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How many Webkinz does your family have total?

How many Webkinz does your family have?  

  1. 1. How many Webkinz does your family have?

    • We have 0.
    • We have 1-3
    • We have 4-5
    • We have 6-7
    • We have 8-9
    • We have 10-12
    • We have 13-15
    • We have 16-18
    • We have more than 19

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It is a serious addiction once they get started. We got one for a birthday, then they got a second from us to even everyone out and the next thing we knew they were addicted. Both girls have more than 19 (24 each but 2 of those are only virtual pets since my dd got them out of a pack of cards). We even get the Beckett's Plushie Pals magazine. Their friends are addicted too. I really think that this video says it all:





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We have one. It was a gift. When my dd received it, I explained how it worked to her and she wasn't interested in doing anything online with it. Why do that when she could make up her own stories for her new friend? She removed the tag with the code number and promptly lost it. She sleeps with the toy, though!

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They are fun and harmless. My dd has had them for about two years, and my ds has a few also. I think our family has between 7 and 8, and they usually get new ones for Christmas, so I voted 8 - 9. We are too busy with school and activities for it to become an addiction, but once in a while it is nice for them to play.

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Well, I'll come out of the closet - the girls and I *each* have more than 19. Dh only has 4 or 5 of his own. :D


We really like them. I don't allow a lot of screen time either, and now that school's back in session, they don't even get on every day. They play a lot with their stuffed ones, though, and I don't have a problem with them. They mostly get them as gifts because that's what they ask for, and they are allowed to spend their own money on them (when they have some, LOL).


It's been a lot of fun for dh and me to have something in common with the girls. We did go through a rather obsessive phase, but we're back to reality now.

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My daughter, 8, has 5, 3 from grandparents (one Christmas, one just because, one for birthday), another from a friend for a birthday and one Lil Kinz she bought with her allowance. She plays periodically, but it's far from an addiction (plays maybe a couple times a week for a bit). There are other things she'd rather do with her screen time.


Overall, in our house it's a fun, occasional game and does seem to be a bit of a "safety valve" for the shopping desire <G>. She enjoys earning the "money" and "buying" things for her pets to decorate their rooms.

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We have more than 19 YIKES! That is between 4 kids. I have only bought 4 for the kid's swap we did at christmas with cousins. We all bought webkinz to swap. Other than that they have all been from friends and family at birthdays or christmas, or bought with their own allowance. My kids did get addicted to them for a while but we only allow 20 min of computer time a day and they barely use that at all now. When I say addicted I mean every day for months they would all use their 20 to play webkinz. My kids also do love to play with the real stuffed animal as well. They use them to set up "webkinz school" and other such imaginary play. They love to build webkinz homes out of cardboard boxes. Overall I'd say webkinz have been fun in our house except for my mild irritation with the volume and I've put a freeze on any more coming in. :001_smile:

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I believe the girls have 5 each, so that puts us at ten. :) The girls received the majority as gifts from relatives. :) They do get play time, about an hour every three days or so, but it is not an addiction. I would never let it come to that. We have too much life to get tied to the pooter........

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We have 13 between 4 kids. My 8 yo DS has 1 more than everyone else because he got one for his birthday last year. My kids love them. They play online once in awhile, but mostly they like to just get them all together and have parties. As a matter of fact, that's what my 3 yo and 8 yo are doing upstairs right now, having a Webkinz party. All of my kids carry them around all the time.

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There's a problem with the poll...

You can vote 16-18, and then more than 19. But you can't vote 19!


We have 19 webkinz in the house, and I can't vote. What should I do? Throw a webkinz away with its unused tag? Or go buy a new one?


Go buy a new one! Unless you want to give an extra to me, then you could vote. :tongue_smilie:

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Each of the big kids have four and I have one. My mom also has one, so she can send them gifts. DD5's account is the one I use to play games and earn her money to feed her poor beasties. SHe like spending her cash on mailing gifts to her brother and friends. My poor neglected 'kinz is probably shriveled up in the corner of it's room, neglected.


We just sucked my nephew into the webkinz world for his birthday. Hopefully SIL keeps speaking to me LOL!

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There's a problem with the poll...

You can vote 16-18, and then more than 19. But you can't vote 19!


We have 19 webkinz in the house, and I can't vote. What should I do? Throw a webkinz away with its unused tag? Or go buy a new one?


You need to go buy one more so you can join our family in the over 19 club. LOL!


I don't even want to know how many we own, ($$). All three of my kids have been collecting them for years so we have a lot.


They play with their Webkinz for hours. They orchestrate eleborate Webkinz parties, make jewerly out of pipe cleaners and beddings out of boxes. It is almost like these little stuffed animals have a life of their own. There was even a time they went into storage and took out some white twinkle lights to stage a Webkinz wedding. We still have that event on video. So cute!

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because I'd be embarrassed, but, suffice it to say, it is WAY more than 19. 2 of my sisters and I are fairly addicted. I have an adult niece (31) who is addicted. My sisters have grandkids that love them. And hey, we even got my mom (80) started on them last summer and she has learned to use a computer so she could do webkinz - she has about 60 now (and that's not even close to my sister's and my number yet).


We all get on speakerphone at night and talk and decorate rooms, go back and forth to one another's rooms, and just have a good time. We LOVE collecting all of the rare furniture and doing extravagant rooms. It's just really relaxing after a stressful day.


