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TLC can't get enough of the Duggars...


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Apparently that is true of the people on here as well. Every time they do anything, it is posted about on here. Why the need to gossip about people you truly don't know. I know you think you do, but you really don't.

No, not true. Nobody pays me to let strangers oggle at my life. It's a bummer, I know, but there it is.

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Apparently that is true of the people on here as well. Every time they do anything, it is posted about on here. Why the need to gossip about people you truly don't know. I know you think you do, but you really don't.

Luanne, they are selling their lives to the highest bidder. And now, they have children, too. They sold their lives for entertainment.


Where does the gossip begin for you?

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Apparently that is true of the people on here as well.  Every time they do anything, it is posted about on here.  Why the need to gossip about people you truly don't know.  I know you think you do, but you really don't.


Huh...like you are doing now? You think you know us, but you don't. 

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Apparently that is true of the people on here as well. Every time they do anything, it is posted about on here. Why the need to gossip about people you truly don't know. I know you think you do, but you really don't.

I'm sorry you feel that way, Luanne, but I honestly don't believe I was gossiping just because I posted a link to the story about the girls getting their own specials. I didn't even post an opinion about it.


Who knows -- the info might be useful to people who would want to watch the shows, as well as to those who are against the idea of the Duggars being back on TV.

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OK, here's some actual gossip...


I wouldn't mind the idea of the girls getting their own specials if I wasn't almost 100 percent sure that JimBob Duggar orchestrated the whole thing and will be making money off of it. If he and Michelle aren't involved, I would be more supportive of the idea, but it is hard to imagine that they aren't part of this.


Ooh. Gossip and judgmentalism in the same post. I'm on a roll. ;)

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Apparently that is true of the people on here as well.  Every time they do anything, it is posted about on here.  Why the need to gossip about people you truly don't know.  I know you think you do, but you really don't.



For the same reason people need to stop to watch train wrecks or news stories about disasters, or seek out threads where they can insert a random post to chastise people thinking they own the rights to moral superiority.  But they really don't.

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OK, here's some actual gossip...


I wouldn't mind the idea of the girls getting their own specials if I wasn't almost 100 percent sure that JimBob Duggar orchestrated the whole thing and will be making money off of it. If he and Michelle aren't involved, I would be more supportive of the idea, but it is hard to imagine that they aren't part of this.


Ooh. Gossip and judgmentalism in the same post. I'm on a roll. ;)


Gossip, judgmentalism and some more snark alert:


At least it is just "specials" and not their own series.  Of course, TLC uses specials to test market for series viability, so if these are popular enough, then maybe they would have series of their own down the road.  As for JB... you can bet that even if he does not appear, there will be profit kicked back in his direction.  I'm equally sure he's attempted to orchestrate a Duggar return to a regular series and that these specials were the most he could manage to accomplish so far. 

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Gossip, judgmentalism and some more snark alert:


At least it is just "specials" and not their own series. Of course, TLC uses specials to test market for series viability, so if these are popular enough, then maybe they would have series of their own down the road. As for JB... you can bet that even if he does not appear, there will be profit kicked back in his direction. I'm equally sure he's attempted to orchestrate a Duggar return to a regular series and that these specials were the most he could manage to accomplish so far.

Ooooh! They should actually free Jinger! She could definitely get a show about that! Jinger Goes to New York City. There could be that episode in which she wears pants. And one where she takes a job that puts her under male authority or where she, I don't know, sells bras.

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Apparently that is true of the people on here as well.  Every time they do anything, it is posted about on here.  Why the need to gossip about people you truly don't know.  I know you think you do, but you really don't.


And it took five posts before we were told to stop talking about it. That's gotta be some kind of record. :)

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Apparently that is true of the people on here as well.  Every time they do anything, it is posted about on here.  Why the need to gossip about people you truly don't know.  I know you think you do, but you really don't.


Sort of like you think they(the Duggars) might be good people but you really don't know if they are.   



If this was a show about them escaping and getting help, I would support it.  But no. 

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Apparently that is true of the people on here as well. Every time they do anything, it is posted about on here. Why the need to gossip about people you truly don't know. I know you think you do, but you really don't.

Since you apparently know them so well, I'm surprised you never mentioned that Josh is a child molesting adulterer back before it all came out. That seems like it would be relevant information to their uber religious fans.

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Jessa and Jill Duggar will be starring in their own TV specials.




Good for them.  Not everyone is interested in the Kardashian sisters or the Real Housewives of Wherever. 


Why should their own livelihood disappear because one of their brothers is a degenerate?  


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Ooooh! They should actually free Jinger! She could definitely get a show about that! Jinger Goes to New York City. There could be that episode in which she wears pants. And one where she takes a job that puts her under male authority or where she, I don't know, sells bras.


that thought occurred to me too.  not that I'd probably watch it, considering I never watched their series let alone any of the specials.


the one I might watch is Anna escaping from them and learning to value herself for herself and that her value is equal to a man (and in joshes case MORE).  and kicking joshes arse to the curb . . . . (and her parents for setting her up with this piece of scum and expecting her to say with him, and JB & M for covering up his crimes and misdemeanors.)


