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Gas shortage - ? about dual enrolled DD


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Usually, my husband drops DD15 off at her school (she attends a private school half days) and I pick her up about noon. DH is out of the country on business right now, though, which means I need to do drop off and pick up. 

I have almost a full tank of gas. Our local stations are OUT of unleaded. I plan to top off my tank tonight with premium (which some stations still have). When the premium is gone, however... well, I know it's only supposed to last a week or so (the shortage).

The problem is that I will easily run through a tank by the middle of the week, doing both drop-off AND pick-up with DD. We have appointments that we need to make this week, too.


I'm not sure where to prioritize. If we need groceries, etc, I need to be able to drive to the store. While I don't consider us really "rural," our subdivision is just rural enough that there isn't anything within walking distance.


I'm tempted to ask the school if they will excuse absences for the entire week if DD can do her work off her Go*gle Classroom. WWYD?

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Uhh where on earth do you live that there is a shortage of gas?!


If she can do her work from home I guess I'd go with that.


Pipeline issues :p


ETA: It's my understanding that they are working steadily on a fix (temporary or otherwise), but if by tomorrow we still have no gas... well, I need to prioritize.

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I'm guessing that the administration of most schools would be monitoring this. Generally they will move things online and/or grant excuses for any students who can't get there. There may be an announcement Monday for you with their policy on this or at least when they plan to make a decision.


Some years back my area had no power for 3 days and parts of the county went 7-9 days. The local community college was closed for 3 days, and then we opened but were told to reschedule any work that was due until power was completely restored. Students who missed class were excused, no documentation required. 


If they're being reasonable, they're going to have to adapt to some students not being able to get there.

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MAJOR gas shortages expected due to pipeline break in Alabama early last week. I hope they get it fixed soon. At least two North Carolina Sheets stations are reporting they are OUT. Virginia's governor declared a state of emergency a few days ago because of the expected shortage. I filled up yesterday but drove 40 miles round trip twice today. Ugh.

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MAJOR gas shortages expected due to pipeline break in Alabama early last week. I hope they get it fixed soon. At least two North Carolina Sheets stations are reporting they are OUT. Virginia's governor declared a state of emergency a few days ago because of the expected shortage. I filled up yesterday but drove 40 miles round trip twice today. Ugh.

I know :( I drove around a lot today. I wanted to make sure we got what we needed from stores that are a drive for us before our stations completely run out (of even premium). 

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How about setting up a carpool?


Fill up the other vehicle and use it?

I don't have the other vehicle. DH's company flew him from an airport out of state and he took it with him (and I'm not allowed to drive it because it's a lease through the company, and I'm not on the lease). 


Since she only goes half day (and can't loiter on campus the other half), I'm not sure how I would set up a carpool. I'm pretty sure she's one of only two or three part-time students at the school - and families come from all over. I could see about a morning carpool, but I would still run out of gas - just picking her up at noon - by the end of the week. We live about 30 minutes from the school and off a major, very congested, road (stop-go traffic).


Here's to hoping the school cancels for at least a few days. It's affecting the entire student body - and the staff - so I would hope they would, as another poster mentioned.

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I rhink they are re-routing some supply this week. I hope you get some too!


Every station within 10 miles of me is out. We have had long, long lines and $20 limits for several days. I filled up Friday, but Dh blew it off. Fortunately, his boss sent word to work at home this week.


One strategy that has been good here: very early morning at the larger stations. Tankers come in the middle of the night and the big stations with 8-10 pumps seem to be the ones most likely to get gas. By the morning drive time, it will all be gone.


Also, text chain for friends who live near each other about stations that are actually open.


Diesel fuel vehicles are fine. No shortage of that here.

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I rhink they are re-routing some supply this week. I hope you get some too!


Every station within 10 miles of me is out. We have had long, long lines and $20 limits for several days. I filled up Friday, but Dh blew it off. Fortunately, his boss sent word to work at home this week.


One strategy that has been good here: very early morning at the larger stations. Tankers come in the middle of the night and the big stations with 8-10 pumps seem to be the ones most likely to get gas. By the morning drive time, it will all be gone.


Also, text chain for friends who live near each other about stations that are actually open.


