


Math- Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra


Science- Apologia General Science, one day with co-op & other days at home


Extra Curricular -

Monday - co-op (Science, Bible, Drama, Study Hall)


•Electric Guitar, weekly lesson & daily practice

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More finalizing:

MUS Algebra 1

Spelling You See

Galore Park English 3 (not using the suggested lit)

MCT Lit, either Fog and Shadow or Time and Fog (I already bought the Fog set :laugh: )

OM Environmental Science

A Picturesque Tale of Progress (vol 5-8 - Middle ages)


Still up in the air:


foreign language

maybe media literacy


Edited yet again:


Horizons Pre Algebra 

Galore Park English 3 with MCT Lit (Fog and Shadow) 

Spelling You See

Bravewriter Kidswrite Intermediate, maybe one other

OM Environmental Science

CTC World History Detective 

Dyslexia Games C

additional literature planned by me


Hoping to do art and ASL through the local one day a week co-op.

Tumbling and gymnastics, probably 3-4 days a week again


Over the summer, I plan to do MCT's Vocabulary from Literature, Dyslexia Games and continue writing and math.

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I am not sure of our plans, but this is what I have so far.


Math: Jacobs Algebra. (also have Foester's and used it with my twins, so will decide for sure after we start.)


History/Geography: Sonlight Core G and H combo


Science: Apologia Physical Science


English: Wordly wise, Advanced Winston Grammar, some writing resource I have on self. Readers from Sonlight.


Duolingo for spanish

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I *think* this is our plan:


Jacob's Algebra

Conceptual Integrated Science w/labs

Georgia History/Gov using online book

World Geography

Wheelock's Latin

Maybe Spanish too?

Argument Builder

MCT Voyage

And, something for literature - his dad is working on that...

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New plan:


We're going to finish Algebra over the summer and move to Geometry


He's taking his time though Omnibus 1, so I got a 6 month extension until Nov. I think we'll start Omnibus 2 after that?


Fundamentals of Composition with Wilson Hill Academy


Honors Physics 1 - Wilson Hill Academy


World Geography with Dad


Latin - still Wheelock's


Second half Art of Argument


MCT Voyage for Grammar and Poetry

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So updating after some changes: 

Thanks to seeing this thread, I actually set down and typed up my lists for all 4! I had them in my head, but had to refine  ;) .


Whole Family: 

Geography: Europe, Asia and Oceania (map work, reading, sheppardsoftware) (we did Africa, the americas and USA geography the previous 2 years)

Art :artist study to line up with history plus creativity express



8th grade:

Science: Exploration Education (younger sibs will tag along/do their level) Still Exploration Education, but youngers are doing Mystery Science instead

Math: Alg I with a textbook I already have, we did heavy pre-alg this year, so am looking at adding in Patty Paper geometry for fun. May try to line up some videos from Khan to go with the Alg book or tabletclass to supplement. Same

History: World History from Napoleon to today: my course using a mix of lit, hakim, World History textbook, SOTW (youngers will follow along), might look for some documentaries or Great course to fill it out  Same, still deciding which GC to use

Vocab: CTC Word Roots vocab program, continued Same

Spelling: He still needs practice, so may use sequential spelling or I ordered spelling plus to look over, but mainly daily dictation of lists.... Spelling Plus

Lit: a list made up to go along with history/science plus some classics, going to use 4 lit guides for some more detailed analysis, but otherwise just read, read, read adding one Parallel Shakespeare (Macbeth) someone (I think Lori D) on here recommended

Grammar: Easy Grammar Plus Same

Writing: Undecided, he wants a structured step by step program.....Younger will be using WWE, I tried WWS, but he wasn't a fan. Not sure where to look next. He loathes any sort of "open-ended" writing, fiction writing.  IEW SWI B

Arabic: continue as we are

Logic: CTC Critical Thinking Book 1-2



Economics(mainly reading), might add GC if I can find one

Public Speaking, Archery, Leadership, maybe one more, Cooking? (all these with 4H)


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Finally settled on history and science but not sure on writing. I've at least got math for part of the year but I'm still not sure after that.

I've went back and forth on what grade to call my son but the current plan is to consider next year 8th. I believe I've about got my booklists finalized, just a bit of tweaking to do. He loves reading but I'm to make sure I don't overload him.  We might use the guide with Story of Science but I'm undecided if it is worthwhile or too much busy work. I've got to decide on output, the reading list are the easy part! Maybe we can look at changing some of the topics in LAoW to fit what we are already studying? I need to read it all of the way through. I plan to pull in the Lit we are reading for assignments when we do WttW


Math- Finish 2nd half of AoPS pre-A; Arbor School- Chuckles the Rocket Dog

Maybe, will be finishing AoPS pre-A, maybe doing Jacob's or Ann Arbor books can't make up my mind


Spelling(still really needs this) MegaWords 1&2Yes

Grammar- Grammar Revolution Yes- followed by ALL

Vocab-- Finish CE1 & CE2; ( I meant to do this last year but just started this semester & he loves it- he will make it through L12 by the end of this year)

Composition -- Finish Lively Art of Writing (assuming this goes well- fingers crossed we are scheduled to get half done) & Windows to the World w/ Pike Syllabus(minus TTC as we did it this year);

ugh not sure, maybe just doing our own thing

Lit- 1 book per month- w /discussion, short stories for more in-depth analysis(monthly)


History- Story of Science Newton w/ Mom made booklists-bios--and other Non-Fic; It will be a science slanted history but that was his request.

Totally switched to Japanese History


Science-Dr. Art's Guide to Science; McHenry's Carbon Chemistry & McHenry's Brain for spines- mom-made booklists :) Our brain study will also include a general study of psych per his request. Might add in some info from Science Matters.

Doing topical studies instead- evolution, chemistry w/ McHenry's Elements, survival skills and ???


Extras-- PE w/ Mom, Family Nature & MP Poetry study, Philosophy-- his request- will start out with Philosophy for Children just for discussion and go from there; Figuratively Speaking--- discussion w/ sister


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