We need a word for when you boycott something you wouldn't watch anyway. Because that's what I am doing.


redundant boycott. 

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Good for them.  Not everyone is interested in the Kardashian sisters or the Real Housewives of Wherever. 


Why should their own livelihood disappear because one of their brothers is a degenerate?  


I'm not really sure being on TV because you are the result of your parents'  pregnancy fetish really counts as a 'livelihood'...

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Good for them. Not everyone is interested in the Kardashian sisters or the Real Housewives of Wherever.


Why should their own livelihood disappear because one of their brothers is a degenerate?

IMO, it is because selling out your privacy should not be happening. I was against the girls getting their own shows before the Josh disgusting stuff came out.


There have been reports that Jessa is sad that she will not have the venue to share the birth of her first baby the way Jill did. I think it's sad that this is what she's focused on in the wake of the close-down of 19 Kids....


I don't watch the Kardashians or Housewives or any of those shows.

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I'm not really sure being on TV because you are the result of your parents'  pregnancy fetish really counts as a 'livelihood'...


they make money off of it that pays their bills and supports them in the lifestyle to which they have now become accustomed and with which they are loath to give up.  while it is legal, most of us have too many scruples to sell ourselves (or especially our children) to the highest network bidder.  hmm, isn't there a word for that?  seems like it starts with a "p" . . .  .   . . not too much difference, except one is legal and the other isn't.

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Since apparently Luanne forgot since the last time she chastised the board for talking about the Duggars, let's say this again...


If you sell your life on a reality tv show, other people are allowed to talk about you.

Not only are people allowed to talk about you but the more they talk about you (good or bad), the more money you make.
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Good for them. Not everyone is interested in the Kardashian sisters or the Real Housewives of Wherever.


Why should their own livelihood disappear because one of their brothers is a degenerate?

Exactly. They can be boring and infuriating in their own right.

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Good for them. Not everyone is interested in the Kardashian sisters or the Real Housewives of Wherever.


Why should their own livelihood disappear because one of their brothers is a degenerate?

Well, to be fair, the vast majority of the population somehow manages to earn a living without having their own reality television show, but I do understand your point.


If I thought JimBob wasn't involved and that this was something the girls could do in order to become financially independent from their parents, I would support them.


I don't watch the Kardashians or the Real Housewives, either. I am not a fan of reality television, although for some bizarre and unexplainable reason, I have somehow managed to become addicted to "Texas Flip and Move." :blush:

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Well, to be fair, the vast majority of the population somehow manages to earn a living without having their own reality television show, but I do understand your point.


If I thought JimBob wasn't involved and that this was something the girls could do in order to become financially independent from their parents, I would support them.


I don't watch the Kardashians or the Real Housewives, either. I am not a fan of reality television, although for some bizarre and unexplainable reason, I have somehow managed to become addicted to "Texas Flip and Move." :blush:

Property brothers
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Good for them.  Not everyone is interested in the Kardashian sisters or the Real Housewives of Wherever. 


Why should their own livelihood disappear because one of their brothers is a degenerate?  

For many people, it's not that the girls will benefit. The problem is that their parents will benefit, probably at the expense of their children, like they have for many years.

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Ok, I've been off the boards for several weeks so maybe I missed some stuff. I thought Jill and Jessa were married? So I'm confused as to how their dad gets their money (maybe their husbands do?). Also, shouldn't we support them getting their own show and making their own livelihood? It seems like a step up. I mean, I wouldn't choose to be on a reality show but maybe that's what they want for themselves. Plus, it would be supporting the victims of abuse. Maybe it's a platform for them to speak out. 


Maybe this is could be a pro-woman, make the girls the spotlight and leave out the brother and dad thing. 


Or maybe I'm naive. 



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Good for them. Not everyone is interested in the Kardashian sisters or the Real Housewives of Wherever.


Why should their own livelihood disappear because one of their brothers is a degenerate?

The lifestyle they sell is ripe for abuse etc. They are presenting a fairytale.


I hate the thought of anyone being caught up in a cult because they want what the edited show is selling.

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Or the fact that they are "converting" people who already happen to be christians. (Catholics, mostly- apparently the wrong flavor of christian or worse, not christian at all according to their cult.)

Our local mega-church has missionaries in Ireland!!

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Or the fact that they are "converting" people who already happen to be christians. (Catholics, mostly- apparently the wrong flavor of christian or worse, not christian at all according to their cult.)

Catholics don't want or need them. Catholics and Orthodox are really tired of having various other groups come and try to proselytize them and their countries.

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Apparently that is true of the people on here as well. Every time they do anything, it is posted about on here. Why the need to gossip about people you truly don't know. I know you think you do, but you really don't.

I think it is because they are paid to have themselves filmed and the moments of their lives sold.


Now if I had 23 kids to feed, I'm not saying I'd do differently.


But talking about a tv show is not gossip in the sense that it's not behind anybody's back. They are paid to be watched and talked about. It's... Idle chatter?

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