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Dd left her shoes outside and guess what found a new home?

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You know, I always check my shoes before putting them on if they've been hanging around anywhere but my closet for awhile, but thank goodness I live in a place where I do not ever have to find THAT in them. How did you find it? I really hope it was not "the hard way"!!!!

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I don't think they are deadly, but will cause you a lot of pain. I asked the guy who came to do our termite contract inspection, and he's the one who told me. We've had a problem with them outside our house. In May we found one in the grill and 3 just under our vinyl. Thankfully, I've seen them hanging out just enough to see them. We've also had them in our sprinkler system valve turn-on/off. We don't leave shoes anywhere outside, and we keep the inside ones on shoe racks off the floor anyway.


Our termite guy said people should always check shoes and clothes that have been hanging up and not worn for a longer period of time.

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It's a black widow spider? As in deathly poisonous? And it was in your daughter's shoe? I think I'm going to have to have a lie down.....


Heh! Yep. There are some sections of the US where they're very common. I can recall online conversations with people who would have to sweep out their home every morning because the black widows would just get in everywhere--garages, dollhouses, cabinets, doorframes. I'm reasonably convinced that the insane cost of living in NJ is worth not having to deal with things like this! I can barely handle our little brown spiders as it is...

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We don't have any poisonous creatures where I live. The worst things we have are earwigs and wasps. I am so freaked out by earwigs and they turn up in the most horrible places. I believe there is a worldwide earwig conspiracy to get me. I found one in a peach I was eating. And one in my baby's nappy. And one under my pillow. They know where I am and they follow.......:eek:


I absolutely could not survive if I lived in a place where there were poisonous creatures. I'm going to have nightmares tonight.

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I would really freak out. I just can't stand anything crawling - and guess - hubby wouldn't be a great help either. He's even more paranoid when it comes to insects, arachnoids, amphibians, etc ....... you get the hint..... than I am. Ds 8 has more "stamina". I guess, it runs in the family. :glare:


I am just so grateful we haven't encountered one of the black widows yet.




Married to the love of my life (10 yrs)

Mom to ds 8

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It's been years since I've seen a black widow....since I moved away from California in 1992 actually. I remember having to open the garage door carefully because they loved to hang out on the edge of the door and lay their eggs there.


I might prefer the poisonous black widow to the giant house spiders we have here in Washington. At least they were small and kind of cool looking. The giant housespider is huge, ugly, and hairy...but not poisonous. Not sure which is worse.

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I imaged you spraying Raid on everything but dinner.


I'll tell you a secret ... I don't actually have any Raid.







You know, I always check my shoes before putting them on if they've been hanging around anywhere but my closet for awhile, but thank goodness I live in a place where I do not ever have to find THAT in them. How did you find it? I really hope it was not "the hard way"!!!!


Dd was told to put her shoes away. When she picked them up, she saw it in the corner and dropped the shoes and ran into the house screaming. We all ran out to see if it really was a black widow. Dd has a bit of a dramatic tendency just like her mama, so we had to see it to believe it.


Oh, and now you'll have to change your board name to Arachnophobic!


Aw man, I finally got used to spelling this one and now I have to practice that one?




I'm shuddering even as I'm sitting here. Ew.


I ran to get the camera once we realized it was dead.


I don't think they are deadly, but will cause you a lot of pain. I asked the guy who came to do our termite contract inspection, and he's the one who told me. We've had a problem with them outside our house. In May we found one in the grill and 3 just under our vinyl. Thankfully, I've seen them hanging out just enough to see them. We've also had them in our sprinkler system valve turn-on/off. We don't leave shoes anywhere outside, and we keep the inside ones on shoe racks off the floor anyway.


Our termite guy said people should always check shoes and clothes that have been hanging up and not worn for a longer period of time.


Yikes! That's too many. I'm good about checking shoes, but I'll have to start checking the closets, too.


It's been years since I've seen a black widow....since I moved away from California in 1992 actually. I remember having to open the garage door carefully because they loved to hang out on the edge of the door and lay their eggs there.


I might prefer the poisonous black widow to the giant house spiders we have here in Washington. At least they were small and kind of cool looking. The giant housespider is huge, ugly, and hairy...but not poisonous. Not sure which is worse.


I got used to seeing big ugly spiders in England and even liked them because without screens on the windows there were plenty of flying insects all around. Those big ugly spiders were seen in a different light after we had to live without screens.


