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Kindergarten Plans


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Bible: Bible Study Guide For All Ages 5X/week
Language Arts: SWR 4-5X/week
Math: MEP+EU -> Miquon 4-5X/week
Language: Song School Spanish 4-5X/week (and Salsa, readers, movies, etc.)
Content: Classical Conversations @ Home 5X/week
Other: Developing The Early Learner 2-3X/week
Arts (not during school time):
Artistic Pursuits (unless he picks something else) 1-2X/week
Piano with Daddy 3-4X/week

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Phonics Pathways, Bob Books

Big Bag of Science

Zaner Bloser Handwriting K

Horizons Math K (anyone used the manipulative sets from RR? Are they useful?)



A variety of workbooks since my daughter likes them. Kumon, Developing the Early Learner, other random ones her Grandma gets for her. Maybe Beginning Geography.


I'm also planning on splurging on the complete set of Geopuzzles.

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Hoping I'll get to home school Kindergarten.  Found out that my public school won't differentiate instruction for an advanced reader or math.  I've been researching home schooling this kid for over a year, knowing that our elementary school wouldn't be able to accommodate him, especially before 3rd grade.  


I'm planning on:


finishing OPGTR and reading lots of books

First Language Lessons 1 & maybe 2

Finishing MEP 1 and continuing into 2

beginning select units/problems of Mammoth Math

Beginning geography

Bede's History of Me 

Reading books following BFSU topics


Biggest decision I have to make is whether or not to notify.  Most say not, but I'm still struggling with the decision.

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I"m so psyched about restarting my homeschool journey with the "baby", hopefully benefiting from all these years of experience, maybe...At least it's been much more fun to research phonics and basic math programs than trying to helps ds with Physics and Trig. :)


- LOE Foundations

- Right Start Math A, Miquon Orange, Mathematical Reasoning A

- Beginning Geography

- Science with Tots, Cat in the Hat Science Books, Let's Read and Find Out Science level 1 books

- Picture Book Activities

- Big Drawing Book, Amazing Mazes, Tegu Excursion blocks

- Petralingua online French, bilingual story books


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Hoping I'll get to home school Kindergarten.  Found out that my public school won't differentiate instruction for an advanced reader or math.  I've been researching home schooling this kid for over a year, knowing that our elementary school wouldn't be able to accommodate him, especially before 3rd grade.  


I'm planning on:


finishing OPGTR and reading lots of books

First Language Lessons 1 & maybe 2

Finishing MEP 1 and continuing into 2

beginning select units/problems of Mammoth Math

Beginning geography

Bede's History of Me 

Reading books following BFSU topics


Biggest decision I have to make is whether or not to notify.  Most say not, but I'm still struggling with the decision.


Isn't that usually based on age? 

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My Ker will have a pretty good head start on his stuff by the time he "starts" in September, because he insisted on pulling a few things out as soon as he turned 5. But his line up will be:


Morning time (memory work, read aloud, poetry, bible, faith studies)


Math- Miquon red

Phonics- LOE B

Writing- ELTL1


Afternoon rotation with his brother:

1/2wks History- the renaissance to the American revolution via SOTW and All through the Ages

1/2 wks Science- mom designed units on weather, geology, and astronomy

1 wk Arts- renaissance art and music via Harmony Fine Arts and Shakespeare via Lambs

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Isn't that usually based on age? 


Yes notification is based on age. Age 6 before Sept 30th is compulsory age.  He turns 6 in December 2015.  Also an "approved" Kindergarten is required before 1st grade.


My dilemma is a mental one.  I'm struggling with notification because it feels different.  I'm new at the whole home school thing and for what ever reason it feels odd to not notify for kindergarten.  I'm working on getting "over it" and not notifying for kindergarten.  I think it feels weird because it feels like a contradiction.  And it feels weird, because if we do send him the following year (1st), they would before testing him possibly automatically place him in Kindergarten because K is required before 1st grade.  And the kicker is, even if I would notify for Kindergarten, there is no guarantee he would be placed in 1st if we chose public the following year.  So, it is a total mental dilemma, and I'm just going to have to get over it.   


Taking home schooling year by year.  Makes my husband more comfortable. 

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My kindy plans right now are:


LOE Foundations

Horizons math K



Plus lots of picture books, colouring, play dough, circle time daily (with singing, a story, and a finger rhyme or two), weekly poetry tea time, fun learning games on the iPad, and PLAYING :party:

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Yes notification is based on age. Age 6 before Sept 30th is compulsory age.  He turns 6 in December 2015.  Also an "approved" Kindergarten is required before 1st grade.


