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Anyone watch Sister Wives? What do you think of the divorce?


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SW is a TV show about a polygamous family. The 1st wife (Meri) divorced Kody (husband) and then he married the 4th wife, Robyn. This is Robyn's second marriage and she has 3 kids from her first marriage and 1 kid with Kody.


The reason given is that they want Kody to formally adopt the 3 kids in case something happens to Robyn bc the family would otherwise lose the kids to their biological dad.


So, if you watch the show, do you believe this?

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Can he adopt the kids without their biological father's permission? I thought bio dad would have to agree to that--has he?


I don't watch the show, but I'm thinking legal marriage doesn't mean a lot to them relationship wise; this legal move doesn't impact what to them is the real, religiously sanctioned marriage. I am inclined to believe the reasoning given.

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I didn't see this latest episode. But I'll share my opinion anyway.


I think Meri wants out. I think she is no longer OK with this arrangement - for many reasons. I think that this is her step one towards finding her own, different life.


I do think her logic is sound regarding the practical reason for her divorce.


Eta: so yes, I believe her, but it isn't the only reason. 2 birds, one stone.

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Can he adopt the kids without their biological father's permission? I thought bio dad would have to agree to that--has he?


I don't watch the show, but I'm thinking legal marriage doesn't mean a lot to them relationship wise, this is just a legal move that doesn't impact what to them is the real, religiously sanctioned marriage.

No,they specifically said this is their first step and that Kody can't adopt unless/until the dad relinquishes his rights.


They've also said all their marriages are equal and the legal marriage doesn't matter to them.

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I didn't see this latest episode. But I'll share my opinion anyway.


I think Meri wants out. I think she is no longer OK with this arrangement - for many reasons. I think that this is her step one towards finding her own, different life.


I do think her logic is sound regarding the practical reason for her divorce.


Eta: so yes, I believe her, but it isn't the only reason. 2 birds, one stone.

That makes sense, two birds, one stone.

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Something is fishy with the story and I think there is more to it.  I do think this is a way out for Meri although I wish it was a way for the 3rd wife to have a way out.  She has (IMO) very little self confidence and I feel sorry for her.  


OT- Am I the only one who does not find him attractive?

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Something is fishy with the story and I think there is more to it. I do think this is a way out for Meri although I wish it was a way for the 3rd wife to have a way out. She has (IMO) very little self confidence and I feel sorry for her.


OT- Am I the only one who does not find him attractive?

Yeah, seems fishy. It's weird...


Christine is the 3rd wife. I like her personality. And I think she embraces polygamy so I'm afraid she is going to be hurt the most.


Her mom left a polygamous marriage when Christine was younger. but now her mom is living with Christine. I thought she should have moved into Meri's big empty house!

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I haven't watched any of the latest season so I'm just going by what I'm reading here, but it seems like quite a big step to take if the bio dad hasn't even said he's going to relinquish his rights.  My guess is that there's more going on than what they're saying, but with such a complicated situation, I have no idea what.  

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I've never seen the show. Just from what you've explained, this seems odd because I can't think of a state where stepparent adoption will not go through without the consent of a biological parent with retained rights.  I suppose if the biological father is an unfit father and has had his rights already terminated then this could be possible.  I also generally believe that the children should have a right and opportunity to maintain a relationship with the biological father unless he is abusive or contact with him would put them in danger.

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To me it makes perfect sense, to do that. I think it's about health insurance/benifits. 


Kody has the insurance.  Legal wife is entitled to his insurance.  All his kids are entitled to his insurace no matter if their mother is a legal wife or just a baby mama.  Granted that leaves the other three wives with no insurance via Kody.  It also leaves out Robyn's kids.  If Kody marry's her, and she become legal wife, her kids, his step kids, are then covered by his insurance.  There by making ALL the kids covered by health insurance.


It's also possible Roybn has something going on and she will need the legal health insurance and they just haven't mentioned it.  Doesn't first wife have a real job?  As in more of real job than the other three?  She probably can cover herself insurance wise easily.  Also from a tax purpose, if she is single and claiming just her income, that would lessen the tax bracket she is in versus what she and Kody made together.  I think Robyn is only running their store, so she and Kody make less money. 