I would really freak out. I just can't stand anything crawling - and guess - hubby wouldn't be a great help either. He's even more paranoid when it comes to insects, arachnoids, amphibians, etc ....... you get the hint..... than I am. Ds 8 has more "stamina". I guess, it runs in the family. :glare:


I am just so grateful we haven't encountered one of the black widows yet.


This was the first black widow I've ever seen. Dd saw her first rattler the other night.


We don't have any poisonous creatures where I live. The worst things we have are earwigs and wasps. I am so freaked out by earwigs and they turn up in the most horrible places. I believe there is a worldwide earwig conspiracy to get me. I found one in a peach I was eating. And one in my baby's nappy. And one under my pillow. They know where I am and they follow.......:eek:


I absolutely could not survive if I lived in a place where there were poisonous creatures. I'm going to have nightmares tonight.


I've always wanted to go to Australia, but a lady from Australia told me about all the creatures and critters they have there and set me straight. I'd still like to go, but I think I'd have to stay in well-populated areas.


Heh! Yep. There are some sections of the US where they're very common. I can recall online conversations with people who would have to sweep out their home every morning because the black widows would just get in everywhere--garages, dollhouses, cabinets, doorframes. I'm reasonably convinced that the insane cost of living in NJ is worth not having to deal with things like this! I can barely handle our little brown spiders as it is...


And here I thought we'd have to worry about scorpions in the house. Someone even told us not to get a house with a fireplace because that was a popular entry point for scorpions. Ewww!

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You do need to beware of black widows. They can cause brain damage, and death, and all kinds of other probs--very serious. I've lived in Virginia for 16 years, and people go on and on about black widows--I thought they were nuts--until about 2 years ago, when we found one spinning its web RIGHT NEXT TO OUR FRONT DOOR! We sprayed it with Raid ant spray (the only Raid we had) and it did nothing--we tried every spray we had--finally, Lysol cleaner with bleach did it--she shrivelled up and died, and hung there, and my dd and I were running around, outside, screaming, and I finally got up the courage to knock her down--then regretted it, in case she was somehow alive!


Yes, I think I win the prize for freaky fear of arachnids--actually, it is really insects, but I think poisonous arachnids get an automatic ad-in for free :).


After that, we had several of them outside, and a couple in--we knew what to pull out though, first thing ;).

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No, that's a female. Some have plain black abdomens on top, but a lot of them have those red spots. The hourglass thing is on the underside of the abdomen.


I found all this out when I found my 18 month old playing with one. It had come in on a dog dish that had been outside. He had a bite on his finger of some type, but never developed symptoms. (This is the one who stepped barefoot on a copperhead a couple years ago and didn't get bitten. Must have a special squadron of angels on guard!)


Dh also had one crawl across his face one night. He was asleep and brushed it off. The second time it crawled across, he got up and carried it outside on his pillow. I kept saying, "That's a black widow." He didn't think so because it wasn't the same size as the ones that he had seen growing up in NJ. I went outside to look at it. It was indeed a black widow. I killed it. I didn't sleep well for a while!

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SHUDDER OMG! I have the willies now. Big time willies.


My bff is a serious arachnophobe. She called me one time freaking out. There was a small dead spider on the floor. She couldn't even go in the room with it. I had to talk her through vacuuming it up. It took a long time. She was totally freaked by the whole thing. She lives 12 hours away from me so I couldn't go suck it up for her.

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The first time I found a black widow in the garage, I left it alone and ran to get my dc so they could see it. (just a hs mom wanting to provide an educational experience for her dc) When I brought them out to see it, it was gone! Then I freaked - I had a venomous spider loose in my garage! When my dh came home I explained to him that we had to take apart the entire garage and vacuum every inch, web, and spider. It was really hard to justify to him why I didn't just kill the spider when I had the chance.

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We spent 12 years in a town an hour south of here -- there were scorpions all over the place, but I only saw one black widow during the whole twelve years.


Three years ago, we moved 60 miles up the road. Same region, same climate, one county over. I've only seen three scorpions, but the black widows are ridiculous! We have to be careful any time we pick something up outside -- they're always under everything. And they're all over our shed.


My poor children. They've only lived in these two towns, so having to watch out for the dangerous critters is all they know!;)


Glad you found that thing before it did any harm!

