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spinoff: For those of you who are hoping to have more children...

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I don't normally get to share, because ours are always *hush* *hush*, but I don't care if any of you steal them.


I love our kids names right now, but am not going to share them on here. You can pm if you want to know.


If we have more kids:




Troy David


I like Solomon, dh doesn't. I like Luke, but it doesn't go well with our last name.




Violette Rose




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Before I had kids, I had a dream that I had three girls named Cassie, Cate, and Sophie.... I have one girl, and we didn't pick any of these names. They're all yours now! My other faves, nixed utterly by DH, were Daisy and Lily. Apparently he's anti-flower. ;)


My boy name faves have always been names like Hugh, Ian, Callum, Duncan, Jamie, Connor....

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Sophia, but alas it's become way too common

Janna, which will never be used because it's too similiar to a family member's name

Isabel, which we came "this close" to using for our 8th baby but was instantly nixed when someone heard it and said they'd call her "Izzy":glare:






all names my dh says are NEVER going to be used

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Emmanuelle Jane (Emma Jane)

Anna (Anastasia, if I can get it past dh) Charlotte

Miriam Sophia


(I thought it would be fun to have twins and call them Anastasia and Zoe--for John 11:25. Dh was not amused.)


Elias Murphy

Zachary Kenneth



Feel free to borrow. Just don't tell anyone I am related to by blood or marriage.


Especially not the part where I intimated that I'm not completely closed to having more children. If you tell either grandmother that, I will call down the angel of death upon you. :tongue_smilie:

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(I thought it would be fun to have twins and call them Anastasia and Zoe--for John 11:25. Dh was not amused.)



Heh, heh. My boys thought it would be fun if we had twins and named them Enkidu and Gilgamesh. Then they realized they'd have to share a room, and decided two dogs with those name would be better.

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Okay, I'm changing one of my girls votes...or adding to them.....


Molly Jane (LOVE MOLLY)



Me too! Our dd (only child) is Molly Catherine, and we call her

"Molly Cate." Want to know the #1 reason why we chose that name? Because at the time, I was a 7th grade English teacher, and I had about 150 students every year. IT's hard to pick a name when you associate almost every name with a former student! But I've always loved the name "Molly," and besides, dh and I just couldn't picture a "Molly" being b**chy. Really, can you?


Anyway, here's one vote for "Molly."




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Long before dh and I had kids we sat down and wrote out a large list of boys and girls names that we agreed on for our intended huge family. Almost ten years later we just have the three kids (+ three more in heaven) so the list hasn't been heavily used. :) We are still waiting to use our favourite girls name: Therese Marie. So each time I get pregnant we have this name in reserve then we find out we are having a boy and have to scrabble round for a boys name. Our 'formula' is that the first name is that of an apostle and the second is that of a saint.

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Laura Katharine Elianna (this was my choice for our 3rd child)

Bronwyn Victoria Blue (Bronwyn to honor a friend, Blue to honor my grandma)

Emmeline, Madeleine, Serenity, Willow, Eden, Ivy....



Noah Richard (to honor two family friends)

Garrett Franklyn (to honor my dad)

Liam Christopher (to honor my brother)

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I can't have any more, but I have this "thing" about names...


If I could have another, these are the names I like best:

Piper Allena (Ah-LEEN-ah) or Benjamin Cade


Both names would be for my brother, Benjamin Allen, who died last year.


I also like these names:












Of our three children, only the eldest has a family name (Emory Hensley). Our other two are Savannah Rose -- called both -- and Asher Blue. We feel like the boys' names are unusual enough without being odd, and though we know several Savannahs (and Savanas, Savannas, etc.), we don't know any other Savannah Roses.


(Can you tell names are kind of a hobby with me?:blushing:)

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I've got lots of names I would love to use, but probably never will because even though I pick a name before hand, once I get to the hospital and actually see the baby, I change my mind LOL...My last son was going to be Jareth but I seen him and said he doesn't look like a Jareth...I somehow pulled Vernon outta the air and it fits him perfectly...




Jareth Isaac


Frederick Charles


Vlad ?




Eloise Fern


Alessandra Rose


Rayna ?

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If we have another, I'm leaning toward Penelope (not sure of the middle name yet) for a girl and Robert Miles or Robert Avery for a boy.


Amazingly enough, DH and I are in agreement on the names!


Oh! I recently heard of a little girl with the name Anya. Not traditional, as our other children's names, but I like it nonetheless.

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We're done having children and we already have two grandchildren, but can I still play? There's always more grandchildren, right? These were just some of my unused faves. By the way my dh nixed these girls' names and we didn't have any more boys, so...











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Names were the hardest part for me and DH we could never agree.We usually get along great until we have to name somebody!! We finally agreed on a name on the way to the hospital for our dd's name!I have always liked the name Sara for a girl DH did not like it.All the Sara's he knew were fat!!He has crazy reasoning and makes it difficult to pick a name he has a million reasons why it shouldn't be the name!! So I am glad we aren't having anymore

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a girl WILL be Victoria Evelyn.


I like Kaileigh (Kylee) Alexis and Hannah Gabrielle.


boy names are harder....


We've been talking about Benjamin since my daughter was in gestation.


I like Jeremiah because I'd like to name a child after my step-dad.


Josiah is probably my fave but Isaiah and some other Hebrew names are close behind.

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a girl WILL be Victoria Evelyn.


I like Kaileigh (Kylee) Alexis and Hannah Gabrielle.


boy names are harder....


We've been talking about Benjamin since my daughter was in gestation.


I like Jeremiah because I'd like to name a child after my step-dad.


Josiah is probably my fave but Isaiah and some other Hebrew names are close behind.


Josiah is one of my favorites too. Hannah is the girl name I wanted. Hannah Elizabeth. Then we had a boy and shortly thereafter every single Hannah I heard of had Elizabeth for a middle name. So I was glad I didn't have that issue.

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DH did not like it.All the Sara's he knew were fat!!He has crazy reasoning and makes it difficult to pick a name he has a million reasons why it shouldn't be the name!! So I am glad we aren't having anymore


My dh was like this. Drove me nuts. He would get this disgusted tone and say something like, 'Gabrielle. No kid of mine is going to be named Gabrielle.' :confused: He would do that about every name. Seriously. And I liked Zane...but we went to school with a Zane...17 years earlier!!!!!! and so that was out. I mean the high school Zane wasn't some sort of mass murderer or anything...just a kid we once knew. He wasn't quite as hard on the girl names, so I think he was having some sort of flash back to the playground of kids making fun of his name...which in its longer form can be a girls name.

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