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Blue Bell recalling *all* products now

Word Nerd

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From the company's websiteBlue Bell Ice Cream of Brenham, Texas, is voluntarily recalling all of its products currently on the market made at all of its facilities including ice cream, frozen yogurt, sherbet and frozen snacks because they have the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes...


I don't remember ever seeing a company recall all of its products before. Yikes.

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Whoa.  We've got half a thing of Bluebell left in the fridge right now.  Kiddo is going to be really unhappy if I throw that out.  Do you think we're ok?  We already ate half of it and are fine so far.

Listeria can be consumed a long long time before you get sick form it- I believe it can be weeks and weeks.


 I would not risk it and throw it out. Listeria  doesn't cause symptoms like food poising- no vomiting but rather a headache, fever etc. It can be fatal. 


Listeria is especially bad if you are pregnant

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Whoa. We've got half a thing of Bluebell left in the fridge right now. Kiddo is going to be really unhappy if I throw that out. Do you think we're ok? We already ate half of it and are fine so far.

Why not toss it and pick up some other type of ice cream? I wouldn't risk it.

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What am I missing? As best I can tell, there have been 10 cases in 5 years? Does that seem like it warrants a total recall?


Clearly I don't understand food safety because that number seems extremely small.

If listeria has been found in the processing plant then defanatly they should recall- why risk someone's death? Listeria can be fatal

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What am I missing? As best I can tell, there have been 10 cases in 5 years? Does that seem like it warrants a total recall?


Clearly I don't understand food safety because that number seems extremely small.


I think there were 3 deaths in Kansas.  Which is not many.  Until you consider that it was 3 deaths from eating ice cream.  Then it seems like way too many.

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So here is my question - if you were pregnant and consumed these products, would you show signs of listeria infection before it would affect your baby, or is it something that could affect the baby without your even knowing you were ill?


We have had a couple of half gallons of Blue Bell recently (maybe more) in the house and dd (7+ months pregnant) has eaten a good bit of it. I wasn't worried about it, but now that I've seen how long it can take to show symptoms, and read about it affecting the unborn baby, I am.

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So here is my question - if you were pregnant and consumed these products, would you show signs of listeria infection before it would affect your baby, or is it something that could affect the baby without your even knowing you were ill?


We have had a couple of half gallons of Blue Bell recently (maybe more) in the house and dd (7+ months pregnant) has eaten a good bit of it. I wasn't worried about it, but now that I've seen how long it can take to show symptoms, and read about it affecting the unborn baby, I am.


I would tell your dd to contact her OB and let them know about it to see what they say.

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So here is my question - if you were pregnant and consumed these products, would you show signs of listeria infection before it would affect your baby, or is it something that could affect the baby without your even knowing you were ill?


We have had a couple of half gallons of Blue Bell recently (maybe more) in the house and dd (7+ months pregnant) has eaten a good bit of it. I wasn't worried about it, but now that I've seen how long it can take to show symptoms, and read about it affecting the unborn baby, I am.


I ate fruit affected by last summer's listeria recall when I was pregnant. I did have some intestinal symptoms within a couple of weeks, so I had the midwife test for listeria. The test was negative, but I was glad I did it (turned out to be strep instead). I think your dd would be fine to just watch for symptoms, I don't think the listeria would effect the baby without making her sick. If she has any listeria-like symptoms definitely go get tested.

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crazy!! So why didn't they pull it from shelves sooner?


It's been one case per year for 5 years. That's not enough for the CDC to notice a trend. They wouldn't have noticed at all if it hadn't been for the Kansas outbreak that was genetically distinct.


That NBC article is worrisome because it's quite possible other ice cream manufacturers could have similar issues and we wouldn't know.

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Anyone remember the Schwanns ice cream recall a few years back? It wasn't the plant that had the problem. It was introduced to the product because of a truck that hauled milk had not been properly cleaned before the milk was put in it.

I would return any product to be sure,but these kinds of companies take these things very seriously and I am happy to see them doing the right thing and shutting down til they get it figured out.

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This is what irritates me about all the rules for pregnant women. I should've made ice cream with raw eggs from my own chickens, but no, that would be WRONG for pregnant women. So I bought some Blue Bell ice cream and we've all been eating it. I do continue to eat deli meat and licked the cake batter bowl. And I'm eating Brie too. Because let's all try to remember the last time there was a recall for something actually on the naughty list...I can't think of any, but I do recall plenty for ice cream, hummus, frozen pizza, canteloupe, spinach, etc. etc.

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We tossed it the next morning.  I googled the contaminant, and wow, yes, we tossed it.


Dd was cute about it!  I explained that some germs had been found in the ice cream factory and the makers were asking everyone to throw out that ice cream to make sure no one else got sick.  Her eyes got big, and she went straight to the freezer and put the ice cream in the trash!  Now she wants to make homemade ice cream.  :) 


I suppose we could have taken it back to the store, but meh. 



Why not toss it and pick up some other type of ice cream? I wouldn't risk it.


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We tossed it the next morning.  I googled the contaminant, and wow, yes, we tossed it.


Dd was cute about it!  I explained that some germs had been found in the ice cream factory and the makers were asking everyone to throw out that ice cream to make sure no one else got sick.  Her eyes got big, and she went straight to the freezer and put the ice cream in the trash!  Now she wants to make homemade ice cream.  :)


I suppose we could have taken it back to the store, but meh. 


Yay!  So glad you tossed it!  And now you have a great excuse to make ice cream.  :)

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Just FYI, you'd be wrong.


ETA-- lived in Brenham for over 10 years,   It's an over rated ice cream. There are several creameries in upstate NY that, imo, taste much better than Bluebell.


I got the fact the Bluebell only makes products in Brenham from a local long term Bluebell employee. I was confused as to how listeria could show up in different facilities, but if all the production takes place in one facility, it makes a lot more sense.


Everyone has different favorites in ice cream, pizza, yogurt, Mexican food, etc. I'm glad we have plenty to choose from. 

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So here is my question - if you were pregnant and consumed these products, would you show signs of listeria infection before it would affect your baby, or is it something that could affect the baby without your even knowing you were ill?


We have had a couple of half gallons of Blue Bell recently (maybe more) in the house and dd (7+ months pregnant) has eaten a good bit of it. I wasn't worried about it, but now that I've seen how long it can take to show symptoms, and read about it affecting the unborn baby, I am.

I would encourage her to contact her daughter. I thought that the mother could have a miscarriage and not even know that she had Listeria- but hopefully I am wrong.

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The only food I remember by brand name that I loved eating during the 28 years I lived in Texas was Blue Bell Banana Pudding Ice Cream. At that time, I believe they only distributed within Texas.   I was very sad when this problem was first reported in the press and I am very sad that it got worse. However, KUDOS to the management of Blue Bell for what they have done to hopefully prevent this from happening in the future.  If I lived where Blue Bell Ice Cream is sold, after they resume production, I would be happy to buy their products.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  It came as no surprise to me. As for their asinine signs saying "Bluebell. Come and take it" ? No thanks, keep your listeria and your greed to yourselves.


I believe that is a reference to the flags flown by Texians back in 1836.

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