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We sprayed it with Raid ant spray (the only Raid we had) and it did nothing--we tried every spray we had--finally, Lysol cleaner with bleach did it--she shrivelled up and died, and hung there, and my dd and I were running around, outside, screaming, and I finally got up the courage to knock her down--then regretted it, in case she was somehow alive! ;).



It IS hard to kill a spider with insecticide. . .maybe someone needs to invent arachnidcide. I've found that spiders like to PLAY dead. They'll shrivel up when you spray them and act like they're dead. . .but wait a while. . .they're really just playin' possum. I'll have to try the lysol and bleach! I usually have to get DH to squish them for me. . .I just can't do it!


We've seen a few this year. . .ya'll be careful in your garages too!

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I just showed this to my Dh...is won't sleep for weeks! He is crazy about spiders or as he calls them "man killers" I am glad that you found it and that everyone is okay.


Oh, you're so mean. ;)

Hmm, my dh hates poodles. Wonder if I should google some images and show them to him when he gets home?


Me, too!


Stacey, is that a male? The rather interesting color patterns on the back make me ask that question. We found a nice, male specimen a month ago nestled in one of our lawn chairs. He even had a few white spots mixed in with the red. Glad you were able to find it before your daughter's foot did. Blessings.


I have no idea. Ds insisted it wasn't a black widow because it didn't have the hourglass shape, but we looked at pictures online and saw them with the red spots.


Me, three!


You do need to beware of black widows. They can cause brain damage, and death, and all kinds of other probs--very serious. I've lived in Virginia for 16 years, and people go on and on about black widows--I thought they were nuts--until about 2 years ago, when we found one spinning its web RIGHT NEXT TO OUR FRONT DOOR! We sprayed it with Raid ant spray (the only Raid we had) and it did nothing--we tried every spray we had--finally, Lysol cleaner with bleach did it--she shrivelled up and died, and hung there, and my dd and I were running around, outside, screaming, and I finally got up the courage to knock her down--then regretted it, in case she was somehow alive!


Yes, I think I win the prize for freaky fear of arachnids--actually, it is really insects, but I think poisonous arachnids get an automatic ad-in for free .


After that, we had several of them outside, and a couple in--we knew what to pull out though, first thing .


Lysol cleaner with bleach is now on the grocery list.


Yep, her shoes were outside right by the front door. I think I'll be using the side door from now on. Dh can inspect the front porch for close intruders of the red-spotted kind. No, wait, that's where our packages from the UPS guy are delivered. I don't know if I can wait until dh gets home. It's a bit like Christmas when the UPS guy rings that doorbell.


No, that's a female. Some have plain black abdomens on top, but a lot of them have those red spots. The hourglass thing is on the underside of the abdomen.


I found all this out when I found my 18 month old playing with one. It had come in on a dog dish that had been outside. He had a bite on his finger of some type, but never developed symptoms. (This is the one who stepped barefoot on a copperhead a couple years ago and didn't get bitten. Must have a special squadron of angels on guard!)


Dh also had one crawl across his face one night. He was asleep and brushed it off. The second time it crawled across, he got up and carried it outside on his pillow. I kept saying, "That's a black widow." He didn't think so because it wasn't the same size as the ones that he had seen growing up in NJ. I went outside to look at it. It was indeed a black widow. I killed it. I didn't sleep well for a while!


We were lucky that it was dead when we found it. Took pictures and would've examined it some more but youngest dd decided it was high time it needed to be squooshed.


And thanks to you, I had just a wee bit o' trouble going to sleep last night. I had visions of creepy crawlies jitter-bugging on my face. :willy_nilly:


I'm so glad your ds escaped harm ... twice!


SHUDDER OMG! I have the willies now. Big time willies.


My bff is a serious arachnophobe. She called me one time freaking out. There was a small dead spider on the floor. She couldn't even go in the room with it. I had to talk her through vacuuming it up. It took a long time. She was totally freaked by the whole thing. She lives 12 hours away from me so I couldn't go suck it up for her.


Have you ever vacuumed up a living insect or spider and wondered if it would colonize? Welcome to Hooverville ~ population 700,000


Black widows are very common here. My kids know to just come screaming at the top of the lungs for their Macho Dad to come kill them.


Now if you had said, "scorpion," I would have died.


I picture myself as one of those elephants scared of the mouse in Dumbo.




