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Flu shot thread 2015-2016 version


Flu shot - 2015/2016 version  

221 members have voted

  1. 1. When are YOU getting the flu shot this year?

    • Already had it.
    • Sept
    • Oct
    • Nov
    • Dec
    • Jan
    • Not sure when I'm getting it, but I will.
    • Not sure if I'm getting it. I'll decide later - maybe.
    • Not getting it - diagnosed health reasons.
    • Not getting it - I see no need for me.
    • Not getting it - I don't like shots even if I might agree that it would be good.
    • Not getting it - cost issues.
  2. 2. Is your spouse/sig other getting it?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure.
    • N/A
  3. 3. Kids?

    • Yes, all of them.
    • No, none of them - I see no need for this shot.
    • No - none of them - diagnosed health issues or sig probabilities.
    • No - needle fears for them.
    • Some of them - health issues for others.
    • Some of them - needle fears for others.
    • Some of them - we let ours choose for themselves.
    • Haven't decided yet.
    • Probably not - cost issues.
    • Not sure - kids are grown and I don't know.
    • N/A

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No, not getting it.  None of the rest of the family is either. 





None of us have ever had one (except DH, which was the only time he ever got the flu in his life) and don't plan on ever getting one, unless somebody gives us one while we are unconscious. 


This has been my experience.  




Thank you for posting that, Katy -- I had no idea that body temperature could have that kind of effect! I may need to get a flu shot this year (due to my dh's illness) and my normal body temperature is around 97 degrees. I had been considering the mist, but not any more!


Thanks again!!!

Oh my! Most of my family's and my own runs low too!  Great to know.




Hell no.

This.^  Double this.^^

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Regarding when to get the shot, flu season on the west coast usually starts later than the east coast. If you ever follow the CDC maps of how many cases there are state-by-state, the flu seems to travel from east to west. It peaks here in about February, and there really isn't much activity until January. In our college town, it seems like everyone goes home or travels over winter break and then flu-like illnesses begin breaking out in earnest in the weeks after their return. So no need to get the vaccines super early here--I think that's why the clinics are usually in October. Still allows plenty of time to build immunity before the storm breaks, so to speak.

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The wife of my work buddy is a pediatric nurse, so she has the inside scoop on the flu vaccine.  So, I always ask him if they think the flu shot out now is complete.  Some recent years the later one is much better.  It is still over 90F so I haven't wrapped my mind around the flu shot.  


When I was a teenager my mother was bedridden for over a month because she really delayed getting the shot to when we could all get it.  She was a smoker then, so that made it worse.  But the starting illness was the flu.  So, I always try to get one early but not too early.  

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I am not because of recent  diagnosis-doctor said not to get it.  In the past few years, the times I have gotten the shot I have been much sicker than when I did not get it.

Dh never gets the shot  and rarely gets sick.

Two youngest will get it as the younger one got terribly ill with H1N1 a few years ago and it really scared me. She will get the mist as the last time she had the shot she had a bad reaction.

Adult aged kids can make their own choices. Probably won't get it though.

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I get mine in October (work at the hospital, it's mandatory.)  DH will his at work, the kids at the pedi.  One kiddo has asthma, we do our utmost to avoid the flu.


(The only year I didn't get the flu shot, I ended up with the flu.  I was six months pregnant and it was one of the most miserable two weeks of my life.  Then I got H1N1 (yay, working in the ER) and it turned into pneumonia and that superseded the other flu as the worst month of my life.  I hate the dang flu.)  

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My spouse and kids will be getting it.


I won't be, egg allergy. There is a safe version (Flubok?) now but my insurance won't pay for it and I can't afford out of pocket this year.

You may ask your doctor to request an authorization to cover the shot you can take.  Some insurance companies will cover it for people with a documented allergy if their doctor will request it.  


My daughters allergist gives flu shots to those with egg allergies.  She does it in certain circumstances (not everyone on is eligible) and you have to spend a little extra time at her office to do it, but if you want the shot, you might try calling your doc and ask if there is an option for you. 