My dilemma is a mental one.  I'm struggling with notification because it feels different.  I'm new at the whole home school thing and for what ever reason it feels odd to not notify for kindergarten.  I'm working on getting "over it" and not notifying for kindergarten.  I think it feels weird because it feels like a contradiction.  And it feels weird, because if we do send him the following year (1st), they would before testing him possibly automatically place him in Kindergarten because K is required before 1st grade.  And the kicker is, even if I would notify for Kindergarten, there is no guarantee he would be placed in 1st if we chose public the following year.  So, it is a total mental dilemma, and I'm just going to have to get over it.   


Taking home schooling year by year.  Makes my husband more comfortable. 



Oh I see. Here if you notify early they just reject it and send it back! 

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For my five year old next fall, he will do:


Language Arts: Progressive Phonics/Bob Books if we haven't finished yet, otherwise just reading early reader; Handwriting without Tears lots of readalouds, Bravewriter Jot-It-Down,  poetry memorization via memorizing nursery rhymes

Geography: continuing Continent Blobs

Art: Drawing with Children, Child-size Masterpieces

Math: Rightstart A, maybe start Life of Fred

Music: Suzuki Violin, Classics for Kids

Foreign Language: Song School Spanish


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I have my first K'er this year!  He's currently 6.


We are doing (not all of these everyday!):


AAR level 1 (switched midyear from SL LA K - which was a disaster for us), HWT K, ETC (Get Ready, Get Set, Go For), SL's Fun Times K readers, and Developing the Early Learner


RS math level a, a smidge of MM, Splash Math on ipad, assorted logic games, and LOF


Re-reading SL P3/4 and P 4/5 books, and some of the core A books, 20 minutes a day


SL Science A with a bit of BFSU here and there, plus loads of science shows (such as BBC's planet earth series and How the Universe Works) and interest led science rabbit trails


Hours of free play a day! :)


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My baby will turn five in October, so really, too young for formal kindergarten, IMO. However, she BEGS to do school and gets upset with me if I tell her she can color or paint for school today. Lol. This year I've been taking the first half hour of our day to work on things with her one on one while my big girls do some independent things. She loves that time and attention.

She's about hallway through MEP reception, will finish the ETC primer books in a month or so, and has learned the single letter phonograms, memorizes a verse per week for awana, and knows the seven continents. We play with c-rods quite a bit, so she is familiar with those. I'm also using the magnet board and mini chalk board and principles from HWOT for letter and number formation. I read aloud to her for about an hour a day, between bedtime and other times of the day.


I think, for a gentle K year to year and a half, we will do-

MEP Year 1 followed by Miquon Red


Continued phonogram memorization

Continued handwriting practice via various tactile methods

Continued quality reading aloud, increasing length and vocabulary

Continued hours of exploring outside, physical exercise, and social activities

Continued memory work via awana verses

Continued listening in on Mr. Q's science with sisters (for some reason she likes this even though I doubt she gets much from it lol)

Hopefully we will start our garden and raise chickens as well this spring. She really loves feeding our worms in the compost bin, so I think the garden will be right up her alley.


She's a very active kid, and half hour is plenty for her to sit still. She enjoys messy crafts and tactile experiences (I think we have some sensory issues) so I try to incoorperate those frequently.

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My kindergartener turns 6 two weeks after cutoff, so he'll be doing K/1.


Sonlight Core A

Child's History of the World

Sonlight Readers Grade 2

Explode the Code Books 4, 5, and 6

Writing With Ease Level 1

First Language Lessons Level 1

Handwriting Without Tears 1

All About Spelling Level 1-2

Singapore Standards: 1A and 1B

Miquon: Orange

Life of Fred: Apples, Butterflies, and Cats

Sonlight Science A

Hooked on French

Building Thinking Skills Primary

ARTistic Pursuits The Way They See It

Pfeiffer House Music K

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My guy will be 5 in September, technically TK. He'll be doing:

Bob books, AAR 1, HWOT pre K, Singapore essentials B, play with c rods, stuff to work on his fine motor skills.

Eta: I will have this stuff available for him, but will only pull it out when he asks for school. Except AAR, which I plan to do 10 minute lessons 3-4x per week.


With the big kids, when he wants: bible, memory work, SOTW 1, LRAFO earth science, lit read aloud (I need to remember to schedule some aimed at him).

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j will finally be an official kindergartner in the 2015-2016 school year (he'll be six in October).


I think we'll start Math Mammoth 1 and continue with Khan Academy early math.


We're about halfway through OPGTR right now, so we'll continue with that.


He'll start copy work.  He's got almost all of his letters down in re: to handwriting.


He'll continue with EtC (I imagine he'll be on 4 by then.)


We'll read good books from the book list I've put together.  Mostly read alouds, but I think I'll have him start reading 15 minutes a day independently too.  I can't believe we're already about to hit that stage!  He's getting so old!


He'll also start piano lessons with Daddy, he might do dance and/or choir, and he'll have a weekly kindergarten class at our homeschool charter.

