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What part of you hurts right now?


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My neck from being the demonstration dummy for my Sensei last night for a "new cool choke" he learned.


My hips and knees from running this week.


My thumbs because they are stupid and out to get me.


And my arms from throwing people last night in a "new fun drill" my Sensei learned.

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I hurt from DDR. I am way too old to be jumping around doing that stuff.


Two weeks ago, I was doing DDR with my dc and I accidentally stepped on the black box part that connects that pad....you know? And since I was in the middle of a jump, my foot slipped and I smacked my ankle bone right on the box and fell. On my hiney. OUCH!


Anyhoo, now my right ankle is swollen and black and blue. Did I mention is was black and blue? It's not pretty.


Luckily, I can walk just fine, but, every now and then it just.....HURTS.


Reminds me that I'm too old for DDR.................(sshhhhhhh: as soon as it's better I'm gonna get that dance!)

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Throat is kind of scratchy but doesn't really hurt hurt. Knees from sitting cross legged in a chair all day everyday like I did when I was younger and could do that. Now I hobble around for a minute or 2 when I stand up thinking I really should stop sitting like that but never do.


Wrists from knitting like mad and being on the computer all week since we are on break this week. Little knitting blister thing on my finger from knitting like a crazy fool all week.


Other things I won't go into are out of sorts too.

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My FOOT. I was giving one of our horses a manners lesson and he...didn't like it. I have a black-and-blue stirrup-shaped bruise on my instep and a swollen ankle.


Funny. I used to be able to do this without getting hurt. :-(


My seventeen-year-old son: "I guess that's what happens when you get past forty."




Ouch. Getting zapped by the horse was bad. Being zinged by your son...that's really painful. :)

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Oh, I am SOOO glad you asked!! (Seriously, because I'm in pain right now and I love to have someone new to whine to!!)


I had a crown put in last Monday and my jaw still really aches!! Not the tooth, but the jaw area where they put the novicane in. I can't close my teeth all the way down. My dad (a Dr) thinks that maybe they dislocated my jaw a little (and it went back) while they had my mouth open. All I have to say it that I am taking lots of ibuprofin and I'm pretty cranky!!

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Um, it would be easier to figure out what doesn't hurt, but here are the highlights:


arms -- from Tae Kwon Do blocks, push ups, and hauling a wheelbarrow up & down the mountain, and shoveling wood chips, carrying wood all over.

abs -- crunches done on a hard wood floor (again, TKD!)

hands - from where thistle thorns poked through my thick leather gloves, fingers & thumbs cracking from dryness.


I'm thinking that winter isn't going to be nearly as bad as preparing for winter!

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Skin around nose which has become a snot factory pumping out the goods on overtime (which is why I'm sitting here at 6:30am Saturday -- I gave up on sleep).


But I'm grateful, since I know that's just a teeny little pain that'll go away once I'm over this box-of-tissues-a-day habit I've got going.

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Sounds scary but- my left breast is sore. Has been for a couple of months. NO lumps or bumps. Went to the ER -everything is ok but just unnerving. Dr. thinks it could be related to a virus (as could the vertigo be) I still don't know why it hurts- I'm going to call for a mamo. on Monday.

I still have the vertigo which doesn't hurt but sure is debilitating.:glare:

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