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Christmas gift ideas for adult relatives......


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What are you getting for parents, in-laws and such?  Last year my in-laws really liked the spice sampler set we ordered from Savory Spice Shop.  This year, I haven't a clue what to get for anyone other than the kids.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who could use some ideas so please share your ideas!

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We play around with how we do gifts and have themes. It helps us narrow down our ideas for each other.
Last year, the theme was "something warm". I got my sister a monogrammed scarf/headband; bil got some Sriracha snacks; Dad got a snuggie since he is always freezing and bundling in blankets; Mom got some infinity scarves.

This  year, we drew names and then drew a letter of the alphabet. We got my brother-in-law (letter H) and my mom (letter B). 
For bil, we got him a hands-free headset for his phone. He's got a decent commute, so we thought it would be nice. 
For mom, I got her body butter. I had to buy it on Ebay, since Bath and Body Works no longer sells it. 

(and just random info...due to budget constraints within parts of the family, we usually have a cap of $40 per person.)

ETA: My mil and sil are impossibly hard to buy for. They typically get money, unless they tell DH what they want or are interested in. 

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My father seems to really like the edible (aka. candy/chocolate/chips/popcorn) gifts.   He gets a whole box of that stuff from us.


For my mother, she has mentioned wanting to try a light therapy lamps...so I'm tempted to get her that.  I was going to get her more sock yarn but I don't think she's used up the yarn I got her for her birthday yet.


MIL usually gives us a few ideas.  Last year, it was a new hairdryer (we got her a pink one).   She also only uses Oil of Olay skin products, so we'll get her some of that. 


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All great ideas so far. I never heard of a sagebrush wreath and that sounds awesome! Normally we do something edible also. My IL's love to go out to eat but cannot afford to so we always do a Red Lobster gift certificate for them. I can't stand Red Lobster, but they love it, lol.

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That is such a cute idea! Your family sounds fun.

I think we are. :) My sister, mom, and I were all at a consignment sale yesterday. The ladies checking us out kept talking about how funny we were and how they wanted to go home with us. We were just having our usual banter, so who knows. 


We enjoy the holidays and gifts, but try to make it more meaningful than just 'here's your present, rip into it'. My mom has always tried to change it up a bit, so she throws out ideas and we tag along. lol 

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Calendars (personalized with pictures and special dates)

Edible gifts

That's all they want. Anything else we give them in put into a closet for years until they give it away...


Subscription to Netflix? My parents never used any gift cards we gave them 😒

My aunt used to make those for her mom and dad. They always loved it. 

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My father in law loves to read, but he won't go out and find books on his own.  So this year I'm sending him a box of books.  I bought my mother in law new slippers and plan to stuff them with some smelly bath stuff.  I also got her a cardigan and plan to add a scarf and shirt.  She doesn't generally buy herself clothes.



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Not totally decided yet, but here's where I am right now:

  • Nuts which I have to sell [aka buy] for my kids' scout fundraiser.
  • Maybe some other obligatory fundraiser purchases.
  • Gift cards.
  • Possibly some small things like Christmas ornaments, fun gifty tools....
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This year I'm getting a couple of people usb slippers. They plug into your computer or laptop and warm up. Think Geek has a couple of styles available. I bought myself a pair because starting this time of year my feet get cold. On the weekend I oftentimes spend some time sitting with my laptop and this way I have warm feet.

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I'm giving my best friend a subcription to Simple Living.


People love Mental Floss. It's just fun to read "smart" things that people over 40 find cool. I bet a subscription would be welcomed.




This sounds great for my inlaws--they have everything and are hard to buy for.  


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My dad likes online games that he has to pay for. My parents are on a limited budget so I'll get a gift card for that. In the past on moms suggestions, a heavier coat, Stafford t-shirts(dad does not like mom spending money on him so maybe a boring gift but saved them money kwim), a bag of snickers, wool socks. My mom buys nothing nice for herself so I usually buy her a nice mature skin day cream, perfume, her favorite chocolates, a purse, nicer tops, pajamas. I usually send them a card separately with a gift card to their favorite lunch place again may be boring or impersonal but if I lived there I'd treat them to lunch and since I don't they can have a few lunches on me. Plus they go there on Wednesdays and get free pie and I always get call telling me what they got and what kind of pie

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I'm currently looking at a fruit of the month club for my MIL and SIL. They live together, so it would be an easy joint gift. 
They are SO hard to buy for, but they always have a ton of fruit at their house. I'm hoping DH will agree, but I'm always hesitant to do gifts like that. I tend to feel like they are impersonal, but if they love fruit, I guess it works, right? 

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I'm currently looking at a fruit of the month club for my MIL and SIL. They live together, so it would be an easy joint gift. 