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We're just continuing the lessons she's on now in Prek.... by fall she'll be on/into:


R&S math 1

CLE Lang 1

D'nealian Handwriting K




maybe history with DS7 (debating starting SOTW or holding off a year to get them both at the same entry point)

pre-level 1 RS4K courses with DS7

Piano lessons, art (havent decided on fall curriculum on this yet) and bible with DS7 as well like this past year.



We are progressing rapidly on phonics/reading without a formal curriculum in prek now.. I'll decide what I'm going to use for phonics/reading curriculum as we get closer to the fall.

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Before We Read


101 Favorite Bible Stories or Egermeier's Bible Storybook 


These are Great, but I think we are going to go with RLTL 1 and the Phonogram Workbook instead.  Pathways and Preschool/K Activities as scheduled in Wayfarers.



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Changing already! We are going to be a Wayfarers family so she'll be tagging along in a lot of subjects (history, art, geography, Latin, spanish).


Dd turns 5 in April and if she'll sit still by fall we'll try the following:


Singapore 1A and/or Miquon - I have her doing the math side of reading eggs whenever she wants and she's picking up math facts left and right. We'll go at her pace with this, I think Essentials would be a waste. I picked up Miquon on a whim and will try it out too.


Reading Lessons Through Literature 1- I have the phonogram workbook. We'll play phonogram games from LoE and go slowly through. She loves dictation.


ELTL 0 for her read alouds


I'm considering HWT as she has a funky grip and is vehemently against lowercase letters right now. However her older sister will be starting cursive with New American Cursive and I'm tempted to just have her learn that. She can do RLTL in cursive as well.

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My K'er is on the older end. What we'll be doing


Phonics/Reading: LOE B and C

Math: Finsh up RS A then start on B

History/Lit/Geography/Science: FIAR

Music: Faber's My First Piano Adventure, Classical Kids

Art: Artistic Pursuits Book 2


Enrichment: Free art, imaginets, snap circuits, marble runs, pattern blocks.


He can also tag along w/ his brother for TOG and Science in te Ancient World.

He can also tag along with his older brother if he wants.

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Have you all mentioned LOF because your kid is advanced or because LOF is appropriate for the typical kindergartner? Not that I need to look into another math program. ;)


My kid's not advanced and we just finished Apples.  I think some things went over his head a bit, but it teaches basic addition and skip counting, days of the week, and shapes.  I think that he got all of that just fine.  My older son was really advanced and he always ate Fred up too.

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DD is doing Kinder {we had a late start}. I have tried LOADS of other stuff with the boys but this is what works for us and gets done each day.


Math: CLE 100


Lang Arts: K12


Science: K12


History/Geography: K12


Art/Music: K12

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We are using The Reading Lesson book

Singapore math

work on handwriting, probably print off from computer :)

Read alouds from Sonlight, MFW, and FIAR

she likes to tag along with the bigger ones too so I'm sure she will sit in a lot of MFW Exp-1850, mainly the 2-3 grade supplement.

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My youngest will start K in August and she will turn 6 in November. My plans:





Saxon math 1

MEP R (maybe)

Wordly Wise K

IEW poetry memorization

some sort of physical activity (swimming, soccer, or gymnastics?)


in combination with older sister:

Read alouds pulled from various lists (MP, SL, AO)

SOTW (finish 1, begin 2)

SCM picture study


Nancy Larson science 1

Evan Moor Daily Geography 1

Studies Weekly social studies

art projects from Art Tango website

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I feel like a bit of slacker after some of those lists!  She will be an older K, just turned 5 this month, we will start K in August or September. Plans are:


CLE Learn to Read and Bob Books (I have about a dozen phonics programs, so may switch that up)

CLE Language Arts 1

CLE Math 1

And a library card. 


Seriously. We will check out read alouds, and books on history/cultures/etc, as well as science books and documentaries. Whatever she's interested in. I'll have her tell me about what we read (narration) and draw some pictures of interesting things from books, our day, etc. 


I will be getting a fun art book to look at, maybe some outside art classes, the museum nearby does them every other month on Saturdays.


Oh, and she watches  kids shows on PBS and is always spouting off cool things she has learned from them. 

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This is our first attempt at kindergarten so it is going to be fun!

I am going to piece together a lot of our curriculum from free downloads and pinterest. Also probably a kindergarten workbook or two just for fun.


These are my plans so far


Reading: Lippincott Basic Reading series

Math:counting to 100, skip counting(2's,5's,10's), shapes, cutting, telling time, +0, and +1

our end goal is to start math u see alpha in 1st


other stuff

Pledge, phone number, address, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, weather, calendar, community helpers, ect.


Tag along with older brother

Science: Mr Q Earth Science

History: SOTW 3

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  • 2 weeks later...