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I will get it at a local grocery or drug store, probably at whichever chain is offering a coupon to those who get vaccinations at their site.


Kids will get theirs at pediatric office. Big guy always asks for the mist but I guess it isn't always available.


DH will do what he wants, but between you and me and the fly on the wall, I really hope he gets it this year because if it could save me a week of his being bedridden and incredibly cantankerous, I would be ever so grateful to the universe.

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Wow!  Y'all must have some impressive immunity!


That had been us up until we started getting the shots 2 years ago.  I mainly changed my mind when I learned that those of us who don't actually get the flu could still be carriers passing it on to others and I didn't want to do that.  I figure if my body is good enough with its immunity, it can easily handle the shot.  It has.


And then there's the bonus that if we've just been lucky rather than a great immunity... well... our luck gets a boost too.


As I mentioned in my first post.  Given the info about carriers, etc, I couldn't see any reason NOT to get the shot.  I'm not needle phobic.  I'm not anti-vacc.  I work in a public school where the flu is rampant when it comes around.


Hubby chose to get it when I did, but he's like that - often taking my lead for what's best with health decisions.


My oldest left home before our change and I've no idea what he does in his married life.


Middle is headed pre-med and sees no reason not to get it.


Youngest is needle phobic, so doesn't want any shot he doesn't have to get.  He didn't get the flu even when in ps, so chances are his immunity is like ours.

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My dh always gets it.


As for the rest of us, I have not decided, though I may give it to dd7 in any case as she is inclined to have issues with breathing - last year she had pneumonia.  My son on the other hand freaks out and is already due for 5 year old shots this year, so maybe I won't get him one.


I am not against vaccinations - my main reason to not being sure is that there seems to be some indication, at least when I was looking at it last year, that they may actually be more effective if not done every year.  So I am wondering if we should hold off until there is a reason to think it will be a bad year.


OTOH, I really really don't want flu, I don't know how I would manage.


I can't say about dates - it depends when the clinics and pharmacies get them - my doctor's clinics will run a flu shot clinic when they are available.  No one pays for them, they are covered by the provincial health plan, so that isn't an issuue.

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-I just got my flu shot at the end of a really long physician ED shift yesterday.  

-DH will get one once his PCP has flu vaccine in the office.

-I need to check with our daughters'  pediatrician and see if they have received their flu vaccine shipment yet.  I need to bring the baby for her one month appointment next week and I'd like to bring everyone and get that done if possible.

-Our youngest daughter will be too young to receive the vaccine most of this influenza season.  We'll probably try to get her the vaccine this February when she will be old enough.  Of course, by the time she has immunity our season will be practically over. Supply issues may also be a factor so late in the season.

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That had been us up until we started getting the shots 2 years ago.  I mainly changed my mind when I learned that those of us who don't actually get the flu could still be carriers passing it on to others and I didn't want to do that.  I figure if my body is good enough with its immunity, it can easily handle the shot.  It has.


And then there's the bonus that if we've just been lucky rather than a great immunity... well... our luck gets a boost too.


As I mentioned in my first post.  Given the info about carriers, etc, I couldn't see any reason NOT to get the shot.  I'm not needle phobic.  I'm not anti-vacc.  I work in a public school where the flu is rampant when it comes around.

This would be my reason not to get it. Last year, it was only 18% effective. http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/news/20150226/flu-vaccine-effectiveness

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We, the kids and I do get the shot every year. My son is severe asthmatic, hubby is a heart patient. Hubby does not get it as he has never gotten the flu. The kids and I pick up every single bug in the state. The kids were diagnosed with RSV a few years back, illness has been a lot harder on them since. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Had to change my own vote from Oct to Sept as we went and got ours tonight - then enjoyed a meal at a sit down Asian restaurant.


We'll be traveling to Niagara in Oct and I wanted any coverage to be good before the trip rather than chancing bringing home extra bugs to pass around. There are certainly enough world tourists there to have a nice bug exchange.  ;)

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