Granted I was thinking in what normal jobs pay, forgetting they are getting paid for the show as well, but taxes and who claims who as dependents may still be a big factor. 


It comes down to does Meri trust him to make things right financially/legally if he died tomorrow? She no longer has any say or claim.  But then Wives 2 nd 3 don't either and never did.  So either she trusts him or she doesn't.  And it's very possible she doesn't trust trust him, or realizes she doesn't need him for financial, legal, tax purposes.  Or she could simply be on her way out.


I haven't seen it in awhile, but in the beginning I remember I got the feeling that Meri had a real career. Partly due I'm sure to have only one child and the oldest.  The others seemed to keep having babies, but didn't seem to have any real job either.  I felt bad for Meri because it sort of felt like she was also financially responsible for these other women and their babies.  Wasn't there a big fuss that she was getting a house the same size as the others, but it was just her and soon to be off to college daughter? 



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She's been thinking about this since Robyn and Kody got married?  Without saying anything to anyone else in the family?  That, to me, indicates that it's probably not just about the kids. 


Meri said that now that Robyn and Kody are married, the polygamy situation will not have any bearing on the adoption.  I don't think that's true and I think maybe wishful thinking?


I was shocked that after Meri told Robyn and Kody about it, Kody seemed to be really disconnected with Meri's emotional state.  It was really surprised that he just sat there, almost expressionless, while Robyn got up to hug Meri.  


When Christine said "we want those kids" it kind-of creeps me out.  A few of them have said similar things and something about it rubs me really wrong.  Maybe it has to do with their religious beliefs?  Maybe it's more understandable to people who have uninvolved exes?  IDK.


I don't believe Janelle when she says she's just in shock.  I feel for her.  I don't think she's as ok as she says.


During the interview, Kody says something about the professor thinking that Kody somehow doesn't have enough fulfillment that he needs a 5th wife... which is kind-of like Kody saying/admirring that Meri, Janelle, and Christine don't fullfill him enough that he needed Robyn.



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She's been thinking about this since Robyn and Kody got married?  Without saying anything to anyone else in the family?  That, to me, indicates that it's probably not just about the kids. 


Meri said that now that Robyn and Kody are married, the polygamy situation will not have any bearing on the adoption.  I don't think that's true and I think maybe wishful thinking?


I was shocked that after Meri told Robyn and Kody about it, Kody seemed to be really disconnected with Meri's emotional state.  It was really surprised that he just sat there, almost expressionless, while Robyn got up to hug Meri.  


When Christine said "we want those kids" it kind-of creeps me out.  A few of them have said similar things and something about it rubs me really wrong.  Maybe it has to do with their religious beliefs?  Maybe it's more understandable to people who have uninvolved exes?  IDK.


I don't believe Janelle when she says she's just in shock.  I feel for her.  I don't think she's as ok as she says.


During the interview, Kody says something about the professor thinking that Kody somehow doesn't have enough fulfillment that he needs a 5th wife... which is kind-of like Kody saying/admirring that Meri, Janelle, and Christine don't fullfill him enough that he needed Robyn.


I think Kody does insult Christine in the interviews.  I feel bad for her that she's always made out to be too emotional and sensitive.

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Well, right now I don't think any of them have "official" jobs. When the show started Meri was a nurse (?) and Jenelle worked full-time in an office. My understanding was that Jenelle had the most stable career/income. However, each member of the famil has individually filed bankruptcy at various points over the years so their finances have never been very stable.

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I swore I would never start watching that show because that Kody guy makes me feel queasy every time I see a commercial for that show, so STOP TEMPTING ME with all these juicy tidbits!!!


Oh sure, I could just stop reading this thread, but you all know how weak I am about that sort of thing.




Not because I'm going to start watching it or anything, but when is it on TV (you know, so I can avoid accidentally seeing it, not because I might tune in,) and is it available on Amazon Prime yet?


Somebody stop me -- I feel the temptation sucking me in!



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You know why I quit watching?


Because they always advertise some drama and said drama never really materializes and every show ends with them saying how lucky they are and how much they love each other...


What can I say? I'm from the Jerry Springer generation.


::slinks away in shame::

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I don't buy it.  Robyn's ex hasn't indicated he'd sign away his rights and even if he did, a judge could still not sign off on it because the polygamy issue is still there. I think it's about money, somehow. Perhaps insurance, but with ACA insurance isn't that difficult to obtain, especially since they have TLC money. 


