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incredibly ridiculous inspirational story on Facebook


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My husband's niece shared a "tearjerker" inspirational story on FB today that was so ridiculous I couldn't stand it.


In a nutshell, the guy who is telling the story was embarrassed as a kid because his mom only had one eye. He is really rude to her. He works really hard to get into a good college and get away from her. Then years later, she shows up at his house, And he yells at her because she scared his kids, who have never seen their grandma.


A while later, he goes back to his hometown for a class reunion. He goes by his old home, where the neighbors tell him his mother has recently died, but she left this letter for him. In the letter, mom tells son how proud she is of him, then explains that when he was little, he was in an accident and lost an eye. And she couldn't stand for him to go through life without that eye, so she gave him one of hers. 


The moral of the story is something about how we need to appreciate our mom because of the sacrifices she makes for us without us ever knowing it. 


AAAACCCCCKKKKKK ---- and it was presented as if it were a true story.

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I have seen that story on Facebook. I always shake my head and wonder how such a generous woman could raise such a selfish ahole of a son.

I will admit that even though it is beyond hokey I still get a little tear in my eye. But that awful Christmas shoes song does it to me too. I am just a sap.

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Oh good grief. My dh shares stuff like that on fb and it drives me nuts.

My mom does this, too..."Did you hear about the girl who tanned in tanning beds so many times she cooked her insides and died?"


Mmm-hmmm. That happened.

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My mom does this, too..."Did you hear about the girl who tanned in tanning beds so many times she cooked her insides and died?"


Mmm-hmmm. That happened.


One of the worst things, though, is the faulty medical advice.


I read one yesterday that said that if you soak okra in water overnight, and then drink the water the next morning, your diabetes will go away, and you won't need insulin shots anymore. 

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One of the worst things, though, is the faulty medical advice.


I read one yesterday that said that if you soak okra in water overnight, and then drink the water the next morning, your diabetes will go away, and you won't need insulin shots anymore.

Yes, that really upsets me. :(

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Oh, and I love -- not -- my dear friends who share pictures and stories of missing people, usually children. At least half of the time, there is a link in the story they share, and when I click on it, the story reports that the person has been found. Some of them were resolved years ago!


I always post a link to the resolution story, and the friends thank me "for digging that up" or something. Hello? I clicked on the link in your post. That wasn't really digging.

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At some point, I just had to give up posting the same comment on some friends' pages :"Check Snopes". I always feel like such a joy-killer :glare:


I gave up because of replies that tell me even if the story isn't true the moral is good (No, sorry. Aesop's fables these ain't). Or if it's a warning post and I link to

Snopes the OP usually tells me at least the story causes people to be more careful. sigh.  :001_rolleyes:




I'm sick of all the "tearjerker inspirational can't believe must see he did this and I was amazed forty-two people who did some thing cool click bait" in general.


I'm tired of reading about how I'll be amazed at a story, at what someone did with a piece of string and a leaf, at a street performance, etc.


I also don't take quizzes to find out what (insert pop culture reference) I am. Click bait.

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:blink: :001_huh: :ack2:


Ugh - I hate stuff like this.  The video completely cracked me up.  LOL


So even if a teen were a little embarrassed by his one eyed mom, his only parent, in front of his friends, I'm pretty sure he would be completely over it by the time he had his own child.  I don't know anyone's kid who is this much of a jerk without them being having severe uncontrolled mental illness, addiction, or raised by a narcissistic or otherwise absent parent.


I don't even think of this as a good moral parable.  It's just stupid and completely unrealistic.

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Any other Asians here?


I read the thread thinking this sounds like something old aunties tell their kids, and then when I clicked on the video I started laughing. Because I was right - it's Asians, doing what Asians do :lol: The comparison to a (really poor) Aesop is pretty much true of every one of these types of fables we grew up with (minus the dramatic music and video accompaniment).



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Why did the jerk in the story lie to his wife and tell her he had a business trip so he could attend his class reunion? I guess that makes as much sense as hating your mother for having only one eye.


He had lied to her about his (humble, embarrassing) beginnings.


She didn't know where he grew up or went to school, and he wasn't about to disclose it to her at that point!


He had a façade to maintain, one he had been building long before he married his wife.

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I know the OP wasn't about country music, but if the greater topic is "stuff that doesn't even make sense yet all these people love it," then country music is my contribution.

DH and I were just talking about this! His contribution was most rap music. Nothing to think about because the message is obvious, nothing subtle about it.

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I hate that story! The son is a horrible person who treated his mother horribly and then she died so he wasn't ever able to make it up to her. I mean jeez. It's so over the top sad and tragic and awful.


And I refuse to click on links that say "You won't believe what happens next!" or any other idiotic desperate click bait title. I'll click on something that says, "Really sweet video of a dog saving a baby from falling" WAY before I'll click on, "Baby almost falls down stairs! I couldn't believe who saved him!" :glare: 

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And I thought it would end with the mom revealing that the son had poked her eye out when he was a toddler,but she never wanted to burden him with the truth.


See, this I would believe. My oldest sent me to the emergency room once after stabbing me in the eye with a tortilla chip. (They were able to save it. Because I wasn't in danger of losing it.) ;)

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My mom does this, too..."Did you hear about the girl who tanned in tanning beds so many times she cooked her insides and died?"


Mmm-hmmm. That happened.

It totally happened.


My next door neighbor's aunt's best friend's sister's co-worker's uncle knew her personally.


You know, before she cooked her insides and died.

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Haha I read that one on there around mother's day.  I think most people realize they are fake but still makes for a tear jerker and makes you think of the real sacrifices your parent makes for you.  Or whatever real life events you can get out of whatever story is being presented.  I don't know anyone in my friends list as least that believes those stories to be true.


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I love being sarcastic and have a problem with biting my tongue and occasionally a comment slips out. Sometimes I'll respond to tripe like this with something like, "So the moral of the story is, if you give up everything for your kids with no thought for yourself, you kids will become ungrateful assholes who think the world revolves around them. Good to know!"

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If you ask me, this is where country music as a genre has gone to die.


Slightly skewed worldview, faulty and/or unrealistic hypothetical ethics, and creepy as hell.

Nah. Country song boys don't disrespect their mamas--just hot country girls with painted-on cutoffs shakin' it on the tractor.
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Nah. Country song boys don't disrespect their mamas--just hot country girls with painted-on cutoffs shakin' it on the tractor.

Oh goodness.  I know my cousin does not disrespect his mama, and I know his gf/mother of his unborn child, would smack him silly if he disrespected any country girls lol In fact I know he wouldn't stand a chance against any of us women in the family if he disrespected anyone lol  'course he is just the drummer, he doesn't sing the songs about that lol


My cousin is currently drummer for Brett Kissel (played at Calgary stampede last night as part of the tour), and up for his 2nd CCMA drummer of the year award (won last year).  

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Wait, you mean that story isn't true?!?


And here I've been sharing it with all my friends... ;)

Just don't share your eyeball with your friends, because look where that leads.


This is probably how the Grey Sisters got their start. Maybe we should rewrite them as a tear jerker click bait story.

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Haha I read that one on there around mother's day.  I think most people realize they are fake but still makes for a tear jerker and makes you think of the real sacrifices your parent makes for you.  Or whatever real life events you can get out of whatever story is being presented.  I don't know anyone in my friends list as least that believes those stories to be true.


The only thing that story made me think was at least I never treated my mom like that. ;) So if the point was to make you feel good in comparison to that jerk, mission accomplished.

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