Diesel fuel vehicles are fine. No shortage of that here.

I hope we get some here, too! Sorry you guys are dealing with this - it sucks. 


I had no clue the tankers came out that early. I will definitely hit it up early! How early is early, by the way? If I get there around 6, would that be too late? I live off a super congested road, but several miles into "rural land" off that congested road. I'm afraid I would blow through a not small amount of gas getting to one of the larger stations, only to find out it's out - so I'll go as early as necessary, lol.

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It's a stunner. I didn't realize there was a gas issue, until I was 2.5 hours into a 3.5 hour (1-way) drive this weekend. Luckily, I was able to fill up going through a town, but I later saw on FB that several stores in that town (and the next big town) were sold out.


I'm so glad I was able to fill up! I wouldn't have had enough gas to get home tomorrow otherwise.

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I hope we get some here, too! Sorry you guys are dealing with this - it sucks. 


I had no clue the tankers came out that early. I will definitely hit it up early! How early is early, by the way? If I get there around 6, would that be too late? I live off a super congested road, but several miles into "rural land" off that congested road. I'm afraid I would blow through a not small amount of gas getting to one of the larger stations, only to find out it's out - so I'll go as early as necessary, lol.


Can you call the station first? Or check Gas Buddy or Twitter for updates?

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MAJOR gas shortages expected due to pipeline break in Alabama early last week. I hope they get it fixed soon. At least two North Carolina Sheets stations are reporting they are OUT. Virginia's governor declared a state of emergency a few days ago because of the expected shortage. I filled up yesterday but drove 40 miles round trip twice today. Ugh.


I suspect WAY more than two Sheetz are completely out. We drove by three in about ten miles today that were out (as well as every other station along that drive). Thankfully we got all our vehicles filled up yesterday and they all get very good mileage. Here in NC we're also under a state of emergency.


Good luck making your decision, AimeeM. As bad as it is here I suspect many schools and businesses are going to have to cut students and employees some slack over the next few days.

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None of our QT's have gas. I passed a Shell, BP, Phillips, and Kroger with no gas this morning. My car is electric, so I'm ok as long as I don't have to go more than 85 miles. But my DH saw this coming and filled our two gas vehicles early Friday. He works from home. My school is 4 miles so I can drive the leaf. The only thing we might need gas for is a soccer game next weekend.


But Aimee, I would call the school and tell them your dilemma. You won't be the only one.

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Is public transport or car-pooling an option where you are?

No. We live a couple miles off a major road, but the road we live down is entirely residential and we're JUST rural enough to have no public transport. We live on a loooong road, but it's nothing but subdivisions and a couple schools. I'm not sure how car pooling would work since she's only a part time student and I think there are only a couple other part time students in the entire school - she only goes until noon every day and even only taking her one way would tap me out, gas-wise, pretty quickly since her school is not close to home.

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Is there something you can do while she is at school so you aren't doing the round trip twice a day? I know you have other kids, but can you go to a nearby park, library, or friend's house to hang out while your daughter is at school?


I'm guessing if shortages are that bad, businesses will be closing to accommodate their workers, but that is just a guess.

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Lots of stations already out in Atlanta. We had to wait 10 minutes to get to a pump at Costco this morning a few minutes after it opened.


Yeah, we passed several yesterday that were out.  The good news is that a Kroger near us did get a shipment today...which then ran out.  But a local RaceTrac still had gas this evening.


Hopefully some common sense starts kicking in as the spot shortages will continue as long as people rush to top up when they see an open station.


At least this isn't as bad as 2005 and 2008 when we had the disruptions due to the hurricanes.

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I recommend you minimize driving. Make one trip into town - drop her off, run any needed errands, wait at the library or even just in a parking lot somewhere until pickup time. 


Reschedule or cancel any unnecessary appointments so that you aren't going back and forth. 


The pipeline company says the bypass line construction should be complete this week, then it has to be tested for one day, then they will start using it. Gas should start flowing soon. 

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I recommend you minimize driving. Make one trip into town - drop her off, run any needed errands, wait at the library or even just in a parking lot somewhere until pickup time. 


