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Hey guys, guess who was just at my door!


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It seems to be a problem no matter where we live. I am just curious about this deal since it happens all over the country.  So there must be many groups of meat sellers out there.  I don't understand what market there would be for it.  Its not like they butchered the cow and are now selling the parts.  Where do they get the meat and who does buy it?  No one here on WTM.

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It seems to be a problem no matter where we live. I am just curious about this deal since it happens all over the country. So there must be many groups of meat sellers out there. I don't understand what market there would be for it. Its not like they butchered the cow and are now selling the parts. Where do they get the meat and who does buy it? No one here on WTM.

Same people who buy religion from door to door peddlers? Or the ones falling for Rachael from Card Services.


I've yet to experience a meat truck. We only get magazine scammers.

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The meat truck guys! I almost laughed and kind of felt sorry because they looked like nice young men. Thought you all would like to know that they are still out there, working hard to bring the beef straight to your door from the back of a pickup. 


Aack! They came to our house today too!!!


I hid in the kitchen and pretended not to hear the doorbell... :leaving:

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It seems to be a problem no matter where we live. I am just curious about this deal since it happens all over the country.  So there must be many groups of meat sellers out there.  I don't understand what market there would be for it.  Its not like they butchered the cow and are now selling the parts.  Where do they get the meat and who does buy it?  No one here on WTM.


When we lived elsewhere, then-dh once bought meat from them - not sure which company. He was so excited to be getting all this meat for a "great price!" It was shortly after it had been discussed here originally. I laughed at him so hard, bless his heart. It's freezer packed beef of various cuts, some weren't bad. I didn't think it was worth the $100 he paid, he was thrilled. 


I'm on spring break and didn't realize it was Monday until after they left. Who do they think is going to be home at that time on Monday? I thought it was going to be a politician as our primaries are tomorrow. They stopped at several places down the street and didn't seem to have luck there either. 


I wonder what kind of sales pitch they give people to get them to sell this stuff? This kid was not much older than ds, perhaps he thought like ds, everyone wants more beef, sure it will be easy to sell! 

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Am I the only one who flashes back to that episode of Little House on the Prairie where the whole town bought meat off a wagon from someone they didn't know, and everyone who ate it got anthrax?  I'm never going to buy meat from someone I don't know.

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Several have stopped by over the years; while a couple have had unmarked trucks, most have had clearly labeled trucks with names of meat companies that I recognize from advertising or from friends who have purchased from them directly.  That makes me wonder if the story about not being able to make a delivery in the neighborhood really is true, at least in some cases.

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They used to come to my door when we lived in another state - I thought it was just s "thing" in that area ... No idea that they do this all around. The ones I hate are the magazine sales kids. They can be pretty aggressive, and harder to get rid of with a simple "no thanks." Though ever since our city enacted stricter door to door sales laws, I feel like we've seen them less. My guess is they either aren't trying it in my specific city as much any more or they just get run out of town much faster as people call to report unliscensed door to door sellers.

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huh?  this is new to me.  have not heard of them before.  what's the deal?


There are a few companies that sell meat door to door. They keep in a freezer the looks like a tiny RV on the back of pickups. 


They used to have a spiel that a neighbor ordered and didn't want it now, so they're going around the neighborhood to see if anyone wants the same deal. 


At least these guys didn't use that, they just said they were in the neighborhood 


Years ago there was a WTM thread about it and a very long discussion about the virtues (or non-virtues) of buying meat out of the back of a pick up. It was quite hilarious. 

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There are a few companies that sell meat door to door. They keep in a freezer the looks like a tiny RV on the back of pickups. 


They used to have a spiel that a neighbor ordered and didn't want it now, so they're going around the neighborhood to see if anyone wants the same deal. 


At least these guys didn't use that, they just said they were in the neighborhood 


Years ago there was a WTM thread about it and a very long discussion about the virtues (or non-virtues) of buying meat out of the back of a pick up. It was quite hilarious. 

oh, thanks for that.  lol!


I must have missed that thread. 

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Truth! More trustworthy and easier to get rid of!!

Yeah...I wonder if anyone has tried looking shocked and saying, "Why would I fill my freezer with murdered animals? How can you peddle such evil? I am a vegan!"


That would be kind of fun. I better not be wearing my leather shoes when I try that, though. Also, I have chickens, so that could foil it.

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We had meat guys stop once.  My neighbor and I were chatting outside with eight kiddos around us.  They asked if we were interested in purchasing meat from them.  Right on cue, my neighbor says to me, "Oh, did you remember to pick up your quarter of the cow from the meat locker?  My freezer is stocked for the next year.  How about yours?"  The meat guys STILL tried to make a sale after that.  And the funny this is - we HAD just gotten our portion of cow from the meat locker.  The cow was a coworker's daughter's 4H cow.  Blossom was tasty...


ETA: And my first thought of who was at your door was Bill Murry!

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When I saw your thread title, I said, "The Meat truck?" :D



Hahahaha! My first thought was, "I'll bet it's the meat truck."



I, too, assumed that only the meat truck guys would generate such excitement.



HAHA, my first thought also was, "The meat truck!"


It's not the most important thing I learned about from these boards, but when they came to my house ONE TIME, I was prepared!!!!  :lol: :lol: :lol:



Yup, I knew it was the meat truck, too. I check my window before answering the door and have avoided an actual confrontation with them so far.



I knew as soon as I saw the thread title. :lol:



I guessed meat truck, too! :D

Me too.  This gives a whole new meaning to the term "hive mind" :D

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Guess who was just at my door?


It was a little strange.  He just said he delivers for some company I didn't quite catch the name of, and wondered if I was interested in any steaks today.  When I said no thanks, not today.  He just said okay and left.  Got into his white delivery-style van and drove off.


Now that I'm sitting here... I have my garage door open, so wonder if he was hoping someone wasn't home?  Maybe he was simply trying to sell me steaks, but our town has a no soliciting ordinance, and the more I'm thinking about this, I wonder if he was on the level.


The last time I had an encounter with a meat truck he was pretty pushy.  When I said we were vegetarian he said he also had fish on the truck.  He did not want to take no for an answer.  Today's meat truck guy was the complete opposite.  Strange.

Edited by Lady Marmalade
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