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I think I met my deductible...pulmonary embolisms...


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Our last grandson of the year was born April 18th.  Midwife almost didn't make it. But he's here and wonderful.


I had the three older kids for 5 days, including a 2.5 yr old, 7 yr old and 9 yr old.  Got them back home on Friday the 22, and the next day started putting my house back together.  I was exhausted, but understandable so.  By Monday the 25th I knew I had picked up the 2.5 yr old's cold.  By Thursday I was struggling to breath when I walked or talked, or ate.  As In, too tired to brush my teeth tired.


Thursday the 28th I went to my doctor's office and was seen by a PA.  She diagnosed sinusitis that was affecting my lungs.  Gave me antibiotic and an inhaler.  I know nothing much about inhaler, never used one.  I was given an breathing treatment.  I couldn't breath again by the time I got to my car.  I should have gone back in, but I couldn't breath, so when I could breath, I just went home.  I live 2 mins from the clinic literally.


Saturday Night I had a really bad spell of couldn't catch my breath.  Dh realized how sick I was .  He had been attributing it to the sinus infection and having grands there and I was just exhausted.

Sunday he took me to an urgent care.  I was in a wheelchair, as I couldn't walk.  Again seen by a PA, who did a chest xray which was normal.  She consulted with a doctor and the radiologist. They ruled out PE as I have no risk factors, and no pain.  They agreed with the sinus infection, gave me another breathing treatment, again, while I was in the wheelchair and not moving.  Told me I was probably using the inhaler wrong after I insisted the inhaler did nothing.  They gave me an RX for an extender, sent me home.

Monday am, my DH got me to my clinic where I was seen by a Dr. She very quickly got me on oxygen, and diagnosed blood  clots (PE) .  She wanted to send me by ambulance to the ER, but when I started to cry ( from relief, not fear) she panicked and agreed to my DH driving me to the ER.  It was only 10 mins and we had been dealing with this for days......

ER was waiting for me with wheelchair and oxygen. CT showed many blood clots in all 5 lobes of my lungs 

I was sent by ambulance to the hospital.  I know that's confusing. ER I went to is a small remote ER but part of a larger hospital.  DR wanted me at the smaller ER so I would be seen immediately.  Ambulance transport is part of the ER service, no charge to me. I went from ER directly to my room by the ambulance team.  Dr's and nurses were waiting in the hallway and followed them into my room.  


I spent 3 nights in the hospital on Heparin and oxygen and am  now home on Xeralto and oxygen as needed.


We have no idea why it happened, so have started some diagnostic testing to rule out cancer.  So far, heart, lungs and mammogram are fine.  CT scan of abdomen was done yesterday, and we don't have those results yet.

Blood clotting disorder has been discussed, but cannot be tested for because of the blood thinners I am on.  


My DH is hardly sleeping, but is by my side thru this whole thing.  He went back to work this week, but has been taking off to get me to the doctor appointments and when I tell him I am weepy.   Poor guy, I don't get sick, he has no clue what to do with weepy wife.  But he's trying!  MY son and his family live across the street and are here immediately if I need something.

My kids all have newborns, so they have arranged meals and a friend has come in and done some cleaning.  I haven't done anything in this house for weeks, and the bathrooms were getting to me.  Thankful for good friends!


For now the verse I am meditating on is

Romans 12:12

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

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A local radio personality here in Atlanta had a very similar incident a few weeks ago.  He also is fine and is back on the radio (which may be good or bad, depending on your politics), but like you, he did not seem to have any risk factors, either.  I thought the most interesting part of his story was that his dog started acting strange around him.


Anyway, glad you're on the mend, and thank goodness someone finally took you seriously.

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ABout 5 to 6 % of European Americans have Factor V Leiden which causes blood clotting.  That is a risk factor and one that no one checks for until you have a PE or DVT or if your relative has it.  Two out of my three children have been tested and one is positive so we know she will have high risk pregnancies.  


With me, after my very large DVT, they had me on blood thinners for a while, then stopped for a few days and tested me for various blood clotting factors.  Then back on blood thinners again.  I am now a lifer for blood thinning.

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:grouphug:  So glad you're doing better.  


I have a clotting disorder known as the Factor II mutation.  I hope they can do some testing and find out what is causing your as soon as your done with Heparin.  It's a genetic mutation (so is Factor V Leiden) , so while they probably can't do the APC test, they should still be able to test for the actual gene mutations. 

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