The first time I found a black widow in the garage, I left it alone and ran to get my dc so they could see it. (just a hs mom wanting to provide an educational experience for her dc) When I brought them out to see it, it was gone! Then I freaked - I had a venomous spider loose in my garage! When my dh came home I explained to him that we had to take apart the entire garage and vacuum every inch, web, and spider. It was really hard to justify to him why I didn't just kill the spider when I had the chance.


Note to self: shoot first, photo-op session later. :D


Oh I do NOT NOT NOT like spiders and I especially do NOT like the venomous ones!!


Me neither!


We spent 12 years in a town an hour south of here -- there were scorpions all over the place, but I only saw one black widow during the whole twelve years.


Three years ago, we moved 60 miles up the road. Same region, same climate, one county over. I've only seen three scorpions, but the black widows are ridiculous! We have to be careful any time we pick something up outside -- they're always under everything. And they're all over our shed.


My poor children. They've only lived in these two towns, so having to watch out for the dangerous critters is all they know!


Glad you found that thing before it did any harm!


Okay, I think you're somewhere near where we are, but I don't know if we're in the black widow district or the scorpion district. They sound like red-light districts, don't they?


Me, four!


Wow, this may be the only time I'm happy that flickr is a banned site here; I don't do well with spiders. I can't see your pic (I get the red x), but can definitely imagine...




Oh, no fair. Everybody else who clicked had to suffer the willies, heebie-jeebies, and icky-poos. Maybe a smaller picture wouldn't be so scary?


It IS hard to kill a spider with insecticide. . .maybe someone needs to invent arachnidcide. I've found that spiders like to PLAY dead. They'll shrivel up when you spray them and act like they're dead. . .but wait a while. . .they're really just playin' possum. I'll have to try the lysol and bleach! I usually have to get DH to squish them for me. . .I just can't do it!


We've seen a few this year. . .ya'll be careful in your garages too!


Those nasty deceitful little ... oh, wait, I feel like I'm starting one of those smear threads. I'm sorry.



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The first and only one I ever saw I was so mesmerized by her that it didn't really register WHAT she was. I screamed at the kids to get a jar and come out and see this very striking, very big, very beautiful and shiny black spider. As we were trying to get her in the jar (yes, she was alive) she flipped over and I saw the hourglass......YIKES....


I then had my 6 year run in and tell my husband to come and help because we found a black widow and I was frozen. My hubby didn't believe the child (apparantly (sp?) momma OVERREACTS just a bit too often) and slowly finished what he was doing and meandered his way to the scene....never cry wolf, I guess was our lesson for the day.


Of course I did the neurotic research thing for awhile and sufficed to get myself hysterically wondering about her eggs for a month.


When I opened the thread I really thought it would be a cute baby mouse or something...really, not expecting this.



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My son put on his boots one morning, felt something move, and pulled his foot back out. The hugest black widow I've ever seen was perched on his toe. Thank goodness he had on thick socks! We have since instituted a very strict check your shoes rule. Of course, my son doesn't need reminding.:) Then there was the time my daughter had a scorpion crawl on her face while she was in bed, and it stung her on both lips. You gotta love Texas.

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My son put on his boots one morning' date=' felt something move, and pulled his foot back out. The hugest black widow I've ever seen was perched on his toe. Thank goodness he had on thick socks! We have since instituted a very strict check your shoes rule. Of course, my son doesn't need reminding.:) Then there was the time my daughter had a scorpion crawl on her face while she was in bed, and it stung her on both lips. You gotta love Texas.[/quote']



That's pretty much the reason I could never be a Texan. Wow.



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It's a black widow spider? As in deathly poisonous? And it was in your daughter's shoe? I think I'm going to have to have a lie down.....


He keeps asking about spiders that bite, and whether stinging nettle rash can spread to other parts of the body. Nope. I found this on snake bite in the UK:


Fatalities are rare, the last recorded fatality in the UK was 30 years ago....


As Hobbes says, with great regularity, "I love this country."



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Are you sure that is a black widow? Does she have the hour glass on her belly? The body type and bulb and shiny black are all there...but I have never seen a black widow with red dots on her back. And trust me when I say I have seen my fair share of black widows. :( In GA, we found a lovely gal in my trunk on my son's stroller. The, we had a bug man come spray and we found one that was so large, the BUG MAN asked if he could take her with him to show the "guys" because he had never seen one so big in his life! :( :( :(


ETA: Ahh, I see you have already discovered the answer to my above question about the spots. In that case, then, EWWWWW.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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:willy_nilly: Oh. My. :ack2:


And to think - I've always thought Black Widows were tiny, little black spiders.


