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How old is too old to wear graphic tees...


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I wore my Reunite Pangaea shirt yesterday. 


I have a whole drawer full, all KonMaried. Granted I am a college student, a 49 year old one, but hey. It's my prerogative if I want to wear a shirt with something on it. I don't care what anyone thinks. 


I want a Reunite Pangaea shirt!!


If I lose enough weight I'm going to start wearing Dh's collection of vintage concert tees.  He was a merchandising manager in the late 70's/early80's. He has t's from Genesis, Jethro Tull, AC/DC, Air Supply.  My oldest occasional wears his old Led Zeppelin shirts.  Her teachers in high school used to go nuts.

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OMG, now I have 5 tees in my cart. One can never have too many Dr. Who shirts...or Harry Potter...or Star Wars. Or geek shirts with periodic table references. Or or or....


My DH will not be happy about this...

I wore my Hogwarts Alumni tee to the grocery store and got some attention from a much too young, very adorable Sixth Year.

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Honestly, I think you can wear graphic tees for forever. Just know that all of my teens' friends think that parents wearing graphic tees is not cool. Any argument is met with shrugs and a general eye roll with a definite subtext of "act your age." Some days, the only thing I do right is not wear a graphic tee.


But teens can be so judgmental about so many parental decisions, you might as well wear what you want.

This just further fuels my desire to wear them! 😃😃

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Am I the only one who noticed that Sparkly has a beard? Or did everyone else already know?


I did not know and I just want to say that I'm very disappointed there are no sparkles in it. 



Edited by texasmom33
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...because I love them.  :blush:


Give it to me straight. I'm in my early 40's. Am I too old to wear shirts from places like Threadless and Snorg? They are generally paired with a denim skirt, sneakers, and a hoodie if it's cold. 


Clothing appropriateness is U-shaped; when you are young, wearing whatever is OK because you look good in it and you don't have much to lose. When you are old, wearing whatever is OK because most of the people who would have thought it was inappropriate are dead, and you are likely at a point in life where you are financially secure enough that you don't have to do every little thing to appease people with power and money.


It's really only in the middle-ground, where you are just old enough that paying your bills depends on making a good impression, that it becomes an issue. :)

Edited by Anacharsis
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My dad was never one to wear graphic tees until he got sick. Then he would wear whatever he had, with a plaid shirt over it. He was buried in his Star Trek t-shirt with a plaid shirt over it. So, yeah, you're never too old. He was 79 and everyone remarked how perfect it was for him. The back of his headstone is engraved with "To boldly go where no one has gone before."

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I don't know, but at some point dh got all serious and *cough* boring ( ;) ) and requested I not buy him any more. I still wear them. I mean my own. But I wear his around the house sometimes, too lol. I guess he doesn't care if I wear them since he bought me one this year (S.T.A.R. Laboratories shirt which is a reference to the Flash and Arrow). But I have also questioned when is "too old"? Doesn't mean I will stop.


Quill, I like that! Wait... I just thought about the last line. Double entendre?



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I don't know, but at some point dh got all serious and *cough* boring ( ;) ) and requested I not buy him any more. I still wear them. I mean my own. But I wear his around the house sometimes, too lol. I guess he doesn't care if I wear them since he bought me one this year (S.T.A.R. Laboratories shirt which is a reference to the Flash and Arrow). But I have also questioned when is "too old"? Doesn't mean I will stop.


Quill, I like that! Wait... I just thought about the last line. Double entendre?

I'm thinking he was 16-17 years old. Very adorable. I almost offered potions tutoring, on the promise that I can make a mean Amortentia. But then I realized that was probably not strictly legal and I'm married so...

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I'm talking about the last line on the chicken shirt "killing it" lol


HaHa, lol! Well, seeing how my flock was reduced to two by predators, yeah, we were kinda "killin it" around here this spring.

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I don't really think there is a limit for casual dressing.


I do think that as someone gets older, what they can get away with in terms of formality can change.  So - say for office wear, I've seen someone of 20 get away with a shorter skirt and leggings, graphic t, and cardigan, with the right shoes and accessories, and look quite nice and professional with a slightly funky vibe.  Someone older, maybe even in the same position, might not be able to get away with that, and in a more advanced position it would in many jobs seem unprofessional.


It's difficult to make a hard and fast line about it though.

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My 66 yr old MIL wears, much to our (especially dh's) chagrin, what we have dubbed "sparkly-butt jeans." DH asked, "what is the point of sparkly-butt jeans, is it so people will look at your butt? Why does my mom want people to look at her butt? She is 66...do people want to look at her butt?" So though they are not my shirt of choice, I'd much rather see her in a tasteful graphic t-shirt than sparkly-butt jeans!

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My 66 yr old MIL wears, much to our (especially dh's) chagrin, what we have dubbed "sparkly-butt jeans." DH asked, "what is the point of sparkly-butt jeans, is it so people will look at your butt? Why does my mom want people to look at her butt? She is 66...do people want to look at her butt?" So though they are not my shirt of choice, I'd much rather see her in a tasteful graphic t-shirt than sparkly-butt jeans!


I love your MIL.  I will be her when I grow up. 

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No limit.  The only limits on graphic tees are if there are other clothing limits in place.  Like, if you work at a lawyer's office and you're the lawyer and about to go into court...then maybe leave the graphic tee at home.  :) 


Other than that...no limit.



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My 66 yr old MIL wears, much to our (especially dh's) chagrin, what we have dubbed "sparkly-butt jeans." DH asked, "what is the point of sparkly-butt jeans, is it so people will look at your butt? Why does my mom want people to look at her butt? She is 66...do people want to look at her butt?" So though they are not my shirt of choice, I'd much rather see her in a tasteful graphic t-shirt than sparkly-butt jeans!


Haha, a few years ago I bought sparkly-butt jeans because they fit so nice.  Then I went home and picked off each sparkle.

(Luckily they were cheap jeans and the sparkle came off very easily, leaving no marks.) :D

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