Reschedule or cancel any unnecessary appointments so that you aren't going back and forth. 


The pipeline company says the bypass line construction should be complete this week, then it has to be tested for one day, then they will start using it. Gas should start flowing soon. 

She's in class from about 7:45 to noon. Between that and drive time, we'd be looking at 5+ hours, possibly for several days. That's a bit much, at least for my younger, special needs guys - even to sit at a library.

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I am sure the school will understand and that some others will be in this predicament. Even a compromise by going every other day just until the gas stations and customers get back to normal life would be rational under the circumstances.


ETA: I would plan appointments and grocery shopping on the way back from school on the days she does attend.

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If your DH is out of the country, can you use his car some too?


We have two cars filled with gas right now and I am going to try to find a gas station on my way home from work to fill up my car. If I can't, I may have to drive one of the other cars a bit.


DH could work from home if it got too dire, and I work in the schools so if it were really a huge issue, they would most likely cancel school.

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Here is a statement (dated today) from Colonial Piipeline. If I'm reading it correctly they've switched over to using another line (their distillates line) to get gas to areas that need it. Hopefully that means we've seen the worst of this mess, or will have in another 24 hours or so.


I hope so! DH has a Fall Retreat (with 4 different groups of college students traveling from across NC and VA, planned for this weekend.  He was worried that some might not be able to get to the camp where they're holding it.

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If your DH is out of the country, can you use his car some too?


We have two cars filled with gas right now and I am going to try to find a gas station on my way home from work to fill up my car. If I can't, I may have to drive one of the other cars a bit.


DH could work from home if it got too dire, and I work in the schools so if it were really a huge issue, they would most likely cancel school.

DH is out of the country, but his company flew him out of a different state, and he parked his car there. I'm also not on the lease (company lease).

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We're under a State of Emergency due to the shortage, I would think that would do it as an excuse for school, but that's TN not sure if SC has done something similar. I would definitely call the school and be very firm in that you have no gas to spare and explain that DD can do assignments.... I would probably contact the instructors directly too, so there's no misunderstanding about receiving credit for work.


We're lucky, DH works 12 hour shifts so he only works 3-4 days per week, about 15 miles away.  Also we are within 2-3 miles of 7 grocery stores and a mall.  It took him going to at least 6 stations before he found one with gas (only premium was left) on Friday.  Now even that one is empty but he caught another station getting fuel in last night and was able to top up.  It's been a pain mostly caused by people panicking, which we didn't, so we were running on fumes when he finally got gas.

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We're under a State of Emergency due to the shortage, I would think that would do it as an excuse for school, but that's TN not sure if SC has done something similar. I would definitely call the school and be very firm in that you have no gas to spare and explain that DD can do assignments.... I would probably contact the instructors directly too, so there's no misunderstanding about receiving credit for work.


We're lucky, DH works 12 hour shifts so he only works 3-4 days per week, about 15 miles away.  Also we are within 2-3 miles of 7 grocery stores and a mall.  It took him going to at least 6 stations before he found one with gas (only premium was left) on Friday.  Now even that one is empty but he caught another station getting fuel in last night and was able to top up.  It's been a pain mostly caused by people panicking, which we didn't, so we were running on fumes when he finally got gas.


I believe all of the states have been issuing a limited state of emergency which was to allow fuel truck drivers to be on the road longer to make deliveries.  At least in Georgia the declaration also limits the price increases, and I think others were doing so as well.


I don't believe the State of Emergency issues in any state would require schools or employers to excuse absences.


The bolded happened to DH Saturday after a trip back from Alabama.  Not fun, and caused him to cancel a trip this week.

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Yeah, I don't think the absences will be excused. Can you move some appointments around, delay them? I would think the school would expect you can.


School should be the priority. I am not quite sure school is being the final thought.


I was able to top off with premium. If they run out of that, too, she will have to miss school, and it has little to do with appointments. Even with a full tank, considering where her school is located, I will run through the tank by mid-week (even if all I do it take her to and from school), and it isn't really a safe option to be stranded for the rest of the week with no gas - no way to make it to the grocery store if needed, or the pharmacy, or anywhere. One of my two special needs children has medical special needs; the other is autistic with a tendency toward stunts.