I think Janelle was lying when she said she was happy about it. Her 'I'm not going to comment except about the taxes' said volumes. She's not happy. 


None of them are really happy except Robyn.  Meri is clearly unhappy, Janelle is unhappy, and Christine has every right to be unhappy based on how Cody was treating her a few episodes back when he wanted to go visit his friend who is against polygamy.  Christine said there were so many people mad at her for speaking out about it and I was thinking that was the ONE thing she has done that I supported. 


The weird thing is that these women can't stand to even think about Cody kissing or having TeA with the other wives. How in the world can you live this lifestyle if you can't come to terms with that?  And they're clearly not friends, based on the question about how long it's been since they did something together, just as friends. Nope, this family is all kinds of messed up. 


Why do I watch? Probably because it makes my own family seem normal by comparison.  

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I swore I would never start watching that show because that Kody guy makes me feel queasy every time I see a commercial for that show, so STOP TEMPTING ME with all these juicy tidbits!!!


Oh sure, I could just stop reading this thread, but you all know how weak I am about that sort of thing.




Not because I'm going to start watching it or anything, but when is it on TV (you know, so I can avoid accidentally seeing it, not because I might tune in,) and is it available on Amazon Prime yet?


Somebody stop me -- I feel the temptation sucking me in!



Me too! I stopped watching it after a few seasons, and haven't looked back. This thread makes me think about watching it again!!!

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I didn't read everyone else's response yet (I like to post my own opinions about such things first then read the other posts). The thing about custody is that if Cody is legally those kid's stepdad, then even if he doesn't adopt them if something happens to Robyn he can still petition for custody because stability will be in the children's best interest, and the bio dad hasn't been acting as a father in any way.


The lawyer said that was the first step if they weren't to get the kids involved- meaning the children and they could legally petition to have bio dad's rights removed, but they would have to testify against their dad, which would be a cruel situation to put them through for simple neglect and abandonment.


Being able to legally adopt them is just a secondary step that would ensure the biodad would have no rights to them.  Being a step dad is enough.


I also believe Meri loves Robyn, she really is her best friend, and she wants to make sure those kids stay in the family.  I'm sure she made the choice she made out of love, not planning an escape.


ETA now that I've caught up:  A federal court ruled that polygamy is not grounds for taking children away any more than any other sexual practice kept between consenting adults, so that issue is off the table as long as he's legally married to Robyn and they're not committing some sort of fraud regarding benefit programs for the poor. None of them have real full time outside jobs anymore that would give insurance, so I suspect they have something like that through TLC (though wife two is in part time real estate of some sort).   Meri wasn't a nurse, she worked with troubled girls at some sort of center where they lived.  She hasn't ever stated she was a therapist or social worker or anything so I suspect it was just a $12/hr supervision sort of job.  Her daughter left the house for college more than a year ago, initially she was going for premed, she just switched to pre-physician's assistant because she prefers more managable hours and cost of training.

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I think it's the "hook" for this season.  There's always some big thing each season.  They had to come up with something.


There have been some insinuating that Robyn's ex is bad news.  Who knows if that is accurate or not.

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Yeah, seems fishy. It's weird...


Christine is the 3rd wife. I like her personality. And I think she embraces polygamy so I'm afraid she is going to be hurt the most.


Her mom left a polygamous marriage when Christine was younger. but now her mom is living with Christine. I thought she should have moved into Meri's big empty house!



With the WET BAR!!!



Yeah, I had stopped watching, but I was bored Sunday before Downton came on, so I caught the last few epis including the finale.  I'd seen an article online about the divorce, so... I watched it.

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Haven't watched in a while, but wasn't the whole set-up between Kody and Robyn Meri's idea to begin with? Maybe she's playing a longer-term game than anybody realizes. Her daughter has left for college or will soon, right?


That's be a looooooooooong game, for sure.

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I swore I would never start watching that show because that Kody guy makes me feel queasy every time I see a commercial for that show, so STOP TEMPTING ME with all these juicy tidbits!!!


Oh sure, I could just stop reading this thread, but you all know how weak I am about that sort of thing.




