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Return of the Dairy Queen *or* How not to get online with a newborn

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Well I'm back, but briefly! It's 12:30 and I'm finishing breakfast. Snow King nurses pretty much non-stop, and I mean non-stop. I finally put him in the swing this morning to get a break and a chance to eat. Dd is keeping up with her math each day and watching Tom & Jerry. That's art, right? ;)


I feel fine, in fact MUCH better than I thought I would! We had him at home, in a birthing pool, with two midwives attending. I got wonderful, woman-centered care, and dh came in at the end for the pushing, which was about all he could stand. The labor itself was no big deal at all. I guess all that RRL tea had paid off, because it was totally manageable. We talked, joked, told stories, and smiled all the way through to the end. But then came the pushing. Let's just say it wasn't pretty and we were glad dd was out of the house for most of it. I screamed, proclaimed I would die, generally lamented the pain, all the usual stuff, and the midwives just kept me going. Finally they made it clear to me that I was going to push much harder than I was. Duh, I was pushing like you push a 9 pounder, not an 11! So I pushed so hard I thought I was going to rip out the world, my organs, and everything else, and that did it, 2 pushes and he was done.


So there you go. A lovely homebirth, in water, on all 4's, of my 11 lb. 1 oz. bundle of joy. No ripping, no tearing, no nothing. In the moment, I'm not sure I ever wanted to do it again, but he's so sweet... Except for being ravenous and a constant nurser, he's really placid, congenial, and easy. And yes my family is tall (father and brother both 6'4"). No, no diabetes.


Now to get him out of that swing contraption. It's a miracle device, but I'm sure there's some consequence to spacing out nursings and getting him to sleep, like maybe him not sleeping later! ;)

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Congratulations! You are a much braver woman than I :D I was lamenting the fact that my 2nd dd was 7lb 2oz because she was bigger than her 6lb 14oz sister. 11lbs??!! You are my hero:lol:


Glad everything went ok, he sounds so, so sweet! Enjoy!


p.s. I think Tom & Jerry is art:tongue_smilie:

Edited by Angel
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Well I'm back, but briefly! It's 12:30 and I'm finishing breakfast. Snow King nurses pretty much non-stop, and I mean non-stop. I finally put him in the swing this morning to get a break and a chance to eat. Dd is keeping up with her math each day and watching Tom & Jerry. That's art, right? ;)


I feel fine, in fact MUCH better than I thought I would! We had him at home, in a birthing pool, with two midwives attending. I got wonderful, woman-centered care, and dh came in at the end for the pushing, which was about all he could stand. The labor itself was no big deal at all. I guess all that RRL tea had paid off, because it was totally manageable. We talked, joked, told stories, and smiled all the way through to the end. But then came the pushing. Let's just say it wasn't pretty and we were glad dd was out of the house for most of it. I screamed, proclaimed I would die, generally lamented the pain, all the usual stuff, and the midwives just kept me going. Finally they made it clear to me that I was going to push much harder than I was. Duh, I was pushing like you push a 9 pounder, not an 11! So I pushed so hard I thought I was going to rip out the world, my organs, and everything else, and that did it, 2 pushes and he was done.


So there you go. A lovely homebirth, in water, on all 4's, of my 11 lb. 1 oz. bundle of joy. No ripping, no tearing, no nothing. In the moment, I'm not sure I ever wanted to do it again, but he's so sweet... Except for being ravenous and a constant nurser, he's really placid, congenial, and easy. And yes my family is tall (father and brother both 6'4"). No, no diabetes.


Now to get him out of that swing contraption. It's a miracle device, but I'm sure there's some consequence to spacing out nursings and getting him to sleep, like maybe him not sleeping later! ;)


Wow, wow, WOW!!!!! I can't believe you pushed an 11 pound baby out without tearing!!!!!!!!!! That is amazing!


Congratulations! Now your wait is finally over! Any theories about why you went over two weeks overdue?


I knew a lady who gave birth to a 13 pound baby. She was tall and large framed. I'm 5 ft. 3 in. and gave birth to 9 lb. 3 oz. and 9 lb. 13 oz. babies, but by c-section (and it wasn't because of baby size - we didn't know that til they came out, and I was shocked, because I'm short!).


Glad you are feeling much better! Hope all that pizza and spaghetti sauce sees you through your nursing marathons, LOL!


Take care!

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I'm truly impressed! And it's good to hear that everything went so well. I, for one, am not surprised to hear that he wants to nurse non-stop. He must work hard to keep up his size :D




What wonderful news! Yes, I remember every second of the pushing phase myself. I was in the hospital having a natural birth with a MW, and I recall thinking that I should try to stop screaming and lamenting because I was probably freaking out the other, already-freaked-out laboring mamas :lol: It was amazing being totally conscious of every move and turn she made coming down the birth canal. It's some experience. Though not quite the same experience as pushing out an 11-pounder, of course!


Congratulations to all of you!

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Oh my goodness, Elizabeth!!


11 lbs,1 oz!?????? And you did this at home? Natural? No c-section?!


Oh, my gosh. I...I...I don't even know what to say. I am stupified.


Girl...you are my hero!


Congratulations and God Bless you and your growing family!:party:


Oh, and P.S. Um, the whole thing with your little guy wanting to constantly nurse...yeah, um, that's not going to go away. He is going to eat you out of house and home. Especially with height in your family. Speaking from experience here! :D

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Awesome job birthing your baby, mama!


A friend of mine had an 11 lb'er at home after she had a c-section with her first baby who was 9lbs. The OB said she was "too small" to birth vaginally. She sure proved him wrong!


You're body is amazing and you are amazing. Enjoy your babymoon!


I'm getting excited about my birth by reading your birth story. :D

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Elizabeth! Yea!! I am sooooo happy for you. :D



Well my "trick" was to wake them up every two hours during the day, to try to get them to sleep better at night. It was really tempting to get stuff done and just let them sleep, but then I was up more at night. :001_huh:





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Colleen, the mw did an assessment of things they look at on the baby, and she doesn't think the baby was 2 weeks overdue. I didn't test until a week after I "could" have according to my calendar, and I never had an ultrasound, so who's to know for sure? Anyways, they look at peeling, wrinkles, blah blah. She said he was definitely a week overdue, but she's not sure that he was the 2+ that was thought. See if you went by the 19/20th due date we both thought from my calendar, he would have been 2 weeks and 2 days overdue.

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Woo-HA. My friend said her friends played cards during her labour. Part of her thought "how can they be doing that while I'm dying" and part of her thought "I'm so glad they are playing cards. If I were dying they wouldn't be.".


Ah, the Constant Nurser. I called myself the I.V. because I hung around in one spot and dripped. Now ya know how kangaroos feel.



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