We have brown recluses in our area, but don't see them too often. After this post, though, my kids are going to have to start checking their shoes every single morning. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww.

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I have avoided opening this thread out of fear. But now that I see it I'm very:






*takes ALL shoes inside*


Several of us responded in like fashion. But I think the fact that it was already dead helped calm us down pronto.


I would have to start therapy if I had found that in a shoe. (shudders in fear)


(In my best psychiatrist impression) So, tell me how you really feel.


The first and only one I ever saw I was so mesmerized by her that it didn't really register WHAT she was. I screamed at the kids to get a jar and come out and see this very striking, very big, very beautiful and shiny black spider. As we were trying to get her in the jar (yes, she was alive) she flipped over and I saw the hourglass......YIKES....


I then had my 6 year run in and tell my husband to come and help because we found a black widow and I was frozen. My hubby didn't believe the child (apparantly (sp?) momma OVERREACTS just a bit too often) and slowly finished what he was doing and meandered his way to the scene....never cry wolf, I guess was our lesson for the day.


Of course I did the neurotic research thing for awhile and sufficed to get myself hysterically wondering about her eggs for a month.


When I opened the thread I really thought it would be a cute baby mouse or something...really, not expecting this.




No, the mice are for a different thread. That was the garage and dh saw them, not me.


That's funny that your dh meandered out to help. I can't see myself trying to catch a spider though. I'd be running away as fast I could. :leaving:


When we observed a black widow from a neighbor's house (in a canning jar), one of my sons said this, and I quote: "Mom, that's death in a jar!"


Hey, that's a good one. :thumbup:


My son put on his boots one morning' date=' felt something move, and pulled his foot back out. The hugest black widow I've ever seen was perched on his toe. Thank goodness he had on thick socks! We have since instituted a very strict check your shoes rule. Of course, my son doesn't need reminding. Then there was the time my daughter had a scorpion crawl on her face while she was in bed, and it stung her on both lips. You gotta love Texas.[/quote']


Ewww! Ewww! Ewww!


That's pretty much the reason I could never be a Texan. Wow.




Aww, come on. There's more to Texas than black widows and scorpions, right? ;)


He keeps asking about spiders that bite, and whether stinging nettle rash can spread to other parts of the body. Nope. I found this on snake bite in the UK:


Fatalities are rare, the last recorded fatality in the UK was 30 years ago....


As Hobbes says, with great regularity, "I love this country."




Our new answer for everything is, "We're in Texas nowww, BABY!"


Are you sure that is a black widow? Does she have the hour glass on her belly? The body type and bulb and shiny black are all there...but I have never seen a black widow with red dots on her back. And trust me when I say I have seen my fair share of black widows. In GA, we found a lovely gal in my trunk on my son's stroller. The, we had a bug man come spray and we found one that was so large, the BUG MAN asked if he could take her with him to show the "guys" because he had never seen one so big in his life!


ETA: Ahh, I see you have already discovered the answer to my above question about the spots. In that case, then, EWWWWW.


And I hope we never see one again. What are the odds?


A good friend of mine just got her black widow spider bite lanced today! She is ok - black widows (according to her) don't usually kill adults. She is on antibiotics and steriods.


Great picture by the way!


OUCH! So glad she's okay.


And thanks!


I love where I live!!!!! No brown recluses, no black widows, no scorpions. I love the weather in the south, but not the critters!


Yep, we left Montana after having lived there for years without seeing a snake. Now we're all paranoid because a guy told us snakes have been found inside the house.


And we're learning about all the critters. :ack2:


And then there are the giant cockroaches and fire ants. It 's just our way of making sure only the really committed live here. In order to stay in Texas' date=' you must be crazy enough to put up with the flora, fauna, and weather.[/quote']


Not looking forward to seeing those.


So what state is that you live?:auto:




:willy_nilly: Oh. My. :ack2:


And to think - I've always thought Black Widows were tiny, little black spiders.


We have brown recluses in our area, but don't see them too often. After this post, though, my kids are going to have to start checking their shoes every single morning. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww.


At least when they're outside anyway!

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