My dd is going to be a young kindergartner, and technically, in our state, wouldn't be one this upcoming year, but she's so ready, I couldn't hold her back if I tried. So here's my plan:


Reading: Continue with OPGTR with my own modifications.  After doing it completely once through, I feel like I can tweak it easily to make it more fun for us.

Math: Miquon Red & Blue, MEP 1.

Handwriting: HWT K and possibly moving on to WWE1 if her reading picks up.

History: SOTW1 with sister

Geography: Evan Moor Beginning Geography

Science: BFSU with sister

Piano: Hoffman Academy with mom

Memorization: List of my own making with poetry, facts, and scripture

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  • 1 month later...

DS will be an older K (6 in Sept) but with his very bouncy personality and likely ADHD I'm glad he missed the official K cutoff this year.


We are currently working on AAR 1 and RightStart A so we will keep going in those and move up levels when he finishes. We'll add in MFW Kindergarten in August or September. I like MFW for the themes and outline but as you can see I prefer different math/reading instruction.

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My baby is also going to be a Kindergartner!!!!   :mellow:  She will be 5 in June - we've started some of these things already.  We're pretty relaxed around here.  We get to it when we get to it.


Lots of puzzles and read-alouds

Horizons Math K

Phonics Pathways

Memoria Press Kindergarten Enrichment

Home Art Studio K


She will tag along with the older 2 on:


Tapestry of Grace

MCT Grammar Island

Sassafras Science Anatomy

Cursive First

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This will be my second go around with K!


Ordinary Parent's Guide

MCP Phonics A

A Reason for Handwriting K (I think)

Singapore Essentials A & B

Kumon Counting coins

Possibly Miquon Orange. We will see how the year is going. He is on the young side and I don't want to push him.


Suzuki violin

soccer & gymnastics


Tag-along with big brother for A Story of the World 2, Earth Science (TBD), and Home Art Studio 2



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My DD will be 6 in October, so she'll be an older K'er.  


My plans:

McGuffey primer (we have the newer ones) and Noah Webster's Handbook

ELTL 0 --We'll be reading through the 3-day K4 Pathways program.  I went with the K4 because I liked the book choices.  

Wee Folk Art--We'll be using the books, activities, poetry, picture study, and journal/notebook pages.  

MUS Alpha and/or Liberty Math K (I picked up Liberty Math K last year, but ended up using Saxon K instead)

piano lessons


We also do lots of Charlotte Mason studies as a family.  We'll be using SCM's Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation program as well as their new Burgess Bird Study.  



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My daughter will turn 5 in July. We'll probably start K in September or so, once we're semi-settled into our new home (arriving mid-August).


Phonics/Handwriting/Language Arts: LOE Foundations, possibly omitting that handwriting and adding HWOT K since she loved the preK so much; also continuing to let her do Reading Eggs and read with me from Progressive Phonics readers as desired


Math: Singapore Essentials, or possibly Earlybird; also continuing to let her do Math Seeds (from Reading Eggs) as desired


*Science: gently beginning BFSU, with a few demonstrations, discussions, and lots of living books


*History and Literature: mostly read alouds, with hands-on projects as desired, pulled from SOTW1+activity guide, TOG Y1, and selections from Sonlight's Cores P3/4 and P4/5 (will be repeats) and from Cores A and B (just a couple from these, as most are a little advanced for her)


Art: ARTistic Pursuits preK


Music: Calvert's Discoveries in Music (not attempting to do it all, as some of it will be a little advanced for her, so we'll either drag it out over 2 years or repeat it next year)


Health: debating here ... I had decided on Horizons Health K, but lately I'm wondering if it would be more useful to go through a few workbooks in this series: http://smile.amazon.com/dp/1572246103/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=17HLNUMN105X&coliid=I1N8IQ3GUZL42N . The problem is that most of them are designed for kids a few years older than her, so while I think the topics of the workbooks would be more relevant than a general health course, I'm not sure I could modify them to be on the level she would need.


Physical Education: lots of walks, some children's yoga games, weekly playgroups at the park, and possibly have the Horizons Physical Education curriculum available for backup ideas. I'm also hoping to get her involved in a dance class or swim lessons, but I doubt that will happen until next spring--my shy and anxious girl will need some time to feel comfortable in our new environment before she's ready to be in a class setting.


"Morning Time": memorize basic information like Mama and Daddy's new mobile phone numbers (she already knows our address--no matter where we live, it's "The American Embassy" when strangers ask her), days of the week, months of the year, number of seconds in a minute, etc; also do some calendar familiarization that will incorporate days/months, seasons, and weather.


* Most of the science, literature, and history readings will go into a book basket, and I'll let her choose a book from the book basket for me to read to her at various times throughout each day. My loose plan is to do one project a week, alternating history and science, in addition to the art project. My daughter loves projects and I ... don't ... so those may drop in frequency.

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