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Stuff kids do


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My daughter's (age 5) bedroom has been smelling really bad for the past week. At first I thought she must just have some stinky laundry, so we washed everything. Nope, still there. So I reminded her to do a good job when she takes a bath and make sure not to miss any parts, I mean is it possible she could have such horrible body odor at the age of 5? After no improvement we stripped her bedding yesterday and washed everything.


Yesterday afternoon was "chore day" and she asked if she could empty her trash can. Well of course you can dear, don't let me stop you!


She emptied it into the big trash can in the kitchen.


Wet stuff spilled everywhere. On the floor, all down the trash can, everywhere.


It was pee. In her trashcan in her room. Sitting for at least a week.




She swears she didn't do it. The three year old may have done it. I just do not understand.


I'll spare you the rest of the details of the ridiculousness of my day yesterday. It's horrible but also hilarious. But also horrible.


What crazy things have your kids been up to lately?

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I had a sleep walker that would pee in weird places.  I actually watched her walk into her sister's room, pull out the bottom dresser drawer, drop her pants and start to squat....before I realized that she wasn't awake and was about to pee yet somewhere else she shouldn't! lol.  Her most common was to "wake up", come sit in your lap, and let loose.  I was so glad when she grew out of the sleepwalking phase!



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My 3 year old is potty trained but has a little potty in his room so maybe he just thought "Wow, this little potty in sister's room is just the right height for me to pee standing up in without having to go down the hall." So convenient for him. [emoji14]


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When my kids were around age six, I found a plastic grocery bag full of urine tucked behind the bathroom door. Why, oh why, would one of my boys do this? Just because they could, I guess. :huh:


"Who tinkled in this bag?" is a sentence I never would have predicted I would say, before I had kids.

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One day when my middle son was about 3ish he casually referred to a tree in the backyard as "the pee tree". Turns out he always peed there instead of coming inside and having to stop playing. I guess I should be glad it wasn't a trashcan. :) 

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My kid hoards candy/snacks and hides evidence.  So far I don't recall finding anything super gross, but only because I've been lucky.


My brother used to do similar, and he would have moldy food under his bed at times.  Also dirty underwear that he was hiding.  Sometimes my mom used to make me clean his room (I was 2 year younger).  I still have unhappy memories of that.  :P

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Middle child once (years and years ago) crawled into the clothes dryer to pee on a load of her sister's laundry.


A friend of my mom's was checking out at Walgreens many years ago when she heard a strange noise and turned to see her son spraying down the entire candy display. This poor woman had to turn to the Walgreens cashier and say, "I'm so sorry.. but my son just peed all over the candy."

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A friend's DS was peeing into the corner of his room while sleepwalking. There was a floor air vent. It reeked forever.

My oldest son was in the kitchen while the pee was being dumped onto the floor out of the trashcan. He was utterly disgusted and declared he was never having kids.


He then proceeded to tell me that when he was younger (living with his bio mom) he used to pee in the floor vents! His mom never found out. [emoji15]


You guys are making me laugh so hard. I'm so glad I'm not the only one.

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There was at least one occasion in which I discovered pee in the trashcan of the boys bathroom - in the trash can that sits beside the toilet! You're already there! Why would you pee in the trashcan???

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On Wednesday, a butterfly landed on ds5's Cozy Coupe and refused to move. It rode into the garage at clean-up time, much to ds's delight. He named it "Petty" and claimed it for his own. He went back and forth all afternoon and evening, checking on this butterfly, talking to it, making up all kinds of conversations they'd had. I tried to explain gently that Petty probably wouldn't stay, and that he needed to go back to his home in the wild, but the next morning, it was still there.


Well, ds was overjoyed. He went back and forth again all morning. He was so sweet -- he never touched it, just talked to it and checked to see if it was ok. And then, when I was cleaning up from lunch, he came inside bawling, "Petty flew away!" It was horrible. I went outside so he could show me, and it got worse. Petty wasn't gone -- at least not the way ds had thought. The poor thing was lying dead on the ground.


I have never seen ds so upset. He cried for more than an hour. It broke my heart. We put Petty in a glass jar, and ds carried it around all afternoon. Last night, he laid the jar on a pillow and covered it with a blanket. Today it's gone with him everywhere (he holds the jar and pets it), and when dh suggested we give Petty a proper burial, ds became hysterical. I'm not sure how long a dead butterfly lasts in a jar, but I guess we're about to find out.


So, yeah. Getting ridiculously attached to an insect. That's a crazy thing my kid did.

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My daughter's (age 5) bedroom has been smelling really bad for the past week. At first I thought she must just have some stinky laundry, so we washed everything. Nope, still there. So I reminded her to do a good job when she takes a bath and make sure not to miss any parts, I mean is it possible she could have such horrible body odor at the age of 5? After no improvement we stripped her bedding yesterday and washed everything.