Not being comfortable with being stranded doesn't mean school isn't a priority - it just means it's one of many priorities, kwim? :)

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I was able to top off with premium. If they run out of that, too, she will have to miss school, and it has little to do with appointments. Even with a full tank, considering where her school is located, I will run through the tank by mid-week (even if all I do it take her to and from school), and it isn't really a safe option to be stranded for the rest of the week with no gas - no way to make it to the grocery store if needed, or the pharmacy, or anywhere. One of my two special needs children has medical special needs; the other is autistic with a tendency toward stunts.

Not being comfortable with being stranded doesn't mean school isn't a priority - it just means it's one of many priorities, kwim? :)

Surely others would be affected?


How far away is this school?


I guess once I re-read your first post it sounded like you were just going to take the full week off of school as a just in case and due to other appointments. That seemed a little extreme to me.


I personally would plan on school as many days as your car will go and then see if you can find gas on Wed or Thur and then see if you need to take off.

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Surely others would be affected?


How far away is this school?


I guess once I re-read your first post it sounded like you were just going to take the full week off of school as a just in case and due to other appointments. That seemed a little extreme to me.


I personally would plan on school as many days as your car will go and then see if you can find gas on Wed or Thur and then see if you need to take off.

The school is off a major stop-go highway and takes me about 30-45 minutes in the morning; about 30 in the afternoon (when traffic is less).


I'm sure others will be affected. I'm a bit paranoid about it because DH isn't here as back-up - and that means his car isn't here either. 


If I decide to take her to school until Wed or Thurs, and plan to use all my gas for that (for as long as my car will go), I'm potentially screwed for the rest of the week - and that means I can't get anywhere, even if I absolutely need to.


ETA: For as long as my area has at least premium available, I'm good - I'll just top off every day with that. If we run out of premium... 

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I would choose 2 days to go this week if you feel you must, and let the school know that you can't anticipate having gas for more than that.  Hopefully towards the end of the week gas will be available.


I think it's just not smart to be driving this much daily when you don't know when you'll get more gas.  There is no way I'd take the chance of being stranded - no gas in the cars - with children at home without even a spouse around to help.  & I don't think that means that school isn't a priority.  It means it isn't the TOP priority this week, under these circumstances.

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We're under a State of Emergency due to the shortage, I would think that would do it as an excuse for school, but that's TN not sure if SC has done something similar. I would definitely call the school and be very firm in that you have no gas to spare and explain that DD can do assignments.... I would probably contact the instructors directly too, so there's no misunderstanding about receiving credit for work.


We're lucky, DH works 12 hour shifts so he only works 3-4 days per week, about 15 miles away.  Also we are within 2-3 miles of 7 grocery stores and a mall.  It took him going to at least 6 stations before he found one with gas (only premium was left) on Friday.  Now even that one is empty but he caught another station getting fuel in last night and was able to top up.  It's been a pain mostly caused by people panicking, which we didn't, so we were running on fumes when he finally got gas.


Yes to the bolded. I have zero problem with people filling up their cars, even topping them up whenever they can. But I've seen SO many people filling up multiple gas cans. it's crazy. I had to go to the vet this morning (very sick kitty) and on the way back I saw a man with a pick up truck bed full of gas cans he was filling up. Assuming he wasn't running a business or something but was just hoarding -- there should be some way to stop people like that.

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Planning on missing the full week already is a bit extreme.

Now that I know we have premium available, I'm not planning on her missing a week, but if we lose premium, it doesn't feel very responsible for me to use every bit of gas getting her to school, without an absolute regarding when more gas will be available. She's going to school tomorrow - because, as far as I know, there is still premium. I'll top off every day with premium on the way home and will do that for as long as that option is available. 

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Now that I know we have premium available, I'm not planning on her missing a week, but if we lose premium, it doesn't feel very responsible for me to use every bit of gas getting her to school, without an absolute regarding when more gas will be available. She's going to school tomorrow - because, as far as I know, there is still premium. I'll top off every day with premium on the way home and will do that for as long as that option is available. 


I'd fill a gas can up too, so I'd have some back up gas.  

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