They are SO hard to buy for, but they always have a ton of fruit at their house. I'm hoping DH will agree, but I'm always hesitant to do gifts like that. I tend to feel like they are impersonal, but if they love fruit, I guess it works, right? 


I would LOVE a fruit of the month club.  I don't think that's impersonal at all, and every month when the fruit arrives it would make me happy and make me think fondly of the person who gave me such a fun gift. 

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I would LOVE a fruit of the month club.  I don't think that's impersonal at all, and every month when the fruit arrives it would make me happy and make me think fondly of the person who gave me such a fun gift. 

Good to know. :) We have had an iffy relationship with them in the past, too many miscommunications and dealing with a mil who has the beginnings of dementia. I try to be careful to not make that wedge bigger. 


We can't afford a full year, but I found one that let's me choose how many months and which months. I think I may do that so it "keeps on giving", even if we can only afford a few months. 

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For my mom and her husband,  I might get a movie theater gift card. I happened to find the last gift I got them, a food gift, sitting in a room they use to store their junk!  They both like to go to the movies so they will at least use this. 


For my sister in law, I'm getting her an Express GC since that is her favorite store. 


My siblings and I just buy for the kids but sometimes I'll send them a little something or even a gag gift. 


Nothing exciting but at least these will be used. 

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What are you getting for parents, in-laws and such?  Last year my in-laws really liked the spice sampler set we ordered from Savory Spice Shop.  This year, I haven't a clue what to get for anyone other than the kids.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who could use some ideas so please share your ideas!



Do they grill?  We have a local farm store that carries the MOST insane collection of seasonings ever  - from Traeger to off the wall funny.  My dad loved getting them last year.

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Christmas Forest wreaths -  I like to send these to relatives as  it is something that most families like and will get 'used up' and not sit around  gathering dust after the holidays(although I had mine up until February last year - oops). They do seem to have gotten a little pricier than last year, though.


I did this one year with LL Bean wreaths; all of the grandparent units we would not see at Christmas got wreaths.  It was great because I ordered them a week or so before Thanksgiving and then was finished.  They got to enjoy them the entire Christmas season.  Another year, I sent centerpieces for Thanksgiving.  I love wreaths and have one on my front door all year long (I rotate with the seasons; I even had the florist put one on the church door when I got married--in August), so, naturally, I assume everyone else does as well.

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I did this one year with LL Bean wreaths; all of the grandparent units we would not see at Christmas got wreaths.  It was great because I ordered them a week or so before Thanksgiving and then was finished.  They got to enjoy them the entire Christmas season.  Another year, I sent centerpieces for Thanksgiving.  I love wreaths and have one on my front door all year long (I rotate with the seasons; I even had the florist put one on the church door when I got married--in August), so, naturally, I assume everyone else does as well.


I really love the centerpiece  and wreath ideas.  Those would be great for the person who has everything. 


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I'm listening in for ideas.


Last year, we gave coffee beans to the coffee lovers, wine, and chocolate.  We went with consumables.  This year, I'm not sure.  I have one relative who does not like consumables, and sees them as a waste of money (??), same for flowers, etc.  She is also the one who has *everything* and what she doesn't have - she buys.  She is not easy!


We've done the wreaths, and I love giving those, but somehow always feel that I need a gift for people to open on the Big Morning, so we end up spending extra due to that little hang up.  :)  Just a heads up for anyone with similar feelings re: opening something in the morning.



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We play around with how we do gifts and have themes. It helps us narrow down our ideas for each other.

Last year, the theme was "something warm". I got my sister a monogrammed scarf/headband; bil got some Sriracha snacks; Dad got a snuggie since he is always freezing and bundling in blankets; Mom got some infinity scarves.


This  year, we drew names and then drew a letter of the alphabet. We got my brother-in-law (letter H) and my mom (letter B). 

For bil, we got him a hands-free headset for his phone. He's got a decent commute, so we thought it would be nice. 

For mom, I got her body butter. I had to buy it on Ebay, since Bath and Body Works no longer sells it. 


(and just random info...due to budget constraints within parts of the family, we usually have a cap of $40 per person.)



ETA: My mil and sil are impossibly hard to buy for. They typically get money, unless they tell DH what they want or are interested in. 


What a great way to up the fun factor!


Since I lack imagination, and since they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, would you share some themes from previous years so I can shamelessly rip them off? :-)

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We give the ILs a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant. They love it and it does not take up any space in their home. I love giving consumable gifts. 


We do not exchange gifts with the siblings on my DH's side. We decided that years ago. We just don't really need or want anything, and for us, it seems silly to give gifts just because it is a holiday. That is what works for our family, not a statement on other family's choices. We do send a family gift (usually consumable) to one (one) sibling's family.


I am not really much help I guess.  

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