My son had about 40, but, at 13 has given them up for the most part. I keep up with his account as well as mine.

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We have a grand total of one.

My son fell in love with a cute, fluffy bunny when we were shopping for a gift for my niece.

It was on display and the saleswoman made a big deal about finding the proper tag for him.

He said he didn't need it, and I thought the woman was going to faint.

"But you NEED the tag if you're going to play with it properly!"




We ended up waiting for her to find the tag because we felt silly for not understanding its importance.

Even though the tag was lost between the store an our house, he's been able to play with his bunny just fine. :D

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Dd doesn't use the computer, so that makes Webkinz overpriced stuffed animals.


That's pretty much the story here.


My kids use the computer some, but they'd play with their real pets and toys in the real world.


They have gobs of little stuffed animals and dolls that they dress up and play with. No need to add a different brand.

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Zero here, I'm not even sure what they are. Is it a girl thing?


Mostly, yes, I would say so. They are stuffed animals that come with a code that allows one year access to a very extensive website where kids can decorate rooms for their virtual animal, feed it and care for it, play games, earn virtual money to buy things for the animal (by playing games, doing quizzes, etc). They can also do a controlled chat with friends or others who have Webkinz (the content is highly controlled). Most of the kids I know who are into Webkinz are girls, the boys that I have seen are ones with sisters, not sure if that makes a big difference or not.


Actually, they were not something I had ever planned to get for my daughter, but her grandfather got her one for Christmas last year and it has proved a fun, harmless diversion for her. She still plays with her toys, cares for her real life pets, plays with her friends, goes outside, reads books, etc :001_smile:. Frequently she and her friends will bring their stuffed Webkinz to the park to play together (you can also buy clothes, etc for the real stuffed animal). Since we only have one computer with web access (mine), she is pretty limited in her access to the website and if she wants another, or something for it, she can save up her allowance.


Not the be-all and end-all toy, certainly, but basically a fairly harmless fad as far as I can see. I'd much rather she play with these than Bratz dolls or the toys that make all the electronic noises.

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DD7 has 6 and is getting 2 more for her b-day, and DS6 and DD5 each have 1. So 10 total.


My kids use the computer some, but they'd play with their real pets and toys in the real world.


My kids spend plenty of time in the real world, playing with real friends and toys (no pets because of allergies), but they still enjoy Webkinz.

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A friend gave one to dd last year for her birthday, which brought it to my attention. That resulted in other dd wanting one for Christmas, etc. etc. I was logging into their accounts and using them to play some of the video games, and so got one of my own. Yes, I am somewhat addicted, although I seem to have switched my screen time from reading this board to Webkinz instead. It's a wash. I do enjoy sending virtual "gifts" to the kids and mail for them to read.


Erica in OR

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Boy, I feel so judgemental. I have to apologize. Dd has one, somewhere--she cares far more for her other stuffed animals. I haven't done internet sites with her, yet. I'm finding I have an aversion to popular culture lately--I apologize for thinking Webkinz is somehow icky--I understand how fun it is to be online, and I do feel it's basically harmless, but I don't want to contribute to the consumer mentality thing, even in a virtual way. So, I'm laying down my judgement and just saying what is good for my family and my life.

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I had to ask DD how many we have now- 26!!


They save up for the ones they really want, get them for birthdays, etc. its our "go to" birthday gift, for boys or girls. The neighbor boys all have them, so I am not sure its really a girl thing, at least not here.


I don't play, though.


They would still rather torture..er..play with the kitten or dog,if they can catch them. SInce they can't, they play with Webkinz. I know the alive pets around here are grateful!



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We have one. It was a gift. When my dd received it, I explained how it worked to her and she wasn't interested in doing anything online with it. Why do that when she could make up her own stories for her new friend? She removed the tag with the code number and promptly lost it. She sleeps with the toy, though!


Almost the same situation here! My dd does like the computer, but we only use it for learning games, and those are more fast paced. She loves to use her imagination with her animals, also, so that's more fun for her. So my answer is: 1 with no more coming.

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at those who let their kids use the computer for educational stuff, but won't allow them to play on Webkinz. There is a good bit of educational stuff on that site. There is an entire trivia question section that has math, science, social studies, english, and more. Many of the games require math, spelling or typing skills. There is a word-building game. I mean yeah, a lot of it is fluff, but no more fluff than any other game and there IS some quality stuff on there.


The ads show up encouraging kids to get out and exercise, eat healthy, etc. I don't think they expect kids to sit on there all day. It could also teach responsibility with the health aspect of the webkinz. If you feed them junky food, their health goes down; healthy stuff it goes up. If you exercise them their health goes up.


It's really just not bad and I can't see why anyone would totally BAN their kids from doing something this harmless. I mean really, is it never okay for a child to just do something they ENJOY that is FUN??


How many of us spend hours each day on this forum when we could be doing other constructive things? What is that teaching our kids about computer use? (And we can't say we are never talking fluff) ;)

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I mean really, is it never okay for a child to just do something they ENJOY that is FUN??




Why would you suppose that parents who don't let their children play Webkins on the computer think it is never okay for a child to do something they enjoy that is fun?



My children do lots of fun things. But as their parents, my husband and I have said, "You may not do *this* fun thing." We have solid reasons that go along with our family values and the kind of children we are trying to raise.



Tracy in Ky

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