Not because I'm going to start watching it or anything, but when is it on TV (you know, so I can avoid accidentally seeing it, not because I might tune in,) and is it available on Amazon Prime yet?


Somebody stop me -- I feel the temptation sucking me in!




The season is over, so it's probably not worth watching because the divorce announcement was the last episode, which aired on Sunday. But, the divorce happened in September, which seems like a lifetime ago, doesn't it?


Anyway...it was on TLC on Sundays.


DD and I mostly just scream WHY??? at the TV when we watch it.

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I also believe Meri loves Robyn, she really is her best friend, and she wants to make sure those kids stay in the family.  I'm sure she made the choice she made out of love, not planning an escape.




I wonder if Meri would've offered to divorce Kody if Robyn hadn't offfered to be her surrogate? 


(Who needs soap operas!)


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I wonder if Meri would've offered to divorce Kody if Robyn hadn't offfered to be her surrogate? 


(Who needs soap operas!)


I bet not.  I still think it was selfish on Kody's part to discourage Meri from having another baby.  My theory:  he gets tired of being a parent in the other houses, and he enjoys the escape-to-adult land aspect of his nights with Meri.

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In the earlier seasons, the wives seemed to like being in that big house together as a family. They all saw Kody more often than being in separate homes, and the kids always had access to their dad.

I think I watched up to season 4 and they were going out together in those shows and seemed to get along somewhat (although it's true, they were never best buds).

I'm sure life circumstances and them being in separate homes makes it easier to have 'out of sight out if mind'.

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I watched until the season where they moved to separate houses. At that point I think I exhausted what I could watch on Netflix or Amazon. Where are you all watching it now? There seem to be a few more seasons. Whether it's National Geographic or TLC, I will watch the heck out of anything that delves into a culture that's drastically different from my own. I am fascinated.

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Something is fishy with the story and I think there is more to it. I do think this is a way out for Meri although I wish it was a way for the 3rd wife to have a way out. She has (IMO) very little self confidence and I feel sorry for her.


OT- Am I the only one who does not find him attractive?

Not at all. I wonder how he got one woman, let alone 4. Is there a serious lack of men in WhereverTheyLive?

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I don't like wife #4 as much (from what I've seen, I watched a little of 1st/2nd season).  I think this is her way to "up" her status.  I also wonder if there are tax reasons because she just had a baby, and Meri's kids are older. (Not sure how deductions on taxes work.)   I can't see bio Dad of Robyn's kids giving up his rights to Kody.  


Even if religiously they see them all as the same, should there be a real divorce, Meri is now screwed after being with him the longest, and only Robyn has a case.  Although, who knows, might lead to some sort of interesting divorce law/palimony/etc.


Kody is not my cup of tea, but he does seem to love his wives and kids.  He also seems pretty accepting that not all of them want to follow his polygamous example...so for that, I give him credit.  Some of his kids are also attending college unlike the Duggars (but not like the Bates Family...which seem 1000x more likable/real from what I saw when we had Comcast on Demand in our last house ;).)  

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This family fascinates me....I have no idea why.  I could never imagine sharing my hubby - I can't imagine not being jealous.  I mean, I'm sure they do get jealous at times, but I can't fathom the whole situation.  BUT, when they've aired specials with the teenage children, they all seem like good kids.  


I don't know how they can afford their huge houses (I know they get paid by the network) and food for that crowd!  



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I'd rather hope that it's of Meri's own instigation rather than Robyn acting insecure and Meri sacrificing her legal wife status in order to try to placate her.


When I first started watching the show, everyone seemed relatively happy in the big house. Their relationships were all rather long-standing and all of the kids got to interact together as a family.  Adding Robyn + kids to the family has upset the balance and really fractured the relationships, imo.

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I watched about 4 episodes tops and couldn't stomach the show.  I didn't start at the beginning, I watched when he was dating Robyn and married her.  Then I stopped.


So the divorce isn't because she is actually leaving?  I figured as much.  I don't know anything about Robyn's ex-husband, but Kody shouldn't get custody or access to any more children.  He is a creepy, nasty man.


I have no desire to start watching again, even after you are all talking about it.  I don't mind finding out what happens, but I can't watch it without cringing and getting upset.