Yesterday afternoon was "chore day" and she asked if she could empty her trash can. Well of course you can dear, don't let me stop you!


She emptied it into the big trash can in the kitchen.


Wet stuff spilled everywhere. On the floor, all down the trash can, everywhere.


It was pee. In her trashcan in her room. Sitting for at least a week.




She swears she didn't do it. The three year old may have done it. I just do not understand.


I'll spare you the rest of the details of the ridiculousness of my day yesterday. It's horrible but also hilarious. But also horrible.


What crazy things have your kids been up to lately?

My nine yes NINE year old stood on the drain of the shower to see what would happen and flooded the bathroom and wet the carpet in the next room this week.

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On Wednesday, a butterfly landed on ds5's Cozy Coupe and refused to move. It rode into the garage at clean-up time, much to ds's delight. He named it "Petty" and claimed it for his own. He went back and forth all afternoon and evening, checking on this butterfly, talking to it, making up all kinds of conversations they'd had. I tried to explain gently that Petty probably wouldn't stay, and that he needed to go back to his home in the wild, but the next morning, it was still there.


Well, ds was overjoyed. He went back and forth again all morning. He was so sweet -- he never touched it, just talked to it and checked to see if it was ok. And then, when I was cleaning up from lunch, he came inside bawling, "Petty flew away!" It was horrible. I went outside so he could show me, and it got worse. Petty wasn't gone -- at least not the way ds had thought. The poor thing was lying dead on the ground.


I have never seen ds so upset. He cried for more than an hour. It broke my heart. We put Petty in a glass jar, and ds carried it around all afternoon. Last night, he laid the jar on a pillow and covered it with a blanket. Today it's gone with him everywhere (he holds the jar and pets it), and when dh suggested we give Petty a proper burial, ds became hysterical. I'm not sure how long a dead butterfly lasts in a jar, but I guess we're about to find out.


So, yeah. Getting ridiculously attached to an insect. That's a crazy thing my kid did.

My dd had one in a box for a year now. And butterflies pinned at the museum last forever.

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This just in: DS6 said "Look, I found daddy's phone in the bathroom!"


5 minutes later DH picks up his phone. "Why won't this turn on?"


DS6: "Well it fell in the toilet when I grabbed it."


Me: "Did you wash your hands?"


DS6: "yes, I did. And I washed Daddy's phone off too."


Yeah, the phone is toast. 😬


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Several years ago when my oldest two were younger than my younger two are now, my daughter's bedroom reeked.  We couldn't figure it out.  She started refusing to sleep in there.  And then we found the culprit.  The children had POOPED on a towel and shoved it under the bed.  Apparently they were curious about what poop looks like up close, but when they were done inspecting it, they didn't know what to do with it and figured it would just disappear or something under the bed.  They claimed to have forgotten having done it until we found it.

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My dd had one in a box for a year now. And butterflies pinned at the museum last forever.


Yes, I spent the afternoon googling "how to mount a butterfly." I'm hoping it blows over before it comes to that, but if he stays this sad, I won't be able to stand it!


Surely if it lasts a year we can part with it at some point...


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One day when my middle son was about 3ish he casually referred to a tree in the backyard as "the pee tree". Turns out he always peed there instead of coming inside and having to stop playing. I guess I should be glad it wasn't a trashcan. :)


My parents live in the woods. 

My Dad has a tree he has been taking care of for years. He has been "watering" in for years. 

They do have a sign outside saying "men" and pointing into the woods. 


I do have my boys go outside. But sometimes when you are a one bathroom house then it is useful to have a 'second' bathroom. 

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When my oldest was younger, she was upset that I wouldn't let her pee outside because she found out boys were allowed to. She was outraged when she saw a desperate mother allow her son to pee on a tree at the park (bathroom was quite a walk). Not because he peed in the park, but because I was a mean mom who wouldn't let her pee in the park as well. It was a kind of "See? I told you this was perfectly acceptable behavior! What's your problem mom??"

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When my oldest was younger, she was upset that I wouldn't let her pee outside because she found out boys were allowed to. She was outraged when she saw a desperate mother allow her son to pee on a tree at the park (bathroom was quite a walk). Not because he peed in the park, but because I was a mean mom who wouldn't let her pee in the park as well. It was a kind of "See? I told you this was perfectly acceptable behavior! What's your problem mom??"

My cousin's daughter did. If her brother could, she would, end of story! She could pee standing up, too, with pretty good aim. Although admittedly it was only in the home garden!


Ds had a pee tree out the front because there was a stage where the time to get between car seat and toilet just wasn't long enough. I did eventually beg him to stand on the road side of the tree so the old lady across the road only got a back view of him!

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