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I'm just going to say it. I don't understand all the Kody-hate. No, he isn't my type either physically or personality. No, I'm not a polygamist so it does sometimes feel weird when he interacts with more than one wife. 17 kids is a lot but I don't see him neglecting them - he is around and actually parents. How are people seeing something so different than I am? No, he isn't as great as MY man, but he isn't any "creepier" than my friends' man. What am I missing?

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Here's how I feel...if they don't pay any attention to legal vs. not legal, then they shouldn't get any "benefits" (formal adoption, tax incentives, insurance benefits etc.)  Oh sure...they're all consenting adults, right?  But why is it in these situations, they don't like the laws, stick their noses up at it, but then turn around and maneuver so they can take advantage of those same laws?  


No.  The wives are NOT equal.  It is never the case in polyg marriages.  


Also, if I had to share a husband with another woman, he would definitely not look like Charles Manson's clone with surfer hair.  Kody has crazy eyes and an annoying voice.  

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I'm just going to say it. I don't understand all the Kody-hate. No, he isn't my type either physically or personality. No, I'm not a polygamist so it does sometimes feel weird when he interacts with more than one wife. 17 kids is a lot but I don't see him neglecting them - he is around and actually parents. How are people seeing something so different than I am? No, he isn't as great as MY man, but he isn't any "creepier" than my friends' man. What am I missing?


My "Kody hate' is mostly when he's a husband, not a father. He does seem quite engaged with his kids, though I've seen his anger come out a couple of times and it was scary. A couple of weeks ago they showed a scene where two boys were fighting in the car and Kody went berserk. There was a security guard there and Kody was saying some pretty scary stuff then- he was totally losing it.  He seems much better with the girls and I think he's been a huge influence on Robyn's son, which was probably life changing for that boy. So for that, Kody gets some kudos.  As a dad he seems to do really well. 


But as a husband...ugh. He belittled Christine when she was upset because his friend was so against polygamy and Kody wouldn't stand up to him.   Polygamy aside, I've seen enough of his snide looks, his mean comments, and his 'zone out' face when his wives talk about something that doesn't interest him to form the (maybe totally incorrect) opinion that he thinks more of himself than he does any of his wives.  


Other people think he's totally fine- that's what makes this kind of conversation so interesting! I find him annoying, you think he's ok, and some people are just crazy about him.  I enjoy reading everyone's take on this family, just like I do the Duggers and the Bates families.

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I also want to point out that I don't think any woman with good self-confidence would be up for being #2, 3, 4, 5 etc.  My educated guess is that all of these women due to their religious upbringing had a small pool of mate choices and since their religion revolves around getting into eternity via being someone's wife and propagating, then it must put a little stress on them to jump on board and not complain.  

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The thing is, I totally agree with your assessment. But I don't translate that to creepy. He irritates me, sure. I'm certainly not swooning over him. But he's no more annoying than the average friend-husband in my world. Maybe that says something about my friends? Lol.


My "Kody hate' is mostly when he's a husband, not a father. He does seem quite engaged with his kids, though I've seen his anger come out a couple of times and it was scary. A couple of weeks ago they showed a scene where two boys were fighting in the car and Kody went berserk. There was a security guard there and Kody was saying some pretty scary stuff then- he was totally losing it. He seems much better with the girls and I think he's been a huge influence on Robyn's son, which was probably life changing for that boy. So for that, Kody gets some kudos. As a dad he seems to do really well.


But as a husband...ugh. He belittled Christine when she was upset because his friend was so against polygamy and Kody wouldn't stand up to him. Polygamy aside, I've seen enough of his snide looks, his mean comments, and his 'zone out' face when his wives talk about something that doesn't interest him to form the (maybe totally incorrect) opinion that he thinks more of himself than he does any of his wives.


Other people think he's totally fine- that's what makes this kind of conversation so interesting! I find him annoying, you think he's ok, and some people are just crazy about him. I enjoy reading everyone's take on this family, just like I do the Duggers and the Bates families.

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The thing is, I totally agree with your assessment. But I don't translate that to creepy. He irritates me, sure. I'm certainly not swooning over him. But he's no more annoying than the average friend-husband in my world. Maybe that says something about my friends? Lol.



I agree- creepy isn't a word that I'd use to describe Kody.  I have two acquaintances whose husbands are creepy. Kody isn't like those guys at all.   

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